六、IEEE最新会议 - 图书馆

2014 年第 3 期
2014 年 10 月
1、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25,Elsevier 数据库下载次数最多的 25 篇论
2、IEL Top25,IEL 数据库下载最多的 25 篇论文。
3、ACM 最新会议。根据 ACM 主页所提供的最新会议信息整理所得,可供
4、AIAA 最新会议,由 AIAA 主站提供的最新会议信息,以供研究者参考
5、IEEE 最新会议,由 IEEE 主站提供的最新会议信息,供相关研究者参考
6、ESI(Essential Science Indicators)HOT PAPERS,ESI 提供的最近两年的
7、Nature Advance Online Publication(AOP),Nature 系列刊物预先提供浏
8、IQPC 最新会议。由国际质量与竞争力中心(IQPC:International Quality
and Productivity Center)提供的最新国际会议,内容涉及国防、能源、工业、科
技、电信等领域。IQPC 是国际顶级的会议展览策划公司,于 1973 年成立于美国,
2014 年 10 月
一、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (工程类) .............. 1
二、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (化学类) ............. 11
三、IEL Top25 ........................................... 21
四、ACM 最新会议 ........................................ 34
五、AIAA 最新会议 ....................................... 39
六、IEEE 最新会议 ....................................... 43
七、ESI HOT PAPERS(ENGINEERING) ....................... 48
八、Nature Advance Online Publication(Nature Materials) 57
九、IQPC 最新国防会议(Defence) ........................... 68
1、新增了 Nature Advance Online Publication,主要为 Nature 系
列刊物预先提供浏览未出版的最新文章,本期我们整理的是 Nature
Materials 期刊的 AOP 内容。
2、新增了 IQPC 最新国际会议,本期我们选择了国防领域的最
二、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 和 IEL Top25 新增了热点论文
三、ESI HOT PAPERS 新增了热点文献作者的电子邮件地址。
一、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (工程类)
1. 标题:Steps towards sustainable manufacturing through modelling material, energy and waste
flows • Article
出处:International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 140, Issue 1, November 2012,
Pages 227-238
作者:Smith, Leigh; Ball, Peter
摘要:A sustainable society cannot be realised without more efficient approaches and technologies,
which must in part be provided by manufacturing. Available literature covers the principles for
making manufacturing more sustainable, but there is little, if any, practical guidance to show how
to apply these principles. Lower level guidelines are required to provide guidance on
systematically analysing manufacturing facilities and to assist with the identification and selection
of improvement opportunities. This paper reports on work to develop guidelines for Material,
Energy and Waste (MEW) process flow modelling to support the pursuit of sustainable
manufacturing. Using qualitative MEW process flow maps of a case facility, data was collected to
build a spreadsheet model aligned to each of the MEW process flows. The quantitative analysis
provided detailed insight into the MEW process flows within the system and assisted with the
identification and selection of environmental efficiency improvements. The key learning points
from conducting the analysis generated a set of guidelines to aid the analysis of manufacturing
systems, using MEW process flow modelling. This paper documents the approach developed and
the environmental performance improvement opportunities identified in the case facility.
2. 标题:The Internet of Things: A survey • Article
出处:Computer Networks, Volume 54, Issue 15, October 2010, Pages 2787-2805
作者:Atzori, L.; Iera, A.; Morabito, G.
摘要:This paper addresses the Internet of Things. Main enabling factor of this promising
paradigm is the integration of several technologies and communications solutions. Identification
and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, enhanced
communication protocols (shared with the Next Generation Internet), and distributed intelligence
for smart objects are just the most relevant. As one can easily imagine, any serious contribution to
the advance of the Internet of Things must necessarily be the result of synergetic activities
conducted in different fields of knowledge, such as telecommunications, informatics, electronics
and social science. In such a complex scenario, this survey is directed to those who want to
approach this complex discipline and contribute to its development. Different visions of this
Internet of Things paradigm are reported and enabling technologies reviewed. What emerges is
that still major issues shall be faced by the research community. The most relevant among them
are addressed in details.
3. 标 题 : Synthesis and surface engineering of iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical
applications • Review article
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 26, Issue 18, June 2005, Pages 3995-4021
作者:Gupta, A.K.; Gupta, M.
摘要:Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) with appropriate surface chemistry
have been widely used experimentally for numerous in vivo applications such as magnetic
resonance imaging contrast enhancement, tissue repair, immunoassay, detoxification of biological
fluids, hyperthermia, drug delivery and in cell separation, etc. All these biomedical and
bioengineering applications require that these nanoparticles have high magnetization values and
size smaller than 100 nm with overall narrow particle size distribution, so that the particles have
uniform physical and chemical properties. In addition, these applications need special surface
coating of the magnetic particles, which has to be not only non-toxic and biocompatible but also
allow a targetable delivery with particle localization in a specific area. To this end, most work in
this field has been done in improving the biocompatibility of the materials, but only a few
scientific investigations and developments have been carried out in improving the quality of
magnetic particles, their size distribution, their shape and surface in addition to characterizing
them to get a protocol for the quality control of these particles. Nature of surface coatings and
their subsequent geometric arrangement on the nanoparticles determine not only the overall size of
the colloid but also play a significant role in biokinetics and biodistribution of nanoparticles in the
body. The types of specific coating, or derivatization, for these nanoparticles depend on the end
application and should be chosen by keeping a particular application in mind, whether it be aimed
at inflammation response or anti-cancer agents. Magnetic nanoparticles can bind to drugs, proteins,
enzymes, antibodies, or nucleotides and can be directed to an organ, tissue, or tumour using an
external magnetic field or can be heated in alternating magnetic fields for use in hyperthermia.
This review discusses the synthetic chemistry, fluid stabilization and surface modification of
superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, as well as their use for above biomedical
4. 标 题 : A review on polymer nanofibers by electrospinning and their applications in
nanocomposites • Article
出处:Composites Science and Technology, Volume 63, Issue 15, November 2003, Pages
作者:Huang, Z.-M.; Zhang, Y.-Z.; Kotaki, M.; Ramakrishna, S.
摘要:Electrospinning has been recognized as an efficient technique for the fabrication of polymer
nanofibers. Various polymers have been successfully electrospun into ultrafine fibers in recent
years mostly in solvent solution and some in melt form. Potential applications based on such fibers
specifically their use as reinforcement in nanocomposite development have been realized. In this
paper, a comprehensive review is presented on the researches and developments related to
electrospun polymer nanofibers including processing, structure and property characterization,
applications, and modeling and simulations. Information of those polymers together with their
processing conditions for electrospinning of ultrafine fibers has been summarized in the paper.
Other issues regarding the technology limitations, research challenges, and future trends are also
5. 标题:Project management: cost, time and quality, two best guesses and a phenomenon, its time
to accept other success criteria • Article
出处:International Journal of Project Management, Volume 17, Issue 6, December 1999, Pages
作者:Atkinson, Roger
摘要:This paper provides some thoughts about success criteria for IS–IT project management.
Cost, time and quality (The Iron Triangle), over the last 50 years have become inextricably linked
with measuring the success of project management. This is perhaps not surprising, since over the
same period those criteria are usually included in the description of project management. Time and
costs are at best, only guesses, calculated at a time when least is known about the project. Quality
is a phenomenon, it is an emergent property of peoples different attitudes and beliefs, which often
change over the development life-cycle of a project. Why has project management been so
reluctant to adopt other criteria in addition to the Iron Triangle, such as stakeholder benefits
against which projects can be assessed? This paper proposes a new framework to consider success
criteria, The Square Route.
6. 标题:Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big
Data • Article
出处:Information Sciences, Volume 275, August 2014, Pages 314-347
作者:Philip Chen, C.L.; Zhang, C.Y.
摘要:It is already true that Big Data has drawn huge attention from researchers in information
sciences, policy and decision makers in governments and enterprises. As the speed of information
growth exceeds Moore’s Law at the beginning of this new century, excessive data is making great
troubles to human beings. However, there are so much potential and highly useful values hidden in
the huge volume of data. A new scientific paradigm is born as data-intensive scientific discovery
(DISD), also known as Big Data problems. A large number of fields and sectors, ranging from
economic and business activities to public administration, from national security to scientific
researches in many areas, involve with Big Data problems. On the one hand, Big Data is
extremely valuable to produce productivity in businesses and evolutionary breakthroughs in
scientific disciplines, which give us a lot of opportunities to make great progresses in many fields.
There is no doubt that the future competitions in business productivity and technologies will
surely converge into the Big Data explorations. On the other hand, Big Data also arises with many
challenges, such as difficulties in data capture, data storage, data analysis and data visualization.
This paper is aimed to demonstrate a close-up view about Big Data, including Big Data
applications, Big Data opportunities and challenges, as well as the state-of-the-art techniques and
technologies we currently adopt to deal with the Big Data problems. We also discuss several
underlying methodologies to handle the data deluge, for example, granular computing, cloud
computing, bio-inspired computing, and quantum computing.
7. 标题:A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing • Review
出处:Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages
作者:Subashini, S.; Kavitha, V.
摘要:Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity or add capabilities dynamically without
investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. It extends
Information Technology’s (IT) existing capabilities. In the last few years, cloud computing has
grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fast growing segments of the IT
industry. But as more and more information on individuals and companies are placed in the cloud,
concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe an environment it is. Despite of all the hype
surrounding the cloud, enterprise customers are still reluctant to deploy their business in the cloud.
Security is one of the major issues which reduces the growth of cloud computing and
complications with data privacy and data protection continue to plague the market. The advent of
an advanced model should not negotiate with the required functionalities and capabilities present
in the current model. A new model targeting at improving features of an existing model must not
risk or threaten other important features of the current model. The architecture of cloud poses such
a threat to the security of the existing technologies when deployed in a cloud environment. Cloud
service users need to be vigilant in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new
environment. In this paper, a survey of the different security risks that pose a threat to the cloud is
presented. This paper is a survey more specific to the different security issues that has emanated
due to the nature of the service delivery models of a cloud computing system.
8. 标题:Surface plasmon resonance sensors: review • Article
出处:Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 54, Issue 1-2, January 1999, Pages 3-15
作者:Homola, J.; Yee, S.S.; Gauglitz, G.
摘要:Since the first application of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon for sensing
almost two decades ago, this method has made great strides both in terms of instrumentation
development and applications. SPR sensor technology has been commercialized and SPR
biosensors have become a central tool for characterizing and quantifying biomolecular interactions.
This paper attempts to review the major developments in SPR technology. Main application areas
are outlined and examples of applications of SPR sensor technology are presented. Future
prospects of SPR sensor technology are discussed
9. 标题:A review of shape memory alloy research, applications and opportunities • Review
出处:Materials & Design, Volume 56, April 2014, Pages 1078-1113
作者:Mohd Jani, J.; Leary, M.; Subic, A.; Gibson, M.A.
摘要:Shape memory alloys (SMAs) belong to a class of shape memory materials (SMMs), which
have the ability to ‘memorise’ or retain their previous form when subjected to certain stimulus
such as thermomechanical or magnetic variations. SMAs have drawn significant attention and
interest in recent years in a broad range of commercial applications, due to their unique and
superior properties; this commercial development has been supported by fundamental and applied
research studies. This work describes the attributes of SMAs that make them ideally suited to
actuators in various applications, and addresses their associated limitations to clarify the design
challenges faced by SMA developers. This work provides a timely review of recent SMA research
and commercial applications, with over 100 state-of-the-art patents; which are categorised against
relevant commercial domains and rated according to design objectives of relevance to these
domains (particularly automotive, aerospace, robotic and biomedical). Although this work
presents an extensive review of SMAs, other categories of SMMs are also discussed; including a
historical overview, summary of recent advances and new application opportunities.
10. 标题:The "real" success factors on projects • Article
出处:International Journal of Project Management, Volume 20, Issue 3, April 2002, Pages
作者:Cooke-Davies, Terry
摘要:A comprehensive answer to the question of which factors are critical to project success
depends on answering three separate questions: “What factors lead to project management
success?”, “What factors lead to a successful project?” and “What factors lead to consistently
successful projects?” This paper draws on new empirical research from more than 70 large
multi-national or national organizations to answer each of these three questions, and to identify 12
factors that are, in one way or another, critical to project success
11. 标题:Wireless sensor networks: a survey • Article
出处:Computer Networks, Volume 38, Issue 4, March 2002, Pages 393-422
作者:Akyildiz, I.F.; Su, W.; Sankarasubramaniam, Y.; Cayirci, E.
摘要:This paper describes the concept of sensor networks which has been made viable by the
convergence of micro-electro-mechanical systems technology, wireless communications and
digital electronics. First, the sensing tasks and the potential sensor networks applications are
explored, and a review of factors influencing the design of sensor networks is provided. Then, the
communication architecture for sensor networks is outlined, and the algorithms and protocols
developed for each layer in the literature are explored. Open research issues for the realization of
sensor networks are also discussed.
12. 标题:Review on thermal energy storage with phase change: materials, heat transfer analysis
and applications • Review article
出处:Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 3, February 2003, Pages 251-283
作者:Zalba, B.; Marn, J.M.S.T.; Cabeza, L.F.; Mehling, H.
摘要:Thermal energy storage in general, and phase change materials (PCMs) in particular, have
been a main topic in research for the last 20 years, but although the information is quantitatively
enormous, it is also spread widely in the literature, and difficult to find. In this work, a review has
been carried out of the history of thermal energy storage with solid–liquid phase change. Three
aspects have been the focus of this review: materials, heat transfer and applications. The paper
contains listed over 150 materials used in research as PCMs, and about 45 commercially available
PCMs. The paper lists over 230 references.
13. 标题:Leadership competency profiles of successful project managers • Article
出处:International Journal of Project Management, Volume 28, Issue 5, July 2010, Pages 437-448
作者:Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney
摘要:This study examines the leadership competency profiles of successful project managers in
different types of projects. Four hundred responses to the Leadership Development Questionnaire
(LDQ) were used to profile the intellectual, managerial and emotional competences (IQ, MQ and
EQ, respectively) of project managers of successful projects. Differences by project type were
accounted for through categorization of projects by their application type (engineering &
construction, information & telecommunication technology, organizational change), complexity,
importance and contract type. Results indicate high expressions of one IQ sub-dimension (i.e.
critical thinking) and three EQ sub-dimensions (i.e. influence, motivation and conscientiousness)
in successful managers in all types of projects. Other sub-dimensions varied by project type.
Comparison was made to existing profiles for goal oriented, involving and engaging leadership
styles. Implications derived are the need for practitioners to be trained in the soft factors of
leadership, particular for their types of projects. Theoretical implications include the need for more
transactional styles in relatively simple projects and more transformational leadership styles in
complex projects.
14. 标题:Exploring the value of project management: Linking Project Management Performance
and Project Success • Article
出处:International Journal of Project Management
作者:Mir, Farzana Asad; Pinnington, Ashly H.
摘要:The literature on Project Management (PM) shows that, in spite of advancement in PM
processes, tools and systems, project success has not significantly improved. This problem raises
questions about the value and effectiveness of PM and PM systems. This paper reports a research
study which tests the relationship between PM performance and project success drawing from
empirical data on PM professionals working in UAE project-based organisations.
Multi-dimensional frameworks are validated and used in this study to measure PM
performance and project success. A total of 154 completed questionnaires were analysed.
Bi-variate correlation and multiple regression tests found a positive influence of PM performance
and its contributing variables on project success. Additionally, new variable relationships that have
not previously been identified are explored between individual variables of PM performance and
project success.
15. 标题:A review on buildings energy consumption information • Article
出处:Energy and Buildings, Volume 40, Issue 3, January 2008, Pages 394-398
作者:Perez-Lombard, L.; Ortiz, J.; Pout, C.
摘要:The rapidly growing world energy use has already raised concerns over supply difficulties,
exhaustion of energy resources and heavy environmental impacts (ozone layer depletion, global
warming, climate change, etc.). The global contribution from buildings towards energy
consumption, both residential and commercial, has steadily increased reaching figures between
20% and 40% in developed countries, and has exceeded the other major sectors: industrial and
transportation. Growth in population, increasing demand for building services and comfort levels,
together with the rise in time spent inside buildings, assure the upward trend in energy demand
will continue in the future. For this reason, energy efficiency in buildings is today a prime
objective for energy policy at regional, national and international levels. Among building services,
the growth in HVAC systems energy use is particularly significant (50% of building consumption
and 20% of total consumption in the USA). This paper analyses available information concerning
energy consumption in buildings, and particularly related to HVAC systems. Many questions arise:
Is the necessary information available? Which are the main building types? What end uses should
be considered in the breakdown? Comparisons between different countries are presented specially
for commercial buildings. The case of offices is analysed in deeper detail.
16. 标题:Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage • Article
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 21, Issue 24, December 2000, Pages 2529-2543
作者:Hutmacher, D.W.
摘要:Musculoskeletal tissue, bone and cartilage are under extensive investigation in tissue
engineering research. A number of biodegradable and bioresorbable materials, as well as scaffold
designs, have been experimentally and/or clinically studied. Ideally, a scaffold should have the
following characteristics: (i) three-dimensional and highly porous with an interconnected pore
network for cell growth and flow transport of nutrients and metabolic waste; (ii) biocompatible
and bioresorbable with a controllable degradation and resorption rate to match cell/tissue growth
in vitro and/or in vivo; (iii) suitable surface chemistry for cell attachment, proliferation, and
differentation and (iv) mechanical properties to match those of the tissues at the site of
implantation. This paper reviews research on the tissue engineering of bone and cartilage from the
polymeric scaffold point of view.
17. 标题:A framework for supply chain performance measurement • Article
出处:International Journal of Production Economics, Volume 87, Issue 3, February 2004, Pages
作者:Gunasekaran, A; Patel, C; McGaughey, Ronald E
摘要:Supply chain management (SCM) has been a major component of competitive strategy to
enhance organizational productivity and profitability. The literature on SCM that deals with
strategies and technologies for effectively managing a supply chain is quite vast. In recent years,
organizational performance measurement and metrics have received much attention from
researchers and practitioners. The role of these measures and metrics in the success of an
organization cannot be overstated because they affect strategic, tactical and operational planning
and control. Performance measurement and metrics have an important role to play in setting
objectives, evaluating performance, and determining future courses of actions. Performance
measurement and metrics pertaining to SCM have not received adequate attention from
researchers or practitioners. We developed a framework to promote a better understanding of the
importance of SCM performance measurement and metrics. Using the current literature and the
results of an empirical study of selected British companies, we developed the framework
presented herein, in hopes that it would stimulate more interest in this important area.
18. 标题:Wireless sensor network survey • Article
出处:Computer Networks, Volume 52, Issue 12, August 2008, Pages 2292-2330
作者:Yick, J.; Mukherjee, B.; Ghosal, D.
摘要:A wireless sensor network (WSN) has important applications such as remote environmental
monitoring and target tracking. This has been enabled by the availability, particularly in recent
years, of sensors that are smaller, cheaper, and intelligent. These sensors are equipped with
wireless interfaces with which they can communicate with one another to form a network. The
design of a WSN depends significantly on the application, and it must consider factors such as the
environment, the application’s design objectives, cost, hardware, and system constraints. The goal
of our survey is to present a comprehensive review of the recent literature since the publication of
[I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci, A survey on sensor networks, IEEE
Communications Magazine, 2002]. Following a top-down approach, we give an overview of
several new applications and then review the literature on various aspects of WSNs. We classify
the problems into three different categories: (1) internal platform and underlying operating system,
(2) communication protocol stack, and (3) network services, provisioning, and deployment. We
review the major development in these three categories and outline new challenges.
19. 标题:The project benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM) • Article
出处:International Journal of Project Management, Pages 971-980
作者:Bryde, David; Broquetas, Martí; Volm, Jürgen Marc
摘要:Theoretical developments in Building Information Modelling (BIM) suggest that not only is
it useful for geometric modelling of a building's performance but also that it can assist in the
management of construction projects. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent to which
the use of BIM has resulted in reported benefits on a cross-section of construction projects. This
exploration is done by collecting secondary data from 35 construction projects that utilised BIM.
A set of project success criteria were generated and content analysis was used to establish the
extent to which each individual project met a criterion. The most frequently reported benefit
related to the cost reduction and control through the project life cycle. Significant time savings
were also reported. Negative benefits were mainly focused on the use of BIM software.
Cost/benefit analysis, awareness raising and education and training are important activities to
address the challenges of BIM usage.
链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263786312001779
20. 标题:A review of solar collectors and thermal energy storage in solar thermal applications •
出处:Applied Energy, Volume 104, April 2013, Pages 538-553
作者:Tian, Y.; Zhao, C.Y.
摘要:Thermal applications are drawing increasing attention in the solar energy research field, due
to their high performance in energy storage density and energy conversion efficiency. In these
applications, solar collectors and thermal energy storage systems are the two core components.
This paper focuses on the latest developments and advances in solar thermal applications,
providing a review of solar collectors and thermal energy storage systems. Various types of solar
collectors are reviewed and discussed, including both non-concentrating collectors (low
temperature applications) and concentrating collectors (high temperature applications). These are
studied in terms of optical optimisation, heat loss reduction, heat recuperation enhancement and
different sun-tracking mechanisms. Various types of thermal energy storage systems are also
reviewed and discussed, including sensible heat storage, latent heat storage, chemical storage and
cascaded storage. They are studied in terms of design criteria, material selection and different heat
transfer enhancement technologies. Last but not least, existing and future solar power stations are
21. 标题:Sustainable supply chains: An introduction • Article
出处:Journal of Operations Management, Volume 25, Issue 6, November 2007, Pages 1075-1082
作者:Linton, Jonathan D.; Klassen, Robert; Jayaraman, Vaidyanathan
摘要:Consideration is given to the convergence of supply chains and sustainability. In doing so,
the focus on environmental management and operations is moved from local optimization of
environmental factors to consideration of the entire supply chain during the production,
consumption, customer service and post-disposal disposition of products. This is a critical and
timely topic that captures increasing concerns over sustainability, whether driven by current
legislation, public interest, or competitive opportunity. As such, sustainable development is a rich
area for academic research that is still in its infancy and has the potential to affect future
government policy, current production operations, and identify new business models. This paper
provides a background to better understand current trends in this multidisciplinary field that
intersect with operations management, and the research opportunities and challenges it presents.
