General Instructor Responsibilities

It is expected that all PAC classes will be conducted in an efficient, effective, and
professional manner as expected of all classes in an institution of higher education. It is
expected that all PAC instructors be conscientious, competent, and dedicated individuals.
In addition, it is expected that instructors exhibit enthusiasm and interest in their areas of
expertise. It is hoped that all PAC staff are committed to a healthy lifestyle and are
ambassadors for the Program.
Meeting Classes: Students have paid for a certain number of class sessions. The
instructor must see that students have opportunities for instruction in that number of
sessions. Generally this means that class meets every scheduled time, i.e. instructors
are not to call off class except for extenuating circumstances. It is also necessary that
an instructor be present at every class session. The instructor is liable for the class and
must remember this should on occasion arise where the instructor must leave the class for
an unexpected reason. It is expected that instructors will begin class on time, be
prepared, will hold the class the allotted time, and will conclude class on time.
It the essence of life long participation we want to help participants become independent
in their physical activity participation. It is encouraged to create 1-2 out of class
assignments (where applicable) during the term of the class. These out of class
assignments must be planned and prepared. However, they may be implemented during
instructor sickness and leave, or during scheduled times off in the academic calendar.
Instructor Absences: If an illness or injury prevents the instructor from meeting a class,
the procedure is to attempt to get a substitute if time allows. The instructor must call the
PAC Office and talk directly with the office manager or director. If neither is available,
voice mail message are to be left at both numbers, 737-3222 and 737-6811. The
instructor must call back later to confirm that the message was received. If the absence is
due to a job related conference or other matters pertaining to career/profession, the Off
Campus form must be completed at least three weeks in advance. The form requires
information on how a class will be covered during the absence. It is the instructor’s
responsibility to make these arrangements. The form is returned to the director. If the
instructor has responsibilities with other department units, the form will be passed to the
directors of these units. A copy is kept on file when permission is granted. Technically,
there is no provision for personal leave in the contracts of PAC instructors. It is expected
that personal travel or responsibilities will be managed without missing classes. Unusual
absences are to be discussed with the director prior to finalizing plans for travel.
Acceptable Substitute: Liability dictates that a qualified person teaches the class.
Qualifications to teach include a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, certification in CPR,
AED, and First Aid., teaching experience in the subject, and a high knowledge of the
content area. The substitute instructor must be aware of risk management procedures and
familiar with the teaching environment. The first choice for a substitute is another PAC
instructor. The second choice is a FSF/HHS instructor, Faculty & Staff Fitness and
Lifetime Health and Fitness. Other choices for substitutes must be discussed with the
director. If the best available substitute is not an OSU employee, a volunteer form must
be completed and on file in the PAC office. Additional time will need to be spent with
volunteers to assure that they are familiar with safety and emergency procedures. The
lead instructor is in charge of their curriculum and if curriculum is covered then no leave
need be taken. It is recommended that substitutes be appropriately thanked and the favor
returned if an opportunity arises. Lead instructors are left to determine how to
appropriately thank substitutes. Monetary gifts are fine, but we do not outsource our
curriculum so any monetary gifts are identified as gifts for assistance not teaching your
Alternatives to Canceling Class: Here is some options should a qualified substitute not
be available to cover class:
1) Reschedule the class for a day and time when students are available to attend. This
might be during Final’s Week. Attendance must be optional as some students may not
be able to attend.
2) If appropriate an outside related assignment can substitute. This is most appropriate if
the activity is part of the assessment process determined at the start of the term. As an
example, in Pickleball, students play or practice, usually at Dixon Recreation Center, and
document this experience. Playing outside of class is a requirement for the class anyway.
3) Instructors may require videos/community lectures/workshops when there is no cost to
participants. However, these need to be flexible if required, not all students will be able
to attend outside class assignments at fixed times.
Conflicts with Assigned Classes: Instructors are given opportunities to give input as to
the classes they will be assigned to teach. This process takes place well in advance of the
term; therefore, it is necessary that PAC instructors be aware of their schedules for the
upcoming term. GTAs may need to call departments and find assigned times for
intended classes. During the week prior to the opening of registration, each instructor
will receive an email indicating his/her teaching assignment. He/she will be asked to
check the on-line schedule for accuracy. It is not good business to cancel or change class
times once registration begins. Every effort must be made to resolve conflicts prior to the
opening of registration. Once registration begins, if a conflict arises, the responsibility
for changing an assignment falls first on the instructor. The instructor will notify the
director as soon as the conflict is discovered. If the only alternative is to cancel a course,
the involved GTA or faculty member may incur a reduced FTE.
Changes in Class Time or Location During the Term: Should a change in the regularly
scheduled time or place need to be made during the term, there are a variety of means for
communicating with students. Instructors must establish a method and put this on the
course outline. There is a dry erase board and a bulletin board outside the PAC office;
the chalk board at the entrance to WB is for PAC. Individual signs can be made.
Notification can be given via Blackboard and/or a recorded phone message. Other
arrangements can be made as long as students are informed. If a change in class location
involves a different campus location, the instructor must make prior arrangements with
the staff member in the college who is responsible for facilities. Currently this is the
responsibility of Drew Ibarra and Jennifer Britt. When changes in aquatic classes are
necessary the lifeguard and/or the lifeguard supervisor must be informed as soon as
Scheduled Time in the Office: Faculty with less than .5 FTE are to make themselves
available to meet with students either scheduled by appointment or office hours. It is
recommended that part time instructors schedule 15 minutes per class taught, up to a
maximum of 2 hours per week. Each instructor must post his/her schedule on the Canvas
Bio Page.
Promotion of the Program: In order for the PAC Program to be successful, it must be
promoted. It is the responsibility of all instructors within the Program to assist in the
promotion of classes. The best method of promotion is providing a quality product.
Beyond that, instructors are to remind students when registration begins and recommend
classes appropriate to the interests of the students. In addition, instructors may be asked
to help distribute fliers, talk with campus groups, or assist with PAC promotional events.
Suggestions for additional promotional ideas may be forwarded to the director.
Dress for Class: It is expected that instructors will dress appropriately for the class
activity. Dress should be representative, in good taste, and professional. We serve as
role models and must be mindful of the dress we present, keeping in mind to be
approachable and to show activity can be done at all shapes and sizes.
Instructor Injury: Should an instructor get injured while teaching a class or doing any
work related responsibilities on campus, the workman’s compensation insurance may
cover some expenses. The injury must be reported to the PAC director immediately.
Also, the university accident form for faculty and staff must to be completed
immediately. Questions can be directed to the Health Science Business Center in Snell
4th floor, to the director of PAC, and/or to the SAIF office in Kerr Administration
Building. If it is an emergency situation, the PAC office must be contacted immediately.
Even if it is not an emergency, the director must be notified within 24 hours. If possible
substitute instructors should to be contacted to cover classes if the employee cannot
continue. There are very specific guidelines outlined by the SAIF office. If the injury
does fall under the guidelines for Workman’s Compensation, the doctor and the SAIF
Office will determine when the instructor may return to work, either fully or with a
restricted workload. In all circumstances the employee should be careful about returning
to activity and make every effort to avoid further injury.
Rev. 9/11