Curriculum Vitae - UCLA Human Genetics

(310) 825-1359
FAX: (310) 794-7345
Date of Birth:
Marital Status:
June 22, 1947
Married/5 children
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
10833 LeConte Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1679
Washington State University
Oregon State University
Roswell Park Memorial Institute
Buffalo, New York
B.S., magna cum laude (Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Biophysics; Robert Becker, Graduate Advisor)
Postdoctoral training (Molecular Genetics; Kenneth
Paigen, Mentor)
Cancer Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Biology Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo,
New York (1976-1978)
Visiting Lecturer, NATO Travel Award, Department of Genetics and Ecology University of Aarhus,
Denmark (1977)
Assistant Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Department of Medicine, University of
California School of Medicine Los Angeles, California (1979-1989)
Professor, Department of Medicine and Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular
Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles, California (1989-present)
Professor, Vice Chair (2002-present), Acting Chair (2006-2007), Department of Human Genetics,
University of California, Los Angeles, California
American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1982-present)
Molecular Biology Institute, UCLA (1982-present)
American Heart Association (1984-present)
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (1985-present)
Brain Research Institute, UCLA (2006-present)
National Science Foundation Fellowship, Washington State University (1968)
Phi Beta Kappa (1969), Sigma Xi (1973)
National Institutes of Health Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (1974-1976)
NATO Travel Fellowship (1977)
NIH Study Sections (1982-present), American Heart Association Ad hoc grant reviews (1984-present)
Established Investigator of the American Heart Association (1985-1990)
NIH Study Section on Mammalian Genetics, Member (1987-1990)
Genomics, Editorial Board (1987-1997)
National Institutes of Health Merit Award (1994-2004)
American Heart Association, Committee on Research (1995-present)
NIH Heart, Lung, and Blood Program Project Review Committee, Member (1999-2003)
Bristol-Myers Squibb Unrestricted Biomedical Research Award (2003-2008)
American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessons Planning Committee (2006-2007)
American Heart Association George L. Duff Award (2008)
Acting Chair, Dept. of Human Genetics, UCLA (2008)
Miguel Aleman Award, Mexico (2008)
NAVBO Benditt Award (2009)
Burroughs-Wellcome Training Program in Metabolic Diseases Advisory Board (2009-present)
Board of Scientific Counselors Member, NHLBI, NIH (2009-present)
Board of Directors, Kern Lipid Conference (2008-present)
Frontiers in Genetics of Complex Traits, Review Editor (2010-present)
International Scientific Advisory Board, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (2012-present)
Anitschkow Prize in Atherosclerosis Research (2015)
General Pharmacology, The Vascular System, Associate Editor (1998-present)
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Editorial Board (1999-present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Lipid Research (2003-present)
Current Cardiology Reviews, Editorial Board (2004-present)
Open Access Bioinformatics Editorial Board (2009-present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Sex Differences (2010-present)
Editorial Board, Mammalian Genome (2012-present)
Editorial Board, Diabesity (2014-present)
“Gene mutations in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy” (UCLA case no. LA95-084-01)
“Increased hepatic tumors in Hyplip mice” (UCLA cases no. 2000-403 and 2002-053)
“Identification of 5-lipoxygenase as a major gene contributing to atherosclerosis in mice and humans”
(UCLA case no. 2001-429-03)
Human Genetics (CM156/256)
ACCESS Graduate First Year Course, Genetics Section (BC254B)
Advanced Human Genetics (236B)
Seminar (M298)
Molecular Basis of Vascular Disease, alternate years (MCDB224)
Mouse Genetics (CM122/222)
Ethics Class for Graduate/Postdoctoral students
Genetics and Society (102W)
Mini-course in Neuroendocrinology
Genomics Biology (LS187); Topics in Genomics (HG240); Frontiers in Technology (CM133)
NIH 5PO1 HL28481. Program title: “Molecular genetic approaches in atherosclerosis research.” A.J,
Lusis, Program PI. 7/01/10-6/30/15. Total direct costs: $1,795,562.
This program project is concerned with the identification and characterization of genetic factors
contributing to energy homeostasis and metabolic disease. The emphasis is on combined human-mouse
approaches. Project 1 (A. Lusis, PI) focuses on systems genetics analysis of metabolic disorders in mice
and humans. Project 2 (P.Pajukanta) focuses on genetic analyses of metabolic syndrome in human
populations. Project 3 (M. Peterfy) focuses on the structure-function of mammalian lipases. Project 4.
(K. Reue, PI) focuses on genes involved in adipocyte differentiation.
NIH PO1 HL30568. Program title: “Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in atherosclerosis” A.M.
Fogelman, Program PI. Project title: “Integrative genetic approaches to atherosclerosis.” 4/01/093/30/14. Annual direct costs: $299,652. Calendar year: 2.4
This project is directed at identifying the genes contributing to differences in atherosclerosis
susceptibility among inbred strains of mice using a dominant hyperlipidemia model, the apoE-Leiden
transgenic, and bioinformatics.
NIH PO1 HL30568. Program title: “Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in atherosclerosis” A.M.
Fogelman, Program PI; J.A. Berliner, Project PI. Project title: “The regulation of endothelial cells by
ox-PAPC” 4/01/09-3/30/14. Annual direct costs: $299,861. Calendar year: 0.6
This project examines the mechanisms by which oxidized lipids stimulate endothelial cells to express
pro-inflammatory molecules involved in atherosclerosis. It is directed by Dr. Judith Berliner, UCLA.
NIH R01 GM095656. Project title: “DNA methylation and its relationship to gene expression and
physiologic traits”. M. Pelligrini, Project PI. 7/01/11-6/30/16. Annual direct costs: $390,726. Calendar
year: 0.6
This project systematically associates epigenetic patterns with metabolic and common disease
phenotypes on a genome-wide scale.
NIH 1R21 HL110667-01. Project title: “A Systems Approach to Uncover Novel Genes and Networks in
Heart Failure”. A.J. Lusis, Project PI. 7/01/11-6/30/13. Annual direct costs: $150,000. Calendar year:
This project uses a systems-based approach to identify genes and networks associated with isoproterenolinduced heart failure in mice.
NIH RO1 HL094322. Project title: “Dissection of HDL function using mouse models.” A.J Lusis, PI.
7/15/09-4/30/14. Annual direct costs: $250,000. Calendar year: 1.8
This project uses a novel hybrid mouse diversity panel to identify genetic factors contributing to HDL
levels, structures and functions
NIH/NIDDKD 1DP3 D094311. Project title: “Systems Genetics of Type 1 Diabetes Complications”.
A.J. Lusis, Project PI. 9/30/11-9/29/16 Annual direct costs: $644,213. Calendar year: 1.8
This project uses novel mouse genome wide association strategy across a hybrid mouse diversity panel
crossed with Akita/+ mice.
RO1 HL095154. Project title: ““Integrative genetic approaches to atherosclerosis.” A.J Lusis, PI.
7/15/09-6/30/11. Annual direct costs: $313,857. Calendar year: 1.2
This project is directed at using systems based, integrative approaches to understand the mechanisms
underlying the major locus contributing to atherosclerosis in human populations. The locus, on human
chromosome 9p21 contains several candidate genes as well as a noncoding gene of unknown function.
NIH UO1 HL087944. Project title: “Atherosclerosis and other complications in the hyperlipidemic BKS
diabetic mouse. R.C. Davis, Project PI. 9/01/06 –8/31/11. Current year direct costs: $250,000.
Calendar year: 0.6
This project focuses on the development of a mouse model to examine interactions between diabetes and
NIH RO1 DK071673. Program title: “Genetic analysis of the diabetes-prone C57BLKS strain.” A.J.
Lusis, Project PI. 7/01/05-6/30/10. Direct costs: $250,000. Calendar year: 1.2
This grant is directed at identifying the genetic factors contributing to diabetes susceptibility in the
C57BKS mouse strain. The project involves the integration of genetic and gene expression data from
crosses between diabetes susceptible and resistant mouse strains on the background of the diabetes (db)
mutation. Congenic strains will be used to fine map loci controlling insulin metabolism and diabetes.