22. 标题:Trends in big data analytics • Article
出处:Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 74, Issue 7, July 2014, Pages
作者:Kambatla, K.; Kollias, G.; Kumar, V.; Grama, A.
摘要:One of the major applications of future generation parallel and distributed systems is in
big-data analytics. Data repositories for such applications currently exceed exabytes and are
rapidly increasing in size. Beyond their sheer magnitude, these datasets and associated
applications’ considerations pose significant challenges for method and software development.
Datasets are often distributed and their size and privacy considerations warrant distributed
techniques. Data often resides on platforms with widely varying computational and network
capabilities. Considerations of fault-tolerance, security, and access control are critical in many
applications (Dean and Ghemawat, 2004; Apache hadoop). Analysis tasks often have hard
deadlines, and data quality is a major concern in yet other applications. For most emerging
applications, data-driven models and methods, capable of operating at scale, are as-yet unknown.
Even when known methods can be scaled, validation of results is a major issue. Characteristics of
hardware platforms and the software stack fundamentally impact data analytics. In this article, we
provide an overview of the state-of-the-art and focus on emerging trends to highlight the hardware,
software, and application landscape of big-data analytics.
23. 标题:Hydrogels for tissue engineering: scaffold design variables and applications • Review
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 24, Issue 24, November 2003, Pages 4337-4351
作者:Drury, J.L.; Mooney, D.J.
摘要:Polymer scaffolds have many different functions in the field of tissue engineering. They are
applied as space filling agents, as delivery vehicles for bioactive molecules, and as
three-dimensional structures that organize cells and present stimuli to direct the formation of a
desired tissue. Much of the success of scaffolds in these roles hinges on finding an appropriate
material to address the critical physical, mass transport, and biological design variables inherent to
each application. Hydrogels are an appealing scaffold material because they are structurally
similar to the extracellular matrix of many tissues, can often be processed under relatively mild
conditions, and may be delivered in a minimally invasive manner. Consequently, hydrogels have
been utilized as scaffold materials for drug and growth factor delivery, engineering tissue
replacements, and a variety of other applications.
24. 标题:Advances in the science and technology of carbon nanotubes and their composites: a
review • Article
出处:Composites Science and Technology, Volume 61, Issue 13, October 2001, Pages 1899-1912
作者:Thostenson, E.T.; Ren, Z.; Chou, T.-W.
摘要:Since their first observation nearly a decade ago by Iijima (Iijima S. Helical microtubules of
graphitic carbon Nature. 1991; 354:56–8), carbon nanotubes have been the focus of considerable
research. Numerous investigators have since reported remarkable physical and mechanical
properties for this new form of carbon. From unique electronic properties and a thermal
conductivity higher than diamond to mechanical properties where the stiffness, strength and
resilience exceeds any current material, carbon nanotubes offer tremendous opportunities for the
development of fundamentally new material systems. In particular, the exceptional mechanical
properties of carbon nanotubes, combined with their low density, offer scope for the development
of nanotube-reinforced composite materials. The potential for nanocomposites reinforced with
carbon tubes having extraordinary specific stiffness and strength represent tremendous opportunity
for application in the 21st century. This paper provides a concise review of recent advances in
carbon nanotubes and their composites. We examine the research work reported in the literature on
the structure and processing of carbon nanotubes, as well as characterization and property
modeling of carbon nanotubes and their composites.
25. 标题:Lean manufacturing: context, practice bundles, and performance • Article
出处:Journal of Operations Management, Volume 21, Issue 2, March 2003, Pages 129-149
作者:Shah, Rachna; Ward, Peter T
摘要:Management literature has suggested that contextual factors may present strong inertial
forces within organizations that inhibit implementations that appear technically rational [R.R.
Nelson, S.G. Winter, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1982]. This paper examines the effects of three contextual factors, plant size,
plant age and unionization status, on the likelihood of implementing 22 manufacturing practices
that are key facets of lean production systems. Further, we postulate four “bundles” of inter-related
and internally consistent practices; these are just-in-time (JIT), total quality management (TQM),
total preventive maintenance (TPM), and human resource management (HRM). We empirically
validate our bundles and investigate their effects on operational performance. The study sample
uses data from IndustryWeek’s Census of Manufacturers. The evidence provides strong support
for the influence of plant size on lean implementation, whereas the influence of unionization and
plant age is less pervasive than conventional wisdom suggests. The results also indicate that lean
bundles contribute substantially to the operating performance of plants, and explain about 23% of
the variation in operational performance after accounting for the effects of industry and contextual
二、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (化学类)
1. 标题:UV-assisted in situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles on silk fibers for antibacterial
applications • Article
出处:Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 447, April
2014, Pages 1-7
作者:Lu, Z.; Meng, M.; Jiang, Y.; Xie, J.
摘要:To overcome the bacteria-caused degradation of silk, an ultraviolet light (UV)-assisted in
situ synthesis approach is developed to immobilize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on degummed
silk fibers for antibacterial applications. Results show that AgNPs with excellent crystalline
structures are efficiently attached on the silk surface in an irradiation time-dependent manner. The
immobilization of AgNPs could greatly delay the thermal degradation of silk. The antibacterial
activity of the AgNPs-coated silk is evaluated by the growth curve of bacteria, zone of inhibition
and dual staining assays, clearly demonstrating its bacterial growth inhibition ability and
bactericidal effects. This work offers potentials to produce specific AgNPs-coated antimicrobial
silk for various applications in textile industry.
2. 标题:ZFN, TALEN, and CRISPR/Cas-based methods for genome engineering • Review article
出处:Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 31, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 397-405
作者:Gaj, T.; Gersbach, C.A.; Barbas, C.F.
摘要:Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs)
comprise a powerful class of tools that are redefining the boundaries of biological research. These
chimeric nucleases are composed of programmable, sequence-specific DNA-binding modules
linked to a nonspecific DNA cleavage domain. ZFNs and TALENs enable a broad range of genetic
modifications by inducing DNA double-strand breaks that stimulate error-prone nonhomologous
end joining or homology-directed repair at specific genomic locations. Here, we review
achievements made possible by site-specific nuclease technologies and discuss applications of
these reagents for genetic analysis and manipulation. In addition, we highlight the therapeutic
potential of ZFNs and TALENs and discuss future prospects for the field, including the emergence
of clustered regulatory interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas-based RNA-guided
DNA endonucleases.
3. 标题:Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials for ethanol production: a review • Article
出处:Bioresource Technology, Volume 83, Issue 1, May 2002, Pages 1-11
作者:Sun, Y.; Cheng, J.
摘要:Lignocellulosic biomass can be utilized to produce ethanol, a promising alternative energy
source for the limited crude oil. There are mainly two processes involved in the conversion:
hydrolysis of cellulose in the lignocellulosic biomass to produce reducing sugars, and
fermentation of the sugars to ethanol. The cost of ethanol production from lignocellulosic
materials is relatively high based on current technologies, and the main challenges are the low
yield and high cost of the hydrolysis process. Considerable research efforts have been made to
improve the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. Pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials to
remove lignin and hemicellulose can significantly enhance the hydrolysis of cellulose.
Optimization of the cellulase enzymes and the enzyme loading can also improve the hydrolysis.
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation effectively removes glucose, which is an inhibitor
to cellulase activity, thus increasing the yield and rate of cellulose hydrolysis.
4. 标 题 : Synthesis and surface engineering of iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical
applications • Review article
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 26, Issue 18, June 2005, Pages 3995-4021
作者:Gupta, A.K.; Gupta, M.
摘要:Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) with appropriate surface chemistry
have been widely used experimentally for numerous in vivo applications such as magnetic
resonance imaging contrast enhancement, tissue repair, immunoassay, detoxification of biological
fluids, hyperthermia, drug delivery and in cell separation, etc. All these biomedical and
bioengineering applications require that these nanoparticles have high magnetization values and
size smaller than 100 nm with overall narrow particle size distribution, so that the particles have
uniform physical and chemical properties. In addition, these applications need special surface
coating of the magnetic particles, which has to be not only non-toxic and biocompatible but also
allow a targetable delivery with particle localization in a specific area. To this end, most work in
this field has been done in improving the biocompatibility of the materials, but only a few
scientific investigations and developments have been carried out in improving the quality of
magnetic particles, their size distribution, their shape and surface in addition to characterizing
them to get a protocol for the quality control of these particles. Nature of surface coatings and
their subsequent geometric arrangement on the nanoparticles determine not only the overall size of
the colloid but also play a significant role in biokinetics and biodistribution of nanoparticles in the
body. The types of specific coating, or derivatization, for these nanoparticles depend on the end
application and should be chosen by keeping a particular application in mind, whether it be aimed
at inflammation response or anti-cancer agents. Magnetic nanoparticles can bind to drugs, proteins,
enzymes, antibodies, or nucleotides and can be directed to an organ, tissue, or tumour using an
external magnetic field or can be heated in alternating magnetic fields for use in hyperthermia.
This review discusses the synthetic chemistry, fluid stabilization and surface modification of
superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, as well as their use for above biomedical
5. 标题:Biodiesel production: a review • Article
出处:Bioresource Technology, Volume 70, Issue 1, October 1999, Pages 1-15
作者:Ma, F.; Hanna, M.A.
摘要:Biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits and the
fact that it is made from renewable resources. The cost of biodiesel, however, is the main hurdle to
commercialization of the product. The used cooking oils are used as raw material, adaption of
continuous transesterification process and recovery of high quality glycerol from biodiesel
by-product (glycerol) are primary options to be considered to lower the cost of biodiesel. There
are four primary ways to make biodiesel, direct use and blending, microemulsions, thermal
cracking (pyrolysis) and transesterification. The most commonly used method is
transesterification of vegetable oils and animal fats. The transesterification reaction is affected by
molar ratio of glycerides to alcohol, catalysts, reaction temperature, reaction time and free fatty
acids and water content of oils or fats. The mechanism and kinetics of the transesterification show
how the reaction occurs and progresses. The processes of transesterification and its downstream
operations are also addressed.
6. 标题:Biodiesel from microalgae • Review article
出处:Biotechnology Advances, Volume 25, Issue 3, May 2007, Pages 294-306
作者:Chisti, Y.
摘要:Continued use of petroleum sourced fuels is now widely recognized as unsustainable
because of depleting supplies and the contribution of these fuels to the accumulation of carbon
dioxide in the environment. Renewable, carbon neutral, transport fuels are necessary for
environmental and economic sustainability. Biodiesel derived from oil crops is a potential
renewable and carbon neutral alternative to petroleum fuels. Unfortunately, biodiesel from oil
crops, waste cooking oil and animal fat cannot realistically satisfy even a small fraction of the
existing demand for transport fuels. As demonstrated here, microalgae appear to be the only
source of renewable biodiesel that is capable of meeting the global demand for transport fuels.
Like plants, microalgae use sunlight to produce oils but they do so more efficiently than crop
plants. Oil productivity of many microalgae greatly exceeds the oil productivity of the best
producing oil crops. Approaches for making microalgal biodiesel economically competitive with
petrodiesel are discussed.
7. 标题:Event extraction for systems biology by text mining the literature • Review article
出处:Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 28, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 381-390
作者:Ananiadou, S.; Pyysalo, S.; Tsujii, J.; Kell, D.B.
摘要:Systems biology recognizes in particular the importance of interactions between biological
components and the consequences of these interactions. Such interactions and their downstream
effects are known as events. To computationally mine the literature for such events, text mining
methods that can detect, extract and annotate them are required. This review summarizes the
methods that are currently available, with a specific focus on protein–protein interactions and
pathway or network reconstruction. The approaches described will be of considerable value in
associating particular pathways and their components with higher-order physiological properties,
including disease states.
8. 标题:Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles based drug delivery systems • Review article
出处:Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 75, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 1-18
作者:Kumari, A.; Yadav, S.K.; Yadav, S.C.
摘要:Biodegradable nanoparticles have been used frequently as drug delivery vehicles due to its
grand bioavailability, better encapsulation, control release and less toxic properties. Various
nanoparticulate systems, general synthesis and encapsulation process, control release and
improvement of therapeutic value of nanoencapsulated drugs are covered in this review. We have
highlighted the impact of nanoencapsulation of various disease related drugs on biodegradable
nanoparticles such as PLGA, PLA, chitosan, gelatin, polycaprolactone and
9. 标题:Review on thermal energy storage with phase change: materials, heat transfer analysis
and applications • Review article
出处:Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 3, February 2003, Pages 251-283
作者:Zalba, B.; Marn, J.M.S.T.; Cabeza, L.F.; Mehling, H.
摘要:Thermal energy storage in general, and phase change materials (PCMs) in particular, have
been a main topic in research for the last 20 years, but although the information is quantitatively
enormous, it is also spread widely in the literature, and difficult to find. In this work, a review has
been carried out of the history of thermal energy storage with solid–liquid phase change. Three
aspects have been the focus of this review: materials, heat transfer and applications. The paper
contains listed over 150 materials used in research as PCMs, and about 45 commercially available
PCMs. The paper lists over 230 references.
10. 标题:Application and modification of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes - A
review • Review article
出处:Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 463, August 2014, Pages 145-165
作者:Kang, G.d.; Cao, Y.m.
摘要:Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes have been extensively applied to scientific
research and industrial process due to its outstanding properties such as high thermal stability,
good chemical resistance and membrane forming properties. This article provides an overview of
recent progress on the application and modification of PVDF membranes. The applications
include water treatment, membrane distillation, gas separation, pollutants removal, bioethanol
recovery, separator for lithium ion battery, support for preparing composite membranes, etc.
Subsequently, on the basis of two major problems of PVDF membranes in applications, i.e.,
membrane fouling and membrane wetting, the hydrophilic modification and hydrophobic
modification methods are comprehensively reviewed. Finally, the key issues associated with the
modification of PVDF membranes for actual applications are discussed. This paper may provide
an insight for the development of PVDF membranes in future.
11. 标题:Fabrication and processing of polymer solar cells: A review of printing and coating
techniques • Review article
出处:Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 93, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 394-412
作者:Krebs, F.C.
摘要:Polymer solar cells are reviewed in the context of the processing techniques leading to
complete devices. A distinction is made between the film-forming techniques that are used
currently such as spincoating, doctor blading and casting and the, from a processing point of view,
more desirable film-forming techniques such as slot-die coating, gravure coating, knife-over-edge
coating, off-set coating, spray coating and printing techniques such as ink jet printing, pad printing
and screen printing. The former are used almost exclusively and are not suited for high-volume
production whereas the latter are highly suited, but little explored in the context of polymer solar
cells. A further distinction is made between printing and coating when a film is formed. The entire
process leading to polymer solar cells is broken down into the individual steps and the available
techniques and materials for each step are described with focus on the particular advantages and
disadvantages associated with each case.
12. 标题:Scaffolds in tissue engineering bone and cartilage • Article
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 21, Issue 24, December 2000, Pages 2529-2543
作者:Hutmacher, D.W.
摘要:Musculoskeletal tissue, bone and cartilage are under extensive investigation in tissue
engineering research. A number of biodegradable and bioresorbable materials, as well as scaffold
designs, have been experimentally and/or clinically studied. Ideally, a scaffold should have the
following characteristics: (i) three-dimensional and highly porous with an interconnected pore
network for cell growth and flow transport of nutrients and metabolic waste; (ii) biocompatible
and bioresorbable with a controllable degradation and resorption rate to match cell/tissue growth
in vitro and/or in vivo; (iii) suitable surface chemistry for cell attachment, proliferation, and
differentation and (iv) mechanical properties to match those of the tissues at the site of
implantation. This paper reviews research on the tissue engineering of bone and cartilage from the
polymeric scaffold point of view.
13. 标题:Silver nanoparticles as a new generation of antimicrobials • Review article
出处:Biotechnology Advances, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 76-83
作者:Rai, M.; Yadav, A.; Gade, A.
摘要:Silver has been in use since time immemorial in the form of metallic silver, silver nitrate,
silver sulfadiazine for the treatment of burns, wounds and several bacterial infections. But due to
the emergence of several antibiotics the use of these silver compounds has been declined
remarkably. Nanotechnology is gaining tremendous impetus in the present century due to its
capability of modulating metals into their nanosize, which drastically changes the chemical,
physical and optical properties of metals. Metallic silver in the form of silver nanoparticles has
made a remarkable comeback as a potential antimicrobial agent. The use of silver nanoparticles is
also important, as several pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance against various
antibiotics. Hence, silver nanoparticles have emerged up with diverse medical applications ranging
from silver based dressings, silver coated medicinal devices, such as nanogels, nanolotions, etc.
14. 标题:Dye-sensitized solar cells • Review article
出处:Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, Volume 4, Issue 2,
October 2003, Pages 145-153
作者:Gratzel, M.
摘要:The dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) provides a technically and economically credible
alternative concept to present day p–n junction photovoltaic devices. In contrast to the
conventional systems where the semiconductor assume both the task of light absorption and
charge carrier transport the two functions are separated here. Light is absorbed by a sensitizer,
which is anchored to the surface of a wide band semiconductor. Charge separation takes place at
the interface via photo-induced electron injection from the dye into the conduction band of the
solid. Carriers are transported in the conduction band of the semiconductor to the charge collector.
The use of sensitizers having a broad absorption band in conjunction with oxide films of
nanocrstalline morphology permits to harvest a large fraction of sunlight. Nearly quantitative
conversion of incident photon into electric current is achieved over a large spectral range
extending from the UV to the near IR region. Overall solar (standard AM 1.5) to current
conversion efficiencies (IPCE) over 10% have been reached. There are good prospects to produce
these cells at lower cost than conventional devices. Here we present the current state of the field,
discuss new concepts of the dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cell (DSC) including
heterojunction variants and analyze the perspectives for the future development of the technology.
15. 标题:Pretreatment technologies for an efficient bioethanol production process based on
enzymatic hydrolysis: A review • Article
出处:Bioresource Technology, Volume 101, Issue 13, July 2010, Pages 4851-4861
作者:Alvira, P.; Tomas-Pejo, E.; Ballesteros, M.; Negro, M.J.
摘要:Biofuel produced from lignocellulosic materials, so-called second generation bioethanol
shows energetic, economic and environmental advantages in comparison to bioethanol from starch
or sugar. However, physical and chemical barriers caused by the close association of the main
components of lignocellulosic biomass, hinder the hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose to
fermentable sugars. The main goal of pretreatment is to increase the enzyme accessibility
improving digestibility of cellulose. Each pretreatment has a specific effect on the cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin fraction thus, different pretreatment methods and conditions should be
chosen according to the process configuration selected for the subsequent hydrolysis and
fermentation steps. This paper reviews the most interesting technologies for ethanol production
from lignocellulose and it points out several key properties that should be targeted for low-cost
and advanced pretreatment processes.
16. 标题:Arsenic removal from water/wastewater using adsorbents-A critical review • Review
出处:Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 142, Issue 1-2, April 2007, Pages 1-53
作者:Mohan, D.; Pittman, C.U.
摘要:Arsenic's history in science, medicine and technology has been overshadowed by its
notoriety as a poison in homicides. Arsenic is viewed as being synonymous with toxicity.
Dangerous arsenic concentrations in natural waters is now a worldwide problem and often referred
to as a 20th–21st century calamity. High arsenic concentrations have been reported recently from
the USA, China, Chile, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Mexico, Argentina, Poland, Canada, Hungary, Japan
and India. Among 21 countries in different parts of the world affected by groundwater arsenic
contamination, the largest population at risk is in Bangladesh followed by West Bengal in India.
Existing overviews of arsenic removal include technologies that have traditionally been used
(oxidation, precipitation/coagulation/membrane separation) with far less attention paid to
adsorption. No previous review is available where readers can get an overview of the sorption
capacities of both available and developed sorbents used for arsenic remediation together with the
traditional remediation methods. We have incorporated most of the valuable available literature on
arsenic remediation by adsorption (∼600 references). Existing purification methods for drinking
water; wastewater; industrial effluents, and technological solutions for arsenic have been listed.
Arsenic sorption by commercially available carbons and other low-cost adsorbents are surveyed
and critically reviewed and their sorption efficiencies are compared. Arsenic adsorption behavior
in presence of other impurities has been discussed. Some commercially available adsorbents are
also surveyed. An extensive table summarizes the sorption capacities of various adsorbents. Some
low-cost adsorbents are superior including treated slags, carbons developed from agricultural
waste (char carbons and coconut husk carbons), biosorbents (immobilized biomass, orange juice
residue), goethite and some commercial adsorbents, which include resins, gels, silica, treated silica
tested for arsenic removal come out to be superior. Immobilized biomass adsorbents offered
outstanding performances. Desorption of arsenic followed by regeneration of sorbents has been
discussed. Strong acids and bases seem to be the best desorbing agents to produce arsenic
concentrates. Arsenic concentrate treatment and disposal obtained is briefly addressed. This issue
is very important but much less discussed.
17. 标题:Applications of nanotechnology in food packaging and food safety: Barrier materials,
antimicrobials and sensors • Article
出处:Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 363, Issue 1, November 2011, Pages 1-24
作者:Duncan, T.V.
摘要:In this article, several applications of nanomaterials in food packaging and food safety are
reviewed, including: polymer/clay nanocomposites as high barrier packaging materials, silver
nanoparticles as potent antimicrobial agents, and nanosensors and nanomaterial-based assays for
the detection of food-relevant analytes (gasses, small organic molecules and food-borne
pathogens). In addition to covering the technical aspects of these topics, the current commercial
status and understanding of health implications of these technologies are also discussed. These
applications were chosen because they do not involve direct addition of nanoparticles to consumed
foods, and thus are more likely to be marketed to the public in the short term.
