(January 2009) GUIDELINES FOR POLICY 802.01: STUDENT ASSESSMENT 1. Purpose The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students in their pursuit of meaningful educational programs that will help them fulfill their personal and educational goals. Academic achievement is directly related to the quality and amount of academic assessment and proper course placement students receive prior to enrollment and during their college careers. The Alabama Community College System has a collective commitment to provide opportunities for a successful experience for students. 2. Procedures Services to individual students should include providing accurate information; assisting students in realizing academic capabilities, and in developing an educational plan consistent with their personal and educational goals and objectives; and when appropriate, making referrals to other institutional or community support services. Services to the institution should include providing information to the institution or academic department about students and their educational needs, successes, aspirations, and problems in order to strengthen programs and services. Each institution will identify delivery methods appropriate to its individual needs. 3. Minimum Placement Cut Scores A. To ensure consistency of assessment and student placement within The Alabama Community College System, all institutions shall adhere to the prescribed minimum placement scores derived from using either the COMPASS or ASSET assessment instruments. COMPASS Reading 65 ASSET Reading 36 COMPASS Writing 62 45 38 ASSET Writing 42 39 38 COMPASS Pre-Algebra ASSET Numerical Skills 38 38 36 36 Placement Exempt from Reading Placement ENG 101 English Composition ENG 131 Applied Writing COM 100 Introductory Technical English I Placement MAH 101 Introductory Mathematics I MTH 116 Mathematical Applications (January 2009) COMPASS Algebra 28 ASSET Elementary Algebra 37 28 37 COMPASS Algebra ASSET Intermediate Algebra 46 63 Placement MTH 103 Introduction to Technical Mathematics MTH 100 Intermediate College Algebra Placement MTH 110 or 112 Finite Math or PreCalculus Students scoring below 65 (COMPASS) or 36 (Asset) on the reading subtest must take developmental reading within the first two semesters of enrollment as a corequisite to college-level courses. This requirement ensures that students are adequately prepared to read college-level textbooks, and thus be successful learners. All cut scores are minimums. Institutions are strongly urged to periodically review data received from ACT Research Services, DAX system, and statistically-validated institutional research to determine the accuracy of placement decisions. If research indicates the need for higher scores, institutions are encouraged to raise cut scores. 4. B. Cut scores determine placement in college-level courses. System institutions have autonomy in recommending the developmental tier in which a student is placed depending upon the structure of developmental programs and the use of additional local diagnostic instruments. For example, placement into ENG 092 or ENG 093 may be determined based on a writing sample or additional prescriptive instruments such as TABE. C. Students who wish to challenge placement results may re-test one time only within a three-year period. D. Assessment scores will be valid for three years from the date of the original or retest assessment. E. Institutions will charge a one-time fee of $8 for re-testing. Exemptions Any student scoring 470 or above on the SAT Writing or 20 or above on the ACT English within three years of enrollment is exempt from the English assessment requirement. (January 2009) Any student scoring 470 or above on the SAT Reading or 20 or above on the ACT Reading within three years of enrollment is exempt from the reading assessment requirement. Any student scoring 470 or above on the SAT Math or 20 or above on the ACT Math within three years of enrollment is exempt from the math assessment requirement. 5. Individualized Education Plans (IEP) A. All students who are placed into developmental courses shall be provided individual education plans as part of their educational programs. Each student’s plan should be tailored to his or her individual needs. For example, a student who has been absent from formal education for several years and who places into developmental mathematics may need only a refresher program, while a student entering college on the basis of a GED may have a void of several key mathematical concepts. Each student has somewhat different educational needs, hence the requirement for an individualized education plan based on those needs and identified deficiencies. Likewise, every institution has variable resources for meeting the needs of at-risk students. B. The IEP should be developed in concert with the student, and the student should be provided a written copy. C. The IEP should form the basis for the developmental student’s degree plan and must include at a minimum the developmental courses required for the student. The IEP may also include very specific information, possibly computer generated, that specifies chapters or modules of text-based or computer-based instruction if the student is in an individualized, computer-assisted instruction program. D. The IEP should be based on the needs of the student, as determined by formal assessment. E. Ideally, the IEP should be developed by a team of educators whose members represent various viewpoints and areas of expertise and include the student’s input. F. To the extent institution resources permit, the IEP should define: (a) where additional services to help the student can be located, the contact people and hours of operation; (b) explanations of requirements for successful completion of the program, and (c) other information deemed valuable to the student’s educational success. (January 2009) 6. Evaluation Process A. Individual Institution Analysis 1. Each individual institution shall conduct a periodic review to determine the accuracy of placement scores. Each institution shall collect and analyze the following data to determine the success of students in developmental programs compared to the regular institution population. a. Grades and grade point averages of those who completed developmental coursework; b. Year-to-year and term-to-term retention rates of developmental students; c. Grades in follow-up courses; d. Course completion rates; e. Number of students placed in developmental courses, the number who completed developmental courses, the number who continued to the next level, and the number who completed the next level. The population should be limited to students who transitioned immediately to college-level courses. B. System Analysis The Alabama Community College System shall utilize the research services offered through ACT annually for validation of current minimum cut scores based on the predicted accuracy in placement rates and student success rates. A committee will review the data, and an annual System report shall be submitted to the Chancellor analyzing the policy’s effectiveness by noting the number of students assessed, their placement scores, and their success in developmental and college-level courses. (January 2009) APPENDIX A To: Division of Instructional and Student Services From: College Re: Submission of Assessment and Placement Data to ACT for the Spring, and Summer Term Fall, I, the undersigned official of the above-referenced college hereby certify that the assessment and placement data was submitted to ACT during the terms referenced above, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the data submitted is accurate. President Date