Saskatoon Regional Science Fair Safety Checklist

Saskatoon Regional Science Fair – SRSF
Ethics and Safety Judging
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
The purpose of this SOP is to describe the responsibilities of the Safety and Ethics Committee
and Judge(s), and describe the procedures of the Ethics and Safety Judging components of the
Saskatoon Regional Science Fair.
Section A. Rules and Regulations
The rules and regulations pertaining to ethics and safety for Canadian science fairs are those of
the Youth Science Foundation Canada.
CWSF Rules and Regulations for the Display and Report:
CWSF Project Displays:
CWSF Project Report:
CWSF Ethics and Safety Rules and Regulations:
Participation of Humans in Research – Low Risk:
Participation of Humans Low Risk - Approval Form 4.1A:
Participation of Humans in Research – Significant Risk:
Participation of Humans Significant Risk – Approval Form 4.1B:
Use of Animals in Research:
Animals - Approval Form 4.1C:
Use of Firearms, Hazardous Materials and Equipment:
Recombinant DNA and Biotechnological Safety:
The main sections pertaining to ethics and safety, from Youth Science Foundation Canada Policy
and Procedures are:
 Section CWSF Project Displays (outlines standards for the student project display)
 Section Participation of Humans in Research - Low Risk
 Section 4.1A: Participation of Humans - Low Risk (Form 4.1A) (this form must be filled out
and submitted for review for use of humans in the research project, and be included in
the display materials)
 Section Participation of Humans in Research - Significant Risk
 Section 4.1B: Participation of Humans - Significant Risk (Form 4.1B) (this form must be
filled out and submitted for review for use of humans in the research project, and be
included in the display materials)
 Section 4.1.2: Use of Animals in Research
 Section 4.1C: Animals (Form 4.1C) (this form must be submitted to the Ethics Committee
for review and approval if animals are used in the research project)
 Section 4.2.1: Use of Firearms, Hazardous Materials and Equipment
 Section 4.2.2: Recombinant DNA and Biotechnological Safety
Responsibilities of the Safety and Ethics Chair
As soon as the SRSF website is updated each year, the SRSF committee member responsible for
Ethics and Safety should ensure that:
- the YSC most recent latest Policies and Procedures are referenced on the SRSF website,
- copies are available (electronically) upon request.
Section B. Ethics Review of Submitted Student Research Projects
Initial Ethics review is done before the fair, by reviewing the student research project
summaries submitted to the SRSF website.
Responsibilities of the Safety and Ethics Chair
 Respond to any email or phone questions about ethics or safety issues
 Review the project summaries submitted on line to flag any ethics or safety issues that
may be part of the project, and if possible contact the student(s) for clarification
Section C. Safety Inspections of the SRSF Student Project Displays
The safety inspection is conducted after all the exhibits are set up, and the students are away
from their displays (e.g., eating, or doing other organized activities), and before the science
judging takes place. An hour or so should be scheduled for the safety inspections.
Procedure and Materials:
 Each display is visited and evaluated using the checklist (appended).
 Any deficiencies or problems are noted on the checklist sheet for that display (identified
by name and booth number), and comments made in the space provided.
 Only displays that are identified as having a safety concern or problem have a safety
checklist completed for that display. If no problems are found, no checklist is completed
for that display.
 Upon completion of the safety inspection, the forms are reviewed by the safety judges.
 If there is an obvious problem (e.g., open flames to be used while demonstrating their
project, obstructions into the space where the public will walk, chemicals that should not
be present, unacceptable materials in the display, etc.) or violation of the display and
safety regulations, these are discussed with the students once they return to their
stations. Any violations of the safety regulations are pointed out to the students so they
can be corrected before the science judging.
 If the violation is a problem with the material used for the display (e.g., unacceptable
backboard such as cardboard, etc.) it is left to the Chief Judge to point this out to the
students. This may only be necessary if that particular display wins in its category and
may go on to the CWSF.
 The safety inspection checklists are turned over to the chief judge, to be filed with that
display's judging sheets.
• Clip board and pen
• Safety inspection checklists
Section D. Communications with the SRSF Winning Displays Chosen to Go To the Canada
Wide Science Fair
The winning exhibits selected to go on to the Canada Wide Science Fair must be informed that
in all aspects their exhibit will have to conform to the CWSF exhibit and safety regulations. A
draft of this letter is attached. Enough copies of this letter and attached entire YSF display and
safety regulations sections are provided to the Chief Judge to hand out to the winners who will
be going on to CWSF.
