Apply to join Friends Group

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Annual membership is £5 per household or £3 for an individual. Membership is renewed each year in January.
Applications for membership received after September will be valid for the whole of the following membership year.
Please make cheques payable to Friends of Braidburn Valley Park.
I enclose membership fee of
I enclose a donation of
Total enclosed
Gift Aid
The Friends of Braidburn Valley Park is a charity and can claim an additional amount of 25% in respect of your
subscription and / or donation, if you are a taxpayer and have signed a Gift Aid Declaration. If you would like us to
claim Gift Aid please tick the box below and complete the Gift Aid Declaration at the end of this application form.
I enclose a completed Gift Aid Declaration with my membership application
Payment by Standing Order
If you would like to set up a standing order with your bank to pay your annual membership fee, please fill in one of our
Standing Order forms; these can be obtained from the Membership Secretary by emailing or by ticking the box below to have one sent to you.
I would like to set up a standing order; please send me a Standing Order form.
Your details will be held on The Friends of Braidburn Valley Park’s membership database but they will not be passed on to any third party
Please return this form with your payment to:
Membership Secretary. Friends of Braidburn Valley Park, 29 Craiglea Drive Edinburgh EH10 5PB
The Friends of Braidburn Valley Park is a Scottish charity
Scottish Charity Number SC040192
Gift Aid Declaration
Please treat all membership fees and donations I have made to the Friends of Braidburn Valley Park since
16 January 2009, and all membership fees and donations I make from the date of this declaration until I
notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations.
I confirm that I have paid, or will pay, an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax
year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs
(CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my subscriptions (and gifts) for that tax year. I understand that
Council Tax and VAT do not qualify.
Donor’s details:
First Name
or initials
Last Name
Full Home Address
Post Code
Please send the completed form to: Membership Secretary, Friends of Braidburn Valley Park,
29 Craiglea Drive Edinburgh EH10 5PB
Please notify the Charity if you:
1. Want to cancel this declaration.
2. Change your name or home address.
3. No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and /or capital gains
Tax claimed by the Charity:
I understand the Charity will reclaim 25p of tax for every £1 I give by way of subscription or donation on or after the 16
January 2009.
If you pay income tax at the higher or additional rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self
Assessment tax return, or ask HMRC to adjust your tax code, if you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you.
The Friends of Braidburn Valley Park is a Scottish charity
Scottish Charity Number SC040192