Ph.D. students:
Edward Lau (2011-present, co-mentor with Peipei Ping)
Millie Romay (2011-present)
Postdoctoral fellows:
Mete Civelek (2009-present)
Brian Parks (2009-present)
Yehudit Hasin (2010-present)
Elin Org (2011-present)
Xiuju Wu (2012-present)
Marcus Seldin (2014-present)
Previous postdoctoral fellows and present position:
Tripathi Rajavashisth (1983-1987) Professor, Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
John Kaptein (1984-1987) Research Associate, Kaiser Foundation, Los Angeles
Annette Taylor (1987-1989) CEO, Gene Diagnosis Company
Joyce Hwa (1988-1990) Industry
Craig Warden, Ph.D. (1991-1996) Professor, UC Davis
Moon-Young Yoon, Ph.D. (1992-1994) Professor, Seoul, Korea
Lynn Hedrick (1993-1996) Professor, La Jolla Institute of Immunology
Lawrence Castellani, Ph.D. (1993-1996) Associate Researcher, UCLA
Ari Weinreb, M.D., Ph.D. (1994-1997) Professor, Rheumatology, UCLA
Ron Bahar, M.D. (1995-1997) Physician, Dept. Pediatrics, UCLA
Boris Ivandic, M.D. (1995-1997) Professor, Univ. Leubeck, Germany
Audra Lembertas, Ph.D. (1995-1998) Research Associate, CNRU, UCLA
Weibin Shi, M.D., Ph.D. (1997-2001) Associate Professor, U. Virginia
Hooman Allayee (2001-2003) Associate Professor, University of Southern California
Kum Kum Bhasin (2001-2004) Faculty, Kaiser HMO
Soumya Chari (2001-2004) Administrator, University of Cincinnati
Peter Gargalovic (2003-2006) Scientist, Merck
Xia Yang (2003-2006) Assistant Professor, UCLA
Haijin Meng (2003-2006) Professor, Beijing Genomics Institute
Martina Nebohacova (2005-2007) Associate Professor, University of Prague
Charles Farber (2006-2008) Associate Professor, University of Virginia
Andres DeLuna (2008-2009) Fellow, UT Southwestern, Cardiology
Todd Norcross (2008-2009) Biostatistics student, Long Beach State University
Josh Deignan (2007-2009) Assistant Professor, UCLA
Brian Bennet (2006-2011) Assistant Professor, Univ. North Carolina
Imran Mungrue (2006-2011) Assistant Professor, Louisiana State Univ.
Lisa Martin (2007-2012), Senior research scientist, Amgen, Inc.
Previous doctoral students, present position:
Karen Reue (1985) Professor, Dept. Human Genetics, UCLA
Susan Frank (1989) Lawyer
David Johnson (1989) Professor, Univ. California, Irvine
Ali Andalibi (1989) Director of Research, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Alistair Fyfe (1994) Industry
Deborah Purcell-Huynh (1994) Clonetech, Inc.
Dietrich Machleder (1997) Associate Profrssor, Univ. of Rochester
Carrie Welch (1997) Associate Professor, Columbia Univ., New York
Jennifer Gu (1998) Research Associate, Caltech, CA
Brad Aouizerat (1998) Professor, UCSF
Marie-Luise Brennan (1999) Fellow, Stanford Medical School
Hooman Allayee (1999) Associate Professor, Institute of Genetic Medicine, USC
Jackie Bodnar (2001) Industry
Zhiming Jiang (2001) Industry
Veronica Colinayo (2001) Scientist, Beckman Research Institute, Fullerton, CA
Kelly Krass (2001) Chair, Dept. of Biology, Marymount University, Los Angeles
Jesus Araujo (2004) Assistant Professor, UCLA Division of Cardiology
Sonal Sheth (2004) Industry
Zory Shaposhnik (2006) Industry
Daria Estrada-Smith (2006) Postdoctoral fellow, UNC Chapel Hill
Sudheer Doss (2006) Consultant, Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath (PRTM)
Susanna Wang (2006) Postdoctoral Fellow, UCSD
Janet Yu (2007) Industry
Rebecca Mar (2007) Postdoctoral Fellow, NPI, UCLA
Jaijam Suwanwela (2010), Assistant Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Bangkok
Casey Romanoski (2005-2010), Postdoctoral fellow, UCSD
Sulin Wu (2005-2010), Postdoctoral fellow, UCLA
Anatole Ghazalpour (2007-2011) Caris Diagnostics
Luz Orozco (2011) Postdoctoral fellow, UCLA
Ayca Erbilgin (2012) Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford
Christoph Rau (2008-2013) Postdoctoral fellow, UCLA
Jessica Wang (2009-2014) Clinical Instructor, Dept. of Medicine/Division of Cardiology, UCLA
Visiting faculty and scholars:
Jung Hee Choi, Ph.D., from Korea (1997-1998)
Kazunobu Ishikawa M.D., Ph.D., from Japan (1996-1998)
Daniel Kopf, M.D., from Germany (1998)
Eli Ipp, M.D. from Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (1999)
Gerhard Krönke, University of Vienna (summer, 2000)
Claire Huang, Taipei, Taiwan (summer, 2000)
Minoru Okuba, M.D., Ph.D., from Japan (2001-2003)
Jeurgen Reichardt, Ph.D., Institute of Genetic Medicine, Univ. Southern Cal. (2002-2003)
Sandrine Lagarrique, Ph.D., Agrocampus, OEUST, France (2011-2012)
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (from more than 500)
Developmental genetics (1975-1978)
During my postdoctoral fellowship with Kenneth Paigen in the Department of Molecular Biology
at Roswell Park, I studied natural variation in mice to examine aspects of developmental genetics.
Lusis A.J., Paigen K. (1975) Genetic determination of the -galactosidase developmental program in
mice. Cell 6:371-378.
Lusis A.J., West J.D. (1976) X-galactosidase in Mus
musculus. Biochem. Genet. 14:849-855.
Lusis A.J., Tomino S., Paigen K. (1976) Isolation, characterization and radioimmunoassay of murine
egasyn, a protein stabilizing glucuronidase membrane binding. J. Biol. Chem. 251:7753-7760.
Lusis A.J., Paigen K. (1977) Relationships between levels of membrane-bound glucuronidase and the
associated protein egasyn in mouse tissues. J. Cell. Biol. 73:728-735.
Lusis A.J., Breen G.A.M., Paigen K. (1977) Nongenetic heterogeneity of mouse -galactosidase. J.
Biol. Chem. 252:4613-4618.
Lusis A.J., West J.D. (1978) Xgalactosidase. Genetics 88:327-342.
-glucuronidase and comparison of
allozymes. J. Biol. Chem. 253:7336-7345.
Regulation of hematopoiesis (1979-1986)
Upon accepting a faculty position at UCLA, I began working on two projects. One was a
continuation of mouse geneics and the other was a collaborative study with David Golde and others to
study hematopoietic regulation. At that time, hematopoietic growth factors such as mascrophage colony
stimulating factor and erythropoietic had not yet been identified.
Golde D.W., Bersch N., Quan S.G., Lusis A.J. (1980) Production of erythroid potentiating activity by a
human T-lymphoblast cell line. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:593-596.
Lusis A.J., Koeffler H.P. (1980) Action of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factors: Studies
using a human leukemia cell line. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 77:5346-5350.
Lusis A.J., Quon D.H., Golde D.W. (1981) Purification and characterization of a human T-lymphocytederived granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Blood 57:13-21.
Lusis A.J., Golde D.W., Quon D.H., Lasky L.A. (1982) Translation of mRNA for human granulocytemacrophage colony stimulating factor. Nature 298:75-77.
Ben-Avram C.M., Shively J.E., Shadduck R.K., Waheed A., Rajavashisth T., Lusis A.J. (1985) Aminoterminal amino acid sequence of murine colony stimulating factor-1. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
Lazar G.S., Quon D.H., Lusis A.J. (1985) A gene controlling response of bone marrow progenitor cells
to granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors. J. Cell Physiol. 124:293-298.
Rajavashisth T., Eng R., Shadduck R.K., Waheed D., Ben-Avram C.M., Shively J.E., Lusis A.J. (1987)
Cloning and tissue-specific expression of mouse macrophage colony stimulating factor mRNA.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 84:1157-1161.
