EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION. Astrobiology is a 21st century endeavor with virtually unparalleled scientific promise and public appeal. NASA has capitalized on the promise of astrobiology by forming the National Astrobiology Institute (NAI). We, the Southwest Astrobiology Center (SWAC), are excited to propose to join the NAI as a new lead center. This Lead Team proposal focuses on exploring, and ultimately significantly expanding, [note comma] the presently limited notion of Habitable Zones (HZs) where waterbased life can exist. In doing so, we will break new ground regarding what habitability means in many important areas. For example, we will study the longevity of oceans on planets surrounding stars of various types, the role of heavy bombardments long after planetary system formation and initial clearing is complete, the importance of stellar and galactic radiation events, and the possibilities of cave and cloud life on planets with inhospitable surfaces. To accomplish these goals we have brought together an internationally recognized team of experts in planet formation, astrophysics, planetary climate modeling, and the study of biological refugia. We believe this multidisciplinary team is a distinguishing strength of our proposal. Further, we have marshaled considerable internal resources to augment and supplement the budget proposed here to the NAI, so that SWAC will be an attractive, well-leveraged investment by the NAI and NASA. So, [comma] too, we propose an exciting and intensive Education and Public Outreach (EPO) effort, which includes broad participation across our team’s Midwest/southwest geographical area (Texas, Missouri, Colorado, and New Mexico), as well as targeted efforts involving minority and underrepresented institutions. These and other aspects of our proposed Lead Team effort will all be carefully managed under the direction of PI David Grinspoon and the Department of Space Studies (www.boulder.swri.edu) of the Southwest Research Institute (www.swri.edu). 116101517 1 SCIENTIFIC FOCUS & THEME. In the astrobiological literature it has become common to refer to a “habitable zone” (HZ) around a star as the region of space where the conditions are favorable for our kind of life. This was classically defined as a range of astrocentric distances where stable bodies of liquid water can exist at the surface of a planet (e.g., Huang 1960; Rasool & DeBergh 1970; Hart 1978). One dimensional climate models have since been brought to bear on the problem of calculating the spatial limits of stellar habitable zones for Earth-like planets with CO2/H2O/N2 atmospheres (e.g., Whitmire et al. 1991; Kasting et al. 1993). Although these and other pioneering investigations explored the limits of HZs for a range of stellar types, they were highly limited in that they did not consider many other factors [delete comma]. Such factors include the incredible diversity of orbit stability, planetary sizes, stellar types, impact histories now widely expected to be prevalent in the galaxy. Our primary objective is to widen the concept of Habitable Zones by exploring a wide range of quantitative issues that have either been ignored or insufficiently explored so far. Our secondary objectives are to help guide the design requirements and operational target selection planning for extra-solar planet detection/exploration missions ranging from Kepler to the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF). In addition, we will contribute to broadening the scientific base of the astrobiology community [what does this phrase really mean?], and provide a deep and meaningful education and public outreach effort. Of course, no group could realistically examine every possible variant on habitability in a proposal of the scope feasible for the NAI (for example, in our work we will not consider chemistries relying on solvents other than H2O, and we will focus primarily on worlds where liquid water can exist). With these pragmatic limitations in mind, we will, however, explore in detail a wide range of important issues that have limited the concept of planetary habitability. These include: Which types of stars form rocky planets, and how do the giant planet architectures of systems affect the habitability of the terrestrialclass (i.e., 0.01 Earth-mass (i.e., Europa-mass) [? Parentheses not parallel] to 2 Earth-mass) worlds residing in stellar HZs? How do variations in galactic chemistry (C/O, Si/Fe), stellar type, planetary size and volatile inventory affect the formation frequency, structure, and evolution of solid planets? How does the coupled climate/surface evolution of solid planets affect their ability to retain oceans and support life? How does a star’s path through the inhomogeneous and occasionally hazardous galactic environment promote (and limit) biological evolution on its planets? What is the nature and viability of biota that may have been forced to seek refugia (e.g., in caves or high clouds) from damaged or destroyed surface-biospheres? Our work to address these and other questions related to our goal of exploring the limits of planetary habitabilitywill be organized into four separate but interrelated investigation themes. These are: 1. The origin of water-bearing terrestrial worlds. 2. The geophysical and atmospheric evolution of water-bearing terrestrial worlds over time. 3. External influences affecting habitability of water-bearing terrestrial worlds. 4. Refugia for water-based life in cloud and cave environments. Within each theme we will undertake the development and exploitation of a suite of sophisticated models; in some themes we will also undertake a variety innovative field experiments. Results will be tested against existing data on the history and characteristics of Earth and other Solar System planets. The rapidly growing dataset on extrasolar planets will also be employed to help constrain and test the results from our projects. Once developed and tested, our state-of-theart models will be offered to the wider NAI community as tools for general use [I am very skeptical of such promises…suggest removing this lightning-rod promise]. Similarly, as we take biological field experiments to relatively unexplored frontiers of Earth’s biosphere to shed light on the limits of life’s domain, we will invite the participation of other NAI institutions and individuals. 