Code of Practice FIRST AID 1. INTRODUCTION 1. The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 place responsibilities on employers to ensure that there is adequate first aid provision for employees who may become ill or are injured at work. 2. When people at work, or visiting places of work, suffer injury or fall ill, it is important that they receive immediate attention and, in serious cases, that an ambulance is called. First aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. This Code covers the arrangements that the Agency aims to have in place to ensure this happens, i.e. initial management of an illness or injury suffered at work. It does not include giving tablets or medicines to treat illness. 3. Account has been taken of the Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice entitled ‘First Aid at Work’. 4. First aid provision (including the ratio of first aid personnel) depends on many factors such as distribution of employees in the premises; size and location of premises; the nature of the work; hazards workers might be exposed to; work patterns; distance from medical services; off-site work; and travel outside work. 5. This Code of Practice has been developed under the Agency’s Health and Safety Policy and has the same authority as that policy. It sets out the Agency’s minimum standard guidelines on how to manage the provision of first aid. Local management may decide on more appropriate provision above these standards where required to meet identified local needs. 6. Should employees have any concerns about the provision of first aid within the Agency they should inform the Health and Safety Officer to enable an investigation and implementation of any necessary actions 2. AIMS 1. To develop a proactive management response to the provision of appropriate first aid provision to the Agency’s employees while at work. 2. To ensure compliance with legislative requirements. To ensure consistency in the standards of good practice within the Agency. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES Notwithstanding the health and safety responsibilities outlined within Section 2 of the Health and Safety Policy the following specific responsibilities apply with regard to first aid provision. 1. Chief Executive, Directors and Senior Managers A. To ensure that suitable first aid facilities and equipment are available to the workforce. B. To ensure that adequate numbers of first aid personnel are identified and able to receive appropriate training to competently carry out their duties. 2. Line Managers/Supervisors Managers/Supervisors are responsible on a day to day basis for ensuring the implementation of this Code for the staff within their control. In particular they must: A. Familiarise themselves with the content of this Code, and actively inform staff. B. Ensure that local arrangements are in place to inform staff of the location of first aid equipment, personnel and facilities, so that staff are familiar with the first aid procedure and know how to call on first aid assistance. C. Ensure that new employees are actively shown the location of first aid equipment, personnel and facilities when they first join the Agency. This should always form part of the local induction training to new employees. D. In the absence of first aid assistance make a decision to refer the injured or ill person appropriately to an Accident and Emergency Unit or General Practitioner, or send them home. 3. Employees Employees have personal responsibilities to ensure the effectiveness of any first aid provision. In particular they must: A. Ensure that they inform their line manager should they become injured or ill while at work and require first aid assistance. 4. First Aid Personnel (See also Circular attached as Appendix A) A. To respond to a first aid incident in a safe, prompt and effective manner when contacted for assistance. B. To administer first aid in accordance with the information, instruction and training received. C. To adequately maintain first aid facilities and equipment under their control, including ensuring the contents of first aid kits are complete and within their identified expiry date(s). D. To ensure that within 24 hours of an accident/incident a report is completed in accordance with Agency procedures. E. To attend necessary training and meetings as required, e.g. refresher and requalification courses and first aid personnel briefings. F. To seek assistance where the seriousness of the incident dictates and/or where he/she does not feel competent to deal with the injury/illness symptoms, e.g. contact the emergency services and/or other first aid personnel for assistance. G. Inform the Agency Health and Safety Officer of any changes in his/her status of occupation, so that an upto-date record can be kept. H. Additionally the designated Senior First Aider at Wyndham House has responsibility to ensure he/she carries out agreed management duties. 5. Agency Health and Safety Officer A. To support and monitor the process of first aid provision. In particular first aid provision will be targeted during inspections and audits and a periodic review of this Code shall be carried out (i.e. annually). B. To liaise with Training and Development Unit (TDU) to ensure that appropriate training arrangements are in place and keep an updated register. 6. Local Health and Safety Officers A. All other nominated Health and Safety Officers/Co-ordinators within the Agency have responsibilities to support and monitor implementation of this Code on a local basis. 