18. 标题:Titanium dioxide photocatalysis • Review article
出处:Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, Volume 1, Issue 1,
June 2000, Pages 1-21
作者:Fujishima, A.; Rao, T.N.; Tryk, D.A.
摘要:Scientific studies on photocatalysis started about two and a half decades ago. Titanium
dioxide (TiO2), which is one of the most basic materials in our daily life, has emerged as an
excellent photocatalyst material for environmental purification. In this review, current progress in
the area of TiO2 photocatalysis, mainly photocatalytic air purification, sterilization and cancer
therapy are discussed together with some fundamental aspects. A novel photoinduced
superhydrophilic phenomenon involving TiO2 and its applications are presented.
链接: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389556700000022
19. 标题:TiO"2 photocatalysis: Design and applications • Review article
出处:Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, Volume 13, Issue
3, September 2012, Pages 169-189
作者:Nakata, K.; Fujishima, A.
摘要:TiO2 photocatalysis is widely used in a variety of applications and products in the
environmental and energy fields, including self-cleaning surfaces, air and water purification
systems, sterilization, hydrogen evolution, and photoelectrochemical conversion. The
development of new materials, however, is strongly required to provide enhanced performances
with respect to the photocatalytic properties and to find new uses for TiO2 photocatalysis. In this
review, recent developments in the area of TiO2 photocatalysis research, in terms of new materials
from a structural design perspective, have been summarized. The dimensionality associated with
the structure of a TiO2 material can affect its properties and functions, including its photocatalytic
performance, and also more specifically its surface area, adsorption, reflectance, adhesion, and
carrier transportation properties. We provide a brief introduction to the current situation in TiO2
photocatalysis, and describe structurally controlled TiO2 photocatalysts which can be classified
into zero-, one-, two-, and three-dimensional structures. Furthermore, novel applications of TiO2
surfaces for the fabrication of wettability patterns and for printing are discussed.
20. 标题:Recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli • Review article
出处:Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Volume 10, Issue 5, October 1999, Pages 411-421
作者:Baneyx, F.
摘要:Escherichia coli is one of the most widely used hosts for the production of heterologous
proteins and its genetics are far better characterized than those of any other microorganism. Recent
progress in the fundamental understanding of transcription, translation, and protein folding in E.
coli, together with serendipitous discoveries and the availability of improved genetic tools are
making this bacterium more valuable than ever for the expression of complex eukaryotic proteins.
21. 标题:Electrospinning: A fascinating fiber fabrication technique • Review article
出处:Biotechnology Advances, Volume 28, Issue 3, May 2010, Pages 325-347
作者:Bhardwaj, N.; Kundu, S.C.
摘要:With the emergence of nanotechnology, researchers become more interested in studying the
unique properties of nanoscale materials. Electrospinning, an electrostatic fiber fabrication
technique has evinced more interest and attention in recent years due to its versatility and potential
for applications in diverse fields. The notable applications include in tissue engineering,
biosensors, filtration, wound dressings, drug delivery, and enzyme immobilization. The nanoscale
fibers are generated by the application of strong electric field on polymer solution or melt. The
non-wovens nanofibrous mats produced by this technique mimics extracellular matrix components
much closely as compared to the conventional techniques. The sub-micron range spun fibers
produced by this process, offer various advantages like high surface area to volume ratio, tunable
porosity and the ability to manipulate nanofiber composition in order to get desired properties and
function. Over the years, more than 200 polymers have been electropun for various applications
and the number is still increasing gradually with time. With these in perspectives, we aim to
present in this review, an overview of the electrospinning technique with its promising advantages
and potential applications. We have discussed the electrospinning theory, spinnable polymers,
parameters (solution and processing), which significantly affect the fiber morphology, solvent
properties and melt electrospinning (alternative to solution electrospinning). Finally, we have
focused on varied applications of electrospun fibers in different fields and concluded with the
future prospects of this efficient technology.
22. 标题:Hydrogels for tissue engineering: scaffold design variables and applications • Review
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 24, Issue 24, November 2003, Pages 4337-4351
作者:Drury, J.L.; Mooney, D.J.
摘要:Polymer scaffolds have many different functions in the field of tissue engineering. They are
applied as space filling agents, as delivery vehicles for bioactive molecules, and as
three-dimensional structures that organize cells and present stimuli to direct the formation of a
desired tissue. Much of the success of scaffolds in these roles hinges on finding an appropriate
material to address the critical physical, mass transport, and biological design variables inherent to
each application. Hydrogels are an appealing scaffold material because they are structurally
similar to the extracellular matrix of many tissues, can often be processed under relatively mild
conditions, and may be delivered in a minimally invasive manner. Consequently, hydrogels have
been utilized as scaffold materials for drug and growth factor delivery, engineering tissue
replacements, and a variety of other applications.
23. 标题:Inhibition of anaerobic digestion process: A review • Review article
出处:Bioresource Technology, Volume 99, Issue 10, July 2008, Pages 4044-4064
作者:Chen, Y.; Cheng, J.J.; Creamer, K.S.
摘要:Anaerobic digestion is an attractive waste treatment practice in which both pollution control
and energy recovery can be achieved. Many agricultural and industrial wastes are ideal candidates
for anaerobic digestion because they contain high levels of easily biodegradable materials.
Problems such as low methane yield and process instability are often encountered in anaerobic
digestion, preventing this technique from being widely applied. A wide variety of inhibitory
substances are the primary cause of anaerobic digester upset or failure since they are present in
substantial concentrations in wastes. Considerable research efforts have been made to identify the
mechanism and the controlling factors of inhibition. This review provides a detailed summary of
the research conducted on the inhibition of anaerobic processes. The inhibitors commonly present
in anaerobic digesters include ammonia, sulfide, light metal ions, heavy metals, and organics. Due
to the difference in anaerobic inocula, waste composition, and experimental methods and
conditions, literature results on inhibition caused by specific toxicants vary widely. Co-digestion
with other waste, adaptation of microorganisms to inhibitory substances, and incorporation of
methods to remove or counteract toxicants before anaerobic digestion can significantly improve
the waste treatment efficiency.
24. 标题:Click hydrogels, microgels and nanogels: Emerging platforms for drug delivery and
tissue engineering • Review article
出处:Biomaterials, Volume 35, Issue 18, June 2014, Pages 4969-4985
作者:Jiang, Y.; Chen, J.; Deng, C.; Suuronen, E.J.; Zhong, Z.
摘要:Hydrogels, microgels and nanogels have emerged as versatile and viable platforms for
sustained protein release, targeted drug delivery, and tissue engineering due to excellent
biocompatibility, a microporous structure with tunable porosity and pore size, and dimensions
spanning from human organs, cells to viruses. In the past decade, remarkable advances in
hydrogels, microgels and nanogels have been achieved with click chemistry. It is a most promising
strategy to prepare gels with varying dimensions owing to its high reactivity, superb selectivity,
and mild reaction conditions. In particular, the recent development of copper-free click chemistry
such as strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition, radical mediated thiol-ene chemistry,
Diels–Alder reaction, tetrazole-alkene photo-click chemistry, and oxime reaction renders it
possible to form hydrogels, microgels and nanogels without the use of potentially toxic catalysts
or immunogenic enzymes that are commonly required. Notably, unlike other chemical approaches,
click chemistry owing to its unique bioorthogonal feature does not interfere with encapsulated
bioactives such as living cells, proteins and drugs and furthermore allows versatile preparation of
micropatterned biomimetic hydrogels, functional microgels and nanogels. In this review, recent
exciting developments in click hydrogels, microgels and nanogels, as well as their biomedical
applications such as controlled protein and drug release, tissue engineering, and regenerative
medicine are presented and discussed.
25. 标题:Silver nanoparticles: Green synthesis and their antimicrobial activities • Review article
出处:Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 145, Issue 1-2, January 2009, Pages
作者:Sharma, V.K.; Yngard, R.A.; Lin, Y.
摘要:This review presents an overview of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) preparation by green
synthesis approaches that have advantages over conventional methods involving chemical agents
associated with environmental toxicity. Green synthetic methods include mixed-valence
polyoxometallates, polysaccharide, Tollens, irradiation, and biological. The mixed-valence
polyoxometallates method was carried out in water, an environmentally-friendly solvent.
Solutions of AgNO3 containing glucose and starch in water gave starch-protected Ag NPs, which
could be integrated into medical applications. Tollens process involves the reduction of
Ag(NH3)2+ by saccharides forming Ag NP films with particle sizes from 50–200 nm, Ag
hydrosols with particles in the order of 20–50 nm, and Ag colloid particles of different shapes. The
reduction of Ag(NH3)2+ by HTAB (n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) gave Ag NPs of
different morphologies: cubes, triangles, wires, and aligned wires. Ag NPs synthesis by irradiation
of Ag+ ions does not involve a reducing agent and is an appealing procedure. Eco-friendly
bio-organisms in plant extracts contain proteins, which act as both reducing and capping agents
forming stable and shape-controlled Ag NPs. The synthetic procedures of polymer-Ag and
TiO2–Ag NPs are also given. Both Ag NPs and Ag NPs modified by surfactants or polymers
showed high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The
mechanism of the Ag NP bactericidal activity is discussed in terms of Ag NP interaction with the
cell membranes of bacteria. Silver-containing filters are shown to have antibacterial properties in
water and air purification. Finally, human and environmental implications of Ag NPs to the
ecology of aquatic environment are briefly discussed.
三、IEL Top25
1.标题:Data mining with big data
作者:Xindong Wu ; Xingquan Zhu ; Gong-Qing Wu ; Wei Ding
出处:Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Date : Jan. 2014
Page(s): 97 - 107
DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2013.109
摘要:Big Data concern large-volume, complex, growing data sets with multiple, autonomous
sources. With the fast development of networking, data storage, and the data collection capacity,
Big Data are now rapidly expanding in all science and engineering domains, including physical,
biological and biomedical sciences. This paper presents a HACE theorem that characterizes the
features of the Big Data revolution, and proposes a Big Data processing model, from the data
mining perspective. This data-driven model involves demand-driven aggregation of information
sources, mining and analysis, user interest modeling, and security and privacy considerations. We
analyze the challenging issues in the data-driven model and also in the Big Data revolution.
2.标题:Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics: A Technology Tutorial
作者:Han Hu ; Yonggang Wen ; Tat-Seng Chua ; Xuelong Li
出处:Access, IEEE
Volume: 2 Date : 2014
Page(s): 652 - 687
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2014.2332453
摘要:Recent technological advancements have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains
(e.g., health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and
supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The term big data was coined to capture the
meaning of this emerging trend. In addition to its sheer volume, big data also exhibits other unique
characteristics as compared with traditional data. For instance, big data is commonly unstructured
and require more real-time analysis. This development calls for new system architectures for data
acquisition, transmission, storage, and large-scale data processing mechanisms. In this paper, we
present a literature survey and system tutorial for big data analytics platforms, aiming to provide
an overall picture for nonexpert readers and instill a do-it-yourself spirit for advanced audiences to
customize their own big-data solutions. First, we present the definition of big data and discuss big
data challenges. Next, we present a systematic framework to decompose big data systems into four
sequential modules, namely data generation, data acquisition, data storage, and data analytics.
These four modules form a big data value chain. Following that, we present a detailed survey of
numerous approaches and mechanisms from research and industry communities. In addition, we
present the prevalent Hadoop framework for addressing big data challenges. Finally, we outline
several evaluation benchmarks and potential research directions for big data systems.
3.标题:Cellular architecture and key technologies for 5G wireless communication networks
作者:Cheng-Xiang Wang ; Haider, F. ; Xiqi Gao ; Xiao-Hu You ; Yang Yang ; Dongfeng Yuan ;
Aggoune, H. ; Haas, H. ; Fletcher, S. ; Hepsaydir, E.
出处:Communications Magazine, IEEE
Volume: 52 Issue: 2 Date : February 2014
Page(s): 122 - 130
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6736752
摘要:The fourth generation wireless communication systems have been deployed or are soon to
be deployed in many countries. However, with an explosion of wireless mobile devices and
services, there are still some challenges that cannot be accommodated even by 4G, such as the
spectrum crisis and high energy consumption. Wireless system designers have been facing the
continuously increasing demand for high data rates and mobility required by new wireless
applications and therefore have started research on fifth generation wireless systems that are
expected to be deployed beyond 2020. In this article, we propose a potential cellular architecture
that separates indoor and outdoor scenarios, and discuss various promising technologies for 5G
wireless communication systems, such as massive MIMO, energy-efficient communications,
cognitive radio networks, and visible light communications. Future challenges facing these
potential technologies are also discussed.
4.标题:Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systems
作者:Larsson, E. ; Edfors, O. ; Tufvesson, F. ; Marzetta, T.
出处:Communications Magazine, IEEE
Volume: 52 Issue: 2 Date : February 2014
Page(s): 186 - 195
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6736761
摘要:Multi-user MIMO offers big advantages over conventional point-to-point MIMO: it works
with cheap single-antenna terminals, a rich scattering environment is not required, and resource
allocation is simplified because every active terminal utilizes all of the time-frequency bins.
However, multi-user MIMO, as originally envisioned, with roughly equal numbers of service
antennas and terminals and frequency-division duplex operation, is not a scalable technology.
Massive MIMO (also known as large-scale antenna systems, very large MIMO, hyper MIMO,
full-dimension MIMO, and ARGOS) makes a clean break with current practice through the use of
a large excess of service antennas over active terminals and time-division duplex operation. Extra
antennas help by focusing energy into ever smaller regions of space to bring huge improvements
in throughput and radiated energy efficiency. Other benefits of massive MIMO include extensive
use of inexpensive low-power components, reduced latency, simplification of the MAC layer, and
robustness against intentional jamming. The anticipated throughput depends on the propagation
environment providing asymptotically orthogonal channels to the terminals, but so far experiments
have not disclosed any limitations in this regard. While massive MIMO renders many traditional
research problems irrelevant, it uncovers entirely new problems that urgently need attention: the
challenge of making many low-cost low-precision components that work effectively together,
acquisition and synchronization for newly joined terminals, the exploitation of extra degrees of
freedom provided by the excess of service antennas, reducing internal power consumption to
achieve total energy efficiency reductions, and finding new deployment scenarios. This article
presents an overview of the massive MIMO concept and contemporary research on the topic.
5.标题:What Will 5G Be?
作者:Andrews, J.G. ; Buzzi, S. ; Wan Choi ; Hanly, S.V. ; Lozano, A. ; Soong, A.C.K. ; Zhang,
出处:Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on
Volume: 32 Issue: 6 Date : June 2014
Page(s): 1065 - 1082
DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2014.2328098
摘要:What will 5G be? What it will not be is an incremental advance on 4G. The previous four
generations of cellular technology have each been a major paradigm shift that has broken
backward compatibility. Indeed, 5G will need to be a paradigm shift that includes very high carrier
frequencies with massive bandwidths, extreme base station and device densities, and
unprecedented numbers of antennas. However, unlike the previous four generations, it will also be
highly integrative: tying any new 5G air interface and spectrum together with LTE and WiFi to
provide universal high-rate coverage and a seamless user experience. To support this, the core
network will also have to reach unprecedented levels of flexibility and intelligence, spectrum
regulation will need to be rethought and improved, and energy and cost efficiencies will become
even more critical considerations. This paper discusses all of these topics, identifying key
challenges for future research and preliminary 5G standardization activities, while providing a
comprehensive overview of the current literature, and in particular of the papers appearing in this
special issue.
链接: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6824752
6.标题:Millimeter Wave Mobile Communications for 5G Cellular: It Will Work!
作者:Rappaport, T.S. ; Shu Sun ; Mayzus, R. ; Hang Zhao ; Azar, Y. ; Wang, K. ; Wong, G.N. ;
Schulz, J.K. ; Samimi, M. ; Gutierrez, F.
出处:Access, IEEE
Volume: 1 Date : 2013
Page(s): 335 - 349
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2013.2260813
摘要:The global bandwidth shortage facing wireless carriers has motivated the exploration of the
underutilized millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequency spectrum for future broadband cellular
communication networks. There is, however, little knowledge about cellular mm-wave
propagation in densely populated indoor and outdoor environments. Obtaining this information is
vital for the design and operation of future fifth generation cellular networks that use the
mm-wave spectrum. In this paper, we present the motivation for new mm-wave cellular systems,
methodology, and hardware for measurements and offer a variety of measurement results that
show 28 and 38 GHz frequencies can be used when employing steerable directional antennas at
base stations and mobile devices.
7. 标题:Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint,
and Face Recognition
作者:Galbally, J. ; Marcel, S. ; Fierrez, J.
出处:Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 23 Issue: 2 Date : Feb. 2014
Page(s): 710 - 724
DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2013.2292332
Referenced in: Biometrics Compendium, IEEE
摘 要 : To ensure the actual presence of a real legitimate trait in contrast to a fake
self-manufactured synthetic or reconstructed sample is a significant problem in biometric
authentication, which requires the development of new and efficient protection measures. In this
paper, we present a novel software-based fake detection method that can be used in multiple
biometric systems to detect different types of fraudulent access attempts. The objective of the
proposed system is to enhance the security of biometric recognition frameworks, by adding
liveness assessment in a fast, user-friendly, and non-intrusive manner, through the use of image
quality assessment. The proposed approach presents a very low degree of complexity, which
makes it suitable for real-time applications, using 25 general image quality features extracted from
one image (i.e., the same acquired for authentication purposes) to distinguish between legitimate
and impostor samples. The experimental results, obtained on publicly available data sets of
fingerprint, iris, and 2D face, show that the proposed method is highly competitive compared with
other state-of-the-art approaches and that the analysis of the general image quality of real
biometric samples reveals highly valuable information that may be very efficiently used to
discriminate them from fake traits.
8.标题:Agent-Based Cloud Computing
作者:Kwang Mong Sim
出处:Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Date : Fourth Quarter 2012
Page(s): 564 - 577
DOI: 10.1109/TSC.2011.52
摘要:Agent-based cloud computing is concerned with the design and development of software
agents for bolstering cloud service discovery, service negotiation, and service composition. The
significance of this work is introducing an agent-based paradigm for constructing software tools
and testbeds for cloud resource management. The novel contributions of this work include: 1)
developing Cloudle: an agent-based search engine for cloud service discovery, 2) showing that
agent-based negotiation mechanisms can be effectively adopted for bolstering cloud service
negotiation and cloud commerce, and 3) showing that agent-based cooperative problem-solving
techniques can be effectively adopted for automating cloud service composition. Cloudle consists
of 1) a service discovery agent that consults a cloud ontology for determining the similarities
between providers' service specifications and consumers' service requirements, and 2) multiple
cloud crawlers for building its database of services. Cloudle supports three types of reasoning:
similarity reasoning, compatibility reasoning, and numerical reasoning. To support cloud
commerce, this work devised a complex cloud negotiation mechanism that supports parallel
negotiation activities in interrelated markets: a cloud service market between consumer agents and
broker agents, and multiple cloud resource markets between broker agents and provider agents.
Empirical results show that using the complex cloud negotiation mechanism, agents achieved high
utilities and high success rates in negotiating for cloud resources. To automate cloud service
composition, agents in this work adopt a focused selection contract net protocol (FSCNP) for
dynamically selecting cloud services and use service capability tables (SCTs) to record the list of
cloud agents and their services. Empirical results show that using FSCNP and SCTs, agents can
successfully compose cloud services by autonomously selecting services.
9.标题:Cloud computing-based forensic analysis for collaborative network security management
作者:Chen, Zhen ; Han, Fuye ; Cao, Junwei ; Jiang, Xin ; Chen, Shuo
出处:Tsinghua Science and Technology
Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Date : Feb. 2013
Page(s): 40 - 50
DOI: 10.1109/TST.2013.6449406
摘要:Internet security problems remain a major challenge with many security concerns such as
Internet worms, spam, and phishing attacks. Botnets, well-organized distributed network attacks,
consist of a large number of bots that generate huge volumes of spam or launch Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS) attacks on victim hosts. New emerging botnet attacks degrade the status of
Internet security further. To address these problems, a practical collaborative network security
management system is proposed with an effective collaborative Unified Threat Management
(UTM) and traffic probers. A distributed security overlay network with a centralized security
center leverages a peer-to-peer communication protocol used in the UTMs collaborative module
and connects them virtually to exchange network events and security rules. Security functions for
the UTM are retrofitted to share security rules. In this paper, we propose a design and
implementation of a cloud-based security center for network security forensic analysis. We
propose using cloud storage to keep collected traffic data and then processing it with cloud
computing platforms to find the malicious attacks. As a practical example, phishing attack forensic
analysis is presented and the required computing and storage resources are evaluated based on real
trace data. The cloud-based security center can instruct each collaborative UTM and prober to
collect events and raw traffic, send them back for deep analysis, and generate new security rules.
These new security rules are enforced by collaborative UTM and the feedback events of such rules
are returned to the security center. By this type of close-loop control, the collaborative network
security management system can identify and address new distributed attacks more quickly and
10.标题:Security threats in cloud computing
作者:Shaikh, F.B. ; Haider, S.
出处:Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST), 2011 International Conference for
Date : 11-14 Dec. 2011
Page(s): 214 - 219
摘要:Cloud computing is set of resources and services offered through the Internet. Cloud
services are delivered from data centers located throughout the world. Cloud computing facilitates
its consumers by providing virtual resources via internet. General example of cloud services is
Google apps, provided by Google and Microsoft SharePoint. The rapid growth in field of “cloud
computing” also increases severe security concerns. Security has remained a constant issue for
Open Systems and internet, when we are talking about security cloud really suffers. Lack of
security is the only hurdle in wide adoption of cloud computing. Cloud computing is surrounded
by many security issues like securing data, and examining the utilization of cloud by the cloud
computing vendors. The wide acceptance www has raised security risks along with the
uncountable benefits, so is the case with cloud computing. The boom in cloud computing has
brought lots of security challenges for the consumers and service providers. How the end users of
cloud computing know that their information is not having any availability and security issues?
