2014 President’s Report Amy Lethbridge, August 8, 2014 Represented NAI I represented NAI at the International Conference in Sunchon Bay, South Korea in April. A full report of the conference will be presented by staff. In addition to welcoming conference guests, I conveyed condolences to our Korean hosts from NAI members and the interpretive community regarding the tragic ferry disaster that occurred as we were all arriving. The conference resulted in a great deal of discussion about the state of interpretation globally, sharing of models and case studies, idea exchange, networking and the emergence of a Pan-Asian interpretive effort to be led by Dr. Kye Joong cho and Dr. Bitapi Sinha. Post conference discussions between me, staff and representative from Interpretation Canada, Cal Martin provided an opportunity to brainstorm and begin planning the next conference in Montreal, Canada as well as debriefing the process for the planning process and structure for future international efforts. It should be noted that my participation in the conference was funded by our Korean Hosts. I also represented NAI at the Southwest Border Parks Symposium in Tuscon, Arizona. The purpose of this event was to expand on the efforts of our federal agencies along the border and their counterparts in Mexico to collaborate and share ideas and resources. This has been successfully done on of a variety resource management issues and the discussion was whether such efforts could expand to include other areas, such as interpretation. NAI did not pay for my participation. Legacy I continue to contribute an article for each issue of Legacy magazine. Communication with Staff I keep in regular contact with Executive Director Margo Carlock . Strategic Plan I have reviewed and commented on all aspects of this process and have been interviewing key stakeholders . I want to acknowledge and thank Jane Beattie for her excellent work leading this process, the results of which will be released at the national conference in November. Communication with Board, committees and members I participate in conference calls as requested from task forces, committees and staff.