1 2 3 4 Supplemental Materials 5 Construction of plasmids and preparation of adenoviral vectors 6 Supporting Materials and Methods Rat cDNA encoding the Prdx5 gene was cloned across the BamH I–Sal I sites of 7 plasmid PGEX4T-3 and then into the pAdTrack- cytomegalovirus (CMV) shuttle 8 vector via KpnI–XbalI sites. The pAdTrack-CMV vector encodes enhanced green 9 fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of a separate CMV promoter to act as a 10 marker for transfection. The plasmid was linearized by restriction digestion with PmeI 11 and cotransformed into Escherichia coli BJ5183 cells with pAdEasy-1. Recombinants 12 were selected for kanamycin resistance and confirmed by restriction analysis. The 13 linearized recombinant plasmid was transfected into the adenovirus packaging cell 14 line HEK293 using lipofectamine in T-25 flasks according to manufacturer’s 15 instructions. Transfection and viral productions were monitored by green fluorescent 16 protein (GFP) expression. For viral purification, cells were harvested and subjected to 17 four freeze–thaw cycles in dry ice/methanol and centrifuged to obtain a crude viral 18 stock. The crude viral stock was further amplified and purified by CsCl banding. The 19 concentrations of Ad-Prdx5 and Ad-EGFP were determined by plaque-forming assay, 20 and expressed as plaque-forming units (pfu). Both vectors were diluted to 3×109 21 pfu/ml with 1 mL saline for intravenous injection into donor rats. 22 Experimental animals 23 Syngenic male Lewis rats (age, 8–12 weeks; body weight 250–340 g; Vital River 24 Experimental Animal, Beijing, China) were used in all experiments to exclude any 1 effects of immunologic interference. Rats were kept in the animal facilities at Nanjing 2 Medical University (Nanjing, China) and experiments were conducted in accordance 3 with the guidelines approved by the China Association of Laboratory Animal Care. 4 Experimental design and surgical procedure 5 The weights of the median liver lobes, comprising approximately 32.3% of the 6 weight of the entire liver of recipients (range, 28.3–36.1%), were selected as the grafts. 7 Small-for-size liver transplantation (SFSLT) was carried out with revascularization 8 but without reconstruction of the hepatic artery as described by Kamada (17) but with 9 slight modifications. The latter Prdx5 overexpression experiments were conducted in 10 three groups of rats: (i) Ad-Prdx5, (ii) Ad-EGFP control, and (iii) saline control. 11 Ad-Prdx5, Ad-EGFP or 1 mL 0.9% saline was injected via the penile vein into 12 prospective donor animals. Donor livers were harvested four days later. 13 Survival study 14 Fifteen rats both in the saline/Ad-EGFP control and Ad-Prdx5 treatment groups 15 with SFSLT were used for the survival study. Rats that lived for >7 days after 16 transplantation were termed “survivors”. The log-rank test was used to test the 17 equality of the three survival rates. A post-hoc multiple comparison of survival rates 18 between the three groups was conducted with a log-rank test, followed by a 19 Bonferroni correction. Statistical analyses were conducted using 13.0 SPSS computer 20 software (SPSS Incorporated, Chicago, IL, USA) and statistical significance inferred 21 at P<0.05. 22 Collection of specimens of liver tissue 1 Rats were killed for liver grafts 2, 6, 24, or 48 h after blood reperfusion (n=3 for 2 each group at each time point). Three liver tissues after ischemia for 1 h were 3 collected. Three liver tissues from sham operated rats were collected as control. Blood 4 samples collected from recipients after reperfusion were immediately centrifuged to 5 obtain serum (n=3 for each group at each time point). Serum samples were stored at 6 –80°C for subsequent analysis. Liver tissues were excised, weighed and processed for 7 further proteomic analysis. The remaining tissue was fixed and processed for 8 histology and immunohistochemical analysis. 9 Biochemical examination 10 Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (n=3 for each group at each time point) 11 and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (n=3 for each group at each time point) were 12 measured using a standard automatic Analyzer (Hitachi 7600-10; Hitachi 13 High-Technologies Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). 14 Protein extraction 15 Livers obtained from the rats at the above-mentioned six time points (three 16 independent rat groups for each time point) were homogenized in lysis buffer (7 17 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 4% [w/v] CHAPS, 2% [w/v] dithiothreitol DTT, and 2% 18 [v/v] IPG buffer [pH 3–10]) in the presence of 1% (v/w) protease inhibitor 19 cocktail (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL, USA). The mixture was placed on a 20 shaker at 4°C for 1 h, and insoluble matter subsequently removed by 21 centrifugation at 40 000 × g and 4°C for 1 h. The protein concentration in each 22 sample was determined by the Bradford method using bovine serum albumin 1 (BSA) as the standard. 