
Theme 6. Mental disorders during infectious diseases.
1. Ethiology of infectious diseases.
2. The clinical courses of mental disturbances in infectious diseases.
-transient (short-term) psychoses;
-prolonged (lingering) psychoses.
3. Irreversible mental disorders.
4. Certain specific infectious diseases.
5. Treatment, prophylaxis and examination.
6. Course and prognosis.
1. When may mental disorders occur?
a) in general infections
b) in the infections of the central nervous system
c) in the some specific infections only
d) all listed
e) nothing listed
2. Which of the listed mental disturbances in infectious diseases have the prolonged
clinical courses?
a) dementia
b) delirium
c) sopor
d) epilepsy-like agitation
e) all listed
3. All the listed statements about prolonged psychoses are correct, except:
a) may end in long-term asthenic states
b) do not have any serious after-effects for the patient
c) do not include disturbances of consciousness
d) may end in amnestic syndrome
e) nothing listed
4. Which infectious disease has such features as Sydenham's chorea?
a) flu
b) syphilis
c) cerebral rheumatism
e) all listed
5. What is the main manifestation of organic psychiatric disorders in AIDS?
a) asthenic syndrome
b) amnestic syndrome
c) psychoorganic syndrome
d) dementia
e) all listed
6.Which of the listed mental disturbances in infectious diseases have the transient
clinical courses?
a) paranoid states
b) delirium
c) hallucinosis
d) depressive states
e) all listed
7. All the listed statements about transient psychoses are correct, except:
a) they are short-term
b) do not have any serious after-effects for the patient
c) do not include disturbances of consciousness
d) occur in acute infectious illnesses
e) nothing listed
8. Which of the listed mental disorders are the most frequent type of the central
nervous system reaction to infection?
a) oneiroid
b) delirium
c) sopor
d) epilepsy-like agitation
e) all listed
9. Which infectious disease usually provokes adjustment disorders and neurotic
a) flu
b) syphilis
c) cerebral rheumatism
e) all listed
10. When the neuropsychiatric symptoms of tertiary syphilis after the primary
infection may emerge?
a) from 1 to 2 months
b) from 1 to 2 years
c) from 4 to 7 years
d) more than 10 years
e) all listed
Clinical task 1.
A male patient 22 years old, two weeks ago had flue, but didn't stay in bed and
continued to work. Complains of constant pain in his throat, supposes that he "is ill
with the larynx tuberculosis", that his throat "has decomposed", all his teeth have
fallen out, and the brain "has dissolved." Refuses to walk, because all his organs were
"pasted together." Assured everybody around that he has died, remaining "a living
corps." His mood is gloomy and sad. Refuses to communicate with people, because
his "mouth is full of dangerous germs."
1. What symptoms does the patient have?
2. What psychopathological syndromes does the patient have?
3. What disease can you think of?
4. Prescribe treatment to the patient.
Clinical task 2.
A woman aged 35 has been suffering with pulmonary tuberculosis for 10 years.
When in phthisiatric clinic, she started to act strangely: put on a gaudy make-up,
gathered the other patients around herself, was singing and dancing with them.
Highly excited, passed all the time among males, flirted, started sexually-biased
conversations. The whole night absented from the clinic ("was on a date").
1. What symptoms does the patient have?
2. What psychopathological syndromes does the patient have?
3. What disease can you think of?
4. Prescribe treatment to the patient.
Clinical task 3.
Patient S., female, 38 years old was hospitalised to a tuberculosis hospital. Her somatic
state was grave: she had fever, tachicardia, and breathlessness. In bed she constantly
moved, waved her arms, sometimes lay across the bed with the risk of falling down.
Didn't answer questions or react to any contact. Sometimes smiled and seamed to
listen to something, her speech was incoherent and senseless. On recovery the patient
didn't remember anything about her experiences during the illness. She had
psychoorganic syndrome after the described state.
1. What symptoms does the patient have?
2. What psychopathological syndromes does the patient have?
3. What disease can you think of?
Prescribe treatment to the patient.
List of recommended literature
Basic literature.
Concise Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. M. Gelder, D. Gath, R.Mayou. –
Oxford; New York; Tokyo; Oxford University Press, 2007. – 953 p.
Modern Synopsis of Psychiatry. A.M. Freedman, H.I. Kaplan, B.J. Sadock. –
USA, 1982. – 433 p.
Psychiatric Dictionary / 5th ed. R.J. Campbell. – Oxford; New York; Oxford
University Press, – 1981. – 693 p.
Psychopatology and addictive Disorders / Ed. By Meyer. - New York; London,
1986. – 283 p.
Psychiatry: course of lecture /Ed.by V.S. Bitensky. – Odessa, 2005. – 336 p.
Zimbardo Ph.G. Psychology and Life. - USA, 19991. – 189 p.
Additional literature.
Brundtland G.H. Mental health in the 21st century // Bulletin of the World
Helth Organization. – 2000. - №87. – Р. 411.
Desjarlais R., Eisenberg L., Good B. et al. World Mental Health: Problems
and Priorities in Low-Income Countries. – New York: Oxford University Press,
1995. – 144 p.
Marsella A., Kleinman A., Good B. Cross-cultural studies of depressive
disorders. An overview. Culture and depression. – Berkley: University of
California Press, 1985. – 213 p.
Mulrow C.D., Williams J.W. Jr., Trivedi M., et al. Treatment of depression:
newer pharmacotherapies. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and
Research, 1999. – 253 р.
Murray C.J.L., Lopez A.D. The global burden of disease: a comprehensive
assessment of mortality and disability from disease, injuries and risk factors in
1990 and projected to 2020. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996. –
68 p.
Kielholz P. Masked Depression. — Berne, 1973. – 97 p.
Lopez-Ibor J. J. The Present Status of Psychotropic Drugs / Ed. by A. Cerletti,
F. J. Bove. - New York, 1999. - 519 p
Preskorn, S.H. Outpatient management of depression: A guide for the Primarycare
Communications,Inc., 1994. - 147 p.
Ustun T.B., Sartorius N. Mental Illness in General Health Care. An
International Study. – Chichester: John Willey @ Sons Ltd, 1995. – 336 p.