Biol 54H Luke Habegger Meredith Johnston Danny Willner The Effects of Natural Selection During Apple Maggot Fly Development Introduction: The apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella, possesses a unique life cycle that offers a chance to examine the effects of different natural selection regimes at various stages of its development. Found in the northeastern and north central United States, these flies cause millions of dollars in damage to apple crops each year. The life cycle we used in our examination consisted of four stages. Apple maggot flies lay their eggs in unripe fruit that is still attached to the tree. These eggs hatch after seven weeks and subsequently mature into the first larval stage within the fruit—we called this our first life stage. After the fruit falls to the ground, the larvae leave the fruit, burrowing into the soil where they pupate and remain dormant for up to several years. This dormant larva in the soil was our second life stage. Our third life stage consisted of those larvae that have emerged from the ground as adults but are not sexually mature. After 7-10 days, these adults become sexually mature and compose the breeding stage, the fourth and final life stage examined in this model. In our model we assumed that we were studying a population that was isolated from others, that is, there is no immigration or emigration from this population as the larvae develop into breeding adults. Additionally, we assumed that no mutation was occurring in the population. Using these four stages, we were able to examine the effects of any number of selection regimes as the apple maggot flies completed their life cycle. In particular, we were interested in the effects of underdominance, overdominance, as well as the effects of selecting for different alleles at different stages in the life cycle. Additionally, the effect of varying the starting population allele frequencies was an area explored using this model. Ultimately, we sought to determine conditions at which the population grew, stabilized and declined given a particular selection regime. Additionally, we sough to examine the ability of a stage class matrix to accurately predict the number of individuals in a population after a given number of generations when particular genotypes were selected against, since stage class matrices utilize generalized survival rates for all organisms at a particular stage in the life cycle. To do this, we created an additional model incorporating what we knew of stage class matrices to compare the two methods. The Model: Our model attempts to track the allele frequencies at a single locus through any number of generations. We assigned this allele the letter A and the genotypes as follows: dom (AA), het (Aa) and rec (aa), though it ultimately depends on the selection regime when determining which genes are dominant and recessive, if any. The model tracks the number of apple maggot flies with each genotype as they progress through the four life stages, and uses the final allele frequencies in determining the number of apple maggot flies of each genotype in the ensuing generation. The first variable of the model is the number of individuals of each genotype that compose the original population. The model is organized in a way that allows the user to input the number of AA, Aa and aa individuals to determine the effects of the founding population’s genotype distribution. The second variable manipulated in the model was the selection against apple maggot flies at each stage of their development. At each stage of the apple maggot fly’s life, the selection against different forms was varied by using r(#), s(#) and t(#), where r corresponded to selection against AA, s corresponded to selection against Aa and t corresponded to selection against aa. The # indicates that these were present and variable at each stage, so r2 corresponded to selection against AA at the first larval stage, r3 corresponded to selection against AA at the second larval stage, r4 corresponded to selection against AA at the third larval stage, and r5 corresponded to selection against AA in the breeding stage.. The model began with r2 because r1 would have been the number of offspring and this was a variable adjusted in the model by the value rep. There was no selection at this stage. This ability to manipulate the selection against every genotype at every stage in the apple maggot fly development allowed for the testing of countless selection regimes. In this particular instance we examined those models that we thought to be most biologically realistic. Our final variable in the model was the average number of offspring produced by a apple maggot fly in the breeding stage. While most literature cited apple maggot flies as capable of producing upwards of 200 young per female, we found that in our model a much lower number of offspring was necessary to keep the population from exploding, perhaps because our selection coefficients were much less than those found in the wild. A sample of our program is provided below: Dom=10; Het=10; Rec=10; r2=.2; s2=0; t2=.2; Wdom2=1.0-r2; Whet2=1.0-s2; Wrec2=1.0-t2; r3=.2; s3=0; t3=.2; Wdom3=1.0-r3; Whet3=1.0-s3; Wrec3=1.0-t3; r4=.2; s4=0; t4=.2; Wdom4=1.0-r4; Whet4=1.0-s4; Wrec4=1.0-t4; r5=.2; s5=0; t5=.2; Wdom5=1.0-r5; Whet5=1.0-s5; Wrec5=1.0-t5; n=100 tabDom=Table[0, {i,n}]; tabHet=Table[0, {i,n}]; tabRec=Table[0, {i,n}]; Do[ tabDom[[i]]=Dom; tabHet[[i]]=Het; tabRec[[i]]=Rec; Dom2=Wdom2*Dom; Het2=Whet2*Het; Rec2=Wrec2*Rec; Dom3=Wdom3*Dom2; Het3=Whet3*Het2; Rec3=Wrec3*Rec2; Dom4=Wdom4*Dom3; Het4=Whet4*Het3; Rec4=Wrec4*Rec3; Dom5=Wdom5*Dom4; Het5=Whet5*Het4; Rec5=Wrec5*Rec4; Rep=2; FreDom=(Dom5/(Dom5+Het5+Rec5)); FreHet=(Het5/(Dom5+Het5+Rec5)); FreRec=(Rec5/(Dom5+Het5+Rec5)); A=(FreDom+(1/2)*FreHet); a=((1/2)*FreHet+FreRec); Domt1=A^2*Rep*(Dom5+Het5+Rec5); Hett1=2*A*a*Rep*(Dom5+Het5+Rec5); Rect1=a^2*Rep*(Dom5+Het5+Rec5); Dom=Domt1; Het=Hett1; Rec=Rect1, {i, n}]; We began our model with a particular number of each of the three different genotypes and determined a selection regime. At each life stage we derived the fitness using the method displayed below: r2=0; s2=0.2; t2=0; Wdom2=1.0-r2; Whet2=1.0-s2; Wrec2=1.0-t2; In this case W symbolizes the fitness of the genotype and the 2 symbolizes the second life stage. Later in the model Wdom# is multiplied by the number of dom individuals at that stage to determine the number of individuals that progress to the subsequent life stage. Following the definition of the selection coefficients, we inserted the variable n, which denoted the number of generations to cycle the model through, and gave the command to create tables for each of the different genotypes that corresponded to that particular number of generations. For our project we chose 100 as the standard number of generations, and that portion of the model is shown below: n=10; tabDom=Table[0, {i,n}]; tabHet=Table[0, {i,n}]; tabRec=Table[0, {i,n}]; In order to cycle through the appropriate number of generations, we introduced a “do” loop into the model as a means of generating the results for the number of generations we selected. Within the “do” loop we inserted a command to generate the number of individuals in a subsequent generation given the number of individuals in the previous generation. An example is provided below: Dom5=Wdom5*Dom4; Het5=Whet5*Het4; Rec5=Wrec5*Rec4; In this instance the number of individuals of genotypes in the previous generation is multiplied by the fitness of the genotype in the current generation to create the number of individuals that survive that life stage and progress to the subsequent generation. Following the completion of this step for all four transitions, we defined Rep, the average number of offspring per apple maggot fly, and set to work generating the allele frequencies from the number of flies of each genotype at the end of a generation. We defined the percentage of each genotype as FreDom (AA), FreHet (Aa), and FreRec (aa) using the equation Fre(insert genotype) = (genotype)5/(Dom5+Het5+Rec5). Next we defined the allele frequencies of A and a using the following equations: A=(FreDom+(1/2)*FreHet) a=((1/2)*FreHet+FreRec) Determining the number of individuals of each genotype to begin the next generation was accomplished with the following formulas: Domt1=A^2*Rep*(Dom5+Het5+Rec5) Hett1=2*A*a*Rep*(Dom5+Het5+Rec5) Rect1=a^2*Rep*(Dom5+Het5+Rec5) These equations multiply the frequency of a given allele by the average number of offspring by the total number of individuals after the last life stage to generate the number of individuals of each genotype in the next generation (t1). After setting Domt1=Dom, Hett1=Het and Rect1=Rec, our “do” loop was complete and functional. Results: All Genotypes Fitness of 1 In order to test our model we tested it with values of 10 for each of the three beginning genotype classes, 0 for all the r, s and t values, and an average number of offspring equaling 1. We expected the population to move to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium where the heterozygous genotype was twice as prevalent. In this case, with thirty individuals and the average offspring equaling 1, we predicted a heterozygous population of 15 and homozygous populations of AA and aa at 7.5 individuals. As one can see from the graph at right, our hypothesis was correct and our model was working correctly. Whenever the average number of offspring was moved above one, we observed a steady growth in the population. In cases where the average number of offspring was less than one, the population moved towards extinction. All these results were consistent with our predicted results from this model. For all graphs displayed, the x-axis denotes the number of individuals, and the y-axis corresponds to the number of generations. 