2 Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) 3 IPG strips (length, 24 cm; pH, 3–10 NL; GE Healthcare, San Francisco, CA, 4 USA) loaded with 120 µg of proteins extracted from the rat livers (three rats for 5 each time point) were rehydrated. After isoelectric focusing, the IPG strips were 6 equilibrated, run in an Ettan DALT twelve electrophoresis system (GE Healthcare) 7 and visualized by silver staining as described 8 generated from three independently run gels at each time-point (18 gels in total). 9 Statistical Analysis (18) . In this experiment, data were 10 The stained gels were scanned. The ImageMasterTM 2-D Platinum Software 11 (Version 5.0, Amersham Bioscience, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, 12 Switzerland) was used for spot detection, quantification, and comparative 13 analyses as described 14 containing the independent protein groups and one containing a mixture of 15 these for each of the six time points. Thus, proteins from each time point were 16 repeated four times. The expression level was determined by the relative 17 volume of each spot in the gel and was expressed as: (18) . In this experiment, 18 gels were analyzed: three 18 19 % Volume = [spot volume/Σ volumes of all spots resolved in the gel] 20 21 The values obtained for 18 independent experiments were pooled for calculating 22 means and standard deviation. Protein spots differentially changed across time 1 points were determined if P<0.05 (one-way ANOVA). 2 Protein identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of 3 flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) mass spectrometry 4 Differential protein spots were excised, dehydrated in acetonitrile, and dried at 5 room temperature. Proteins were reduced using 10 mM DTT/25 mM NH4HCO3 at 6 56°C for 1 h and subsequently alkylated in situ with 55 mM iodoacetamide/25 mM 7 NH4HCO3 in the dark at room temperature for 45 min. Gel fragments were 8 thoroughly washed with 25 mM NH4HCO3, 50% acetonitrile, and 100% acetonitrile 9 and dried in a SpeedVac. Dried gel fragments were re-swollen with 2–3 μL trypsin 10 (Promoga, Madison, WI, USA) solution (10 ng/μL in 25 mM NH4HCO3) at 4°C for 11 30 min. Excess liquid was discarded and the gel plugs incubated at 37°C for 12 h. 12 Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) at a final concentration of 0.1% was added to arrest the 13 digestive reaction. 14 The digests were immediately spotted onto 600-μm AnchorChips (Bruker 15 Daltonics, Bremen, Germany). Spotting was achieved by pipetting 1 μL of the analyte 16 onto the MALDI target plate in duplicate and subsequently adding 0.05 μL of 2 17 mg/mL α-HCCA in 0.1% TFA/33% acetonitrile containing 2 mM (NH4)3PO4. Bruker 18 peptide calibration mixture (Bruker Daltonics) was also spotted for external 19 calibration. All samples were air-dried at room temperature and 0.1% TFA used for 20 on-target washing. All samples were analyzed on a time-of-flight Ultraflex II mass 21 spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) in positive-ion reflectron mode. 22 Each acquired mass spectrum (m/z range, 700–4000; resolution, 15000–20000) 23 was processed using the software packages FlexAnalysis v2.4 and Biotools 3.0 24 (Bruker Daltonics) with the following specifications: peak detection algorithm, Sort 25 Neaten Assign and Place (SNAP); S/N threshold, 3; and quality factor threshold, 50. 1 Trypsic autodigestion ion picks (842.51, 1045.56, 2211.10, and 2225.12 Da) were 2 used as internal standards for validating the external calibration procedure. Matrix 3 and/or autoproteolytic trypsin fragments were removed. The masses of the peptides 4 obtained were cross-referenced with the IPI rat database (41,251 sequences, 5 21,545,744 residues) by using Mascot (v2.1.03) in automated mode with the 6 following search parameters: a significant protein score at p<0.05; minimum mass 7 accuracy, 100 ppm; enzyme, trypsin; missed cleavage sites allowed, 1; cysteine 8 carbamidomethylation; 9 similarity between PI and relative molecular mass specified; and a minimum 10 acrylamide-modified cysteine; methionine oxidation; sequence coverage of 15%. 11 Protein identification was confirmed using the sequence information obtained 12 from MS/MS. Each acquired MS/MS spectrum was also processed using the software 13 packages FlexAnalysis v2.4 and Biotools 3.0 (Bruker Daltonics) by the SNAP 14 method at a signal-to-noise ratio threshold of 3.0. The MS/MS spectra were 15 cross-referenced with the IPI rat database using Mascot (v2.4) in automated mode 16 with the following search parameters: 100 ppm for the precursor ion and 0.3 Da for 17 the fragment ions. Cleavage specificity and covalent modifications were considered 18 as described above, and the score obtained was higher than the minimal significant 19 (P<0.05) individual ion score. All significant MS/MS identifications carried out using 20 Mascot were manually verified for spectral quality and matching the y and b ion 21 series. In the case of multiple entries corresponding to slightly different sequences, 22 only the database entry exhibiting the highest number of matching peptides was 23 included. Identified proteins are listed in Supplemental Table 1. 