Central Alabama Chapter Important Meeting Information! Central Alabama Society of Pediatric Nurses (CA-SPN) is pleased to announce our 1st meeting will be held Tuesday, September 29, 2009, at 1:00 pm, in the Surgery Commons (3rd floor ACC) at Children’s Hospital. This meeting will feature important information concerning chapter membership, objectives, and upcoming events. CA-SPN welcomes ALL nurses regardless of employment status or nursing degree. SPN is a broad-based pediatric nursing organization founded for all nurses involved in the care of children and families. Society members include staff nurses, school and outpatient nurses, clinical nurse specialists, practitioners, administrators, educators and researchers. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Jamelle Maxwell at jamelle.maxwell@chsys.org. We look forward to seeing you at our first meeting where we hope to stimulate your mind and spark new interest in the wonderful world of Pediatric Nursing. Jamelle Maxwell Jamelle Maxwell, RN, MSN, CPN Central Alabama SPN -President jamelle.maxwell@chsys.org 205-939-9969