116101517 2 OUR TEAM. To accomplish the broad range of research proposed here, we have assembled an outstanding, highly-[omit hyphen]productive, interdisciplinary PI/CoI team of 15 experts from 6 separate institutions. Our team has deep experience in fields including: celestial dynamics, planet formation, and astrophysics (Levison, Dones, Bottke, Danly, Scalo), planetary atmospheres and climate evolution (Grinspoon, Bullock, Pavlov), planetary geology and geophysics (McKinnon, Chapman, Durda), microbiology (Boston, Sattler), and biospheric modeling (SchulzeMakuch, Irwin). Over 40 refereed publications have already been authored by members of this team working together in various subgroups. This CoI team will be assisted by a group of 9 scientific collaborators from a various additional institutions. The team of CoIs and Collaborators assembled in our Lead Team proposal will be led by Dr. David Grinspoon, an expert in the climate evolution of terrestrial planets. PI Grinspoon is an internationally recognized scientist and author, known for his broad but penetrating approach to interdisciplinary problems. COMMUNITY BUILDING. Although our primary focus will be as a research center, significant effort will be expended in community building. This will include student training, postdoc mentoring, and EPO activities. In total, it is expected that 4 multi-year postdocs will reside in SWAC during the 5-year funding period. Further, 5 or more grad students and 5 visiting summer scientist positions are also budgeted. Our first visiting scientist will be Dr. Jim Kasting of Penn State, anexpert in climate change. Other external science community members will interact with SWAC via a series of video-broadcast seminars and annual workshops we will host on focused topics related to our four research themes. The first of these workshops will be held in the winter of 2003 in Boulder; it will focus on the longevity of planetary oceans. INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENTS. The Southwest Astrobiology Center (SWAC) will be formally housed within the Southwest Research Institute’s Department of Space Studies, located in Boulder, Colorado. The Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) will support SWAC with over 2000 ft2 of physical space and furnishings, phone/LAN/wireless, and various computing and laboratory facilities, none of which will be charged to this project. In order to further leverage the value of this effort to NASA and the NAI, SwRI is also providing a direct cost share to this 5-year proposal of $K, and some $90K in capital equipment for a pair of high-speed computing clusters. SwRI will also sponsor, at its own expense, annual, topical science workshops in Boulder to facilitate collaboration between our team and the wider astrobiological community. Additionally, the other academic team member institutions of SWAC will provide institutional commitments in the form of academic year salaries, office space, and computational facilities. The Denver Museum of Natural History and Science will provide extensive in-kind EPO support. EDUCATION & PUBLIC OUTREACH. An ambitious program of Education and Public Outreach (EPO) will be implemented both to share the general excitement of astrobiology and the specific results of our research. We will reach a broad audience of students, teachers, families and the general public. Numerous members of our PI/CoI team are already recognized as creative educators and visible public spokespersons for space and biological science. Our EPO efforts will involve a suite of productions, presentations, and planetarium shows. We will also provide innovative documentation of the process of devising and implementing a multidisciplinary astrobiology program, in the form of an ongoing radio series reporting on our team, our science,[add comma] and our progress. We will also undertake an innovative program of teacher training to leverage our efforts and reach the widest possible number of students. In keeping with our regional focus on the Southwestern U.S., large components of our EPO program will focus on teaching underserved students in the Hispanic and Native American communities. Through support of graduate and undergraduate students at four of our member institutions, we will contribute to training the next generation of astrobiologists. All of our EPO efforts will 116101517 3 involve measurements to evaluate progress and improve the products being delivered. MANAGEMENT APPROACH. PI Dr. David Grinspoon will be accountable to the NAI and responsible for managing our research and EPO programs. Dr. Grinspoon [duplicates words on previous pg] has managed numerous NASA grants as PI and served on various NASA advisory committees, including most recently SSES. As described above, the research to be performed within SWAC will be divided into four theme areas. Each research theme, and our EPO effort, will be led by a specific CoI. In addition, a Steering Group, consisting of the theme team leads will meet annually to advise the PI on SWAC strategic and management issues. The SWAC Steering Group (SSG) will be chaired by collaborator Dr. Alan Stern, Director of the Department of Space Studies at SwRI. Using established schedule and cost tracking tools (Microsoft Office) regularly used at SwRI, Dr. Grinspoon and administrative assistant Ms. Alisha Bouliche will track and manage the spending and progress of all of the research, training, and EPO activities within SWAC. CODA. It is human nature to seek other warm spaces. NASA is doing just that with the Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) and related missions, as well as via the research funded through the NAI. Our proposed contribution is to dramatically deepen what is known about the conditions under which planetary bodies can evolve to and sustain habitablility. We believe this topic has [“to-date” is NOT a word!] not yet been fully exploited intellectually, resulting in a “handicapped” understanding of what habitability means and the range of conditions and locales that may actually be habitable in our galaxy. By focusing an intensive, 5-year effort on