Development of the mouse as a model systems for studies of lipoprotein metabolism (1981-1989)
As a result of interactions with Verne Schumaker and Mike Schotz, I became interested in
applying mouse genetics to understand lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. At that time, the mouse was
considered a poor system for such studies, since they tend to be resistant to atherosclerosis. Hence, there
was very little that had been done.
LeBoeuf R.C., Puppione D.L., Schumaker V.N., Lusis A.J. (1983) Genetic control of lipid transport in
mice. I. Structural properties and polymorphisms of plasma lipoproteins. J. Biol. Chem. 258:50635070.
Lusis A.J., Taylor B.A., Wangenstein R.W., LeBoeuf R.C. (1983) Genetic control of lipid transport in
mice. II. Genes controlling structure of high density lipoproteins. J. Biol. Chem. 258:5071-5078.
Reue K.L., Quon D.H., O'Donnell K.A., Dizikes G.J., Fareed G.C., Lusis A.J. (1984) Molecular cloning
and regulation of mRNA for mouse apolipoprotein E. J. Biol. Chem. 259:2100-2107.
Lusis A.J., LeBoeuf R.C. (1986) Genetic control of plasma lipid transport in mammals: Mouse model.
Meth. Enzymol. 128:877-894.
Demmer L.A., Levin M.S., Elovson J., Reuben M.A., Lusis A.J., Gordon J.I. (1986) Tissue specific
expression and developmental regulation of the rat apolipoprotein B gene. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
Lusis A.J., Taylor B.A., Quon D., Zollman S., LeBoeuf R.C. (1987) Genetic factors controlling
structure and expression of apolipoproteins B and E in mice. J. Biol. Chem. 262:7594-7604.
Paigen B., Mitchell D., Reue K., Morrow A., Lusis A.J., LeBoeuf R.C. (1987) Ath-1, a gene
determining atherosclerosis susceptibility and high density lipoprotein levels in mice. Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. USA 84:3763-3767.
Kirchgessner T.G., LeBoeuf R.C., Langer C.A., Zollman S., Chang C.H., Taylor B.A., Schotz M.C.,
Gordon J.I., Lusis A.J. (1989) Genetic and developmental regulation of the lipoprotein lipase gene:
Loci both distal and proximal to the LPL structural gene control enzyme expression. J. Biol. Chem.
Lusis A.J., Sparkes R.S. (Editors) (1989) Genetic Factors in Atherosclerosis: Approaches and Model
Systems Karger, Basel, Switzerland.
Warden C.H., Langer C., Gordon J.I., Taylor B.A., McLean J.W., Lusis A.J. (1989) Tissue specific
expression, developmental regulation and chromosomal mapping of the lecithin-cholesterol acyl
transferase gene: Evidence for expression in brain and testes as well as liver. J. Biol. Chem.
Doolittle M.H., LeBoeuf R.C., Warden C.H., Bee L.M., Lusis A.J. (1990) A polymorphism affecting
apolipoprotein A-II translational efficiency determines high density lipoprotein size and composition.
J. Biol. Chem. 265:16380-16388.
Molecular cloning of genes for plasma lipid metabolism (1983-1990)
To carry out genetic studies of lipid metabolis, we cloned a number of critical molecules in lipid
metabolism. In particular, we were the first to clone apolipoprotein B, the primary protein of LDL, and
liprotein lipase, the enzyme dedicating lipoprotein triglyceride hydrolysis.
Reue K.L., Quon D.H., O'Donnell K.A., Dizikes G.J., Fareed G.C., Lusis A.J. (1984) Molecular cloning
and regulation of mRNA for mouse apolipoprotein E. J. Biol. Chem. 259:2100-2107.
LeBoeuf R.C., Miller C., Shively J.E., Schumaker V.N., Balla M.A., Lusis A.J. (1984) Human
apolipoprotein B: Partial amino acid sequence. FEBS Letters 170:105-108.
Lusis A.J., West R., Mehrabian M., Reuben M.A., LeBoeuf R.C., Kaptein J.S., Johnson D.F., Schumaker
V.N., Yuhasz M.P., Schotz M.C., Elovson J. (1985) Cloning and expression of apolipoprotein B,
the major protein of low and very low density lipoproteins. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 82:4597-4601.
Mehrabian M., Schumaker V.N., Fareed G.C., West R., Johnson D.F., Kirchgessner T., Lin H-C., Wang
X., Ma Y., Mendiaz E., Lusis A.J. (1985) Human apolipoprotein B: Identification of cDNA clones
and characterization of mRNA. Nucl. Acids Res. 13:6937-6953.
Rajavashisth T., Kaptein J., Reue K., Lusis A.J. (1985) Evolution of apolipoprotein E: Mouse sequence
and evidence for an 11 nucleotide ancestral unit. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 82:8085-8089.
Knott T.J., Pease R.J., Powell L.M., Wallis S.C., Rall S.C. Jr., Innerarity T.L., Blackhart B., Taylor
W.H., Marcel Y., Milne R., Johnson D., Fuller M., Lusis A.J., McCarthy B.J., Mahley R.W., LevyWilson B., Scott J. (1986) Complete protein sequence and identification of structural domains of
human apolipoprotein B. Nature 323:734-738.
Wion K.L., Kirchgessner T.G., Lusis A.J., Schotz M.C. and Lawn R.M. (1987) Human lipoprotein
lipase complementary DNA sequence. Science 235:1638-1641.
Kirchgessner T.G., Svenson K.L., Lusis A.J., Schotz M.C. (1987) The sequence of cDNA encoding
lipoprotein lipase. A member of a lipase gene family. J. Biol. Chem. 262:8463-8466.
Kirchgessner T.G., LeBoeuf R.C., Langer C.A., Zollman S., Chang C.H., Taylor B.A., Schotz M.C.,
Gordon J.I., Lusis A.J. (1989) Genetic and developmental regulation of the lipoprotein lipase gene:
Loci both distal and proximal to the LPL structural gene control enzyme expression. J. Biol. Chem.
Bostrom K., Garcia Z., Poksay K.S., Johnson D.F., Lusis A.J., Innerarity T.L. (1990) Apolipoprotein B
mRNA editing: Direct determination of the edited base and occurence in non-apolipoprotein Bproducing cell lines. J. Biol. Chem. 265:22446-22452.
Mapping genes for lipid metabolism (1983-1990)
Before the genome project, it was important to locate genes on chromosomes to begin to
understand genetic regulartory circuits. We were involved in the original mapping of many of the genes
controlling lipid metabolism and related traits.
Mohandas T., Heinzmann C., Sparkes R.S., Wasmuth J., Edwards P., Lusis A.J. (1986) Assignment of
human 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase gene to q13-q23 region of chromosome 5.
Som. Cell. Mol. Genet. 12:89-94.
Lusis A.J., Heinzmann C., Sparkes R.S., Scott J., Knott T.J., Geller R., Sparkes M.C., Mohandas T.
(1986) Regional mapping of human chromosome 19: Organization of genes for plasma lipid
transport (Apo CI,-CII, and -E and LDLR) and the genes C3, PEPD, and GPI. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
USA 83:3929-3933.
Mehrabian M., Sparkes R.S., Mohandas T., Klisak I.J., Schumaker, V.N., Heinzmann C., Zollman S., Ma
Y., Lusis A.J. (1986) Human apolipoprotein B: Chromosomal mapping and DNA polymorphisms of
hepatic and intestinal species. Som. Cell. Mol. Genet. 12:245-254.
Sparkes R.S., Zollman S., Klisak I., Kirchgessner T.G., Komaromy M.C., Mohandas T., Schotz M.C.,
Lusis A.J. (1987) Human genes involved in lipolysis of plasma lipoproteins: Mapping of loci for
lipoprotein lipase to 8p22 and hepatic lipase to 15q21. Genomics 1:138-144.
Frank S.L., Klisak I., Sparkes R.S., Mohandas T., Tomlinson J.E., McLean J.W., Lawn R.M., Lusis A.J.
(1988) The apolipoprotein(a) gene resides on human chromosome 6q26-27, in close proximity to the
homologyous gene for plasminogen. Hum. Genet. 79:352-356.