24 Cluster analysis 25 Identified 314 proteins were subjected to clustering analysis. For each 1 identified protein spot, mean abundance values from the three repeats were 2 calculated and normalized. The normalized abundance values were then loaded 3 into Cluster 3.0 software 4 algorithm with similarity metric of Euclidian distance. Different numbers of 5 clusters were tried, and the one with a minimal number of clusters and also 6 giving sufficient separation of expression patterns across time was finally 7 chosen. Clustering results were viewed using Tree-View software 8 Bioinformatics analysis using Pathway Studio software (19) , and the protein spots clustered using the k-Means (20) . 9 To further explore the significance of the proteins in each cluster, Pathway Studio 10 (v5.00) software (Ariadne Genomics Incorporated, MD, USA), a specialized graph 11 visualization engine, was used to determine the relevant molecular functions of 12 proteins exhibiting significantly differential expression during early period of rat SFS 13 liver transplantation. The gene list was imported into Pathway Studio to identify the 14 cellular processes influenced by these proteins. Each identified cellular process was 15 confirmed via the PubMed/Medline hyperlink embedded in each node. 16 Western blot analysis 17 Protein levels of vimentin, Grp78, Arhgdia, α-Snap, Prdx5, Sod1, Gapdh, PC, 18 β-actin, and α-tubulin in rat liver tissue at the six time points (sham group, 19 ischemia 1 h, reperfusion 2 h, 6 h, 24 h and 48 h post-transplantation) were 20 analyzed as described 21 Santa Cruz Technology, Incorporated, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), Arhgdia (SC-360, 22 diluted 1:1000; Santa Cruz Technology), α-tubulin (SC58666, diluted 1:500; (18) . Antibodies against PCB (SC-46228, diluted 1:500; 1 Santa Cruz Technology), vimentin (V5255, diluted 1:500; Sigma–Aldrich, St. 2 Louis, MO, USA), Gapdh (G9545, diluted 1:1000; Sigma–Aldrich), Sod1 3 (ab16831, diluted 1:500; Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA), β-actin (ab6276, diluted 4 1:2000; Abcam), Grp78 (ab53068, diluted 1:1000; Abcam), α, β-Snap (ab50483, 5 diluted 1:1000; Abcam) and Prdx5 (ab16823, diluted 1:1000; Abcam) were used, 6 respectively. α-tubulin was used as the positive control. 7 Immunohistochemistry Liver sections fixed in Bouin’s solution and embedded in paraffin were 8 9 immunostained as described quenching (21) endogenous . In brief, sections were incubated in 2% H 2 O 2 10 for peroxidase activity, and were washed in 11 phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). They were then blocked with a blocking serum 12 and incubated overnight at 4°C with primary antibodies against PCB (1:50), 13 Arhgdia (1:50), Prdx5 (1:100), vimentin (1:50), Grp78 (1:100) and α-Snap 14 (1:100). After washing thrice with PBS, sections were incubated with horseradish 15 peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated secondary antibodies. The immunoreactive sites 16 were visualized as brown staining with diaminobenzidine and mounted for 17 bright-field microscopy (Axioskop 2 plus, Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). Negative 18 controls were incubated with a solution devoid of primary antibody. 19 Apoptotic cells detected by fluorescent in-situ apoptosis 20 Frozen sections of liver grafts obtained at 24 h (n=3) and 48 h (n=3) were 21 examined for apoptotic cells using fluorescent terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase 22 dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay according to the instructions of the 1 commercial kit (S7165, Chemicon International Incorporated, Temecula, CA, USA). 2 Ten random fields were counted for each TUNEL-stained tissue sample in a blinded 3 matter. Classic TUNEL positivity was characterized by focal nuclear staining. Three 4 different liver sections from different lobules were analyzed. 5 6 Supplemental Table 1 7 Identification of differentially expressed proteins using MALDI-TOF/TOF 8 9 Supplemental Figure 1 10 Six representative 2-DE maps of small-for-size liver grafts proteins at the 6 specific 11 time-points. Tissue proteins were extracted, separated by 2D-PAGE, and visualized by 12 silver-staining. PI and MW markers were labeled. 13 14 Supplemental Figure 2 15 (A) Representative western blot demonstrated a marked increase in Prdx5 protein 16 expression 6 h and 24 h after transplantation in the AdPrdx5 pretreatment group when 17 compared with controls. No significant differences in Prdx5 expression were observed 18 between the saline and AdEGFP control group. (B) Enhanced green fluorescence 19 protein (EGFP) expression was determined by fluorescent microscopy 6 h after 20 reperfusion. GFP-positive cells were detected in the AdPrdx5 treatment and AdEGFP 21 control groups; EGFP gene expression was not observed in the saline control group.