Every one poses, Is their information secure? This study aims to identify the most vulnerable
security threats in cloud computing, which will enable both end users and vendors to know about
the key security threats associated with cloud computing. Our work will enable researchers and
security professionals to know about users and vendors concerns and critical analysis about the
different security models and tools proposed.
11.标题:Sampling Circuits That Break the kT/C Thermal Noise Limit
作者:Kapusta, R. ; Haiyang Zhu ; Lyden, C.
出处:Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of
Volume: 49 Issue: 8 Date : Aug. 2014
Page(s): 1694 - 1701
DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2014.2320465
摘要:Several circuit-level techniques are described which are used to reduce or cancel thermal
noise and break the so-called kT/C limit. kT/C noise describes the total thermal noise power added
to a signal when a sample is taken on a capacitor. In the first proposed technique, the sampled
thermal noise is reduced by altering the relationship between the sampling bandwidth and the
dominant noise source, providing a powerful, new degree of freedom in circuit design. In the
second proposed technique, thermal noise sampled on an input capacitor is actively canceled using
an amplifier, so that the noise at the amplifier output can be controlled independently of input
capacitor size. Measurements from two test chips are presented which demonstrate sampled
thermal noise power reduction of 48% and 67%, respectively, when compared with conventional
kT/C-limited sampling.
12.标题:Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity
作者:Zhou Wang ; Bovik, A.C. ; Sheikh, H.R. ; Simoncelli, E.P.
出处:Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Date : April 2004
Page(s): 600 - 612
DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2003.819861
摘要:Objective methods for assessing perceptual image quality traditionally attempted to quantify
the visibility of errors (differences) between a distorted image and a reference image using a
variety of known properties of the human visual system. Under the assumption that human visual
perception is highly adapted for extracting structural information from a scene, we introduce an
alternative complementary framework for quality assessment based on the degradation of
structural information. As a specific example of this concept, we develop a structural similarity
index and demonstrate its promise through a set of intuitive examples, as well as comparison to
both subjective ratings and state-of-the-art objective methods on a database of images compressed
with JPEG and JPEG2000. A MATLAB implementation of the proposed algorithm is available
online at http://www.cns.nyu.edu/∼lcv/ssim/.
13.标题:Scenarios for 5G mobile and wireless communications: the vision of the METIS project
作者:Osseiran, A. ; Boccardi, F. ; Braun, V. ; Kusume, K. ; Marsch, P. ; Maternia, M. ; Queseth,
O. ; Schellmann, M. ; Schotten, H. ; Taoka, H. ; Tullberg, H. ; Uusitalo, M.A. ; Timus, B. ;
Fallgren, M.
出处:Communications Magazine, IEEE
Volume: 52 Issue: 5 Date : May 2014
Page(s): 26 - 35
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6815890
摘要:METIS is the EU flagship 5G project with the objective of laying the foundation for 5G
systems and building consensus prior to standardization. The METIS overall approach toward 5G
builds on the evolution of existing technologies complemented by new radio concepts that are
designed to meet the new and challenging requirements of use cases today's radio access networks
cannot support. The integration of these new radio concepts, such as massive MIMO, ultra dense
networks, moving networks, and device-to-device, ultra reliable, and massive machine
communications, will allow 5G to support the expected increase in mobile data volume while
broadening the range of application domains that mobile communications can support beyond
2020. In this article, we describe the scenarios identified for the purpose of driving the 5G
research direction. Furthermore, we give initial directions for the technology components (e.g.,
link level components, multinode/multiantenna, multi-RAT, and multi-layer networks and
spectrum handling) that will allow the fulfillment of the requirements of the identified 5G
14.标题:Internet of Things for Smart Cities
作者:Zanella, A. ; Bui, N. ; Castellani, A. ; Vangelista, L. ; Zorzi, M.
出处:Internet of Things Journal, IEEE
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Date : Feb. 2014
Page(s): 22 - 32
DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2014.2306328
摘要:The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be able to incorporate transparently and seamlessly a
large number of different and heterogeneous end systems, while providing open access to selected
subsets of data for the development of a plethora of digital services. Building a general
architecture for the IoT is hence a very complex task, mainly because of the extremely large
variety of devices, link layer technologies, and services that may be involved in such a system. In
this paper, we focus specifically to an urban IoT system that, while still being quite a broad
category, are characterized by their specific application domain. Urban IoTs, in fact, are designed
to support the Smart City vision, which aims at exploiting the most advanced communication
technologies to support added-value services for the administration of the city and for the citizens.
This paper hence provides a comprehensive survey of the enabling technologies, protocols, and
architecture for an urban IoT. Furthermore, the paper will present and discuss the technical
solutions and best-practice guidelines adopted in the Padova Smart City project, a
proof-of-concept deployment of an IoT island in the city of Padova, Italy, performed in
collaboration with the city municipality.
15.标题:Five disruptive technology directions for 5G
作者:Boccardi, F ; Heath, R.W. ; Lozano, A. ; Marzetta, T.L. ; Popovski, P.
出处:Communications Magazine, IEEE
Volume: 52 Issue: 2 Date : February 2014
Page(s): 74 - 80
DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6736746
摘要:New research directions will lead to fundamental changes in the design of future fifth
generation (5G) cellular networks. This article describes five technologies that could lead to both
architectural and component disruptive design changes: device-centric architectures, millimeter
wave, massive MIMO, smarter devices, and native support for machine-to-machine
communications. The key ideas for each technology are described, along with their potential
impact on 5G and the research challenges that remain.
16.标题:Multilevel inverters: a survey of topologies, controls, and applications
作者:Rodriguez, J. ; Jih-Sheng Lai ; Fang Zheng Peng
出处:Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Date : Aug 2002
Page(s): 724 - 738
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2002.801052
摘要:Multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the
area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. This paper presents the most important
topologies like diode-clamped inverter (neutral-point clamped), capacitor-clamped (flying
capacitor), and cascaded multicell with separate DC sources. Emerging topologies like asymmetric
hybrid cells and soft-switched multilevel inverters are also discussed. This paper also presents the
most relevant control and modulation methods developed for this family of converters: multilevel
sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation, multilevel selective harmonic elimination, and space-vector
modulation. Special attention is dedicated to the latest and more relevant applications of these
converters such as laminators, conveyor belts, and unified power-flow controllers. The need of an
active front end at the input side for those inverters supplying regenerative loads is also discussed,
and the circuit topology options are also presented. Finally, the peripherally developing areas such
as high-voltage high-power devices and optical sensors and other opportunities for future
development are addressed.
17.标题:Compressed sensing
作者:Donoho, D.L.
出处:Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Date : April 2006
Page(s): 1289 - 1306
DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2006.871582
摘要:Suppose x is an unknown vector in Ropfm (a digital image or signal); we plan to measure n
general linear functionals of x and then reconstruct. If x is known to be compressible by transform
coding with a known transform, and we reconstruct via the nonlinear procedure defined here, the
number of measurements n can be dramatically smaller than the size m. Thus, certain natural
classes of images with m pixels need only n=O(m1/4log5/2(m)) nonadaptive nonpixel samples for
faithful recovery, as opposed to the usual m pixel samples. More specifically, suppose x has a
sparse representation in some orthonormal basis (e.g., wavelet, Fourier) or tight frame (e.g.,
curvelet, Gabor)-so the coefficients belong to an lscrp ball for 0<ples1. The N most important
coefficients in that expansion allow reconstruction with lscr2 error O(N1/2-1p/). It is possible to
design n=O(Nlog(m)) nonadaptive measurements allowing reconstruction with accuracy
comparable to that attainable with direct knowledge of the N most important coefficients.
Moreover, a good approximation to those N important coefficients is extracted from the n
measurements by solving a linear program-Basis Pursuit in signal processing. The nonadaptive
measurements have the character of "random" linear combinations of basis/frame elements. Our
results use the notions of optimal recovery, of n-widths, and information-based complexity. We
estimate the Gel'fand n-widths of lscrp balls in high-dimensional Euclidean space in the case
0<ples1, and give a criterion identifying near- optimal subspaces for Gel'fand n-widths. We show
that "most" subspaces are near-optimal, and show that convex optimization (Basis Pursuit) is a
near-optimal way to extract information derived from these near-optimal subspaces
18.标题:Power-Electronic Systems for the Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: A
作者:Carrasco, J.M. ; Franquelo, L.G. ; Bialasiewicz, J.T. ; Galvan, E. ; Guisado, R.C.P. ; Prats,
Ma.A.M. ; Leon, J.I. ; Moreno-Alfonso, N.
出处:Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 53 Issue: 4 Date : June 2006
Page(s): 1002 - 1016
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2006.878356
摘要:The use of distributed energy resources is increasingly being pursued as a supplement and
an alternative to large conventional central power stations. The specification of a power-electronic
interface is subject to requirements related not only to the renewable energy source itself but also
to its effects on the power-system operation, especially where the intermittent energy source
constitutes a significant part of the total system capacity. In this paper, new trends in power
electronics for the integration of wind and photovoltaic (PV) power generators are presented. A
review of the appropriate storage-system technology used for the integration of intermittent
renewable energy sources is also introduced. Discussions about common and future trends in
renewable energy systems based on reliability and maturity of each technology are presented
19.标题:Research Directions for the Internet of Things
作者:Stankovic, J.A.
出处:Internet of Things Journal, IEEE
Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Date : Feb. 2014
Page(s): 3 - 9
DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2014.2312291
摘要:Many technical communities are vigorously pursuing research topics that contribute to the
Internet of Things (IoT). Nowadays, as sensing, actuation, communication, and control become
even more sophisticated and ubiquitous, there is a significant overlap in these communities,
sometimes from slightly different perspectives. More cooperation between communities is
encouraged. To provide a basis for discussing open research problems in IoT, a vision for how IoT
could change the world in the distant future is first presented. Then, eight key research topics are
enumerated and research problems within these topics are discussed.
20.标题:Modeling, Control, and Implementation of DC–DC Converters for Variable Frequency
作者:Priewasser, R. ; Agostinelli, M. ; Unterrieder, C. ; Marsili, S. ; Huemer, M.
出处:Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Date : Jan. 2014
Page(s): 287 - 301
DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2013.2248751
摘要:In this paper, novel small-signal averaged models for dc-dc converters operating at variable
switching frequency are derived. This is achieved by separately considering the on-time and the
off-time of the switching period. The derivation is shown in detail for a synchronous buck
converter and the model for a boost converter is also presented. The model for the buck converter
is then used for the design of two digital feedback controllers, which exploit the additional insight
in the converter dynamics. First, a digital multiloop PID controller is implemented, where the
design is based on loop-shaping of the proposed frequency-domain transfer functions. And second,
the design and the implementation of a digital LQG state-feedback controller, based on the
proposed time-domain state-space model, is presented for the same converter topology.
Experimental results are given for the digital multiloop PID controller integrated on an
application-specified integrated circuit in a 0.13 μm CMOS technology, as well as for the
state-feedback controller implemented on an FPGA. Tight output voltage regulation and an
excellent dynamic performance is achieved, as the dynamics of the converter under variable
frequency operation are considered during the design of both implementations.
21.标题:A Computational Approach to Edge Detection
作者:Canny, John
出处:Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: PAMI-8 Issue: 6 Date : Nov. 1986
Page(s): 679 - 698
DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.1986.4767851
摘要:This paper describes a computational approach to edge detection. The success of the
approach depends on the definition of a comprehensive set of goals for the computation of edge
points. These goals must be precise enough to delimit the desired behavior of the detector while
making minimal assumptions about the form of the solution. We define detection and localization
criteria for a class of edges, and present mathematical forms for these criteria as functionals on the
operator impulse response. A third criterion is then added to ensure that the detector has only one
response to a single edge. We use the criteria in numerical optimization to derive detectors for
several common image features, including step edges. On specializing the analysis to step edges,
we find that there is a natural uncertainty principle between detection and localization
performance, which are the two main goals. With this principle we derive a single operator shape
which is optimal at any scale. The optimal detector has a simple approximate implementation in
which edges are marked at maxima in gradient magnitude of a Gaussian-smoothed image. We
extend this simple detector using operators of several widths to cope with different signal-to-noise
ratios in the image. We present a general method, called feature synthesis, for the fine-to-coarse
integration of information from operators at different scales. Finally we show that step edge
detector performance improves considerably as the operator point spread function is extended
along the edge.
22.标题:Geometric Algebra for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
作者:Chappell, J.M. ; Drake, S.P. ; Seidel, C.L. ; Gunn, L.J. ; Iqbal, A. ; Allison, A. ; Abbott, D.
出处:Proceedings of the IEEE
Volume: 102 Issue: 9 Date : Sept. 2014
Page(s): 1340 - 1363
DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2014.2339299
摘要:In this paper, we explicate the suggested benefits of Clifford's geometric algebra (GA) when
applied to the field of electrical engineering. Engineers are always interested in keeping formulas
as simple or compact as possible, and we illustrate that geometric algebra does provide such a
simplified representation in many cases. We also demonstrate an additional structural check
provided by GA for formulas in addition to the usual checking of physical dimensions. Naturally,
there is an initial learning curve when applying a new method, but it appears to be worth the effort,
as we show significantly simplified formulas, greater intuition, and improved problem solving in
many cases.
23.标题:An Introduction To Compressive Sampling
作者:Candes, E.J. ; Wakin, M.B.
出处:Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE
Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Date : March 2008
Page(s): 21 - 30
DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2007.914731
摘要:Conventional approaches to sampling signals or images follow Shannon's theorem: the
sampling rate must be at least twice the maximum frequency present in the signal (Nyquist rate).
In the field of data conversion, standard analog-to-digital converter (ADC) technology implements
the usual quantized Shannon representation - the signal is uniformly sampled at or above the
Nyquist rate. This article surveys the theory of compressive sampling, also known as compressed
sensing or CS, a novel sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common wisdom in data
acquisition. CS theory asserts that one can recover certain signals and images from far fewer
samples or measurements than traditional methods use.
24.标题:A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition
作者:Rabiner, L.
出处:Proceedings of the IEEE
Volume: 77 Issue: 2 Date : Feb 1989
Page(s): 257 - 286
DOI: 10.1109/5.18626
摘要:This tutorial provides an overview of the basic theory of hidden Markov models (HMMs) as
originated by L.E. Baum and T. Petrie (1966) and gives practical details on methods of
implementation of the theory along with a description of selected applications of the theory to
distinct problems in speech recognition. Results from a number of original sources are combined
to provide a single source of acquiring the background required to pursue further this area of
research. The author first reviews the theory of discrete Markov chains and shows how the
concept of hidden states, where the observation is a probabilistic function of the state, can be used
effectively. The theory is illustrated with two simple examples, namely coin-tossing, and the
classic balls-in-urns system. Three fundamental problems of HMMs are noted and several
practical techniques for solving these problems are given. The various types of HMMs that have
been studied, including ergodic as well as left-right models, are described
25.标题:Overview of Control and Grid Synchronization for Distributed Power Generation
作者:Blaabjerg, F. ; Teodorescu, R. ; Liserre, M. ; Timbus, A.V.
出处:Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 53 Issue: 5 Date : Oct. 2006
Page(s): 1398 - 1409
DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2006.881997
摘要:Renewable energy sources like wind, sun, and hydro are seen as a reliable alternative to the
traditional energy sources such as oil, natural gas, or coal. Distributed power generation systems
(DPGSs) based on renewable energy sources experience a large development worldwide, with
Germany, Denmark, Japan, and USA as leaders in the development in this field. Due to the
increasing number of DPGSs connected to the utility network, new and stricter standards in
respect to power quality, safe running, and islanding protection are issued. As a consequence, the
control of distributed generation systems should be improved to meet the requirements for grid
interconnection. This paper gives an overview of the structures for the DPGS based on fuel cell,
photovoltaic, and wind turbines. In addition, control structures of the grid-side converter are
presented, and the possibility of compensation for low-order harmonics is also discussed.
Moreover, control strategies when running on grid faults are treated. This paper ends up with an
overview of synchronization methods and a discussion about their importance in the control
四、ACM 最新会议
1. 会 议 名 称 : BICT '14: 8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and
Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS)
会议时间: December 1st-3rd,2014
会议地点:Boston , MA USA
会议简介:8th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications
Technologies (formerly BIONETICS) - BICT 2014
You are cordially invited to participate in BICT 2014 to be held at UMass Club, MA, USA, in
December 2014.
Sponsored by EAI, ACM SIGSIM and CREATE-NET, BICT 2014 aims to provide a
world-leading and multidisciplinary venue for researchers and practitioners in diverse disciplines
that seek the understanding of key principles, processes and mechanisms in biological systems and
leverage those understandings to develop novel information and communications technologies
(ICT). BICT 2014 targets two thrusts:
THRUST 1: Indirect Bioinspiration (ICT designed after biological principles, processes and
mechanisms). Examples include evolutionary computation, artificial gene regulatory networks,
neural computation, swarm intelligence, cellular automata, artificial immune systems, artificial life,
artificial chemistry, reaction-diffusion computing, simulated annealing, self-organization and
network science.
THRUST 2: Direct Bioinspiration (ICT utilizing biological materials and systems). Examples
include cellular computing, molecular computing/communication, membrane computing, DNA
computing and memory, bacterial computing, Physarum computing and quantum computing.
BICT will feature the state-of-the-art keynote speeches, parallel technical sessions, focused special
tracks, interactive demo/poster sessions, informative co-located workshops and entertaining social
2. 会议名称:CoNEXT '14: Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
会议时间:December 2nd-5th,2014
会议地点:Sydney ,
会议简介 :The 10th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and
Technologies (CoNEXT) will be held December 2nd to 5th 2014 at University of Technology
Sydney in Sydney, Australia.
CoNEXT 2014 will be a major forum for presentations and discussions of novel networking
technologies that will shape the future of Internetworking. The conference is single track and
features a high-quality technical program with significant opportunities for individual and
small-group technical and social interactions among a diverse set of participants. The CoNEXT
conferences focus on stimulating exchanges between various international research communities.
For any additional queries, please email the Organising Team.
3. 会议名称:Interactive Entertainment 2014
会议时间: December 2nd-3rd,2014
会议地点:Newcastle , NSW Australia
会议简介:About IE2014 - Fun and Games
NOTE: Paper submission date has been extended until Sunday 31st August
Interactive Entertainment is Australasia's longest running games and digital entertainment
conference. IE2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the conference which is hosted this year by the
University of Newcastle, Australia.
IE2014 welcomes scientists, designers, artists, technicians, students, industry and academics from
across the spectrum. We encourage contributions from fields as diverse as computer science,
social science, design, communication, media studies, music, engineering, health and mathematics.
Anyone interested in the myriad of technologies and issues that impact on interactive
entertainment and computer games are encouraged to come along and share their discipline's
perspective on "Fun and Games".
All papers are peer reviewed and will be published in the conference proceedings. For more
detailed information about topics covered by the conference, submitting a paper and registration
see the Call for papers, Submission and Registration.
Further Information about the Venue, Accommodation and Travel are also available on this site.
The conference Program will be finalised in November, 2014.
4. 会议名称:DSAA'14: International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics
会议时间: October 30th-November 2nd,2014
会议地点:Shanghai , China
Conference program is online now, see you in DSAA’2014. We have got 11 main conference
sessions, 7 special sessions, 5 keynote speeches, 4 trends and controversies invited talks, a panel,
plus 2 tutorials for you to enjoy a very busy 3-day data science gathering.
Registration for papers should be done before 30 September 2014
The paper decisions have been announced on 13 August. DSAA 2014 has a very competitive
acceptance rate to ensure the quality of the conference: 10.4% for Long Presentation papers,
16.1% for Short Presentation papers.
IEEE DSAA: DSAA will be IEEE fully sponsored since 2015! IEEE DSAA is the first IEEE
conference on data science.
Due to numerous requests, the submission has been extended to 12 July, 2014, 11:59 PM Pacific
Submit your papers by clicking Submit a Paper.
Special sessions are added here.
Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of seven (7) pages in the IEEE 2-column
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html ). DSAA’2014
will incorporate double blind review, please refer to Paper Submission for more information about
Five prestigious keynote speeches will be presented by leading experts in the relevant domains.
All accepted conference papers (including special session papers) will be published by IEEE and
included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Selected papers will be considered for extension and inclusion into several SCI-index journal
special issues.
DSAA’2014 is in cooperation with ACM SIGKDD and technically co-sponsored by IEEE.
The 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA’2014),
jointly technically co-sponsored by IEEE and ACM, aims to provide a premier forum that brings
researchers and industry/government practitioners together who are interested in data science,
analytics science, big data and advanced analytics, to share new ideas and practices about
theoretical challenges, new opportunities, and the best practices for a wide range of applications.
The conference solicits experimental and theoretical works on data science and advanced analytics
along with their applications to real life situations.
All accepted papers will be published by IEEE and included in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The
conference proceedings will be submitted for EI indexing through INSPEC by IEEE. Selected top
quality papers accepted and presented in the conference for extension and publication in the
special issues of some international journals, including IEEE Intelligent Systems, WWWJ, and
Neurocomputing. The accepted workshop papers will be published through Springer CCIS series.
5. 会议名称:SIGUCCS '14: ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference
会议时间: November 2nd-7th,2014
会议地点:Salt Lake City , UT
会议简介:This conference will engage you with visionary speakers, stimulating breakout sessions
and many collaborative opportunities that will leave you inspired. SIGUCCS 2014 will provide
you with the tools to grow and be adaptable to change with new technologies. We will help
prepare you to lead teams, your organization and/or your institution to embrace this change.
Technology is a part of this generation and how we prepare ourselves for that never ending change
will determine our destiny.
6. 会议名称:5th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
会议时间: November 3rd-5th,2014
会议地点:Oaxaca, Mexico , Mexico
会议简介:About MexIHC 2014
The V Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interactionis the main Mexican
Human-Computer Interaction conference sponsored by the Mexican Association of
Human-Computer Interaction, held on 3rd, 4th and 5th of November 2014, in the magical city of
Oaxaca, a city with the most culturally diverse in Mexico.