Holm C., Kirchgessner T.G., Svenson K.L., Fredrickson G., Nilsson S., Miller C.G., Shively J.E.,
Heinzmann C., Sparkes R.S., Mohandas T., Lusis A.J., Belfrage P., Schotz M.C. (1988) Hormone
sensitive lipase: Sequence, expression and chromosomal location. Science 241:1503-1506.
Kirchgessner T.G., LeBoeuf R.C., Langer C.A., Zollman S., Chang C.H., Taylor B.A., Schotz M.C.,
Gordon J.I., Lusis A.J. (1989) Genetic and developmental regulation of the lipoprotein lipase gene:
Loci both distal and proximal to the LPL structural gene control enzyme expression. J. Biol. Chem.
Lusis A.J., Weinreb A., Drake T.A. (1998) Genetics of Atherosclerosis. In: Textbook of
Cardiovascular Disease (Topol E.J., editor). Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, pp. 23892413.
Inflammation and atherosclerosis (1990-present)
By the early 1990s, there was accumulating evidence that atherosclerosis involved inflammatory
aspets and we applied molecular genetics to help elucidate these. In particular, our background in
macrophage biology was helpul in this regard.
Rajavashisth T.B., Andalibi A., Territo M.C., Berliner J.A., Navab M., Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J.
(1990) Induction of endothelial cell expression of granulocyte and macrophage colony stimulating
factors by modified low density lipoproteins. Nature 344:254-257.
Liao F., Berliner J.A., Mehrabian M., Navab, M., Demer L., Lusis A.J., Fogelman A.M. (1991)
Minimally modified low density lipoprotein is biologically active in vivo in mice. J. Clin. Invest.
Liao F., Andalibi A., deBeer F.C., Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J. (1993) Genetic control of inflammatory
gene induction and NF- -like transcription factor activation in response to an atherogenic diet in
mice. J. Clin. Invest. 91:2572-2579.
Warden C.H., Hedrick C.C., Qiao J.-H., Castellani L.W., Lusis A.J. (1993) Atherosclerosis in transgenic
mice overexpressing apolipoprotein A-II. Science 261:469-472.
Qiao J.-H., Welch C.L., Xie P.-Z., Fishbein M.C., Lusis A.J. (1993) Involvement of the tyrosinase gene
in deposition of cardiac lipofuscin in mice: Association with aortic fatty streak development. J. Clin.
Invest. 92:2386-2393.
Liao F., Andalibi A., Qiao J-H., Allayee H., Fogelman A., Lusis A.J. (1994). Genetic evidence for a
common pathway mediating oxidative stress, inflammatory gene induction, and aortic fatty streak
formation in mice. J. Clin. Invest. 94:877-884.
Qiao J-H., Fishbein M.C., Demer L.L., Lusis A.J. (1995) Genetic determination of cartilaginous
metaplasia in mouse aorta. Arterioscl. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 15:2265-2272.
Shih D.M., Gu L., Hama S., Xia Y-R., Navab M., Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J. (1996) Genetic-dietary
regulation of serum paraoxanase expression and its role in atherogenesis in a mouse model. J. Clin.
Ivandic B.T., Qiao J-H., Machleder D., Liao F., Drake T.A., Lusis A.J. (1996) A locus on chromosome
7 determines myocardial cell necrosis and calcification (dystrophic cardiac calcinosis) in mice. Proc.
Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 93:5483-5488.
Qiao J.-H., Tripathi J., Mishra N.K., Cai Y., Tripathi S., Wang X., Imes S., Fishbein M.C., Clinton S.K.,
Libby P., Lusis A.J., Rajavashisth T.B. (1997) Role of macrophage-colony stimulating factor in
atherosclerosis: Studies of osteopetrotic mice. Am. J. Pathol. 150:1687-1699.
Castellani L.W., Navab M., Van Lenten B.J., Hedrick C.C., Hama S.Y., Goto A.M., Fogelman A.M.,
Lusis A.J. (1997) Overexpression of apolipoprotein AII in transgenic mice converts high density
lipoproteins to pro-inflammatory particles. J. Clin. Invest. 100:464-474.
Ishikawa K., Navab M., Leitinger N., Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J. (1997) Induction of heme oxygenase-1
inhibits monocyte transmigration induced by mildly oxidized LDL. J. Clin. Invest. 100:1209-1216.
Rajavashisth T., Qiao J-H., Mishra N., Tripathi S., Tripathi J., Wang X., Loussararian A., Clinton S.,
Libby P., Lusis A.J. (1998) Heterozygous osteopetrotic (op) mutation reduces atherosclerosis in
LDL receptor deficient mice. J. Clin. Invest. 101:2702-2710.
Shih D.M., Gu L., Xia Y-R., Navab M., Li W-F., Hama S., Castellani L.W., Furlong C.E., Costa L.G.,
Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J. (1998) Mice lacking serum paraoxonase are susceptible to
organophosphate toxicity and atherosclerosis. Nature 394:284-287.
Ivandic B., Castellani L., Wang X-P., Qiao J-H., Mehrabian M., Navab M., Fogelman A.M., Grass D.S.,
Swanson M.F., deBeer M.C., deBeer F.C., Lusis A.J. (1999) Role of group II secretory
phospholipase A2 in atherosclerosis. I. Increased atherogenesis and altered lipoproteins in
transgenic mice expressing group IIa phospholipase A2. Arterioscl. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 19:12841290.
Shi W., Haberland M.E., Shih D.M., Jien M-L., Lusis A.J. (2000) Differential responses of endothelial
cells to oxidized lipoproteins contribute to genetic differences in atherosclerosis in mice (with
commentary by J. Breslow on pp. 5-6). Circulation 102:75-81.
Shih D.M., Xia Y-R., Wang X-P., Miller E., Castellani L.W., Subbanagounder G., Cheroutre H., Faull
K., Berliner J.A., Witztum J.L., Lusis A.J. (2000) Combined serum paraoxonase/apolipoprotein E
knockout mice exhibit increased lipoprotein oxidation and atherosclerosis. J. Biol. Chem.,
Shi W., Wang N.J., Shih D.M., Sun V.Z., Wang X-P., Lusis A.J. (2000) Determinants of atherosclerosis
susceptibility in C3H and C57BL/6 mouse model: Evidence for involvement of endothelial cells but
not blood cells or cholesterol metabolism (with commentary by D. Rader and E. Puré on pp. 10131015). Circ. Res. 86:1078-1084.
Lusis A.J. (2000) Atherosclerosis. Nature 407:233-241.
Ishikawa K., Sugawara D., Wang X-P., Itabe K., Maruyama Y., and Lusis A.J. (2001) Heme oxygenase1 inhibits atherosclerotic lesion formation in LDL receptor knockout mice (with commentary by T.J.
Rabelink and E. Stroes on pp. 456-457). Circ. Res. 88:506-512.
Brennan M.L., Anderson M.M., Shih D.M., Qu X.D., Wang X., Mehta A.C., Lim L.L., Shi W., Hazen
S.L., Jacob J.S., Crowley J.R., Heinecke J.W., Lusis A.J. (2001) Increased atherosclerosis in
myeloperoxidase-deficient mice (with commentary by W.N. Nauseef on pp. 401-403). J. Clin.
Invest. 107:419-430.
Tward A., Xia Y.R., Wang X.P., Shi Y.S., Park C., Castellani L.W., Lusis A.J., Shih D.M. (2002)
Decreased atherosclerotic lesion formation in human serum paraoxonase transgenic mice.
Circulation 106:484-490.
Gargalovic P, Erbilgin A, Kohannim O, Pagnon J, Wang X, Castellani L, LeBeouf R, Peterson M, Spear
B, Lusis AJ. (2010) Quantitative trait locus mapping and identification of Zhx2 as a novel regulator
of plasma lipid metabolism. Circulation: Cardiovasc Genet. 3:60-67.
Lee S, Springstead JR, Parks B, Romanoski CE, Palvolgyi R, Ho T, Nguyen P, Lusis AJ, Berliner JA.
(2012) Metalloproteinase processing of HBEGF is a proximal event in the response of human aortic
endothelial cells to oxidized phospholipids. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 32:1246-54.
Martin LJ, Lau E, Singh H, Vergnes L, Tarling EJ, Mehrabian M, Mungrue I, Xiao S, Shih D, Castellani
L, Ping P, Reue K, Stefani E, Drake TA, Bostrom K, Lusis AJ. (2012) ABCC6 localizes to the
mitochondria-associated membrane. Circ Res. 111:516-20.