4. ARRANGEMENTS 1. First Aid Boxes and Kits A. First aid boxes and travelling first aid kits should contain a sufficient quantity of first aid materials and nothing else. The contents lists will be periodically reviewed and additional items may be deemed necessary on a local basis. The minimum stocks should normally be: First Aid Box/Kit (held by qualified first aid personnel) Guidance information 20 x individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (selection of sizes) 4 x individually wrapped triangular bandages 6 x safety Pins 6 x medium individually wrapped sterile dressings 2 x large individually wrapped sterile dressings 2 x extra large individually wrapped sterile dressings Pair of suitable scissors Roll of adhesive tape 2 x disposable examination gloves 6 x alcohol free antiseptic cleansing wipes Resuscitation mask and/or face shield High visibility vests (applicable in Wyndham House or as local site management rules require) Personal First homeworkers) Aid Kit (e.g. held by field staff and Guidance information 6 x individually wrapped adhesive dressings 2 x wrapped triangular bandages Large individually wrapped sterile dressing 2 x safety pins Resuscitation face shield (not homeworkers, as they work alone) B. Contents of first aid boxes/kits should be replenished as soon as possible after use in order that there is always adequate supply of materials. Items should not be used after the expiry date shown on packets – care should be taken to dispose of safely after the expiry date has passed. C. First aid boxes/kits should be made of suitable material designed to protect the contents from damp and dust and should be clearly identified as first aid containers. Such marking should be a white cross on a green background in accordance with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. D. Where first aid boxes/kits include sterile water or saline in sealed disposable containers for eye irrigation purposes they should hold at least 300mls. They should not be used after the expiry date shown or re-used once the sterile seal has been broken. 2. First Aid/Recovery Rooms A. Where Agency facilities are provided with a first aid treatment room, such as Wyndham House, they must be provided with the following: Suitable stocks of first aid materials Blankets (stored free from dust and damp) Disposable examination gloves Disposable plastic aprons Yellow plastic disposable bags for soiled or used first aid dressings Clear signposting and door signage, including first aider details B. First aid rooms should be large enough to hold a couch/seat, desk and chair and any other equipment needed. They should have adequate ventilation, heating and lighting and be kept clean and tidy at all times, so that they might be comfortably used for first aid purposes. Many additional features (such as a fold-up bed) can be provided to improve effectiveness of such rooms and advice can be sought from the Health and Safety Officer. 3. First Aid Personnel A. First Aid personnel to be appointed to the following levels: Wyndham House A minimum of 2 qualified first aiders for each floor or, if not possible, 14 first aiders throughout, but managed as closely as possible to 2 per floor. Main Regional Area Offices Where the Agency has ‘sole occupancy’ a minimum of 1 qualified first aider, supported by appointed persons. Where the Agency has ‘shared occupancy’ with other organisations suitable joint provision of first aiders is acceptable. Within this it is preferable, but not essential, for the Agency to provide a qualified first aider. A minimum of one appointed person must be in place. Local Regional Offices Minimum of 1 appointed person. Regional Field Staff All trained to appointed person level. B. First aiders should be selected based on their reliability, disposition, communication skills, aptitude to absorb new skills and knowledge and ability to cope with stressful and demanding emergency procedures. Additionally, where possible, they should be staff who, by the nature of their work, are likely to be available most of the time, i.e. largely office based and able to respond immediately when needed. C. All first aiders should hold a valid certificate from an HSE approved training provider, such as St. John’s Ambulance. They should then attend annual refresher courses and a re-testing every three years. All training will be arranged by and paid for by the Agency and shall take place during normal work hours. Failure to attend such training may result in removal from the approved first aider list. D. All appointed persons should receive training covering: What to do in an emergency Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation First aid for the unconscious casualty First aid for the wounded or bleeding This training should be refreshed at least every three years. E. All first aiders to receive an annual ex-gratia payment and reimbursement of any personal insurance costs provided through an approved insurance provider. F. All first aid provided while at work shall be covered by the Agency’s method of self insurance. Additionally the Agency shall reimburse any first aider who obtains approved insurance to cover first aid administered outside of work time, provided they offer qualified proof of payment. G. Lists of first aiders will be reviewed and updated on a periodic basis, i.e. at least sixmonthly. First aid notices should include names and contact details. They should be prominently displayed and maintained up-todate. 5. IMPLEMENTATION 1. All existing employees will be advised about this Code through normal channels and the Code will be made available on the Intranet. 2. Health and safety awareness training will include input on first aid provision. 3. Copies of the Code will be distributed to Heads of Business Units. 6. SOURCES OF INFORMATION 1. For further help, advice and information you can contact any of the following The Agency Health and Safety Officer (Tel: 020 7211 0492) In RA3, the Health and Safety Co-ordinator or your Local Safety Officer Your Line Manager Your Trade Union Safety Representative The Health and Safety Executive Infoline (Tel: 0541 545500) Additionally, the Facilities Resource Unit (FRU) holds a number of reference materials, which include advice regarding first aid provision.