The main objective of MexIHC is to enable the exchange of scientific results, their application in
industry and its application in: evaluation, interface design, industry, education, video, mobile,
interactive applications and related areas. This time, MexIHC-2014 is organized by lecturers and
researchers in the community of HCI in Mexico, appointed into Mexican higher education
institutions, including: State Universities of Oaxaca Sytem (SUNEO), Technological University of
the Mixteca (UTM),the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada Baja
California (CICESE),the Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON) and the University of Colima
7. 会议名称:CCS'14: 2014 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications
会议时间: November 3rd-7th,2014
会议地点:Scottsdale , AZ
会议简介:Welcome to CCS 2014
The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) is the flagship annual
conference of the Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) of the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The conference brings together information
security researchers, practitioners, developers, and users from all over the world to explore
cutting-edge ideas and results. It provides an environment to conduct intellectual discussions.
From its inception, CCS has established itself as a high standard research conference in its area.
The 2014 ACM CCS Conference is to be held in the city of Scottsdale, Arizona, USA on
November 3 - 7, 2014. Scottsdale, Arizona promises stunning desert vistas and a breathtaking
setting for this year's conference. Adjacent to Phoenix, the fifth most populated city in the United
States, many attractions, parks, and recreational areas — including the Grand Canyon — are
within a short distance. The conference will be held at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort, which is easily
accessible from the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX).
8. 会议名称:First ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense
会议时间: November 3rd,2014
会议地点:Scottsdale , AZ
会议简介:Call for Papers
The static nature of current computing systems has made them easy to attack and harder to defend.
Adversaries have an asymmetric advantage in that they have the time to study a system, identify
its vulnerabilities, and choose the time and place of attack to gain the maximum benefit. The idea
of moving-target defense (MTD) is to impose the same asymmetric disadvantage on the attacker
by making systems dynamic and harder to predict. With a constantly changing system and its ever
adapting attack surface, the attacker will have to deal with a great deal of uncertainty just like
defenders do today. The ultimate goal is to level the cybersecurity playing field for defenders
versus attackers.
This workshop seeks to bring together researchers from academia, government, and industry to
report on the latest research efforts on moving-target defense, and to have productive discussion
and constructive debate on this topic. We solicit submissions on original research in the broad area
of MTD, with possible topics such as those listed below. Since this is still a research area in a
nascent stage, the list should only be used as a reference. We welcome all works that fall under the
broad scope of moving target defense, including research that shows negative results.
System randomization
Artificial diversity
Cyber maneuver
Bio-inspired defenses
Dynamic network configuration
Moving target in the cloud
System diversification techniquesk
Dynamic compilation techniques
Adaptive defenses
Analytical models for MTD
Large-scale MTD (using multiple techniques)
Paper Submissions
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions including
references should be at most 10 pages in the ACM double-column format, excluding well-marked
appendices, and at most 12 pages in total. Submissions are not required to be anonymized.
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mtd20140. Only PDF files will be accepted.
Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.
Papers must be received by the deadline of July 22, 2014 to be considered. Notification of
acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors by August 22, 2014. Authors of accepted papers
must guarantee that one of the authors will register and present the paper at the workshop.
Proceedings of the workshop will be available on a CD to the workshop attendees and will
become part of the ACM Digital Library.
9. 会议名称:WH '14: Wireless Health 2014 Conference
会议时间:October 29th-31st,2014
会议地点:Bethesda , MD
会议简介:Welcome to Wireless Health 2014
The Wireless Health annual conference series convenes the vanguard international research
communities in Wireless technologies and mobile health research. Wireless Health 2014, hosted
this year at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, invites cutting edge wireless,
connected and mobile health research from engineering, computer science, biomedical and health
The mission of the Wireless Health conference is to provide the highest‐quality academic, health
and industrial research forum to develop an international community that will accelerate the
development and adoption of new technologies for improving health and lowering costs. Central
to this mission is the creation of a nurturing research forum that communicates the latest
developments in the field, creates an opportunity for transdisciplinary collaboration, and provides
an archival venue for the progress being achieved. This unique meeting brings together members
of the medical and health research community, device manufacturers, clinical and health service
providers, government leaders, and policy makers. Wireless Health 2014 will offer an outstanding
set of peer ‐ reviewed papers and abstracts, interactive workshops, emerging application
demonstrations, and world‐renowned invited speakers.
10. 会议名称:IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security
会议时间: October 29th-31st,2014
会议地点:San Francisco , CA
会议简介:IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) is a new
conference series in IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) core conference portfolio and the
only ComSoc conference focusing solely on cyber security. IEEE CNS is a spin-off of IEEE
INFOCOM, the premier ComSoc conference on networking. The goal of CNS is to provide an
outstanding forum for cyber security researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and users to
exchange ideas, techniques and tools, raise awareness, and share experience related to all practical
and theoretical aspects of communications and network security.
Building on the success of last year’s inaugural conference, IEEE CNS 2014 seeks original
high-quality technical papers from academia, government, and industry. Topics of interest
encompass all practical and theoretical aspects of communications and network security, all the
way from the physical layer to the various network layers to the variety of applications reliant on a
secure communication substrate. Submissions with main contribution in other areas, such as
information security, software security, system security, or applied cryptography, will also be
considered if a clear connection to secure communications/networking is demonstrated.
五、AIAA 最新会议
1. 会议名称:28th Space Simulation Conference
会议时间:3 - 6 November 2014 |
会议地点:Baltimore, Maryland
会议简介:The 28th Space Simulation Conference will be held November 3-6, 2014 at the Westin
Hotel located at 1110 Old Elkridge Landing Road in Linthicum Heights, Maryland (near BWI
Airport). There will be three days of technical sessions preceded by one day of tutorials on
environmental testing techniques. The conference is a major international forum in space hardware
environmental testing for research and development and qualification. It provides a unique
opportunity for engineers and scientists from industry, government, and academia to present and
exchange information and ideas on simulating the space environment to develop and test space
mission hardware.
2. 会议名称:Aircraft Survivability Technical Forum 2014
会议时间:12 - 14 November 2014 |
会议地点:Laurel, Maryland
*Please note: This event is classified, SECRET/U.S. ONLY. A security clearance is required to
The goal of this three-day, classified Forum is to foster technical dialogue and exchange of
information on current and emerging threats, and the aircraft technologies being developed and
tested for surviving these threats. Given the current fiscal challenges facing the U.S. Government
and Department of Defense budgets, the goal of this year’s Forum is to capture the critical ‘Pull’
of advanced and/or asymmetric threat technologies and tactics, and the counter-balancing ‘Push’
of budget realities on the development, integration, procurement and sustainment of the
technologies and force structure required to project air power in the future highly contested air
3. 会议名称:Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Disruptive Green Propulsion Technologies –
Beyond the Competitive Horizon
会议时间:17 - 18 November 2014 |
会议地点:London, United Kingdom
As the world becomes increasingly concerned with climate change, international civil aviation’s
contribution towards it is in focus.
With the aim to ensure its environmental sustainability for the future, the aviation industry has set
stringent and ambitious future environmental goals. In order to achieve these goals it is now in
pursuit of revolutionary greener alternatives to the conventional aircraft and propulsion systems–
it has set out to discover disruptive technologies.
The search for future disruptive technologies in aviation requires cross-disciplinary effort. This
effort will be focused on feasible airframes and propulsion systems, their optimal integration,
application of alternative fuels, aviation safety and reliability, noise reduction and operating cost
amongst the key factors.
Multi-objective assessments have indicated that significant changes in vehicle and propulsion
system designs are required to meet the stringent environmental (ICAO, NASA’s N+3 and Flight
path 2050) targets of the future. The assessments further indicate that, amongst many evaluated
options and despite a significant number of technological challenges, Turbo-electric Distributed
Propulsion (TeDP) on a Blended Wing Body (BWB) airframe has the required potential to
eventually achieve these targets as this concept will change the nature of the way the aircraft will
interact with and affect the environment.
Conferences on propulsion have primarily focused on evolutionary improvements to conventional
gas turbine technologies based on the Brayton Cycle. This special 2 day conference is aimed
specifically at Distributed Propulsion and Turbo-electric systems, and presenting it as the next
disruptive technology.
The focus of the conference will be to:
Discuss latest research and to share ideas on
whilst engaging the
younger generation of engineers to start thinking of the future of propulsion.
Provide the airframe and propulsion industries with an insight into the state-of-the-art research.
conducted on Distributed Propulsion in the recent years and the benefits this technology may offer
in terms of reduced environmental footprint of civil aviation.
Define the milestones and challenges in a future road-map towards acceptance and application of
Distributed Propulsion technology and eventual certification.
4. 会议名称:AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2015)
会议时间:5 - 9 January 2015 |
会议地点:Kissimmee, Florida
会议简介:AIAA’s SciTech is the world’s largest event for aerospace research, development and
technology. Join over 3,000 of your peers to find innovative solutions to overcoming challenges
and creating new opportunities. The Forum allows you to:
Increase your knowledge on the latest aerospace challenges and opportunities through plenary,
keynote and panel speakers.
Expand your professional connections through networking events and the exposition.
Learn about new technologies and advancements through over 2,500 technical paper
Expand Your Skills with our highly-rated courses and workshops.
5. 会议名称:17th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference
会议时间:5 - 9 January 2015 |
会议地点:Kissimmee , Florida
会 议简 介: The Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference focuses on the wide range of
non-deterministic perspectives, methods, and applications specific to aerospace, including both
probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods, that address high consequence of failure events
associated with the development and operation of aerospace systems.
6. 会议名称:23rd AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference
会议时间:5 - 9 January 2015 |
会议地点:Kissimmee , Florida
会议简介:The Adaptive Structures Conference is the premier conference focused on the
advancement of adaptive structures technology and its application to aerospace systems. It brings
together researchers and managers from diverse disciplines in academia, government, and industry
to address a broad range of relevant topics.
7. 会议名称:33rd ASME Wind Energy Symposium
会议时间:5 - 9 January 2015 |
会议地点:Kissimmee, Florida
会议简介:This conference covers the broad range of topics related to wind energy technology for
both land-based and offshore siting. Technical areas of interest include Aerodynamics,
Aeroelasticity, Acoustics, Dynamics and Control, Structures, Structural Dynamics, Materials,
Design, System Engineering and Economics applied to wind energy systems.
8. 会议名称:53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
会议时间:5 - 9 January 2015 |
会议地点:Kissimmee , Florida
会议简介:The interdisciplinary nature of aerospace engineering has contributed to tremendous
research advances that have inspired new and novel industrial applications. Some of the
innovative developments of aerospace technologies in recent times include new shock wave
assisted applications in the realm of medicine, drug delivery systems, biotechnology, and
manufacturing, space solar power systems, energy storage systems, fuels cells, use of
supercomputers, development of transdisciplinary computational techniques, and cryogenic
applications. The carbon fiber based composites used as heat shield material during reentry are
today used to manufacture cost-effective artificial limbs for people with physical disabilities. The
manufacturing techniques specially developed for machining components for aerospace
applications have been instrumental in the development of innovative heat exchanger systems for
ground-based applications.
The AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (ASM) is the first major multidisciplinary event of the
year for aerospace scientists and engineers from around the world to share and disseminate the
latest scientific knowledge and research. At ASM, you’ll discover new research that can be applied
to your industry, and you’ll meet the individuals who lead prime and subprime aerospace
corporations, lead and manage government programs, and create business and job opportunities.
9. 会议名称:25th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting
会议时间:11 - 15 January 2015 |
会议地点:Williamsburg, Virginia
会议简介:The Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, hosted by the American Astronautical Society
(AAS) and cohosted by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will be held in
Williamsbug, VA during January 11-15 2015. The conference is organized by the AAS Space
Flight Mechanics Committee and the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee.
Abstract And Manuscript Submissions
Abstracts are to be submitted through a web based abstract submittal system. Using the web based
system, authors will submit their abstract, author information and preprint before the conference.
Authors will also use this site to submit their final manuscript after the conference.
Online Conference Registration
Attendees to the conference are encouraged to utilize the online registration system. Registering
online will provide several benefits. You will avoid the lines at the registration table and you will
have free access to preprints. Free access to preprints will only be available to people registering
through the online system. Registering online will also reduce the workload on the conference
Attendees may still register in person at the registration table.
10. 会议名称:61st Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2015)
会议时间:26 - 29 January 2015 |
会议地点:Palm Harbor, Florida
会议简介:The Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS®) is the premier event
in the reliability, availability, and maintainability engineering disciplines. Combining tutorials,
presentations, CEUs, certifications, and networking into one week-long program, the RAMS®
delivers cutting edge information to all technical industries.
Registration is Now Open! Register by December 23, 2014 and take advantage of early bird price!
To register online click here.
RAMS® 2015 will be held in Palm Harbor, FL, January 26-29, 2015.
Reliability is not just an attribute to be measured: it can be engineered into your products to
provide an objective justification for customer confidence. The 2015 theme: “Unleashing R&M
RAMS® 2015 will bring together an international audience of R&M leaders and professionals for
in-depth sessions and tutorials presented by top experts, exhibits featuring leading companies,
keynote session insights, networking and job related opportunities, and more.
The program includes:
• Tutorials, from basic to advanced
• Technical paper sessions
• Panel sessions
• Exhibits program
• Certificate program
• Networking opportunities
• Short Courses
六、IEEE 最新会议
1. 会 议 名 称 : 2014 Third Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies
会议时间:30 Dec - 01 Jan 2015
会议地点:Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
424 Hafez ave.
Aboureihan bldg
Tehran, Iran
会议简介:The third conference on millimeter-wave and terahertz technologies, organized by The
Center of Excellence on Radio Communication Systems of Amirkabir University of Technology
and The Center of Excellence on Applied Electromagnetic Systems of the University of Tehran,
will be held in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Amirkabir University of
The conference provides a forum for researchers in this field and practitioners to exchange
research results and share their experiences.
2.会议名称:2014 10th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO)
会议时间:29 Dec - 30 Dec 2014
会议地点:Four Seasons Hotel First Residence
Giza - Cairo
Giza - Cairo , Egypt
会议简介:Information technology forms the basis of an entirely new era in professional practice
and delivery of services. The ICENCO conference is a major collaboration among researchers and
practitioners around the world, and our ten year graduates Class of 2002 to discuss the major new
frontiers in the information technology area, and to present cutting edge research in various fields
within that area. This year’s theme aims at exploring potential ways to expand information society
frontiers and deepen its role in enhancing human life in this era. Authors are kindly encouraged to
include one paragraph along with their submissions as to show the impact of their work for the
betterment of the Information society. Full Paper submission starts by the the first of February
2013 and ends October, 2014.Acceptance notification will be sent within three months of the date
of paper submission so that submitted papers by the first of February will receive notification by
the first of May.
3. 会议名称:2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering
会议时间:29 Dec - 31 Dec 2014
会议地点:Conference Hall
191 BinHai Road Yantai
Yantai, China
会议简介:2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering
(CCSSE 2014) will be held in Yantai, China during December 29-30. CCSSE 2014 is organized
by the IEEE, hosted by Shandong Institute of Business and Technology. It is the premier forum for
the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical,
experimental, and applied Control Science and Systems Engineering. CCSSE 2014, the 1st in the
series will brings together leading engineers and scientists in Control Science and Systems
Engineering from around the world.
This conference will feature world-class plenary speakers, major technical symposia, industry and
academic panels, tutorials and workshops. The technical program chairs invite the submission of
original papers to following symposia for presentation and publication in the conference
proceedings. Accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. Best paper awards
will be selected from accepted papers.
4.会议名称:2014 IEEE International Symposium on Instrumentation & Measurement, Sensor
Network and Automation (IMSNA)
会议时间:29 Dec - 30 Dec 2014
会议地点:University of Ottawa
800 King edward ave
Ottawa, ON, Canada
会议简介:The 2012 1st International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor
Network and Automation (IMSNA 2012) was successfully organized on 2012. The proceedings
can be accessed in IEEE Xplore. The 2nd (IMSNA 2013) was successfully held in Toronto on
December 2013. The proceedings can be accessed in IEEE Xplore now.
The 3rd IMSNA 2014 is sponsored by IEEE Ottawa IAS Chapter. The symposium aims to provide
an international forum of scientists, industry leaders, engineers and researchers for presenting and
discussing the most recent advances in different aspects of smart sensors and networks,
autonomous sensor networks, Information Technology (IT) as related to sensors and sensor
networks and their applications to automation and decision-making systems.
5.会议名称:2014 7th International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability
会议时间:22 Dec - 24 Dec 2014
会议地点:Galadari Hotel
64 Lotus Road,
Colombo 1
Colombo, Sri Lanka
会议简介:Scope of the conference
Robotics, Automation and Control
Solid State Drives and Control
Power and Energy Systems for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Systems in Disaster Management, Welfare, and Rehabilitation
Nano Technology for Sustainable Development
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Intelligent Machines and Man-machine Co-existence
Special Sessions
Knowledge Discovery in Biological Systems
Soft and Underactuated Robots
Sustainable Energy Usage and Distribution
6. 会议名称:2014 IEEE International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing
会议时间:21 Dec - 24 Dec 2014
会议地点:Massachusettee of Institute
185 Albany Street
Cambridge, MA, USA
会议简介:The 5th IEEE International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing
(ICNDC 2014) will be held from December 21 − 24, 2014 at Cambridge, MA. The conference
venue will be at the campus of Massachusettee of Institute (MIT).
With the next generation of Internet comes true and mobile systems go to 4G, networking and
distributed technologies are the most vital parts of IT technologies in the current days and the
future. ICNDC aims to bring together industrial and academic researchers to discuss hot topics
and Trends on Networking and Distributed Computing. ICNDC2014 will focus on Distributed
computing, Distributed systems, Networking, Distributed Applications and New Energy.
7. 会议名称:2014 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Electronic
Commerce (ICITEC)
会议时间:20 Dec - 21 Dec 2014
会议地点:Zhen LIU
No.794 Huanghe Rd, Shahekou District
Dalian, China
会 议简 介: 2014 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Electronic
Commerce (ICITEC 2014) will be held in Dalian CHINA on Dec 20 2014, it is the second forum
for the presentation of new advances and research result in a wide variety of scientific areas with a
common interest in improving information technology, electronic commerce and other topics.
The conference is an annual conference series, focusing on both theory and applications
mainly covering the topic of Information Technology and Electronic Commerce. In addition to the
technical sessions, there will be keynote addresses.
ICITEC 2014 is sponsored by Dalian Jiaotong University, Co-sponsored by Dalian City
Association for International Exchange of Personnel, Northeast Normal University, Liaoning
Normal University and Harbin University of Commerce, technical co-sponsored by IEEE Harbin
Section, and supported by many other universities and research institutes.
Each paper will be reviewed by the reviewers in the field concerned, the proceedings of
ICITEC2014 will be included in IEEE Xplore after the review taken by IEEE conference
publication group and then submitted to EI Compendex index.
The last conference, ICITEC2013 was successfully inaugurated by Harbin University of
Commerce on Dec 28 2013.
8. 会 议 名 称 : 2014 11th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media
Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP)
会议时间:19 Dec - 21 Dec 2014
会议地点:University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
# 2006, Xiyuan Ave., W.High-Tech.Zone
Chengdu, China
会议简介:The International Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information
Processing 2014(ICCWAMTIP 2014 ) will be hold in the University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China (UESTC) on December 19-21, 2014. The open ceremony will be hold in the
morning of December 19, 2014
The conference is sponsored by IEEE, China Computer Federation (CCF), National Natural
Science Foundation of China (NSFC), undertaken by UESTC, State International Software Talent
Training Base (Chengdu). The Conference will focus on recent advances in key information
technologies. It will provide a remarkable opportunity for the academic and industrial community
to address new challenges and share solutions, and discuss future research directions.
The Conference proceeding will be published by UESTC, which will be indexed by IEEE
Xplore. All the papers in the proceeding will be indexed by EI and ISTP. Some famous experts are
to present the conference.
You are cordially welcome to participate the conference giving either oral or post
The following is International Conference fee:
1.A copy of the printed proceeding: 2,700RMB. Papers longer than 4 pages:400RMB per page.
2.Registration Fee for regular participant is 600RMB and student is 300RMB.
3.Participant with two papers can get preferential 800RMB.
9. 会议名称:2014 10th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN)
会议时间:19 Dec - 21 Dec 2014
会议地点:Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa
200 Nohea Kai Drive Lahaina,
maui, HI, USA
会议简介:MSN 2014 provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange research
results and share development experiences in the field of mobile adhoc and sensor networks.
Selected papers of particular merit will be recommended for consideration of fast track publication
in special issues of SCI-indexed journals. Awards for Best Paper and Best Student Paper will be
presented to the corresponding author(s) at the conference. To qualify for the Best Student Paper,
the author must be a registered student.
Prospective authors are invited to submit an 8 single-space double-column paper(including 2 extra
pages) in IEEE style format according to the guidelines available from the conference website at
http://theory.utdallas.edu/MSN2014/. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the
following areas in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks:
Multi-hop Wireless Networks and Wireless Mesh Networks
Sensor and Actuator Networks
Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks
Mobile Social Network
Delay Tolerant Networks and Opportunistic Networking
Cyber-Physical Systems
Internet of Things (Protocols, Architectures & Novel Applications)
System Modeling and Performance Analysis
Routing and Network Protocols
Data Transport and Management in Mobile Networks
Resource Management and Wireless QoS Provisioning
Security and Privacy
Cross Layer Design and Optimization
Novel applications and Architectures
Submission Guidelines
Papers presenting original and unpublished work are invited and will be evaluated based on
originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Submitted papers should
be in PDF or PS format and uploaded on easychair. They should not exceed eight single-spaced,
double-column pages in IEEE style format. Detailed formatting and submission guidelines will be
available for the accepted papers on the conference website. Submissions imply the willingness of
at least one author to register, attend the conference, and present the paper. There will be best
paper awards to recognize distinguished research.