Lee S, Birukov KG, Romanoski CE, Springstead JR, Lusis AJ, Berliner JA. (2012) Role of
phospholipid oxidation products in atherosclerosis. Circ Res.111:778-99.
Koeth RA, Wang Z, Levison BS, Buffa JA, Org E, Sheehy BT, Britt EB, Fu X, Wu Y, Li L, Smith JD,
Didonato JA, Chen J, Li H, Wu GD, Lewis JD, Warrier M, Brown JM, Krauss RM, Tang WH,
Bushman FD, Lusis AJ, Hazen SL. (2013) Intestinal microbiota metabolism of l-carnitine, a nutrient
in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nat Med. 19:576-85
Genetics of complex traits (1993-2006)
With the development of genetic markers in the early 1990s, it became feasible to map genes for
complex cardiovascular and metabolic traits. We were among the first to apply this technology to both
mouse and human studies.
Lusis A.J. (1988) Genetic factors affecting blood lipoproteins: The candidate gene approach. J. Lipid
Res. 29:397-429.
Heiba I.M., DeMeester C.A., Xia Y.-R., Diep A., George V.T., Amos C.I., Srinivasan S.R., Berenson
G.S., Elston R.C., Lusis A.J. (1993) Genetic contributions to quantitative lipoprotein traits
associated with coronary artery disease: Analysis of a large pedigree from the Bogalusa Heart Study.
Am. J. Med. Genet. 47:875-883.
Warden C.W., Daluiski A., Bu X., Purcell-Huynh D.A., DeMeester C., Shieh B.-H., Puppoine D.L., Gray
R.M., Reaven G.M., Chen Y.-D. I., Rotter J.I., Lusis A.J. (1993) The apolipoprotein AII gene
determines plasma apolipoprotein AII levels and free fatty acid levels in both humans and mice.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 90:10886-10890.
Laing A.E., Amos C.I., DeMeester C., Diep A., Xia Y.-R., Elston R.C., Srinivasan S.E., Berenson G.S.,
Lusis A.J. (1994) Linkage between the apoB gene and serum apoB levels in a large pedigree from
the Bogalusa Heart Study. Genet. Epidemiol. 11:29-40.
DeMeester C.A., Bo X., Gray R.M., Lusis A.J., Rotter J.I. (1995). Genetic variation in lipoprotein(a) in
families enriched for coronary artery disease is determined almost entirely by the apolipoprotein(a)
gene locus. Am. J. Hum. Genet 57:286-293.
Warden C.H., Fisler J.S., Shoemaker S.M., Wen P-Z., Svenson K.L., Pace M.J. and Lusis A.J. (1995)
Identification of four chromosomal loci determining obesity in a multifactorial mouse model. J. Clin.
Invest. 95:1545-1552.
Purcell-Huynh D.A., Weinreb A., Castellani L.W., Mehrabian M., Doolittle M.H., Lusis A.J. (1995)
Genetic factors in lipoprotein metabolism: Analysis of a genetic cross between mouse strains
NZB/BINJ and SM/J using a complete linkage map approach. J. Clin. Invest. 96:1845-1858.
Rotter J.I., Bu X., Cantor R.M., Warden C.H., Brown J., Gray R.J., Blanche P.J., Krauss R.M., Lusis A.J.
(1996) Multilocus genetic determinants of LDL particle size in coronary artery disease families.
Am. J. Hum. Genet., 58:585-594.
Wu D-A., Bu X., Warden C.H., Shen D.C., Jeng C-Y., Sheu W.H.H., Fuh M., Katsuya T., Dzau V.J.,
Reaven G.M., Lusis A.J., Rotter J.I., Chen Y-D.I. (1996) Quantitative trait locus mapping of human
blood pressure to a genetic region at or near the lipoprotein lipase gene locus on chromosome 8. p.22.
J. Clin. Invest. 97:2111-2118.
Dallinga-Thie G.M., Trip M., Rotter J.I., Cantor R.M., Bu X., Lusis A.J., de Bruin T.W.A. (1997)
Complex genetic contribution of the apoAI-CIII-AIV gene cluster in familial combined
hyperlipidemia. Identification of different susceptibility haplotypes. J. Clin. Invest. 99:953-961.
Machleder D., Ivandic B., Welch C., Castellani L.W., Reue K., Lusis A.J. (1997) Complex genetic
control of HDL levels in mice in response to an atherogenic diet: Coordinate genetic regulation of
HDL levels and bile acid metabolism. J. Clin. Invest. 99:1406-1419.
Lembertas A.V., Perusse L., Chagnon Y.C., Fisler J.S., Warden C.H., Purcell-Huynh D.A., Dionne F.T.,
Gagnon J., Nadeaull A., Lusis A.J., Bouchard C. (1997) Identification of an obesity quantitative
trait locus on mouse chromosome 2 and evidence of linkage to body fat and insulin on the human
homologous region 20q. J. Clin. Invest. 100:1240-1247.
Fyfe A.I., Rothenberg L.S., de Beer F.C., Rotter J.I., Cantor R.M., Lusis A.J. (1997) Involvement of
serum amyloid A proteins in coronary artery disease: Evidence from two distinct arteriosclerotic
processes. Circulation 96:2914-2919.
Meiner V.L., Welch C.L., Cases S., Meyers H.M., Sande E., Lusis A.J., Farese R.V.Jr. (1998)
Adrenocortical lipid depletion gene (ald) in AKR mice is associated with an acyl-CoA:cholesterol
acyltransferase (ACAT) mutation. J. Biol. Chem. 273:1064-1069.
Castellani L.W., Weinreb A., Bodnar J., Goto A.M., Doolittle M., Mehrabian M., Demant P., Lusis A.J.
(1998) Mapping of a gene for combined hyperlipidemia using a mutant mouse strain. Nature Genet.
Mehrabian M., Wen P.-Z., Fisler J., Davis R.C., Lusis A.J. (1998) Genetic loci controlling body fat,
lipoprotein metabolism, and insulin levels in a multifactorial mouse model. J. Clin. Invest. 101:24852496.
Allayee H., Aouizerat B.E., Cantor R.M., Dallinga-Thie G.M., Krauss R.M., Lanning C.D., Rotter J.I.,
Lusis A.J., deBruin T.W.A. (1998) Families with familial combined hyperlipidemia and families
enriched for coronary artery disease share genetic determinants for the atherogenic lipoproteins
phenotype. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 63:577-585.
Aouizerat B.E., Allayee H., Cantor R.M., Davis R.C., Lanning C.D., Wen P.-Z., Dallinga-Thie G.M.,
deBruin T.W.A., Rotter J.I., Lusis A.J. (1999) A genome scan for familial combined hyperlipidemia
reveals evidence for a locus on chromosome 11. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 65:397-412.
Allayee H., Dominguez K.M., Aouizerat B.E., Krauss R.M., Rotter J.I., Lu, J. Cantor R.M., deBruin
T.W.A., Lusis A.J. (2000) Contribution of the hepatic lipase gene to the atherogenic lipoprotein
phenotype in familial combined hyperlipidemia. J. Lipid Res. 41:245-252.
Mouzeyan A., Choi J., Allayee H., Wang X., Sinsheimer J., Phan J., Castellani L., Reue K., Lusis A.J.,
Davis R.C. (2000) A locus conferring resistance to diet-induced hypercholesterolemia and
atherosclerosis on mouse chromosome 2. J. Lipid Res. 41:573-582.
Mehrabian M., Castellani L.W., Wen P-Z., Wong J., Rithaporn T., Hama S.Y., Hough G.P., Johnson D.,
Albers J.J., Mottino G.A., Frank J.S., Navab M., Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J. (2000) Genetic control
of high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels and composition in an interspecific mouse cross (CAST/Ei
x C57BL/6J). J. Lipid Res. 41:1936-1946.
Drake T.A., Schadt E., Hannani K., Kabo J.M., Krass K., Colinayo V., Greaser L.E. III, Goldin J., Lusis
A.J. (2001) Genetic loci determining bone density in mice with diet-induced atherosclerosis.
Physiol. Genomics 5:202-215.