15 0.00014 14 0.00012 13 0.0001 12 0.00008 11 0.00006 10 0.00004 9 0.00002 2 4 6 8 20 10 40 7´1015 6´1015 15 4´1015 3´1015 2´1015 1´10 80 Rep = 0.5; Population Declines Rep = 1; Equilibrium Reached Green = Aa Blue = AA, aa 5´10 60 15 20 40 60 80 Rep = 1.5; Population Grows 100 100 Underdominance In our next model we tested the effects of underdominance on the population of apple maggot flies, where selection against heterozygosity was set at 0.2 at each stage of development. In this case, we again began the population with 10 of each different genotype and sought a value of average number of offspring that would place the population in equilibrium. In this case we found the equilibrium to be at 1.419, and after one generation, the population moved into a HardyWeinberg equilibrium. Stabilization of genotypes in this instance was around 26 for heterozygous individuals and 13 for each of the homozygous genotypes. However, when we started with 30 heterozygous individuals in the population, we observed a significant drop in these values. While the average number of offspring equilibrium point remained the same, the number of individuals at each genotype was much lower; heterozygous individuals stabilized at around 8 individuals and the homozygous stabilized around 4. 15 25 12.5 22.5 10 20 7.5 17.5 15 5 12.5 2.5 2 4 6 8 Rep = 1.419; Equilibrium Reached 10 individuals of each genotype Blue = AA, aa Green = Aa 10 2 4 6 8 10 Rep = 1.419; Equilibrium Reached 30 heterozygous individuals Overdominance For a model applying overdominance to the population, we again used a 0.2 selection coefficient, but this time applied it to the homozygous populations at each stage, so each r and t value was set to 0.2. We wanted to again determine the average number of offspring at which equilibrium would be reached, and again found this value to be 1.419. However, the number of individuals at each of the genotype classes was lower at this equilibrium than in the underdominance model. Two interesting questions were raised by this result. First, we wanted to discover why the equilibrium would be the same. Eventually we realized that in a Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, there are equal numbers of homozygous and heterozygous individuals (i.e. p^2 + 2pq + q^2) since p and q are equal and heterozygous individuals are twice as prevalent as either p or q. In this way, selection against either heterozygous or homozygous individuals with the same selection coefficient would be selecting against the two alleles in the same way. If twelve individuals possess Aa in a population and six possess AA and aa, then selection against the homozygous would essentially result in 12 selections against A and twelve selections against a. Since homozygous individuals possess two of the same allele, selections against them would be doubled; selecting against the six AA individuals would constitute 12 selections against A, the same as selection against the heterozygous. For this reason, the graphs supported only two colors for underdominance and overdominance; blue represents AA and aa while green represents Aa. However, there was also the issue of why the numbers of individuals were lower at the equilibrium point in the case of overdominance. This is resolved when one examines the first generation’s development through the selection regime. Since the population does not start at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, but with equal numbers of all three genotypes, overdominance selects against more individuals in the first generation and the subsequent equilibrium values for the three genotypes are lower once the population does enter Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. 10 9 Rep = 1.419; Equilibrium Reached 10 individuals of each genotype in each generation Blue = AA, aa Green = Aa 8 7 6 5 4 2 4 6 8 10 The first model used was one with 10 of each genotype, and we found an equilibrium when the average offspring was 1.419. At this point, AA = aa = 2.9 and Aa = 5.8. We completed a separate model where we started with 30 AA , 10 Aa, and 30 aa. In this case, the numbers were almost quadrupled. Equilibrium was reached at the same point, but there were 12.5 AA and aa and 25 Aa. This is due not only to the larger initial population, but Aa was selected for so it increased the numbers of both alleles which were very prominent to begin with. Our next model sought to answer what would happen if we kept the same 10, 10, 10 population but varied the selection coefficient against AA and aa to be .8, giving Aa and even higher fitness compared to AA and aa? At the previous equilibrium point of 1.419, the population crashes. This is a reasonable result since AA and aa have such a low fitness. We determined that the reproduction rate would need to be higher to reach an equilibrium, and determined that rep value to be 1.99. Essentially, this population would be able to survive even with selection coefficients against AA and aa of 0.8 if each fly yielded an average of 2 offspring. 