this topic, we seek to offer the NAI a major advance in understanding how common life may be. LIST OF EXEC SUMMARY FIGURES: Org Chart Project Schedule (ala Meadows) 116101517 4 RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT PLAN RESEARCH PLAN OVERVIEW What kinds of planets can support life in the universe? A widely held belief, based (by current practical necessities) on the terrestrial example, is that to support life, a planet should have stable bodies of liquid water. This has in turn led to the conventional notion of a habitable zone (HZ) as a range of distances from a star where water can exist on the surface of a solid planet for biologically relevant timescales. We propose here an exciting and, we think overdue, interdisciplinary research program to deeply explore the full range of planetary settings where this requirement can be met[omit comma]. This will expand the notion of terrestrial planet habitable zones beyond the range of stable surface liquid water. Our research program into the general question of terrestrial planet habitability is divided into four closely related Themes. In theme 1, Forming Terrestrial Planet Systems, we will simulate the formation and evolution of terrestrial planet systems over a wide range of realistic starting conditions that likely obtain across the galaxy. Our goals are twofold: we intend to determine (i) how the chemical composition of planet-forming material, which varies both temporally and spatially within our galaxy, affects the types and number of planets formed, and (ii) how other critical factors like stellar mass, luminosity, and proto-planetary disk mass determine the ability of planetary systems to form stable, habitable terrestrial planets. A crucial goal, as described later in detail, will be the determination of the expected water abundance of worlds after accretion and outer solar system clearing is complete. We will accomplish this work using state-ofthe-art models of planet formation, orbital stability, and impact fluxes, developed by team members with extensive experience in these very areas of research [rewrite previous sentence: WHAT will be buttressed? What does “buttress” mean? What will they DO, as distinct from what do they “understand”] We will build upon these results in theme 2, Diversity and Evolution of Rocky Planets. Using the planetary system formation results produced 116101517 5 in theme 1 and existing state-of-the-art planetary formation models and coupled, climate-ocean models, we will study (i) the thermal evolution of planets and their atmospheres as a function of size and chemical composition; (ii) the diversity of atmospheres of surrounding such planets; and (iii) the astrobiologically-crucial issue of the longevity of oceans on planets as a function of astrocentric distance and stellar type. Our third theme, “Surface Effects and Refugia from Stochastic Perturbations to Habitable Conditions,” will be devoted to understanding the effects of several astronomically mediated episodic processes which can alter planetary environments. These processes present both threats and opportunities for biological survival and innovation. These perturbations include episodes of intense radiation due to stellar flare activity, [always a comma before “which”] which, as described below, we now believe to be a more common source of planetary radiation spikes than “cosmic explosions” such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. We will perform the first realistic simulations of a planetary system’s path through the variable interstellar medium, allowing us to model the climatic and genetic effects of inevitable passages through dense molecular clouds, including enhanced cosmic rays due to astrosphere collapse, enhanced UV due to stellar H accretion, and climate cooling due to increased dust accretion. In this theme, we will also model climate perturbations caused by large impact events and possibly very severe “Very Late Heavy Bombardments” (VLHBs), caused by late dynamical instabilities in a planetary system. In theme 4, “Expanding the Habitable Zone: Refugia,”[previous sentence is completely garbled – what are we trying to say?]. In particular, we will use models and empirical studies to determine the ability of cave and cloud environments on terrestrial planets to act as refugia during these excursions from surface habitable conditions, helping to perpetuate life on planets where it might otherwise be extinguished. We will accomplish this via an integrated set of field, laboratory, and theoretical investigations to explore these highly important and under-studied areas of planetary habitability. As a part of this effort we will undertake field expeditions in caves and we will sample clouds to study their biology. Unlike other subsurface realms studied by the NAI (sea-floor sediments, thermal vents, deep igneous rocks), caves offer the prospect of protecting or even promoting the development of complex, metazoic life. In this effort we will undertake a program of targeted mountain expeditions and flight experiments designed to characterize the biota in a range of cloudy and upper atmosphere environments. These results will be applied to biospheric modeling of possible cloud-based life on other planets. [better say a word here that life in terrestrial clouds exist, that we have an expert on that as a Co-I, in order to dispel initial thoughts of reviewers that cloud life is crazy] These explorations of the upper and lower limits to habitability on Earth, and the modeling efforts which they will support, will test and extend our knowledge of the limits of planetary habitable zones. Our Tasks Bear Directly on Many of the Goals of the NAI. NAI Goal Applicable SWAC Tasks 1 2 3 4 1. Understand the Nature and Distribution of Habitable Environments X X X X 2. Explore for Past or Present Habitable Environments X X X 3. Understand How Life Emerges 4. Understand How Past Earth Life Interacted with Its Changing Environment X X 5. Understand the Evolutionary Mechanisms/ Environmental Limits of Life on Earth X 6. Understand the Principles that Shape the Future of Life on Earth and Beyond 116101517 X X 6 7. Determine How to Recognize Signatures of Life X X X INSERT HERE A TABLE RESEARCH OBJECTIVES WITH 116101517 7