Mehrabian M., Wong J., Wang X., Jiang Z., Shi W., Fogelman A.M., Lusis A.J. (2001) Genetic locus in
mice that blocks development of atherosclerosis despite extreme hyperlipidemia (with commentary
by A. Attie on pp. 102-103). Circ. Res. 89:125-130.
Bodnar J.S., Chatterjee A., Castellani L.W., Ross D.A., Ohmen J., Cavalcoli J., Wu C., Dains K.M.,
Catanese J., Chu M., Sheth S.S., Charugundla K., Demant P., West D.B., de Jong P., Lusis A.J.
(2002) Positional cloning of combined hyperlipidemia gene Hyplip1. Nat. Genet. 30:110-116.
Ghazalpour A, Wang X, Lusis AJ, Mehrabian M. (2006) Complex inheritance of the 5-lipoxygenase
locus influencing atherosclerosis in mice. Genetics 173:943-51.
Meng H, Vera I, Che N, Wang X, Wang SS, Ingram-Drake L, Schadt EE, Drake TA, Lusis AJ. (2007)
Identification of Abcc6 as the major causal gene for dystrophic cardiac calcification in mice through
integrative genomics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 104:4530-5.
Kim JB, Deluna A, Mungrue IN, Vu C, Pouldar D, Civelek M, Orozco L, Wu J, Wang X, Charugundla S,
Castellani LW, Rusek M, Jakobowski H, Lusis AJ. (2012) The effect of 9p21.3 coronary artery
disease locus neighboring genes on atherosclerosis in mice. Circulation 126:1896-906.
Erbilgin A, Civelek M, Romanoski CE, Pan C, Hagopian R, Berliner JA, Lusis AJ. (2013) Identification
of CAD candidate genes in GWAS loci and their expression in vascular cells. J Lipid Res. 54:1894905.
Systems genetics and complex traits (2003-present)
With the development of “omics” technologies, such as expression arrays, it became possible to
examine certain biologic scales on a global, or near global, level. Over the past decade, we have worked
to integrate such “intermediate phenotypes” with genetics to attempt to better understand pathways and
interactions in complex disease. We were among the first to map the genetics of gene expression
(expression quantitative trait loci, or eQTL) and to model biologic networks with such data.
Davis R.C., Schadt E.E., Cervino A.C., Peterfy M., Lusis A.J. (2005) Ultrafine mapping of SNPs from
mouse strains C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and C57BLKS/J for loci contributing to diabetes and
atherosclerosis susceptibility. Diabetes 54:1191-1199.
Doss S., Schadt E.E., Drake T.A., Lusis A.J. (2005) Cis-acting expression quantitative trait loci in mice.
Genome Res. 15:681-91.
Schadt E.E., Lamb J., Yang X., Zhu J., Edwards S., Guhathakurta D., Sieberts S.K., Monks S,. Reitman
M., Zhang C., Lum P.Y., Leonardson A., Thieringer R., Metzger J.M., Yang L., Castle J., Zhu H.,
Kash S.F., Drake T.A., Sachs A., Lusis A.J. (2005) An integrative genomics approach to infer
causal associations between gene expression and disease. Nat. Genet. 37:710-717. (Top ten list for
breakthrough of the year, 2005, as determined by Science editorial staff, featured in Dec. 23, 2005,
issue of Science).
Wang S., Yehya N., Schadt E.E., Wang H., Drake T.A., Lusis A.J. (2006) Genetic and genomic analysis
of a fat mass trait with complex inheritance reveals marked sex specificity. PLoS Genet. 2:e15.
395. Yang X, Schadt EE, Wang S, Wang H, Arnold AP, Ingram-Drake L, Drake TA, Lusis AJ. (2006)
Tissue-specific expression and regulation of sexually dimorphic genes in mice. Genome Res.
Gargalovic PS, Imura M, Zhang B, Gharavi NM, Clark MJ, Pagnon J, Yang W-P, Truong A, Patel S,
Nelson SF, Horvath S, Berliner JA, Kirchgessner TG, Lusis AJ. (2006) Identification of
inflammatory gene modules based on variations of human endothelial cell responses to oxidized
lipids.. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 103:12741-6.
Gargalovic PS, Gharavi NM, Clark MJ, Pagnon J, Yang WP, He A, Truong A, Baruch-Oren T, Berliner
JA, Kirchgessner TG, Lusis AJ. (2006) The unfolded protein response is an important regulator of
inflammatory genes in endothelial cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 26:2490-6.
Wang SS, Schadt EE, Wang H, Wang X, Ingram-Drake L, Shi W, Drake TA, Lusis AJ. (2007)
Identification of pathways for atherosclerosis in mice: integration of quantitative trait locus analysis
and global gene expression data. Circ Res. 101:e11-30.
Aten JE, Fuller TF, Lusis AJ, Horvath S. (2008) Using genetic markers to orient the edges in
quantitative trait networks: the NEO software. BMC Syst Biol. 2:34.
Ghazalpour A, Doss S, Kang H, Farber C, Wen PZ, Brozell A, Castellanos R, Eskin E, Smith DJ, Drake
TA, Lusis AJ. (2008) High-resolution mapping of gene expression using association in an outbred
mouse stock. PLoS Genet. 4:e1000149.
Farber CR, van Nas A, Ghazalpour A, Aten JE, Doss S, Sos B, Schadt EE, Ingram-Drake L, Davis RC,
Horvath S, Smith DJ, Drake TA, Lusis AJ. (2009) An integrative genetics approach to identify
candidate genes regulating bone density: combining linkage, gene expression and association. J
Bone Miner Res. 24:105-16
Yang X, Deignan JL, Qi H, Zhu J, Qian S, Zhong J, Torosyan G, Majid S, Falkard B, Kleinhanz RR,
Karlsson J, Castellani LW, Mumick S, Wang K, Xie T, Coon M, Zhang C, Estrada-Smith D, Farber
CR, Wang SS, van Nas A, Ghazalpour A, Zhang B, Macneil DJ, Lamb JR, Dipple KM, Reitman ML,
Mehrabian M, Lum PY, Schadt EE, Lusis AJ, Drake TA. (2009) Validation of candidate causal
genes for obesity that affect shared metabolic pathways and networks. Nat Genet. 41:415-23.
Orozco LD, Cokus SJ, Ghazalpour A, Ingram-Drake L, Wang S, van Nas A, Che N, Araujo JA, Pellegrini
M, Lusis AJ. (2009) Copy number variation influences gene expression and metabolic traits in
mice. Hum Mol Genet. 18:4118-29.
Lusis AJ, Weiss JN. (2010) Cardiovascular networks: systems-based approaches to cardiovascular
disease. Circulation. 121:157-70.
Romanoski CE, Lee S, Kim MJ, Ingram-Drake L, Plaisier CL, Yordanova R, Tilford C, Guan B, He A,
Gargalovic PS, Kirchgessner TG, Berliner JA, Lusis AJ. (2010) Systems genetics analysis of geneby-environment interactions in human cells. Am J Hum Genet. 86:399-410.
Wang Z, Klipfell E, Bennett BJ, Koeth R, Levison BS, Dugar B, Feldstein AE, Britt EB, Fu X, Chung
YM, Wu Y, Schauer P, Smith JD, Allayee H, Tang WH, DiDonato JA, Lusis AJ, Hazen SL. (2011)
Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease. Nature. 472:57-63.
Romanoski CE, Che N, Yin F, Mai N, Pouldar D, Civelek M, Pan C, Lee S, Vakili L, Yang WP, Kayne
P, Mungrue IN, Araujo JA, Berliner JA, Lusis AJ. (2011) Network for activation of human
endothelial cells by oxidized phospholipids: A critical role of heme oxygenase 1. Circ. Res.
Orozco LD, Bennett BJ, Farber CR, Ghazalpour A, Pan A, Che N, Wen P, Qi, HX, Mutukulu A, Siemers
N, Neuhaus I, Yordanova R, Gargalovic P, Pelligrini M, Kirchgessner T, Lusis AJ. (2012)
Unraveling inflammatory responses using systems genetics and gene-environment interactions in
macrophages. Cell 151:658-70.
