Page 231

Page 231
B. Braille uses a code.
The code is special.
It is a code of characters.
There are sixty-three of them.
C. First, boil eggs.
There are three eggs.
Do this for five minutes.
A. Computers are machine.
The machines are excellent.
These machines can help students.
Pages 232, 233
Many battles occurred in South Carolina.
These battles were important.
These were the battles of the Revolution.
The Revolution was American.
Jim Thorpe won medals.
The medals were Olympic medals.
They were gold medals.
He won them in 1912.
He was not allowed to keep the medals.
Charlotte is a teacher.
She teaches kindergarten.
She is a teacher at a school.
The school is King Elementary School.
She teaches children.
The children are very young.
There are twenty-two children.
Charlotte must attend meetings.
Charlotte must create lessons.
The lessons are new.
Charlotte must do this after school.
The season is winter.
This season is the best.
This season is for kids.
The crash of a jet has baffled investigators.
The crash was shocking.
The jet was a 747 jumbo jet.
The crash was off the coast of New York.
This dictionary contains words.
The dictionary is monolingual
There are more than 42,000 words.
Page 234
Research has confirmed that eating vegetables such as broccoli may reduce the risk of
some types of cancer.
The research is recent.
The vegetables are dark green ones.
The vegetables are leafy vegetables.
Another example of this is cabbage.
Flowers grow during the summer.
There are only four kinds of flowers.
The summers are short.
The summers are in Alaska.
A heart is necessary for life.
The heart is good.
The heart is strong.
The life is long.
The life is healthy.
Page 235
Malaysia is a country.
Thailand is a country.
These two countries are in Asia.
They are in Southeast Asia.
Malaysia has beaches.
There are miles of beaches.
The beaches are beautiful.
These beaches attract tourists.
Students can choose to study a language.
They are high school student.
The high school students are American.
The language is foreign.
One of the cities to visit is Washington, D. C.
It is one of the best cities.
It is on a coast of the United States.
The coast is in East.
Page 236
Flight attendants receive training.
It is a large amount of training.
The training is for their job.
Texas is home to snakes.
There are several kinds of snakes.
These snakes are poisonous.
Music is popular.
The music is Baroque.
It is popular because it helps students.
It helps students study better.
Giraffes have eyelashes to protect their eyes.
The eyelashes are thick.
They protect their eyes from dust.
The dust is their habitat.
Their habitat is dry.
Page 237
I was in high school.
I hardly ever studied.
My grades were very good.
Only tourists attempt to cross the bridge.
The tourists are adventure-seeking.
The bridge is narrow and swinging.
This happens today.
Hockey is a sport.
It is a popular sport.
It is popular in Canada.
It is popular in the United States.
Sweet tea is a drink that is popular.
The drink is very easy to make.
It is popular in the southern United States.
Page 238
Coins were left under the mast.
The mast was part of the ship.
There was a small number of coins.
This happened when a new ship was built.
Scientists find evidence of this tradition
The evidence is in a variety of locations.
The tradition is long-standing.
This happens today.
Floods provide the marsh with water to support its plants and animals.
The floods always did this.
The water was new.
The marsh had a wide variety of plants and animals.
This happened after heavy rains.
The pretzel became popular.
This event happened rapidly.
This event happened throughout Europe.
Page 239
Pretzels were made in a monastery.
They were the first pretzels made.
It was an Italian monastery.
This happened in A. D. 610.
The pretzel is a snack.
It is especially popular.
This is true in Germany.
This is true in Austria.
This is true in the United States.
This happens today.
A hurricane is a storm.
The storm is dangerous.
The storm features winds and rain.
The winds are high.
The rains are heavy.
Page 240
A hurricane resulted in thousands of deaths.
The hurricane surprised the residents of Galveston, Texas.
This happened in 1900.
A folly is an action.
This action is costly.
The action has a result.
The result is bad or absurd.
The step is to choose several schools.
This is the first step.
These are schools that you are interested in attending.
One piece of advice is to start early.
This is the last piece of advice.
You should do this because students are all applying.
The students are in high school.
There are thousands of them.
They are all doing this at the same time.
Pages 241
Give everyone a glass to drink with their coffee.
The glass is small.
The glass has water.
The water is fresh.
Their coffee is hot and thick.
Do this before you serve the coffee.
Hit the ball into the box.
The box is small.
It is on the opposite side of the net.
The racket should be near your knee.
The racket is yours.
It is the knee on the left.
Do this after you have completed the serve.
You will need a quart jar.
The jar must be clean.
The jar must have a tight lid.
You will need some tape.
You will need some water.
You will need a few plants.
The plants need to be green.
You need all this for the experiment.
A mother is standing.
She is to your left.
Her child is standing.
The child is crying.
The tornado used its power to uproot trees and toss cars around.
The trees were huge.
The power was incredible.
The tornado did this with ease.
Mother also trimmed the flowers.
She did this to make room for their replacements.
The flowers were old and brown.
Their replacements were colorful.
Page 243
The trees are gray.
The trees are brittle.
The trees are old.
The trees are near the river.
A cat is curled up in a all.
The cat is fat.
The cat is striped.
The cat has whiskers.
The whiskers are long.
The cat is on the right side of the sofa.
The Statue of Liberty has a crown on her head.
The crown has seven spikes.
These spies symbolize the oceans and the continents.
There are seven oceans.
There are seven continents.
Staying in the hospital causes a burden on the family.
The stay is a long time.
The burden is financial.
The burden is tremendous.
Pages 244, 245
Some people say that the drinks are the same.
There are two drinks.
I think Coke is much better.
School uniforms should be mandatory.
This could be for all students.
The students are in the United States.
This is for a number of reasons.
She parked a car.
It was her car.
She parked illegally.
She got a ticket.
The ticket was for $30.
Too much time can cause damage.
The time is in the sun.
The damage is to the skin.
The damage is severe.
One source is the newspaper.
The source is good.
It is for topics.
The topics are for paragraphs.
The paragraphs are opinion paragraphs.
I practiced my speech.
I did this with my notes.
I did this in front of a mirror.
I did this in front of my dog.
I did this in front of my husband.
My parents decide to move.
The move was to Florida.
This happened when I was sixteen years old.
Page 246
I was in a building.
I was on the third floor.
It was a six-story building.
This was when the earthquake hit.
The man waited until a guard gave him a number.
He was young.
He did this patiently.
The number was to enter the building.
The building was warm.
The food looked like a net.
The food was strange.
The food was on my plate.
The net was for fishing.
The net was old.
My best friend was sitting on a train.
I was sitting on a train.
The train was in Frankfurt.
The train was bound for Paris.
This was when the nightmare began.