10. 会议名称:2014 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
会议时间:16 Dec - 19 Dec 2014
会议地点:Learning Resources Center - The Macronix Building (MXIC Building), National Tsing
Hua University
MXIC Building, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Abstract submission deadline: 01 Jul 2014
Final submission deadline: 10 Oct 2014
Notification of acceptance date: 25 Jul 2014
Welcome to ICPADS 2014
Established in 1992, ICPADS has been a major international forum for scientists, engineers, and
users to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and latest research results on all aspects
of parallel and distributed computing systems. The 20th IEEE International Conference on Parallel
and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2014) will be held in Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 16 – 19,
2014. As the inaugurating site of ICPADS, Hsinchu is a city with a blend of technology
innovations and traditional cultures. The conference venue, MXIC Building, is located at National
Tsing Hua University, a top university in Taiwan with outstanding academic programs as well as a
spacious verdant campus.
1.被引用次数: 192
出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 21 (1): 1-11 JAN 2013
摘要: Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed
efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these
tables are outlined, and new entries since June 2012 are reviewed. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd.
地址:Univ New S Wales, Australian Ctr Adv Photovolta, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Natl Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401 USA.
Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Res Ctr Photovolta RCPV, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058568, Japan.
Fraunhofer Inst Solar Energy Syst, Dept Solar Cells Mat & Technol, D-79110 Freiburg,
Commiss European Communities, Joint Res Ctr, Renewable Energy Unit, Inst Energy, IT-21027
Ispra, VA, Italy.
2.被引用次数: 155
出处:J PROCESS CONTROL 22 (9): 1567-1581 OCT 2012
摘要: This paper provides a comparison study on the basic data-driven methods for process
monitoring and fault diagnosis (PM-FD). Based on the review of these methods and their recent
developments, the original ideas, implementation conditions, off-line design and on-line
computation algorithms as well as computation complexity are discussed in detail. In order to
further compare their performance from the application viewpoint, an industrial benchmark of
Tennessee Eastman (TE) process is utilized to illustrate the efficiencies of all the discussed
methods. The study results are dedicated to provide a reference for achieving successful PM-FD
on large scale industrial processes. Some important remarks are finally concluded in this paper. (C)
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
地 址 :Univ Duisburg Essen, Inst Automat Control & Complex Syst, D-47057 Duisburg,
Harbin Inst Technol, Inst Intelligent Control & Syst, Harbin 150001, Peoples R China.
电 子 邮 件 地 址 :shen.yin@stud.uni-due.de; steven.ding@uni-due.de; adel.haghani@uni-due.de;
haiyang.hao@uni-due.de; ping.zhang@uni-due.de
3.被引用次数: 148
出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 21 (1): 72-76 JAN 2013
摘要: Using vacuum process, we fabricated Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells with 8.4% efficiency, a
number independently certified by an external, accredited laboratory. This is the highest efficiency
reported for pure sulfide Cu2ZnSnS4 prepared by any method. Consistent with literature, the
optimal composition is Cu-poor and Zn-rich despite the precipitation of secondary phases (e.g.,
ZnS). Despite a very thin absorber thickness (similar to 600 nm), a reasonably good short-circuit
current was obtained. Time-resolved photoluminescence measurements suggest a minority
carrier-diffusion length on the order of several hundreds of nanometers and relatively good
collection of photo-carriers across the entire absorber thickness. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
地址:IBM Corp, Thomas J Watson Res Ctr, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 USA.
4.被引用次数: 142
出处:NATURE 488 (7411): 294-303 AUG 16 2012
摘要: Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy has been a cornerstone of the world's
increasing prosperity and economic growth since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Our
use of energy in the twenty-first century must also be sustainable. Solar and water-based energy
generation, and engineering of microbes to produce biofuels are a few examples of the alternatives.
This Perspective puts these opportunities into a larger context by relating them to a number of
aspects in the transportation and electricity generation sectors. It also provides a snapshot of the
current energy landscape and discusses several research and development opportunities and
pathways that could lead to a prosperous, sustainable and secure energy future for the world.
地址:US DOE, Washington, DC 20585 USA.
电子邮件地址:the.secretary@hq.doe.gov; 4majumdar.pubs@gmail.com
5.被引用次数: 131
出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 20 (5): 606-614 SP. ISS. SI AUG 2012
摘要: Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed
efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these
tables are outlined and new entries since January 2012 are reviewed. Copyright (c) 2012 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
地址:Univ New S Wales, ARC Photovolta Ctr Excellence, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Natl Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401 USA.
Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Res Ctr Photovolta RCPV, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058568, Japan.
Fraunhofer Inst Solar Energy Syst, Dept Solar Cells Mat & Technol, D-79110 Freiburg,
Commiss European Communities, Joint Res Ctr, Renewable Energy Unit, Inst Energy, IT-20127
Ispra, VA, Italy.
6.被引用次数: 123
出处:IEEE TRANS FUZZY SYST 20 (6): 1114-1129 DEC 2012
摘 要 : In this paper, the problem of l(2)-l(infinity) filtering for a class of
discrete-timeTakagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy time-varying delay systems is studied. Our attention is
focused on the design of full-and reduced-order filters that guarantee the filtering error system to
be asymptotically stable with a prescribed H-infinity performance. Sufficient conditions for the
obtained filtering error system are proposed by applying an input-output approach and a two-term
approximation method, which is employed to approximate the time-varying delay. The
corresponding full-and reduced-order filter design is cast into a convex optimization problem,
which can be efficiently solved by standard numerical algorithms. Finally, simulation examples
are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
地址:Harbin Inst Technol, Harbin 150001, Peoples R China.
Univ Glamorgan, Dept Comp & Math Sci, Pontypridd CF37 1DL, M Glam, Wales.
Victoria Univ, Sch Sci & Engn, Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia.
Univ S Australia, Sch Math & Stat, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia.
Chongqing Univ, Sch Automat, Chongqing 400044, Peoples R China.
电 子 邮 件 地 址 :suxiaojie1985@gmail.com; pshi@glam.ac.uk; ligangwu@hit.edu.cn;
7.被引用次数: 99
出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 21 (5): 827-837 AUG 2013
摘要: Consolidated tables showing an extensive listing of the highest independently confirmed
efficiencies for solar cells and modules are presented. Guidelines for inclusion of results into these
tables are outlined, and new entries since January 2013 are reviewed. Copyright (c) 2013 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
地址:Univ New S Wales, Australian Ctr Adv Photovolta, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.
Natl Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401 USA.
Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Res Ctr Photovolta RCPV, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058568, Japan.
Fraunhofer Inst Solar Energy Syst, Solar Cells Mat & Technol Dept, D-79110 Freiburg,
European Commiss Joint Res Ctr, Renewable Energy Unit, Inst Energy, IT-21027 Ispra, Italy.
8.被引用次数: 73
出处:IEEE TRANS IND ELECTRON 61 (5): 2402-2411 MAY 2014
摘要: In this paper, two online schemes for an integrated design of fault-tolerant control (FTC)
systems with application to Tennessee Eastman (TE) benchmark are proposed. Based on the
data-driven design of the proposed fault-tolerant architecture whose core is an observer/residual
generator based realization of the Youla parameterization of all stabilization controllers, FTC is
achieved by an adaptive residual generator for the online identification of the fault diagnosis
relevant vectors, and an iterative optimization method for system performance enhancement. The
performance and effectiveness of the proposed schemes are demonstrated through the TE
benchmark model.
地址:Bohai Univ, Res Inst Mechatron & Automat, Jinzhou 121013, Peoples R China.
Harbin Inst Technol, Res Ctr Intelligent Control & Syst, Harbin 150001, Peoples R China.
Univ Duisburg Essen, Inst Automat Control & Complex Syst AKS, D-47057 Duisburg,
电子邮件地址:shen.yin2011@googlemail.com; hao.luo@uni-due.de; steven.ding@uni-due.de
9.被引用次数: 73
出处:IEEE TRANS CIRC SYST VIDEO T 22 (12): 1649-1668 DEC 2012
摘要: High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is currently being prepared as the newest video
coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture
Experts Group. The main goal of the HEVC standardization effort is to enable significantly
improved compression performance relative to existing standards-in the range of 50% bit-rate
reduction for equal perceptual video quality. This paper provides an overview of the technical
features and characteristics of the HEVC standard.
地址:Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA 98052 USA.
Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Inst Commun Engn, D-52056 Aachen, Germany.
Gachon Univ, Dept Software Design & Management, Songnam 461701, South Korea.
Heinrich Hertz Inst Nachrichtentech Berlin GmbH, Fraunhofer Inst Telecommun, D-10587 Berlin,
Berlin Inst Technol, D-10587 Berlin, Germany.
电 子 邮 件 地 址 :garysull@microsoft.com; ohm@ient.rwth-aachen.de; hurumi@gmail.com;
10.被引用次数: 71
出处:IEEE TRANS IND ELECTRON 59 (7): 3008-3015 JUL 2012
摘要: This paper investigates the robust sliding mode control (SMC) problem for a class of
uncertain nonlinear stochastic systems with mixed time delays. Both the sectorlike nonlinearities
and the norm-bounded uncertainties enter into the system in random ways, and such randomly
occurring uncertainties and randomly occurring nonlinearities obey certain mutually uncorrelated
Bernoulli distributed white noise sequences. The mixed time delays consist of both the discrete
and the distributed delays. The time-varying delays are allowed in state. By employing the idea of
delay fractioning and constructing a new Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, sufficient conditions
are established to ensure the stability of the system dynamics in the specified sliding surface by
solving a certain semidefinite programming problem. A full-state feedback SMC law is designed
to guarantee the reaching condition. A simulation example is given to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed SMC scheme.
地址:Harbin Inst Technol, Res Inst Intelligent Control & Syst, Harbin 150001, Peoples R China.
Brunel Univ, Dept Informat Syst & Comp, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, Middx, England.
电 子 邮 件 地 址 :hujun2013@gmail.com; Zidong.Wang@brunel.ac.uk; huijungao@gmail.com;
11.被引用次数: 68
出处:IEEE SIGNAL PROCESS MAG 30 (1): 40-60 JAN 2013
地址:Lund Inst Technol, Dept Elect & Informat Technol, Lund, Sweden.
Lund Univ, Dept Elect & Informat Technol, S-22100 Lund, Sweden.
Subworking Grp 2 2 Compact Antenna Syst Terminals, Lund, Sweden.
Subworking Grp 1 1 Compact Antenna Syst Aspects C, Lund, Sweden.
Linkoping Univ, Dept Elect Engn, Div Commun Syst, S-58183 Linkoping, Sweden.
Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ USA.
IEEE, New York, NY USA.
Lulea Univ Technol, Div Signal Proc, Lulea, Sweden.
电 子 邮 件 地 址 :fredrik.rusek@eit.lth.se; daniel.persson@isy.liu.se; bkl@eit.lth.se;
erik.larsson@isy.liu.se; tlm@research.bell-labs.com; ove.edfors@eit.lth.se; ftn@eit.lth.se
12.被引用次数: 63
出处:PROG ENERG COMBUST SCI 38 (4): 522-550 AUG 2012
摘要: Bioconversion of renewable lignocellulosic biomass to biofuel and value added products are
globally gaining significant prominence. Market forces demonstrate a drive towards products
benign to natural environment increasing the importance of renewable materials. The development
of second generation bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass serves many advantages from both
energy and environmental point of views. Biomass an inexpensive feedstock considered
sustainable and renewable, is an option with the potential to replace a wide diversity of fossil
based products within the energy sector; heat, power, fuels, materials and chemicals.
Lignocellulose is a major structural component of woody and non-woody plants and consists of
cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The effective utilization of all the three components would
play a significant role in the economic viability of cellulosic ethanol. Biomass conversion process
involves five major steps, choice of suitable biomass, effective pretreatment, production of
saccharolytic enzymes-cellulases and hemicellulases, fermentation of hexoses and pentoses and
downstream processing. Within the context of production of fuels from biomass, pretreatment has
come to denote processes by which cellulosic biomass is made amenable to the action of
hydrolytic enzymes. The limited effectiveness of current enzymatic process on lignocellulose is
thought to be due to the relative difficulties in pretreating the feedstocks. The present review is a
comprehensive state of the art describing the advancement in recent pretreaments, metabolic
engineering approaches with special emphasis on the latest developments in consolidated biomass
processing, current global scenario of bioethanol pilot plants and biorefinery concept for the
production of biofuels and bioproducts. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
地址:Natl Chem Lab, Div Biochem Sci, Pune 411008, Maharashtra, India.
13.被引用次数: 58
出处:IEEE TRANS IND INFORM 9 (1): 403-416 FEB 2013
摘要: Networked control systems (NCSs) have, in recent years, brought many innovative impacts
to control systems. However, great challenges are also met due to the network-induced
imperfections. Such network-induced imperfections are handled as various constraints, which
should appropriately be considered in the analysis and design of NCSs. In this paper, the main
methodologies suggested in the literature to cope with typical network-induced constraints,
namely time delays, packet losses and disorder, time-varying transmission intervals, competition
of multiple nodes accessing networks, and data quantization are surveyed; the constraints
suggested in the literature on the first two types of constraints are updated in different categorizing
ways; and those on the latter three types of constraints are extended.
地址:Harbin Inst Technol, Space Control & Inertial Technol Res Ctr, Harbin 150080, Peoples R
Bogazici Univ, Dept Elect & Elect Engn, TR-80815 Istanbul, Turkey.
电子邮件地址:lixianzhango@hit.edu.cn; hjgao@hit.edu.cn; okyay.kaynak@boun.edu.tr
14.被引用次数: 58
出处:IEEE J PHOTOVOLT 2 (3): 303-311 JUL 2012
摘要: Absorbed sunlight in a solar cell produces electrons and holes. However, at the open-circuit
condition, the carriers have no place to go. They build up in density, and ideally, they emit external
luminescence that exactly balances the incoming sunlight. Any additional nonradiative
recombination impairs the carrier density buildup, limiting the open-circuit voltage. At open
circuit, efficient external luminescence is an indicator of low internal optical losses. Thus, efficient
external luminescence is, counterintuitively, a necessity for approaching the Shockley-Queisser
(SQ) efficiency limit. A great solar cell also needs to be a great light-emitting diode. Owing to the
narrow escape cone for light, efficient external emission requires repeated attempts and demands
an internal luminescence efficiency >> 90%.
地址:Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Div Mat Sci, Berkeley, CA 94720
Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA.
Natl Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401 USA.
电子邮件地址:omiller@berkeley.edu; eliy@eecs.berkeley.edu; sarah_kurtz@nrel.gov
15.被引用次数: 54
出处:J POWER SOURCES 231: 153-162 JUN 1 2013
摘 要 : Lithium/sulfur (Li/S) battery has a 3-5 fold higher theoretical energy density than
state-of-art lithium-ion batteries, and research has been ongoing for more than three decades.
However, the commercialization of Li/S battery still cannot be realized due to many problematic
issues, including short cycle life, low cycling efficiency, poor safety and a high self-discharge rate.
All these issues are related to the dissolution of lithium polysulfide (PS), the series of sulfur
reduction intermediates, in liquid electrolyte and to resulting parasitic reactions with the lithium
anode and electrolyte components. On the other hand, the dissolution of PS is essential for the
performance of a Li/S cell. Without dissolution of PS, the Li/S cell cannot operate progressively
due to the non-conductive nature of elemental sulfur and its reduction products. In this review
article, we start with the fundamental chemistry of elemental sulfur in order to discuss the
problems and solutions of liquid electrolyte Li/S battery. Published by Elsevier B.V.
地址:USA, Electrochem Branch, RDRL SED C, Sensors & Elect Devices Directorate,Res Lab,
Adelphi, MD 20783 USA.
16.被引用次数: 51
出处:PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 21 (1): 82-87 JAN 2013
摘要: The remarkable potential for inexpensive upscale of solution processing technologies is
expected to enable chalcogenide-based photovoltaic systems to become more widely adopted to
meet worldwide energy needs. Here, we report a thin-film solar cell with solution-processed
Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)(2) (CIGS) absorber. The power conversion efficiency of 15.2% is the highest
published value for a pure solution deposition technique for any photovoltaic absorber material
and is on par with the best nonvacuum-processed CIGS devices. We compare the performance of
our cell with a world champion vacuum-deposited CIGS cell and perform detailed characterization,
such as biased quantum efficiency, temperature-dependent electrical measurement, time-resolved
photoluminescence, and capacitance spectroscopy. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
地址:IBM Corp, Thomas J Watson Res Ctr, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 USA.
17.被引用次数: 51
出处:IEEE TRANS FUZZY SYST 21 (4): 655-671 AUG 2013
摘 要 : This paper focuses on analyzing a new model transformation of discrete-time
Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with time-varying delays and applying it to dynamic output
feedback (DOF) controller design. A new comparison model is proposed by employing a new
approximation for time-varying delay state, and then, a delay partitioning method is used to
analyze the scaled small gain of this comparison model. A sufficient condition on discrete-time
T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delays, which guarantees the corresponding closed-loop
system to be asymptotically stable and has an induced l(2) disturbance attenuation performance, is
derived by employing the scaled small-gain theorem. Then, the solvability condition for the
induced l(2) DOF control is also established, by which the DOF controller can be solved as linear
matrix inequality optimization problems. Finally, examples are provided to illustrate the
effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
地址:Harbin Inst Technol, Space Control & Inertial Technol Res Ctr, Harbin 150001, Peoples R
Univ Glamorgan, Dept Comp & Math Sci, Pontypridd CF37 1DL, M Glam, Wales.
Victoria Univ, Sch Sci & Engn, Melbourne, Vic 3030, Australia.
Univ Adelaide, Sch Elect & Elect Engn, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia.
Chongqing Univ, Sch Automat, Chongqing 400044, Peoples R China.
电子邮件地址:suxiaojie1985@gmail.com; pshi@glam.ac.uk; ligangwu@hit.edu.cn;
18.被引用次数: 51
出处:IEEE TRANS PATT ANAL MACH INT 34 (11): 2274-2281 NOV 2012
摘要: Computer vision applications have come to rely increasingly on superpixels in recent years,
but it is not always clear what constitutes a good superpixel algorithm. In an effort to understand
the benefits and drawbacks of existing methods, we empirically compare five state-of-the-art
superpixel algorithms for their ability to adhere to image boundaries, speed, memory efficiency,
and their impact on segmentation performance. We then introduce a new superpixel algorithm,
simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC), which adapts a k-means clustering approach to efficiently
generate superpixels. Despite its simplicity, SLIC adheres to boundaries as well as or better than
previous methods. At the same time, it is faster and more memory efficient, improves
segmentation performance, and is straightforward to extend to supervoxel generation.
地址:Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Sch Comp & Commun Sci, Images & Visual Representat Grp,
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
ETH Swiss Fed Inst Technol, Zurich Light Microscopy Ctr, Inst Biochem, CH-4093 Zurich,
Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne, Comp Vis Lab, Sch Comp & Commun Sci, CH-1015 Lausanne,
电子邮件地址:radhakrishna.achanta@epfl.ch; appu.shaji@epfl.ch; kevin.smith@lmc.biol.ethz.ch;
aureline.lucchi@epfl.ch; pascal.fua@epfl.ch; sabine.susstrunk@epfl.ch
19.被引用次数: 50
出处:IEEE TRANS IND ELECTRON 60 (8): 3328-3338 AUG 2013
摘要: This paper deals with the adaptive sliding-mode control problem for nonlinear active
suspension systems via the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy approach. The varying sprung and
unsprung masses, the unknown actuator nonlinearity, and the suspension performances are taken
into account simultaneously, and the corresponding mathematical model is established. The T-S
fuzzy system is used to describe the original nonlinear system for the control-design aim via the
sector nonlinearity approach. A sufficient condition is proposed for the asymptotical stability of
the designing sliding motion. An adaptive sliding-mode controller is designed to guarantee the
reachability of the specified switching surface. The condition can be converted to the convex
optimization problems. Simulation results for a half-vehicle active suspension model are provided
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes.
地址:Univ Portsmouth, Sch Creat Technol, Intelligent Syst & Biomed Robot Grp, Portsmouth
PO1 2DJ, Hants, England.
Harbin Inst Technol, Dept Control Sci & Engn, Harbin 150080, Peoples R China.
Protean Elect Ltd, Farnham GU10 5EH, Surrey, England.
电子邮件地址:lihongyi2009@gmail.com; yujinyong.hit@gmail.com;
chris.hilton@proteanelectric.com; honghai.liu@port.ac.uk
20.被引用次数: 49
出处:IET CONTR THEORY APPL 7 (1): 68-79 JAN 2013
摘要: This article studies identification problems of multiple linear regression models, which may
be described a class of multi-input multi-output systems (i.e. multivariable systems). Based on the
coupling identification concept, a novel coupled-least-squares (C-LS) parameter identification
algorithm is introduced for the purpose of avoiding the matrix inversion in the multivariable
recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm for estimating the parameters of the multiple linear
regression models. The analysis indicates that the C-LS algorithm does not involve the matrix
inversion and requires less computationally efforts than the multivariable RLS algorithm, and that
the parameter estimates given by the C-LS algorithm converge to their true values. Simulation
results confirm the presented convergence theorems.
地址:Jiangnan Univ, Minist Educ, Key Lab Adv Proc Control Light Ind, Wuxi 214122, Peoples
R China.
Jiangnan Univ, Control Sci & Engn Res Ctr, Wuxi 214122, Peoples R China.
八、Nature Advance Online Publication(Nature Materials)
1.标题 :Self-similar mesostructure evolution of the growing mollusc shell reminiscent of
thermodynamically driven grain growth AOP
作者:Bernd Bayerlein, Paul Zaslansky, Yannicke Dauphin, Alexander Rack, Peter Fratzl & Igor
摘要:Significant progress has been made in understanding the interaction between mineral
precursors and organic components leading to material formation and structuring in
biomineralizing systems1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The mesostructure of biological materials, such as the outer
calcitic shell of molluscs, is characterized by many parameters and the question arises as to what
extent they all are, or need to be, controlled biologically. Here, we analyse the three-dimensional
structure of the calcite-based prismatic layer of Pinna nobilis6, 7, 8, the giant Mediterranean fan
mussel, using high-resolution synchrotron-based microtomography. We show that the evolution of
the layer is statistically self-similar and, remarkably, its morphology and mesostructure can be
fully predicted using classical materials science theories for normal grain growth9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16. These findings are a fundamental step in understanding the constraints that dictate the
shape of these biogenic minerals and shed light on how biological organisms make use of
thermodynamics to generate complex morphologies.