30 10 9 25 8 20 7 6 15 5 4 2 4 6 8 Rep = 1.419; Equilibrium Reached Blue = AA, aa Green = Aa 10 individuals of each genotype Selection coefficient 0.2 for r#, t# 10 2 4 6 8 Rep = 1.419; Equilibrium Reached 30 individuals AA, aa 10 individuals Aa Selection Coefficient 0.2 for r#, t# 10 10 Rep = 1.419 Selection Coefficient 0.8 for r#, t# 10 individuals of each genotype 8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 Special Cases The first special case we tested was a selection regime where a different genotype was selected against in each of the first three generations, and in the fourth generation the genotypes possessed equal fitness. We again chose 0.2 as our selection coefficient and selected against AA in the first generation, Aa in the second generation, and aa in the third. We found that 1.25 average offspring gave us an equilibrium point where 15 Aa’s and 7.5 AA and aa’s were present, equaling the original 30 individuals we began with, as one can see in the graph at right. As a slight alteration of this case, we tested the effects of reversing this selection regime to test whether it would have any effect on the outcome of the equilibrium point. Since there is no breeding in between the four stages, we did not expect there to be any difference, and the results were the exact same in both cases. This is similar to a case where all the fitnesses are equal to one since there is equal overall selection against each of the genotypes, but since there was some selection, the rep equilibrium was higher. 15 14 Rep = 1.25; Equilbrium Reached Green = Aa Blue = AA, aa 13 12 11 10 9 2 4 6 8 10 Next we tested the effects of a population where overdominance was present in the first two larval stages, and overdominance was present in the final two. Again, we decided to test the reverse to see whether the results would be the same. In both cases, equilibrium was reached when the average number of offspring was 1.563, and at this point there are 15 Aa’s and 7.5 AA and aa’s in each generation at equilibrium. As an additional test of our model, we looked at alternating between overdominance and underdominance so that overdominance was present in the first and third life stages and underdominance was present in the second and fourth. Again, the equilibrium was found to be at 1.563, which was expected when no breeding was occurring between the developmental stages. Our final special case was one where different genotypes were selected for at different stages, but with different selection coefficients. In our first model, we selected against AA in the first life stage by setting its fitness at 0.8, then selected against Aa in the second life stage by setting its fitness at 0.7. The third life stage was used to select against aa with its fitness set at 0.6, and the fourth life stage saw all the genotypes with equal fitness. The result of this model was that each of the genotypes had a specific equilibrium value for average number of offspring. Since all the genotypes were selected against with different fitnesses, they required a different number of offspring produced by the flies to remain in the gene pool. Since AA was selected against the least, we expected its equilibrium value to be the lowest, and it was—1.25. The equilibrium value for Aa was a bit higher at 1.428, and the equilibrium value for aa was the highest at 1.633. The three graphs displaying these values are shown below, where red corresponds to AA, green corresponds to Aa, and blue corresponds to aa. 20 14 17.5 12 15 10 12.5 8 10 6 7.5 4 5 2 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 AA (red) equilibrium – Aa, aa decreasing 10 15 20 25 30 Aa (green) equilibrium – AA increasing, aa decreasing 20 17.5 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 aa (blue) equilibrium – AA, Aa increasing Discussion: Our model largely confirmed many of the expectations we had for it. Since there was no breeding in between the life stages, the order of any particular selection regime could be altered but still provide the same results—repeated tests confirmed this. However, varying the numbers of individuals that we began the model with generated some interesting results. When the population began with more of those individuals that were selected against, it did not affect the average number of offspring equilibrium point, but it lowered the number of individuals at each genotype when the population did actually reach equilibrium. Additionally, we were able to make a model that possessed three different equilibrium points for the three different genotypes which, given the fitness of each genotype at each stage, could predict whether a certain genotype would go towards extinction or growth based on the number of offspring each fly would produce. While few animals have the sort of life stages of the apple maggot fly, the idea of selection for different genotypes at different life stages remains an intriguing one, but one that could perhaps be modeled to develop insight into a population of such a species. Expanding our model to allow for multiple breeding stages, disease, mutation and migration from other nearby populations might make this a more biologically realistic model, but there are still valuable lessons to be learned from the model presented in this paper. Reference: “Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) - Apple Maggot.” Plant Pest Surveillance Unit. 2005-10-24. Accessed: 2006-04-15. <>