Division: Communications, Humanities, and the Arts Department: Communications & Foreign Languages Subject Code: SPAN Course #: 202 Course Title: Intermediate Spanish II 12/1/04 Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12 1 Division: Communications, Humanities, and the Arts Department: Communications & Foreign Languages Subject Code: SPAN Course #: 202 Course Title: Intermediate Spanish II HARRISBURG AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FORM 335 Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years per AP 765 to include, at a minimum, the following elements. [§335.2] 1. Digital Description (Insert new/revised digital description below): Credit hours: Lecture hours: Lab hours: 4.0 4.0 0.0 BL: [ ]⅓ [X]½ [ ]⅔ [ ] Other (Indicate fraction or percent) 2. Catalog Description (Insert new/revised description below): Continuation of SPAN 201. Further practice in oral and written skills; continued reading or works of literary and cultural merit. (Core A) (D). 3. Prerequisites: SPAN 201 or equivalent Minimum Grade Required C Corequisites: Other: 4. Learning Outcomes [These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.] Students are expected to refine the acquired basic language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Increased control over structure and vocabulary in written and oral expressions. Readings about literature, culture, and current issues. At the successful completion Spanish 201 course, students will demonstrate the following abilities with a minimum of 70% accuracy. Use appropriate pronunciation, structure, and vocabulary to communiate orally with speakers of Spanish Read and understand authentic documents in Spanish including, but not limited to: menu, recipes, itineraries, articles, poetry, literary excerpts, cultural information Obtain information through peer interviews and interviews with native speakers, reading texts, observations during film viewing State similarities and differences between the native and second language/cultures (e.g. pastime activities, daily routine, food, music, dance forms, traditions) 12/1/04 Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12 2 Division: Communications, Humanities, and the Arts Department: Communications & Foreign Languages Subject Code: SPAN Course #: 202 Course Title: Intermediate Spanish II 5. Initiate communication with speakers of the second language via letter, email, face-to-face conversations, video pen pal, web, and so on Identify main ideas and significant details of live and recorded discussions, lectures, and presentations on current and past events Accomplish simple survival tasks, i.e. travel /monetary needs, ask for and give directions, make/accept/refuse an invitation, etc. Planned Sequence of Instruction [These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.] Spanish 201 may utilize a multi-media interactive approach to language acquisition. The course is taught almost entirely in Spanish. Each lesson presents the vocabulary and grammar of intermediate level Spanish within culturally informative themes. Using the linguistic content, a variety of activities are used to continue the acquisition of fluency skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These may include the following: I. Introduction of linguistic material Students become actively involved in learning to use the reviewed material with added depth in a variety of guided activities. New linguistic material will also be introduced. The review and new material introduction entails instructor presentation, explanation, and illustration that are often enhanced by technology. Grammar topics: The present/past perfect; the present perfect subjunctive; the future; the future perfect; the past subjunctive; the conditional; the conditional perfect; the past perfect subjunctive; SI clauses ACTFL: Intermediate Low Level (IL) II. Practice of material Students become actively involved in learning to use the new material in a variety of guided activities that include but are not limited to the following: Identification of correct forms within structured exercises Oral pattern practices using and manipulating forms Listening for specific words or information Question/answer exercises III. Toward acquisition of material Students use the language they have learned in more open ended, less structured activities that include but are not limited to: Question/answer exercises (longer answer with focus on form and content) Role playing a brief social situation with another student Reading a cultural selection related to a course topic and giving a comparison or reaction Guest speakers 12/1/04 Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12 3 Division: Communications, Humanities, and the Arts Department: Communications & Foreign Languages Subject Code: SPAN Course #: 202 Course Title: Intermediate Spanish II 6. Recorded skits Dialogues Literary, traditions, and cultural readings by various Spanish-speaking writers Simulation/Role playing Student collaboration Interviews TPR Activities Blogs or Wikis Videoconferencing Compositions Letters or emails Assessment of Student Learning [Methods of assessment should be appropriate for Learning Outcomes listed above.] Assessment of student learning outcomes for the course, as required by AP 765, is part of regular curriculum maintenance and/or improvement. The specific plan has been determined by the pertinent faculty involved and is kept on file in the division office. Students are able to compare and contrast two central employment related topics: the resume and the fringe benefits, specifically vacation and maternity leave, between Spanish-speaking countries and the U.S. There are True/False questions about each. 7. List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use): C-Lecture/Laboratory, A-Lecture, B-Laboratory, LC-Lecture/Clinical, CLN-Clinical, I-Online, BL-Blended, D-Independent Study, P-Private Lessons, E-Internship, F-Cooperative Work-Study, FE-Field Experience. [These resources must be easily accessible to students.] Jarvis, Lebredo, Mena Ayllon. Aventuras Literarias (latest edition). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. (C, B, I) Jarvis, Lebredo. ¡Conversemos! (latest edition). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. (C, B, I) Blanco, Jose A., and Philip Redwine Donley. VISTAS 4th edition w/Supersite Plus and WebSAM. Boston: Vista Higher Learning. Other Learning Materials and Resources: CD Audios and CD Roms to accompany textbooks; Spanish Web Resource sites to accompany textbooks; Smarthinking tutorial web sites, Desire2Learn, Adobe Connect Pro. 12/1/04 Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12 4 Division: Communications, Humanities, and the Arts Department: Communications & Foreign Languages Subject Code: SPAN Course #: 202 Course Title: Intermediate Spanish II 8. Prepared by Faculty Member: Cheryl Wilson Date: 11/29/12 9. Approved by Department Chairperson: Cheryl Wilson Date: 1/23/13 10. Approved by Academic Division Dean: Date: 1/31/13 This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B. This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission. If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities. 11. Director, Curriculum Compliance: Erika Steenland Date: 1/31/13 12. Provost & VP, Academic Affairs: James E. Baxter, P.G. Date: 2/11/13 13. Original Date of course approval by the college: 197220 14. Date(s) of subsequent reviews [Indicate change: Learning Outcomes; textbook(s)]: Reactivated: 199330 Textbooks updated April 2002 Textbooks updated: None April 2003 Reviewed 12/2003. Revisions made: None. skm Project Review: 12/2004 Revisions: Learning Outcomes skm Revisions: Reviewed March 2006 Revisions made: Learning Outcomes, Sequence of Learning Activities, Textbooks. Sm Revision: Internet Offering Spring 2006 sy Revisions: Reviewed December 2007 Revisions made: Planned Sequence of Learning Acivities Textbooks: cmk Chair and Discipline Approved Revision: Textbook (workbook) 2/2008 ko Revisions: Planned Sequence of Learning Activities, Textbooks 2/2009 sy Revisions: Textbooks, Blended Offering Fall 2009 sy Form 335 Update: Learning Outcomes, Schedule of Activities, Textbooks 12/2009 ck Revisions: Assessment Discipline Approved for Diversity 10/8/2010 ck Form 335 Update: Textbook 3/2011 ck Revisions: Type of Instruction, Learning Outcomes, Sequence of Instruction Student Assessment, Textbook Changes 9/20/2012 Revisions: Digital Description, Type of Instruction, Textbook Change January 23 2013 ck 12/1/04 Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12 5