2.标题: Re-entrant solidification in polymer–colloid mixtures as a consequence of competing
entropic and enthalpic attractions AOP
作者:Lang Feng, Bezia Laderman, Stefano Sacanna & Paul Chaikin
摘要:In polymer–colloid mixtures1, 2, non-adsorbing polymers dispersed with much larger
colloids provide a universal yet specific entropic attraction between the colloids3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Such so-called depletion interaction2, 3 arises from an osmotic-pressure imbalance caused by the
polymers and is considered to be independent of temperature. Here we show that, for the most
commonly used polymer–colloid depletion systems5, 6, the polymer undergoes a crossover from
non-adsorbing to adsorbing9 and that, consequently, the effective colloidal interactions depend on
temperature. We also find that a combination of the enthalpic (polymer bridging10, 11, 12) and
entropic (polymer exclusion2, 3, 4) interactions, both attractive, leads to a re-entrant regime where
the colloids are dispersed and form solids both on heating and on cooling. We provide a simple
model to explain the observed transitions and to fill the theoretical gap at the polymer-adsorption
crossover2, 9. Our findings open possibilities for colloidal self-assembly5, 13, the formation of
colloidal crystals14, 15 and glasses16, and the behaviour of temperature-controlled viscoelastic
3.标题: Giant spin splitting of the two-dimensional electron gas at the surface of SrTiO3 AOP
作者:A. F. Santander-Syro, F. Fortuna, C. Bareille, T. C. Rödel, G. Landolt, N. C. Plumb, J. H. Dil
& M. Radović
摘要:Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) forming at the interfaces of transition metal
oxides1, 2, 3 exhibit a range of properties, including tunable insulator–superconductor–metal
transitions4, 5, 6, large magnetoresistance7, coexisting ferromagnetism and superconductivity8, 9,
and a spin splitting of a few meV (refs 10, 11). Strontium titanate (SrTiO3), the cornerstone of
such oxide-based electronics, is a transparent, non-magnetic, wide-bandgap insulator in the bulk,
and has recently been found to host a surface 2DEG (refs 12, 13, 14, 15). The most strongly
confined carriers within this 2DEG comprise two subbands, separated by an energy gap of 90
meV and forming concentric circular Fermi surfaces12, 13, 15. Using spin- and angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES), we show that the electron spins in these subbands have
opposite chiralities. Although the Rashba effect might be expected to give rise to such spin
textures, the giant splitting of almost 100 meV at the Fermi level is far larger than anticipated16,
17. Moreover, in contrast to a simple Rashba system, the spin-polarized subbands are
non-degenerate at the Brillouin zone centre. This degeneracy can be lifted by time-reversal
symmetry breaking, implying the possible existence of magnetic order. These results show that
confined electronic states at oxide surfaces can be endowed with novel, non-trivial properties that
are both theoretically challenging to anticipate and promising for technological applications.
4.标题: Liquid-like pseudoelasticity of sub-10-nm crystalline silver p 标题:s AOP
作者:Jun Sun, Longbing He, Yu-Chieh Lo, Tao Xu, Hengchang Bi, Litao Sun, Ze Zhang, Scott X.
Mao & Ju Li
摘要:In nanotechnology, small-volume metals with large surface area are used as electrodes,
catalysts, interconnects and antennae1, 2, 3, 4. Their shape stability at room temperature has,
however, been questioned. Using in situ high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, we find
that Ag nanoparticles can be deformed like a liquid droplet but remain highly crystalline in the
interior, with no sign of dislocation activity during deformation5, 6. Surface-diffusion-mediated
pseudoelastic deformation is evident at room temperature, which can be driven by either an
external force or capillary-energy minimization. Atomistic simulations confirm that such highly
unusual Coble pseudoelasticity can indeed happen for sub-10-nm Ag particles at room temperature
and at timescales from seconds to months.
5.Resonant energy transfer of triplet excitons from pentacene to PbSe nanocrystals AOP
作者:Maxim Tabachnyk, Bruno Ehrler, Simon Gélinas, Marcus L. Böhm, Brian J. Walker, Kevin
P. Musselman, Neil C. Greenham, Richard H. Friend & Akshay Rao
摘要: The efficient transfer of energy between organic and inorganic semiconductors is a widely
sought after property, but has so far been limited to the transfer of spin-singlet excitons. Here we
report efficient resonant-energy transfer of molecular spin-triplet excitons from organic
semiconductors to inorganic semiconductors. We use ultrafast optical absorption spectroscopy to
track the dynamics of triplets, generated in pentacene through singlet exciton fission, at the
interface with lead selenide (PbSe) nanocrystals. We show that triplets transfer to PbSe rapidly (<1
ps) and efficiently, with 1.9 triplets transferred for every photon absorbed in pentacene, but only
when the bandgap of the nanocrystals is close to resonance (±0.2 eV) with the triplet energy.
Following triplet transfer, the excitation can undergo either charge separation, allowing
photovoltaic operation, or radiative recombination in the nanocrystal, enabling luminescent
harvesting of triplet exciton energy in light-emitting structures.
6.标 题 :Energy harvesting of non-emissive triplet excitons in tetracene by emissive PbS
nanocrystals AOP
作者:Nicholas J. Thompson, Mark W. B. Wilson, Daniel N. Congreve, Patrick R. Brown, Jennifer
M. Scherer, Thomas S. Bischof, Mengfei Wu, Nadav Geva, Matthew Welborn, Troy Van Voorhis,
Vladimir Bulović, Moungi G. Bawendi & Marc A. Baldo
摘要:Triplet excitons are ubiquitous in organic optoelectronics, but they are often an undesirable
energy sink because they are spin-forbidden from emitting light and their high binding energy
hinders the generation of free electron–hole pairs. Harvesting their energy is consequently an
important technological challenge. Here, we demonstrate direct excitonic energy transfer from
‘dark’ triplets in the organic semiconductor tetracene to colloidal PbS nanocrystals, thereby
successfully harnessing molecular triplet excitons in the near infrared. Steady-state excitation
spectra, supported by transient photoluminescence studies, demonstrate that the transfer efficiency
is at least (90 ± 13)%. The mechanism is a Dexter hopping process consisting of the simultaneous
exchange of two electrons. Triplet exciton transfer to nanocrystals is expected to be broadly
applicable in solar and near-infrared light-emitting applications, where effective molecular
phosphors are lacking at present. In particular, this route to ‘brighten’ low-energy molecular triplet
excitons may permit singlet exciton fission sensitization of conventional silicon solar cells.
7.标题:Oligopeptide complex for targeted non-viral gene delivery to adipocytes AOP
作者:Young-Wook Won, Partho Protim Adhikary, Kwang Suk Lim, Hyung Jin Kim, Jang Kyoung
Kim & Yong-Hee Kim
摘要: Commercial anti-obesity drugs acting in the gastrointestinal tract or the central nervous
system have been shown to have limited efficacy and severe side effects. Anti-obesity drug
development is thus focusing on targeting adipocytes that store excess fat. Here, we show that an
adipocyte-targeting fusion-oligopeptide gene carrier consisting of an adipocyte-targeting sequence
and 9-arginine (ATS–9R) selectively transfects mature adipocytes by binding to prohibitin.
Injection of ATS–9R into obese mice confirmed specific binding of ATS–9R to fat vasculature,
internalization and gene expression in adipocytes. We also constructed a short-hairpin RNA
(shRNA) for silencing fatty-acid-binding protein 4 (shFABP4), a key lipid chaperone in fatty-acid
uptake and lipid storage in adipocytes. Treatment of obese mice with ATS–9R/shFABP4 led to
metabolic recovery and body-weight reduction (>20%). The ATS–9R/shFABP4 oligopeptide
complex could prove to be a safe therapeutic approach to regress and treat obesity as well as
obesity-induced metabolic syndromes.
8.标题:Extreme electronic bandgap modification in laser-crystallized silicon optical fibres AOP
作者:Noel Healy, Sakellaris Mailis, Nadezhda M. Bulgakova, Pier J. A. Sazio, Todd D. Day,
Justin R. Sparks, Hiu Y. Cheng, John V. Badding & Anna C. Peacock
摘要:For decades now, silicon has been the workhorse of the microelectronics revolution and a
key enabler of the information age. Owing to its excellent optical properties in the near- and
mid-infrared, silicon is now promising to have a similar impact on photonics. The ability to
incorporate both optical and electronic functionality in a single material offers the tantalizing
prospect of amplifying, modulating and detecting light within a monolithic platform. However, a
direct consequence of silicon’s transparency is that it cannot be used to detect light at
telecommunications wavelengths. Here, we report on a laser processing technique developed for
our silicon fibre technology through which we can modify the electronic band structure of the
semiconductor material as it is crystallized. The unique fibre geometry in which the silicon core is
confined within a silica cladding allows large anisotropic stresses to be set into the crystalline
material so that the size of the bandgap can be engineered. We demonstrate extreme bandgap
reductions from 1.11 eV down to 0.59 eV, enabling optical detection out to 2,100 nm.
9.标题: Vertical and in-plane heterostructures from WS2/MoS2 monolayers AOP
作者:Yongji Gong, Junhao Lin, Xingli Wang, Gang Shi, Sidong Lei, Zhong Lin, Xiaolong Zou,
Gonglan Ye, Robert Vajtai, Boris I. Yakobson, Humberto Terrones, Mauricio Terrones, Beng Kang
Tay, Jun Lou, Sokrates T. Pantelides, Zheng Liu, Wu Zhou & Pulickel M. Ajayan
摘要:Layer-by-layer stacking or lateral interfacing of atomic monolayers has opened up
unprecedented opportunities to engineer two-dimensional heteromaterials. Fabrication of such
artificial heterostructures with atomically clean and sharp interfaces, however, is challenging.
Here, we report a one-step growth strategy for the creation of high-quality vertically stacked as
well as in-plane interconnected heterostructures of WS2/MoS2 via control of the growth
temperature. Vertically stacked bilayers with WS2 epitaxially grown on top of the MoS2
monolayer are formed with preferred stacking order at high temperature. A strong interlayer
excitonic transition is observed due to the type II band alignment and to the clean interface of
these bilayers. Vapour growth at low temperature, on the other hand, leads to lateral epitaxy of
WS2 on MoS2 edges, creating seamless and atomically sharp in-plane heterostructures that
generate strong localized photoluminescence enhancement and intrinsic p–n junctions. The
fabrication of heterostructures from monolayers, using simple and scalable growth, paves the way
for the creation of unprecedented two-dimensional materials with exciting properties.
10.标题:Direct correlation of single-molecule properties with bulk mechanical performance for
the biomimetic design of polymers AOP
作者:Jaeyoon Chung, Aaron M. Kushner, Adam C. Weisman & Zhibin Guan
摘要:For rational design of advanced polymeric materials, it is critical to establish a clear
mechanistic link between the molecular structure of a polymer and the emergent bulk mechanical
properties. Despite progress towards this goal, it remains a major challenge to directly correlate
the bulk mechanical performance to the nanomechanical properties of individual constituent
macromolecules. Here, we show a direct correlation between the single-molecule nanomechanical
properties of a biomimetic modular polymer and the mechanical characteristics of the resulting
bulk material. The multi-cyclic single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) data enabled
quantitative derivation of the asymmetric potential energy profile of individual module rupture
and re-folding, in which a steep dissociative pathway accounted for the high plateau modulus,
while a shallow associative well explained the energy-dissipative hysteresis and dynamic, adaptive
recovery. These results demonstrate the potential for SMFS to serve as a guide for future rational
design of advanced multifunctional materials.
11.标题: Topologically protected excitons in porphyrin thin films AOP
作者:Joel Yuen-Zhou, Semion K. Saikin, Norman Y. Yao & Alán Aspuru-Guzik
摘要:The control of exciton transport in organic materials is of fundamental importance for the
development of efficient light-harvesting systems. This transport is easily deteriorated by traps in
the disordered energy landscape. Here, we propose and analyse a system that supports topological
Frenkel exciton edge states. Backscattering of these chiral Frenkel excitons is prohibited by
symmetry, ensuring that the transport properties of such a system are robust against disorder. To
implement our idea, we propose a two-dimensional periodic array of tilted porphyrins interacting
with a homogeneous magnetic field. This field serves to break time-reversal symmetry and results
in lattice fluxes that mimic the Aharonov–Bohm phase acquired by electrons. Our proposal is the
first blueprint for realizing topological phases of matter in molecular aggregates and suggests a
paradigm for engineering novel excitonic materials.
12.标题:Benzene-derived carbon nanothreads AOP
作者:Thomas C. Fitzgibbons, Malcolm Guthrie, En-shi Xu, Vincent H. Crespi, Stephen K.
Davidowski, George D. Cody, Nasim Alem & John V. Badding
摘要:Low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials such as fullerenes, nanotubes, graphene and
diamondoids have extraordinary physical and chemical properties1, 2. Compression-induced
polymerization of aromatic molecules could provide a viable synthetic route to ordered carbon
nanomaterials3, 4, but despite almost a century of study5, 6, 7, 8, 9 this approach has produced
only amorphous products10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Here we report recovery to ambient pressure of
macroscopic quantities of a crystalline one- dimensional sp3 carbon nanomaterial formed by
high-pressure solid-state reaction of benzene. X-ray and neutron diffraction, Raman spectroscopy,
solid-state NMR, transmission electron microscopy and first-principles calculations reveal closepacked bundles of subnanometre-diameter sp3-bonded carbon threads capped with hydrogen,
crystalline in two dimensions and short-range ordered in the third. These nanothreads promise
extraordinary properties such as strength and stiffness higher than that of sp2 carbon nanotubes or
conven tional high-strength polymers15. They may be the first member of a new class of ordered
sp3 nanomaterials synthesized by kinetic control of high-pressure solid-state reactions.
13.标题:Determination of the 3D shape of a nanoscale crystal with atomic resolution from a
single image AOP
作者:C. L. Jia, S. B. Mi, J. Barthel, D. W. Wang, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, K. W. Urban & A.
摘要:Although the overall atomic structure of a nanoscale crystal is in principle accessible by
modern transmission electron microscopy, the precise determination of its surface structure is an
intricate problem. Here, we show that aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy,
combined with dedicated numerical evaluation procedures, allows the three-dimensional shape of
a thin MgO crystal to be determined from only one single high-resolution image. The sensitivity
of the reconstruction procedure is not only sufficient to reveal the surface morphology of the
crystal with atomic resolution, but also to detect the presence of adsorbed impurity atoms. The
single-image approach that we introduce offers important advantages for three-dimensional
studies of radiation-sensitive crystals.
14.标题:Two-step nucleation mechanism in solid–solid phase transitions AOP
作者:Yi Peng, Feng Wang, Ziren Wang, Ahmed M. Alsayed, Zexin Zhang, Arjun G. Yodh &
Yilong Han
摘 要 :The microscopic kinetics of ubiquitous solid–solid phase transitions remain poorly
understood. Here, by using single-particle-resolution video microscopy of colloidal films of
diameter-tunable microspheres, we show that transitions between square and triangular lattices
occur via a two-step diffusive nucleation pathway involving liquid nuclei. The nucleation pathway
is favoured over the direct one-step nucleation because the energy of the solid/liquid interface is
lower than that between solid phases. We also observed that nucleation precursors are
particle-swapping loops rather than newly generated structural defects, and that coherent and
incoherent facets of the evolving nuclei exhibit different energies and growth rates that can
markedly alter the nucleation kinetics. Our findings suggest that an intermediate liquid should
exist in the nucleation processes of solid–solid transitions of most metals and alloys, and provide
guidance for better control of the kinetics of the transition and for future refinements of
solid–solid transition theory.
15.标题: Digital metamaterials AOP
作者:Cristian Della Giovampaola & Nader Engheta
摘要:Balancing complexity and simplicity has played an important role in the development of
many fields in science and engineering. One of the well-known and powerful examples of such
balance can be found in Boolean algebra and its impact on the birth of digital electronics and the
digital information age. The simplicity of using only two numbers, ‘0’ and ‘1’, in a binary system
for describing an arbitrary quantity made the fields of digital electronics and digital signal
processing powerful and ubiquitous. Here, inspired by the binary concept, we propose to develop
the notion of digital metamaterials. Specifically, we investigate how one can synthesize an
electromagnetic metamaterial with a desired permittivity, using as building blocks only two
elemental materials, which we call ‘metamaterial bits’, with two distinct permittivity functions.
We demonstrate, analytically and numerically, how proper spatial mixtures of such metamaterial
bits lead to elemental ‘metamaterial bytes’ with effective material parameters that are different
from the parameters of the metamaterial bits. We then apply this methodology to several design
examples of optical elements, such as digital convex lenses, flat graded-index digital lenses,
digital constructs for epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) supercoupling and digital hyperlenses, thus
highlighting the power and simplicity of the methodology.
16.标题: Current-induced transition from p 标题:-by-p 标题: to concurrent intercalation in
phase-separating battery electrodes AOP
作者:Yiyang Li, Farid El Gabaly, Todd R. Ferguson, Raymond B. Smith, Norman C. Bartelt,
Joshua D. Sugar, Kyle R. Fenton, Daniel A. Cogswell, A. L. David Kilcoyne, Tolek Tyliszczak,
Martin Z. Bazant & William C. Chueh
摘 要 : Many battery electrodes contain ensembles of nanoparticles that phase-separate on
(de)intercalation. In such electrodes, the fraction of actively intercalating particles directly impacts
cycle life: a vanishing population concentrates the current in a small number of particles, leading
to current hotspots. Reports of the active particle population in the phase-separating electrode
lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4; LFP) vary widely, ranging from near 0% (particle-by-particle)
to 100% (concurrent intercalation). Using synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy, we probed the
individual state-of-charge for over 3,000 LFP particles. We observed that the active population
depends strongly on the cycling current, exhibiting particle-by-particle-like behaviour at low rates
and increasingly concurrent behaviour at high rates, consistent with our phase-field porous
electrode simulations. Contrary to intuition, the current density, or current per active internal
surface area, is nearly invariant with the global electrode cycling rate. Rather, the electrode
accommodates higher current by increasing the active particle population. This behaviour results
from thermodynamic transformation barriers in LFP, and such a phenomenon probably extends to
other phase-separating battery materials. We propose that modifying the transformation barrier
and exchange current density can increase the active population and thus the current homogeneity.
This could introduce new paradigms to enhance the cycle life of phase-separating battery
17.标题:Atomic structure and dynamic behaviour of truly one-dimensional ionic chains inside
carbon nanotubes AOP
作 者 : Ryosuke Senga, Hannu-Pekka Komsa, Zheng Liu, Kaori Hirose-Takai, Arkady V.
Krasheninnikov & Kazu Suenaga
摘要:Materials with reduced dimensionality have attracted much interest in various fields of
fundamental and applied science. True one-dimensional (1D) crystals with single-atom thickness
have been realized only for few elemental metals (Au, Ag) or carbon, all of which showed very
short lifetimes under ambient conditions. We demonstrate here a successful synthesis of stable 1D
ionic crystals in which two chemical elements, one being a cation and the other an anion, align
alternately inside carbon nanotubes. Unusual dynamical behaviours for different atoms in the 1D
lattice are experimentally corroborated and suggest substantial interactions of the atoms with the
nanotube sheath. Our theoretical studies indicate that the 1D ionic crystals have optical properties
distinct from those of their bulk counterparts and that the properties can be engineered by
introducing atomic defects into the chains.
18.标题: In situ detection of hydrogen-induced phase transitions in individual palladium
nanocrystals AOP
作者:Andrea Baldi, Tarun C. Narayan, Ai Leen Koh & Jennifer A. Dionne
摘要:Many energy- and information-storage processes rely on phase changes of nanomaterials in
reactive environments. Compared to their bulk counterparts, nanostructured materials seem to
exhibit faster charging and discharging kinetics, extended life cycles, and size-tunable
thermodynamics. However, in ensemble studies of these materials, it is often difficult to
discriminate between intrinsic size-dependent properties and effects due to sample size and shape
dispersity. Here, we detect the phase transitions of individual palladium nanocrystals during
hydrogen absorption and desorption, using in situ electron energy-loss spectroscopy in an
environmental transmission electron microscope. In contrast to ensemble measurements, we find
that palladium nanocrystals undergo sharp transitions between the α and β phases, and that surface
effects dictate the size dependence of the hydrogen absorption pressures. Our results provide a
general framework for monitoring phase transitions in individual nanocrystals in a reactive
environment and highlight the importance of single-particle approaches for the characterization of
nanostructured materials.
19.标题: Ultrasoft microgels displaying emergent platelet-like behaviours AOP
作者:Ashley C. Brown, Sarah E. Stabenfeldt, Byungwook Ahn, Riley T. Hannan, Kabir S. Dhada,
Emily S. Herman, Victoria Stefanelli, Nina Guzzetta, Alexander Alexeev, Wilbur A. Lam, L.
Andrew Lyon & Thomas H. Barker
摘要:Efforts to create platelet-like structures for the augmentation of haemostasis have focused
solely on recapitulating aspects of platelet adhesion1; more complex platelet behaviours such as
clot contraction2 are assumed to be inaccessible to synthetic systems. Here, we report the creation
of fully synthetic platelet-like particles (PLPs) that augment clotting in vitro under physiological
flow conditions and achieve wound-triggered haemostasis and decreased bleeding times in vivo in
a traumatic injury model. PLPs were synthesized by combining highly deformable microgel
particles with molecular-recognition motifs identified through directed evolution. In vitro and in
silico analyses demonstrate that PLPs actively collapse fibrin networks, an emergent behaviour
that mimics in vivo clot contraction. Mechanistically, clot collapse is intimately linked to the
unique deformability and affinity of PLPs for fibrin fibres, as evidenced by dissipative particle
dynamics simulations. Our findings should inform the future design of a broader class of dynamic,
biosynthetic composite materials.
