March 11, World Kidney Day DIABETES THREATENS YOUR KIDNEYS Every year, approximately 250,000 new cases of Renal Insufficiency are Detected 1. March, 2010- Chronic Renal Insufficiency (CRI), in other words, the progressive deterioration of kidney function is one of the main causes from Diabetes, which is one of the top 5 causes of death in the Caribbean, according to data provided by the Pan American Health Organization2. The main reason of CRI is the type 2 diabetes3 a disease that has grown to alarming rates in the past decade. In 2007, health organizations reported 246 million diabetics throughout the world, a figure that is estimated to reach 380 million people by 20054. Many diabetes patients ignore the fact that they suffer from Chronic Renal Insufficiency and that this disease may eventually worsen and may reach the point where they would have to consider replacement therapy or kidney transplant. “We must raise awareness among the population especially among diabetes patients who have undergone kidney transplants or those individuals who have a genetic tendency towards kidney disease, especially regarding the need for early diagnosis as well as the threat represented by diabetes for kidney health”, commented Dr. Miguel Boza, Roche Medical Manager. According to Dr. Boza, it is important to have regular medical check-ups given that specialists may detect poor kidney function with a urine test. World Kidney Day Kidney health is in danger, since 1 out of 7 individuals have CRI. In order to raise awareness about this problem, especially among the diabetic population regarding the consequences of the disease, the International Nephrology Society and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations met in 2006 and established a date for commemorating World Kidney day on the second Thursday of March6 , every year. The objective of this activity is that diabetic patients and their treating physician control and constantly evaluate their kidneys. For this reason, Roche, the pharmaceutical company, has setup urine testing, nutritional activities and a presentation on Kidney. The message is to emphasize the importance of the kidneys on human health. Kidneys filter an average of 200 liters of blood so that it will reach the body free of toxins and excess water. In addition to eliminating waste, kidneys release a series of hormones important for the normal function of the body7, including erythropoietin (frequently abbreviated as EPO), which 1 Moeller et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002;17:2071-2076. stimulates the production of red blood cells and rennin, a blood pressure regulator and Vitamin D activator. When the kidneys do not function properly due to damage caused by diseases such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure, the body begins to accumulate waste substances and a physician may detect the apparition and severity of kidney damage early on. However, the impact of the disease on all of body functions becomes evident sooner or later. In addition to failure in filtering blood which is necessary for the organs, the aforementioned hormones are produced at inadequate levels and lead to low red blood cell levels which cause Renal Anemia. Some of the most frequent symptoms of anemia are fatigue, pallor and palpitations. Treatment for Renal Anemia An innovative treatment therapy for patients who suffer from anemia related to Chronic Renal Insufficiency is Mircera (Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta). In clinical studies, Mircera proved to correct anemia gradually and progressively and maintained stable levels of EPO with a single monthly dose. Roche is a pioneer in diabetes care for monitoring and screening systems for immediate analysis of cardiac function, glucose in blood and urine, including the Combur Test which allows the detection of abnormal albumin (protein) in urine, a sign of kidney failure. For more information visit or Press Contact: Érica Vega, Phone: +506 8823-5997 All of the brands mentioned in this press release are protected by law. References: [1] Moeller et al. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002;17:2071-2076. [2]Panamerican Health Organization: [3] National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC). [4] Sicree, R., J. Shaw, and P. Zimmet, Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. , in Diabetes Atlas, 3rd edition, D. Gan, Editor. 2006, International Diabetes Federation: Brussels, p. 15-109. [5]International Federation of Kidney Foundations. [6] [7]National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC). 2