Lagarrigue S, Hormozdiari F, Martin LJ, Lecerf F, Hasin Y, Rau C, Hagopian R, Xiao Y, Yan J, Drake
TA, Ghazalpour A, Eskin E, Lusis AJ. (2013) Limited RNA editing in exons of mouse liver and
adipose. Genetics 193:1107-15.
Civelek M, Hagopian R, Pan C, Che N, Yang WP, Kayne P, Saleem NK, Cederberg H, Kuusisto J,
Gargalovic P, Kirchgessner T, Laakso M, Lusis AJ. (2013) Genetic regulation of human adipose
microRNA expression and its consequences for metabolic traits. Hum Mol Genet. 22:3023-37.
van Nas A, Pan C, Ingram-Drake LA, Ghazalpour A, Drake TA, Sobel EM, Papp JC, Lusis AJ. (2013)
The systems genetics resource: a web application to mine global data for complex disease traits.
Front Genet. 4:84.
Erbilgin A, Siemers N, Kayne P, Yang WP, Berliner J, Lusis AJ. (2013) Gene expression analyses of
mouse aortic endothelium in response to atherogenic stimuli. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.
The Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel (HMDP), a new tool for sytems analysis of complex traits.
The HMDP consists of about 100 common and recombinant inbred strains which have been
entirely sequenced or densely genotyped. The HMDP strains are commercially available and, thus, can
be assayed for multiple phenotypes by different laboratories, providing cumulative biological insights.
This, of course, is ideal for a systems genetics approach, since multiple “intermediate phenotypes” such
as transcript levels, protein levels, and metabolite levels, can be assayed in genetically identical animals
and then integrated. The HMDP also has two additional very important advantages. First, the mapping
resolution in the HMDP, which involves association, is much better, by at least an order of magnitude,
than classical linkage analysis. Second, the HMDP is ideal for examining gene-by-environment
interactions, since genetically identical animals can be examined before and after a particular
environmental perturbation.
Bennett B, Farber CR, Orozco L, Kang HM, Ghazalpour A, Siemers N, Neubauer M, Neuhaus I,
Yordanova R, Guan B, Truong A, Yang W, He A, Kayne P, Gargalovic P, Kirchgessner T, Pan C,
Castellani L, Kostem E, Furlotte N, Drake TA, Eskin E, Lusis AJ. (2010) A high resolution
association mapping panel for the dissection of complex traits in mice. Genome Res. 20:281-290.
Farber CR, Bennett BJ, Orozco L, Zou W, Lira A, Kostem E, Kang HM, Furlotte N, Berberyan A,
Ghazalpour A, Suwanwela J, Drake TA, Eskin E, Wang QT, Teitelbaum SL, Lusis AJ. (2011)
Mouse genome-wide association and systems genetics identify Asxl2 as a regulator of bone mineral
density and osteoclastogenesis. PLoS Genet. 7:e1002038.
Ghazalpour A, Bennett B, Petyuk VA, Orozco L, Hagopian R, Mungrue IN, Farber CR, Sinsheimer J,
Kang HM, Furlotte N, Park CC, Wen PZ, Brewer H, Weitz K, Camp DG 2nd, Pan C, Yordanova R,
Neuhaus I, Tilford C, Siemers N, Gargalovic P, Eskin E, Kirchgessner T, Smith DJ, Smith RD, Lusis
AJ. (2011) Comparative analysis of proteome and transcriptome variation in mouse. PLoS Genet.
Furlotte NA, Kang EY, van Nas A, Farber CR, Lusis AJ, Eskin E. (2012) Increasing association
mapping power and resolution in mouse genetic studies through the use of meta-analysis for
structured populations. Genetics 191:959-967.
Bennett BJ, Orozco L, Kostem E, Erbilgin A, Dallinga M, Neuhaus I, Guan B, Wang X, Eskin E, Lusis
AJ. (2012) High-resolution association mapping of atherosclerosis loci in mice. Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol. 32:1790-8.
Bennett BJ, Vallim TQ, Wang Z, Shih DM, Meng Y, Gregory J, Allayee H, Lee R, Graham M, Crooke
R, Edwards PA, Hazen S, Lusis AJ. (2013) Genetic and dietary regulation of FMO3 and
trimethylamine-N-oxide, a metabolite associated with atherosclerosis. Cell Metab. 17:49-60.
Parks BW, Nam E, Org E, Kostem E, Norheim F, Hui ST, Pan C, Civelek M, Rau CD, Bennett BJ,
Mehrabian M, Ursell LK, He A, Castellani LW, Zinker B, Kirby M, Drake TA, Drevon CA, Knight
R, Gargalovic P, Kirchgessner T, Eskin E, Lusis AJ. (2013) Genetic control of obesity and gut
microbiota composition in response to high-fat, high-sucrose diet in mice. Cell Metab. 17:141-52.
Lagarrigue S, Martin L, Hormozdiari F, Roux PF, Pan C, van Nas A, Demeure O, Cantor R, Ghazalpour
A, Eskin E, Lusis AJ. (2013) Analysis of allele-specific expression in mouse liver by RNA-Seq: A
comparison with cis-eQTL identified using genetic linkage. Genetics 195:1157-66.
Kang EY, Han B, Furlotte N, Joo JW, Shih D, Davis RC, Lusis AJ, Eskin E. Meta-analysis identifies
gene-by-environment interactions as demonstrated in a study of 4,965 mice. (2014) PLoS Genet.
Orozco LD, Rubbi L, Martin LJ, Fang F, Hormozdiari F, Che N, Smith AD, Lusis AJ, Pellegrini M.
Intergenerational genomic DNA methylation patterns in mouse hybrid strains. Genome Biol. 5:R68.
Feb. 1, 2007
Mar. 21, 2007
Department of Pediatrics, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Los Angeles, CA (Leslie
Raffel, host)
Apr. 18-21,
Apr. 28-May 1,
Invited speaker. University of California graduate program. San Francisco, CA (H.
Bernstein, host)
Invited speaker. Univ. of Rochester, Cardiovascular Research Institute. Rochester,
NY (S. Korshunov, host)
Plenary speaker. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Meeting.
Chicago, IL
Plenary speaker. Blood Vessel Club, at FASEB Annual Meeting. Washington, DC
(Gary Owens, organizer)
Jun. 18-21,
Gordon Conference on Atherosclerosis. Il Ciocco, Italy (C. Glass and M. Rosenfeld,
Apr. 3-4, 2007
Sept. 7, 2007
Sept. 16-19,
Oct. 4-7, 2007
Oct. 17, 2007
Invited speaker. King-Harbor. Los Angeles, CA (R. Tripathi, host)
Plenary speaker. Bioactive Lipids Conference. Montreal, Canada.
Nov. 8, 2007
Nov. 14, 2007
Feb. 7-8, 2008
June 1-5, 2008
Univ. Indiana, NIH Pharmacogenetics Network. Indianapolis, IN.
Univ. Washington. Seattle, WA (Gail Jarvik, host)
Univ. of North Carolina. Raleigh, NC (Daniel Pomp, host)
Plenary talk. International Vascular Biology Meeting. Sydney, Australia.
June 11-14,
June 22-27,
July 20-25,
Aug. 5-7, 2008
Annual Scandinavian Atherosclerosis Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark (Ruth
Frikke-Schmidt, organizer)
Gordon Research Conference on Lipids. Waterville Valley, New Hampshire (Rob
Hegele and Murray Hoff, organizers)
FASEB Meeting on Molecular Nutrition. Carefree, AZ (Todd Leff, organizer)
Invited speaker. Drugs and Lipid Metabolism. New York, NY.