Saskatoon Regional Science Fair Safety Checklist – April 2011
Exhibitor Name:
Project Number:
Exhibitor Name:
Project Title:
X-Rays or
Entire exhibit fits within a space 1.2m wide x 0.8m deep x 3m high (from the
Backboard is constructed of wood at least 1/4in thick, coroplast, or is a ULCapproved display board, or cardboard
Panels decorated with paper that is securely applied so that minimal air
pockets are left behind the paper
Overlapping or loose sheets of paper are stored in a data book or binder
Exhibit is sturdy and self supporting
Moving parts such as belts, pulleys, and propeller blades are guarded
All sharp edges or corners on prisms, mirrors, enclosures, and glass/metal
plates are removed or protected
Pressure vessels have a safety valve - no compressed gas cylinders
Combustible materials are away from heat sources
Substitutes used are labelled as "simulated"
Low voltage; ground fault interrupter for leaks/faults
Insulating grommets required at points of entry to enclosures
Electrical appliances are CSA or UL approved or have 3-wire conductor with
Exposed live parts are less than 36 volts; current (amperage) is low so as not
to cause discomfort or danger if touched
Non-current carrying metal parts are grounded
Wet cells are not on display
Registration of ownership with student's provincial government
All voltages are less than 10kV
Lasers or x-ray producing equipment may only be operated during judging
Radioisotopes or compounds containing isotopes are below normal
Biological toxins or micro-organisms are not on display
Cells or tissues infected with animal or plant viruses are not on display
Plant/soil/materials which could decompose are not on display
If recombinant DNA manipulation has been done, give name of qualified
supervisor and appropriate letter
Live tissues from cell cultures cannot be displayed, only sealed (plastination)
samples or photos
Saskatoon Regional Science Fair Safety Checklist (page two)
Human Use
Animal Use
Evaluated by:
Have firearms been used in this project? ___ Yes ___ No If Yes:
Firearms/explosives/dangerous goods are registered with the appropriate
authority (Provide copy of registration certificate)
Supervisor is certified and experienced in use of
firearm/explosive/dangerous goods (provide copy of certificate, list of
experience, proof of age of majority)
Municipal, Provincial/Territorial, and Federal regulations allow for the use of
the firearm/explosive/dangerous goods in the manner being proposed in the
experimental design (Provide list of relevant regulations/by laws)
Experimental design ensures the safety of those involved and it has scientific
merit (Provide copy of experimental design)
Regional Ethics, Safety and Animal Care Policy Committee has reviewed and
approved the experimental design and Supervisor's qualifications (Provide
letter/email of approval from Regional Fair)
YSFC Ethics, Safety and Animal Care Policy Committee has reviewed and
approved the experimental design and Supervisor's qualifications. (Provide
letter/email of approval from YSFC)
Has the research involved humans? ___ Yes ___ No If Yes:
Is name of supervising teacher provided?
Are all procedures described in detail?
Have invasive procedures been used? (Give name and training of person
doing the procedure)
Did all persons give written informed consent? (Copy of consent letter)
Have animals been used in this project? ___ Yes ___ No If Yes:
Has the project been approved by an Ethics, Safety and Animal Care Policy
Committee? (Must show approval letter)
If animal cells or parts have been collected or purchased, show permit or bill
of sale
If animal cells or parts are from another research project, show institutional
animal care committee approval
Animals or animal parts should not be displayed, except for parts naturally
Live micro-organisms should not be displayed
Date: _________
SRSF Projects Selected to Attend the Canada Wide Science Fair 2012
SRSF Safety Judging Committee
March 2012
Exhibit Rules and Safety Regulations at the Canada Wide Science Fair (CWSF)
Congratulations on being selected to represent the Saskatoon Regional Science Fair at the Canada Wide Science
Fair this year, which will be held on 12-19 May 2012 in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
When you go to the Canada Wide Science Fair in May, your exhibit must comply with all the rules and
regulations for having a safe, acceptable exhibit.
For the detailed regulations on your display, your project report, and the safety and ethics rules and regulations
that will apply to your project, please make sure you carefully read all the information on the following
webpages. Also please make sure your project report has all the necessary forms and reviews done as set out
in these regulations if your research has involved using humans, animals, firearms, or recombinant DNA or
CWSF Rules and Regulations for the Display and Report:
 Project Displays:
 CWSF Project Report:
CWSF Ethics and Safety Rules and Regulations:
 Participation of Humans in Research – Low Risk:
 Participation of Humans in Research – Significant Risk:
 Use of Animals in Research:
 Use of Firearms, Hazardous Materials and Equipment:
 Recombinant DNA and Biotechnological Safety:
Please make sure before you leave to go to CWSF, that your exhibit meets all the requirements set out in the
Canada Wide Science Fair rules and regulations.
If you have any questions about these rules and regulations, feel free to contact a Safety Committee member at
any time.
On Behalf of the SRSF Safety Judging Committee
Ernest Olfert
Telephone: 306.664-87978