EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Volume 59 Number 11 January 2004 Special Article EL Desoky ES, Fuseau E, Din Amry SE, Cosson V: Pharmacokinetic modelling of valproic acid from routine clinical data in Egyptian epileptic patients 783 Pharmacodynamics Sims EJ, Lipworth BJ: Concomitant occasional use of salbutamoi influences bronchioprotective responsiveness afforded by formoterol in patients with the glycine-16 genotype 791 Pharmacogenetics Reuther LO, Vainer B, Sonne J, Larsen N-E: Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) genotype distribution in azathioprinetolerant and -intolerant patients with various disorders. The impact of TPMT genotyping in predicting toxicity 797 Kawanishi C, Lundgren S, Agren H, Bertilsson L: Increased incidence of CYP2D6 gene duplication in patients with persistent mood disorders: ultrarapid metabolism of antidepressants as a cause of nonresponse. A pilot study 803 Pharmacokinetics and Disposition Karjagin J, Pahkla R, Starkopf J: Perioperative penetration of metronidazole into muscle tissue: a microdialysis study 809 Taxis K, Barber N: Incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors in a German hospital 815 Lilja JJ, Niemi M, Neuvonen PJ: Rifampicin reduces plasma concentrations of celiprolol 819 Pha rmacoepidemiology and Prescription Poluzzi E, Motola D, Silvani C, De Ponti F, Vaccheri A, Montanaro N: Prescriptions of antidepressants in primary care in Italy: pattern of use after admission of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for reimbursement 825 Pont LG, Denig P, van der Molen T, van der Veen WJ, Haaijer-Ruskamp FM: Validity of performance indicators for assessing prescribing quality: the case of asthma 833 Foss S, Schmidt JR, Andersen T, Rasmussen JJ, Damsgaard J, Schaefer K, Munck LK: Congruence on medication between patients and physicians involved in patient course 841 Letter to the Editors Hartikainen S, Klaukka T: Use of psychotropics is high among very old people 849 Newsletter Newsletter of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics S851-S853 Forthcoming articles in print published online and citable with the DO! (Digital Object Identifier) can be found at indexed in/abstracted by Current Contents and Index Medicus