University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA (D. Radar, host)
North American Vascular Biology Society Summer Course. Seattle, WA (S. Schwartz,
Aug. 6, 2008
Aug. 7, 2008
Univ. Cuernavaca Genome Institute. Cuernavaca, Mexico (T. Tusie-Luna, host)
Univ. of Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico (Carlos Aguilar-Salinas, host)
Sept. 7-10,
Sept. 23-27,
Plenary speaker. European Lipoprotein Club Plenary speaker. Tutzingen, Germany
Nov. 8-12,
April 18, 2009
April 22, 2009
May 4, 2009
Keystone Meeting on Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease. Breckenridge, CO
American Heart Association, George Lyman Duff Lecture. New Orleans, LA
North American Vascular Biology Organization, Benditt Award Lecture. New Orleans,
Arthur C. Fox Visiting Professor Lecture. New York University (E. Fisher, host)
Invited lecture. Merck Cardiovascular Advisory Board Lecture, New York (Andrew
Plump, host)
May 6-7, 2009
Invited lecture. Lipid Maps Invited Lecture. Univ. California, San Diego (E. Dennis,
June 15-18,
Sept. 3-4, 2009
Sept. 14-16,
Plenary lecture. International Atherosclerosis Symposium, Boston, MA
Sept. 16-18,
Sept. 26, 2009
Rubenstein Lecture at Canadian Lipoprotein Club, Windsor, Canada
Oct. 1-2, 2009
Systems Genetics Symposium, Groningen, Holland (R. Jensen, organizer)
Nov. 17, 2009
Dec. 11, 2009
April 11, 2010
May 19, 2010
May 26-27,
June 7-8, 2010
Invited lecture. American Heart Association Meeting, Orlando, FL
Plenary lecture. XVI Lipid Meeting, Lepzig, Germany
American Heart Association – ATVB Distinguished Lecture, San Francisco, CA
Invited lecture. Dept. of Human Genetics, U. Chicago (A. Palmer, host)
Invited lecture. Wenner-Gren Foundation International Symposium, “Inflammation in
Atherosclerosis”, Stockholm, Sweden (G. Hansson, organizer)
Invited lecture. British Atherosclerosis Society Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK (M.
Mayr, organizer)
Cardiology Grand Rounds, University of California, Irvine, CA
Invited lecture. American Heart Association, Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Meeting.
Rancho Mirage, CA.
June 17, 2010
June 19-21,
June 21, 2010
Oct. 11-14,
Nov. 8-10,
Dec. 7-8, 2010
Dec. 13, 2010
Dec. 17, 2010
Jan. 6, 2011
NIH Workshop (“Genes to Function in Lung Disease”), Co-organizer, Bethesda, MD
Invited lecture. North American Vascular Biology Workshop on Genomics and
Genetics. Cape Cod, Mass. Sesson chair, lecturer (D. Marchuk, organizer)
Invited lecture. Burroughs-Wellcome Training Program in Metabolic Disease
Symposium, UCLA
Invited lecture. International Vascular Biology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (L. IruelaArispe, organizer)
Plenary lecture. 11th International Conference on Systems Biology, Edinburgh, UK.
Robert Reneman Lecture. University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Invited lecture. Cardiovascular Biology Conference, Cancun, Mexico (Garry Owens,
Invited lecture. Diabetes Center (DERC) Patent, Los Angeles, CA (Jerry Olefsky,
Invited lecture. Univ. of Texas, Houston (Tom Caskey, host)
Mar. 1-4, 2011
Mar. 24, 2011
Invited lecture. NHLBI Proteomics Center Symposium, Los Angeles, CA (P. Ping,
Invited lecture. Deuel Lipid Conference, Sonoma, CA
Invited lecture, Univ. Wisconsin, Dept. Nutrition (Rick Eisenstein, host)
Apr. 20, 2011
Invited lecture, Univ. California, Berkeley (Ron Krauss, host)
Apr. 26, 2011
May 22-25,
Invited lecture. Univ. of Kentucky, Dept. of Microbiology (Brett Spear, host)
Invited lecture. Steenbock Symposium, Univ. of Wisconsin (James Ntambi, organizer)
July 19, 2011
Aug. 12, 2011
Invited lecture. LNE Mini Course. UCLA (Art Arnold, organizer)
Amgen Scholars lecture, UCLA
Oct. 20, 2011
Invited lecture. University of California, San Diego (J. Esko, host)
Oct. 27, 2011
Invited lecture. Annual CHARGE Consortium speaker. Redondo Beach, CA (J.
Rotter, organizer)
Invited speaker. American Heart Association Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL
Invited speaker. XVII Lipid Meeting. Leipzig, Germany
Nov. 12, 2011
Dec. 9, 2011
Jan. 29, 2012
Feb. 11, 2012
Keynote lecture. Keystone Meeting on Obesity and Diabetes. Santa Fe, New Mexico
Keynote lecture. Physiologic Sciences Graduate Student Retreat. Dodger Stadium,
Los Angeles
Feb. 22, 2012
Invited lecture. Institute of Systems Biology. Seattle, WA (J. Nadeau, host)
Apr. 9, 2012
Invited lecture. University of Virginia. Center for Public Health Genomics.
Charlottesville, VA (C. Farber, host)
Invited lecture: Experimental Biology 2012. San Diego, CA (T. Vondriska,
symposium organizer)
Apr. 21-25,
Apr. 25, 2012
May 24-25,
June 7-9, 2012
June 12, 2012
July 12-15,
July 22-24,
Aug. 28-Sept.
1, 2012
Oct. 14-18,
Oct. 20, 2012
Invited lecture. University of California, Berkeley. Dept. of Nutrition (A. Stahl, host)
Invited lecture. DERC meeting (“Genetics and Genomics of Diabetes), University of
Washington, Seattle (R. LeBoeuf, host)
Invited speaker. Gene Forum, Tartu, Estonia (A. Matspalu, host)
Invited lecture. Biomedical and Resarch Center, Riga, Latvia (Janis Klovins, host)
Organizer. Kern Lipid Conference (Systems Biology, Lipidomics, and
Cardiometabolic Disease)
Invited speaker. American Heart Association, BCVS. New Orleans, LA
Invited speaker. Nutrition and Genomics Organization. Helsinki, Finland
Invited speaker. North American Vascular Biology Organization. Monterey, CA
Nov. 5, 2012
Invited speaker. Rui Jin International Endocrine Symposium Translational Medicine.
Shanghai, China (Ning Guang, host)
Invited lecture. UCLA Heart Failure Symposium, Los Angeles, CA (Thomas
Vondriska, organizer)
Invited lecture. American Heart Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
Nov. 6, 2012
Plenary lecture. American Heart Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA
Nov. 3, 2012
April 24, 2013
April 25, 2013
Invited lecture. Amgen, San Francisco (Arif Khakoo, host)
Invited lecture. House Ear Institute, Los Angeles (Rick Friedman, host)
May 28-31,
Invited discussant. Complex Trait Consortium. Madison, WI
June 6, 2013
Invited lecture. ICAN Institute for Cardiovascular Medicine. Paris, France (David
Tregouet, host)
June 23-25,
Sept. 26, 2013
Invited speaker. American Diabetes Association. Chicago, IL.
Oct. 15, 2013
Invited lecture. University of Alabama, Birmingham. Nutrition Obesity Research
Center (David Allison, host)
Invited lecture. University of Southern California, Research Center for Liver Diseases
(Neil Kaplowitz, host)
Nov. 8, 2013
Invited speaker. Finnish Centre of Excellence in Cardiovascular Diseases and Type 2
Diabetes Research Biocenter Research Symposium. Kuopio, Finland.
Nov. 18, 2013
Nov. 21, 2013
Invited lecture. Tufts Medical Center, Boston (Andrew Greenberg, host)
Invited lecture. City of Hope Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA (Rama Natarajan,
Invited lecture. Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center Annual Meeting.
Dec. 9, 2013
Mar. 12-15,
Mar. 31, 2014
Invited lecture. 14th Annual Rachmiel Levine Diabetes and Obesity Symposium. City
of Hope, CA
Invited lecture. Univ. of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles,
April 8, 2014
NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers Meeting (Frank Gilliland, host),
Los Angeles, CA
May 9-11, 2014
May 17-23.
Invited lecture. The 6th Rui-Jin International Endocrine Symposium, Shanghai, China
Invited lecture. Systems Genetics and Evolution of Nonhuman Model Organisms.
Ascona, Switzerland
Invited lecture. Gordon Research Conference in Lipoprotein Metabolism. Watervilley
Valley, New Hampshire.
Invited lecture. NIH workshop on host-microbiota interactions. Washington, DC
Invited lecture. Genome Institute of Singapore. Singapore (Roger Foo, host)
June 15-20,
Sept. 9-10, 2014
Sept. 19-20,
Sept. 25-16,
Nov. 1-3, 2014
Plenary lecture. British Atheroscleosis Society. Cambridge, UK
Cell Symposium on Systems Biology of Metabolism. Chicago, IL