20.标题: Phase-engineered low-resistance contacts for ultrathin MoS2 transistors AOP
作者:Rajesh Kappera, Damien Voiry, Sibel Ebru Yalcin, Brittany Branch, Gautam Gupta, Aditya
D. Mohite & Manish Chhowalla
摘 要 : Ultrathin molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) has emerged as an interesting layered
semiconductor because of its finite energy bandgap and the absence of dangling bonds. However,
metals deposited on the semiconducting 2H phase usually form high-resistance (0.7 kΩ μm–10
kΩ μm) contacts, leading to Schottky-limited transport. In this study, we demonstrate that the
metallic 1T phase of MoS2 can be locally induced on semiconducting 2H phase nanosheets, thus
decreasing contact resistances to 200–300 Ω μm at zero gate bias. Field-effect transistors (FETs)
with 1T phase electrodes fabricated and tested in air exhibit mobility values of ~50 cm2 V−1 s−1,
subthreshold swing values below 100 mV per decade, on/off ratios of >107, drive currents
approaching ~100 μA μm−1, and excellent current saturation. The deposition of different metals
has limited influence on the FET performance, suggesting that the 1T/2H interface controls carrier
injection into the channel. An increased reproducibility of the electrical characteristics is also
obtained with our strategy based on phase engineering of MoS2.
链接: http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nmat4080.html
21. 标 题 : Entropy-driven formation of large icosahedral colloidal clusters by spherical
confinement AOP
作者:Bart de Nijs, Simone Dussi, Frank Smallenburg, Johannes D. Meeldijk, Dirk J. Groenendijk,
Laura Filion, Arnout Imhof, Alfons van Blaaderen & Marjolein Dijkstra
摘要:Icosahedral symmetry, which is not compatible with truly long-range order, can be found in
many systems, such as liquids, glasses, atomic clusters, quasicrystals and virus-capsids1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. To obtain arrangements with a high degree of icosahedral order from tens of
particles or more, interparticle attractive interactions are considered to be essential1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12. Here, we report that entropy and spherical confinement suffice for the formation of
icosahedral clusters consisting of up to 100,000 particles. Specifically, by using real-space
measurements on nanometre- and micrometre-sized colloids, as well as computer simulations, we
show that tens of thousands of hard spheres compressed under spherical confinement
spontaneously crystallize into icosahedral clusters that are entropically favoured over the bulk
face-centred cubic crystal structure13, 14. Our findings provide insights into the interplay between
confinement and crystallization and into how these are connected to the formation of icosahedral
22.标题:Giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects in a monolayer transition metal
dichalcogenide semiconductor AOP
作者:Miguel M. Ugeda, Aaron J. Bradley, Su-Fei Shi, Felipe H. da Jornada, Yi Zhang, Diana Y.
Qiu, Wei Ruan, Sung-Kwan Mo, Zahid Hussain, Zhi-Xun Shen, Feng Wang, Steven G. Louie &
Michael F. Crommie
摘要:Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are emerging as a new
platform for exploring 2D semiconductor physics1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Reduced screening in two
dimensions results in markedly enhanced electron–electron interactions, which have been
predicted to generate giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects10, 11, 12, 13. Here we
present a rigorous experimental observation of extraordinarily large exciton binding energy in a
2D semiconducting TMD. We determine the single-particle electronic bandgap of single-layer
MoSe2 by means of scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), as well as the two-particle exciton
transition energy using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. These yield an exciton binding
energy of 0.55 eV for monolayer MoSe2 on graphene—orders of magnitude larger than what is
seen in conventional 3D semiconductors and significantly higher than what we see for MoSe2
monolayers in more highly screening environments. This finding is corroborated by our ab initio
GW and Bethe–Salpeter equation calculations14, 15 which include electron correlation effects.
The renormalized bandgap and large exciton binding observed here will have a profound impact
on electronic and optoelectronic device technologies based on single-layer semiconducting TMDs.
23.标题: Lateral heterojunctions within monolayer MoSe2–WSe2 semiconductors AOP
作者:Chunming Huang, Sanfeng Wu, Ana M. Sanchez, Jonathan J. P. Peters, Richard Beanland,
Jason S. Ross, Pasqual Rivera, Wang Yao, David H. Cobden & Xiaodong Xu
摘要:Heterojunctions between three-dimensional (3D) semiconductors with different bandgaps
are the basis of modern light-emitting diodes1, diode lasers2 and high-speed transistors3. Creating
analogous heterojunctions between different 2D semiconductors would enable band engineering
within the 2D plane4, 5, 6 and open up new realms in materials science, device physics and
engineering. Here we demonstrate that seamless high-quality in-plane heterojunctions can be
grown between the 2D monolayer semiconductors MoSe2 and WSe2. The junctions, grown by
lateral heteroepitaxy using physical vapour transport7, are visible in an optical microscope and
show enhanced photoluminescence. Atomically resolved transmission electron microscopy reveals
that their structure is an undistorted honeycomb lattice in which substitution of one transition
metal by another occurs across the interface. The growth of such lateral junctions will allow new
device functionalities, such as in-plane transistors and diodes, to be integrated within a single
atomically thin layer.
24.标题: Collective and individual migration following the epithelial–mesenchymal transition
作者:Ian Y. Wong, Sarah Javaid, Elisabeth A. Wong, Sinem Perk, Daniel A. Haber, Mehmet Toner
& Daniel Irimia
摘要:During cancer progression, malignant cells in the tumour invade surrounding tissues. This
transformation of adherent cells to a motile phenotype has been associated with the
epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). Here, we show that EMT-activated cells migrate
through micropillar arrays as a collectively advancing front that scatters individual cells.
Individual cells with few neighbours dispersed with fast, straight trajectories, whereas cells that
encountered many neighbours migrated collectively with epithelial biomarkers. We modelled
these emergent dynamics using a physical analogy to phase transitions during binary-mixture
solidification, and validated it using drug perturbations, which revealed that individually migrating
cells exhibit diminished chemosensitivity. Our measurements also indicate a degree of phenotypic
plasticity as cells interconvert between individual and collective migration. The study of
multicellular behaviours with single-cell resolution should enable further quantitative insights into
heterogeneous tumour invasion.
25.标题:Direct observation of ferroelectric field effect and vacancy-controlled screening at the
BiFeO3/LaxSr1 − xMnO3 interface AOP
作者:Young-Min Kim, Anna Morozovska, Eugene Eliseev, Mark P. Oxley, Rohan Mishra, Sverre
M. Selbach, Tor Grande, S. T. Pantelides, Sergei V. Kalinin & Albina Y. Borisevich
摘要:The development of interface-based magnetoelectric devices necessitates an understanding
of polarization-mediated electronic phenomena and atomistic polarization screening mechanisms.
In this work, the LSMO/BFO interface is studied on a single unit-cell level through a combination
of direct order parameter mapping by scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron
energy-loss spectroscopy. We demonstrate an unexpected ~5% lattice expansion for regions with
negative polarization charge, with a concurrent anomalous decrease of the Mn valence and change
in oxygen K-edge intensity. We interpret this behaviour as direct evidence for screening by oxygen
vacancies. The vacancies are predominantly accumulated at the second atomic layer of BFO,
reflecting the difference of ionic conductivity between the components. This vacancy exclusion
from the interface leads to the formation of a tail-to-tail domain wall. At the same time, purely
electronic screening is realized for positive polarization charge, with insignificant changes in
lattice and electronic properties. These results underline the non-trivial role of electrochemical
phenomena in determining the functional properties of oxide interfaces. Furthermore, these
behaviours suggest that vacancy dynamics and exclusion play major roles in determining interface
functionality in oxide multilayers, providing clear implications for novel functionalities in
potential electronic devices.
26. 标题:Redox shuttle mechanism enhances photocatalytic H2 generation on Ni-decorated CdS
nanorods AOP
作者:Thomas Simon, Nicolas Bouchonville, Maximilian J. Berr, Aleksandar Vaneski, Asmir
Adrović, David Volbers, Regina Wyrwich, Markus Döblinger, Andrei S. Susha, Andrey L. Rogach,
Frank Jäckel, Jacek K. Stolarczyk & Jochen Feldmann
摘要:Photocatalytic conversion of solar energy to fuels, such as hydrogen, is attracting enormous
interest, driven by the promise of addressing both energy supply and storage1. Colloidal
semiconductor nanocrystals have been at the forefront of these efforts owing to their favourable
and tunable optical and electronic properties2, 3, 4 as well as advances in their synthesis5, 6. The
efficiency of the photocatalysts is often limited by the slow transfer and subsequent reactions of
the photoexcited holes and the ensuing high charge recombination rates. Here we propose that
employing a hydroxyl anion/radical redox couple to efficiently relay the hole from the
semiconductor to the scavenger leads to a marked increase in the H2 generation rate without using
expensive noble metal co-catalysts. The apparent quantum yield and the formation rate under 447
nm laser illumination exceeded 53% and 63 mmol g−1 h−1, respectively. The fast hole transfer
confers long-term photostability on the system and opens new pathways to improve the oxidation
side of full water splitting.
九、IQPC 最新国防会议(Defence)
1. 会议名称:Military E-Learning and Smart Devices
会议时间:October 21-23, 2014
会议地点:Charing Cross - A Guoman Hotel , London, United Kingdom
会议简介:Introducing the only conference dedicated to the military use of smart devices for
e-learning and simulation outside of North America
Due to overwhelming demand, we are holding our inaugural Military E-Learning & Smart
Devices Conference, to support you – the pioneers using e-learning, simulation techniques &
smart devices for the training of military personnel.
This tri-service event will provide you with the opportunity to share best practice in what remains
a relatively new and innovative side of defence capability.
Over the last ten years, a number of militaries have taken advantage of the substantial R&D
spending by technology companies, and the subsequent uptake of smart devices in the civilian
A soldier can review a lesson in an online drive or portal, complete an assignment with teammates
online, or attend a class via video link, all from their tablet, smartphone or desktop. The fact that
service personnel are commercial users of this software should be no impediment to the military
as apps can be (and have been) created to help assist with mobile learning and development,
enabling students to learn on their own watch.
Additionally, with the growth in the use of simulation and virtual reality exercises for
pre-deployment cultural awareness training, judgement shooting, and scenario-based practice
mission planning, militaries truly are riding the wave of the latest tech bubble.
With a process of trial and error typifying the military’s approach thus far, there is still a
substantial debate to be had as to how the defence community maximises the educational and
operational benefits of this technology for their personnel’s development and performance.
2. 会议名称:Future Mortar Systems 2014
会议时间:28 - 30 October, 2014
会议地点:-Kensington Close Hotel, London, United Kingdom
会议简介:Exploring cost-effective, yet meticulous solutions to enhance future mortar capability
Defence IQ is delighted to announce the return of our annual Future Mortar Systems Conference.
Building on the success of previous events in the series, our 2014 conference will provide a
detailed insight into the front line experiences of mortar crews from a host of nations, coupled
with a strategic and long-term viewpoint from senior military personnel. Future Mortar Systems
Conference 2014 is a unique opportunity to learn from other military forces and share experiences
and best practice techniques in a collaborative environment.
3. 会议名称:12th Annual Military Radar Conference
会议时间:28 - 30 October, 2014
会议地点:Kensington Close Hotel, London, United Kingdom
会议简介:Defence IQ’s Military Radar Conference returns on the 28 - 30 October in London for
its 12th annual installment. Always a firm fixture for leading international military, industry and
research institutes, Military Radar 2014 promises a highly valuable opportunity to learn about the
latest military radar systems and subsystems, their integration onto platforms and military
Discussing key issues at the forefront of the military radar community, the conference will
investigate achieving a multi-mission capability, advancing signals processing with more powerful
and compact radar systems, and the technological developments necessary for operating in new
challenging environments such as A2/AD, congested/contested scenarios. Emerging technologies
such as cognitive radar will also be explored.
With a holistic insight into the military radar space, presentations will be given by prime
contractors, military end users and research scientists to help you gain a full understanding of the
up-to-the-minute technologies and requirements.
4. 会议名称:MEDEVAC 2014
会议时间:October 29-31, 2014
会议地点:Copthorne Tara, London, United Kingdom
会议简介:Medical Evacuation is Changing
*To say thank you for your fantastic support this year first 50 Military and Emergency Services
personnel to register go free*
- Be in the first 10 to register and enjoy a complimentary evening on our river cruise and four
course dinner
With combat operations drawing to a close in Afghanistan, MEDEVAC teams will be required to
operate in challenging new austere environments.
Interoperability will remain a core consideration for international cooperation, equipment and
procedure standardisation. But how do we maintain training for MEDEVAC teams who are not
regularly deployed to combat zones? And how can lessons learnt in Afghanistan be applied to
future operations and exercises?
The third year of IQPC’s MEDEVAC conference, fast becoming an established community event
will bring together the leaders in the medical evacuation community to discuss the hot topics of
2014. Last year saw over 20 countries represented in high level presentations, discussion and
interactive workshops.
What is New This Year?
MEDEVAC 2014 will build upon last years discussions to explore:
Maximising capability through cooperation with other nations and upgrading equipment
Optimising training and maintaining core skills with changing operating environments
A look back on lessons learnt from Afghanistan and a look towards the new challenges to be faced
Join leading military medical officers outlining their future requirements and current challenges
surrounding medical evacuation and in-theatre care such as the standardisation of equipment, the
allocation of resources and the modernisation of medical equipment and medical evacuation
5. 会议名称:Coastal Surveillance 2014
会议时间:November 12-13, 2014
会议地点:Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
会议简介:APAC'S Premier Maritime Security and Surveillance Forum!
The 11th Annual Coastal Surveillance conference is back after a runaway success last year!
In 2013, 250+ top representatives from over 110 navies, coast guards, military and maritime
security organisations in Asia and beyond attended Coastal Surveillance to discuss solutions to
combat pressing maritime security threats.
In 2014, we are building on that success to bring you a highly valuable conference programme
designed through intensive market research with and inputs from senior defense and government
officials, maritime security experts and industry professionals.
2014 Highlights:
Best practice global case studies for coastal surveillance and maritime security:
Overcoming persistent transnational threats such as piracy, armed robbery, drug and human
smuggling, illegal fishing and marine pollution.
Emerging strategies and technological systems for inter-agency cooperation: Interoperability and
creating a seamless operating picture between agencies for coordinated and fast response to
Day 2 Special focus on EEZ Protection:
How navies, coast guards and air forces are developing their assets to combat the evolving nature
of modern maritime threats in the EEZ.
Exclusive Cocktail Reception on Day 1:
To welcome you to Singapore, we are organizing an exclusive cocktail reception for you at the end
of Day 1 from 5.30pm - 7.30pm! Be sure to mark this down on your calendar!
6. 会议名称:Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Counter IED 2014
会议时间:17 - 19 November, 2014
会议地点:Meliá Avenida América, Madrid , Spain
会议简介:Counter IED and EOD missions were synonymous with the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan. But as these operations draw to a close, the continuing threat of IEDs in both military
and civilian landscapes makes a Counter IED and Explosive Ordnance Disposal ready force no
less important. The Middle East, North Africa and South America, as well as the West are all
suffering from the proliferation of these weapons as a tool of terrorism and disruption,
necessitating effective future planning and training.
7. 会议名称:Mine Counter Measures 2014
会议时间:November 17-19, 2014
会议地点:Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel and Spa, London, United Kingdom
会议简介:Utilising the latest unmanned solutions to remove the man from the minefield
Mine Countermeasures 2014 will deliver a detailed assessment of the process for locating,
identifying and neutralising naval mines. All nations are looking to reduce the time taken to mine
sweep an area, improve the safety and speed of mine disposal and remove their men from the
minefield; all find themselves asking, how can we best overcome these challenges?
Defence IQ is delighted to announce Mine Countermeasures 2014 - taking place on the 18th-19th
November 2014 in London.
Building on from the success of our 2013 conference, Mine Countermeasures 2014 will analyse
developments in both manned and unmanned MCM vessels to determine the current state of
affairs and best practice for future MCM missions.
It will consider the increasing role of UUVs and USVs both now and into the future and cover key
new technologies in manned vessels, considering the approaches taken nations with regards to
current MCM legacy systems.
8. 会议名称:International Fighter
会议时间:November 18-20, 2014
会议地点:Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel, London, United Kingdom
会议简介:International Fighter Conference: Rethinking Fighter Capabilities To Meet The New
The 14th Annual International Fighter conference takes place in London on the 18-20 November.
The 2014 event boasts the most senior line-up of speakers yet, highlighting the increasing
importance of air power in the contemporary operating environment.
Based on the feedback you gave us last year, we are expanding the focus on Naval Aviation and
Carrier Enabled Power Projection - including a Keynote Presentation from Lt. Gen. Davis, Deputy
Commandant for Aviation, HQ USMC. Issues under discussion will also include the reliance on
space assets, cyber security, advances fighter radar technology, and the limitations of stealth.
Over the past few months we have witnessed an increase in irregular and asymmetric conflict;
Boko Haram in Nigeria, ISIS in Iraq and Syria, separatists in Ukraine, and a resurgence of
violence between Israel and Palestine. The kinetic response to these threats has highlighted the
importance of air power and air superiority, including the use of fighter aircraft as ISR assets.
With perspectives invited from air forces and naval aviation wings from both large and small
nations, we are anticipating a range of exciting and relevant perspectives at both an operational
and strategic level.
Building on the success of last year I am personally delighted that Lt. Gen. Deptula, recently listed
as one of the 100 most influential People in American Defence, has again agreed to be the
conference chairman.
It’s a big claim to make when you have been bringing together Air Force Officers, Air Power
advocates and industry for well over a decade – but I am confident that 2014 will deliver the best
conference experience yet. With the agenda now publicly available you don't have to take my
word for it - check it out for yourself!
I’m looking forward to November, meeting new delegates and old friend, and learning more than
ever about fighter aircraft, their use, procurement and the challenges faced.
2014 Will Feature:
Industry Panel Discussion – hear the vision that industry holds for the future of the fighter market
with senior leadership across sectors
Independent analysis and global trends in fighter aircraft. The state of the market, current headline
hitting stories and the perception of defence procurement in an age of austerity
Leadership Strategy Debate – senior air force leadership put forward their views on force structure,
force development and operating in a resource constrained environment, and took questions from
a crowd eager to take advantage of the opportunity
Naval Aviation and Carrier Strike Focus Day – a focus day looking at naval aviation, carrier strike
and the strategic importance of projecting power through fighter aircraft
9. 会议名称:Joint Personnel Recovery
会议时间:November 18-20, 2014
会议地点:Hilton London Kensington, London, United Kingdom
会议简介:Exploring the future of Joint Personnel Recovery: A military and commercial crisis
management collaboration
Despite the current drawbacks from Afghanistan, the growing presence of operations in
increasingly hostile and unfamiliar environments is relentless. In a decade synonymous with
unpredictable political unrest, it is imperative that forces and organisations remain at the forefront
of technological, strategic and training developments in order to remain adept for what the future
has to bring. In light of looming threats in Eastern Europe, as well as conflict in Africa, never has
been a better time to discuss the latest in Joint Personnel Recovery.
DefenceIQ is delighted to announce the 10th Anniversary of our Joint Personnel Recovery
Conference. Joint Personnel Recovery 2014 will provide an unparalleled insight into the front line
experiences of JPR and C/SAR crews, future military requirements in unfamiliar combat zones
and acknowledge the growing phenomenon of civilian JPR; derived from the increasing
prevalence of international corporations and NGOs that operate in hostile environments.
Central themes to be addressed at Joint Personnel Recovery 2014 include:
Future training requirements associated with the need to respond to high level threats from Eastern
Europe as opposed to low level threats experienced in Afghanistan in which operating at
maximum capability was not such a priority
A discussion of combat search and recue (CSAR) capability gaps when looking ahead to
unfamiliar combat zones including Central and Northern Africa and Eastern Europe
An examination and case-study reflection of large corporations and NGOs that are increasingly
choosing to operate in hostile environments, which will allow for joint industry and military
collaboration to discover best practice
Why you should attend Joint Personnel Recovery 2014:
Discover the current training offerings in a variety of nations to best prepare oneself for effective
response to CSAR, SAR and JPR
Discover how technological advances will change the future of JPR
Compare the experiences and practices of private industry as opposed to military procedures when
conducting Joint Personnel Recovery
10. 会议名称:Airborne ISR and C2 Battle Management USA
会议时间:November 18-20, 2014
会议地点:Washington Marriott at Metro Center, District of Columbia , WA
会议简介:In an era of emerging threats from across the globe, it is key that you generate the
intelligence needed to build a comprehensive picture to understand the enemy. Ensure you make
informed decisions from Europe to the Middle East, across Africa and into Asia at Airborne ISR &
C2 Battle Management US 2014.
Join thought leaders and experts as they discuss solutions to streamlining the capability of existing
assets and maintaining ‘eyes on target’. Learn from your colleagues and share best practice to
understand how to maximise operational efficiency and enhance situational awareness. And take a
front row seat as the community explore the possibilities for future capabilities and how to meet
the demands of potential operating environments.
In October 2014 there are currently 41 recorded Armed Conflicts occurring worldwide*- Do you
have the streamlined capability and dissemination infrastructure for comprehensive situational
*Explore how to improve interoperability between aerial assets and partners from NATO to the
Pacific to improve the effectiveness of aerial ISR
*Discuss how the data links and communications between assets, both manned and unmanned,
can be improved to increase the distribution of collected sensor data
*Gain insight into the ISR and AEW requirements of the United States from JSTARS to DCGS
and those of the wider global ISR community
Hear from the United States as leaders in Airborne ISR and C2 Battle Management and also gain
an international perspective on current and future ISR capabilities and strategic plans.
辑:燕 辉、罗星华
电 话:(029)88492928