Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Clearwater Beach, FL TR-30.3/99-12-111 December 1, 1999 COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTION Technical Committee TR-30.3 SOURCE: Lucent Technologies CONTRIBUTOR: Horace Hagen 732-949-3586 732-949-6868 (FAX) TITLE: Proposed International Round Trip Delays PROJECT: PN-3857 DISTRIBUTION: Members of TR-30.3 and meeting attendees ABSTRACT This document presents the range of round trip delay (RTD) values that need to be included in an international version of PN-3857. The RTDs are derived from a network model based on intercontinental submarine cable and geostationary satellite facilities in-service in 1995. Calculated cable and satellite delays were combined with measured voice compression (DCME) terminal delays and estimated tail circuit delays. The model provides an estimated worldwide end-to-end RTD range for submarine cable connections of 62 - 500ms and an estimated end-to-end RTD range for satellite connections of 510 880ms. The RTDs measured during international modem tests provided a sanity check on the delay model. Comparisons between the estimated delays and modem measurements indicate good agreement. The RTD ranges for submarine cable and satellite connections decrease to 62 – 280ms and 510 – 660ms, respectively, if the DCME is removed. Copyright Statement The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) to incorporate text contained in this contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of a TIA standards publication; to copyright in name any standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at TIA’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting TIA standards publication. Intellectual Property Statement The individual preparing this contribution does not know of patents, the use of which may be essential to a standard resulting in whole or in part from this contribution. 2 INTRODUCTION Transmission delays in the international switched telephone network have increased due to the introduction of fiber optic cables, geostationary satellite transmission facilities and digital circuit multiplication equipment (DCME). Delays decreased to some countries when cable access was substituted for exclusive satellite access. The transmission delay of fiber optic cable is approximately 25 percent greater than that of coaxial cable. The largest increase in delay occurred when voice compression equipment (DCME) was installed on essentially all intercontinental undersea cable and geostationary satellite facilities during the mid eighties. The DCME introduces one way processing delays ranging from 26 to 110 milliseconds (ms). The increases in delay affect high speed (echo canceler based) modem designs by requiring longer bulk delay lines (more memory) to accommodate the Round-Trip Delays (RTDs) associated with far (talker) echoes. Reference is made to RTDs measured during an international modem test program run in 1993. These data provide a sanity check on RTDs generated by the described network RTD model. MODEM DATA BASE A large number of international test calls (over 800 calls to 18 foreign countries) were made with a V.34 modem. The calls were made during 1993 and originated from New Jersey and Indiana. The modem provided diagnostic information including the RTD with an accuracy of 10 milliseconds. A histogram of the RTDs associated with the calls routed over terrestrial or submarine cable facilities is displayed in Figure 1. The delays ranged from 80 to 420ms and the average delay was calculated to be 170ms. In plotting the data, the maximum expected terrestrial cable delay was limited to 450ms. The surprisingly long terrestrial delays ranging from 380 to 420ms were all encountered on calls to the Philippines. The exact source of the long delays is not known but the delays were most likely due to indirect call routing or large processing delays associated with a specific DCME type. A histogram of RTDs associated with calls routed over satellite facilities is shown in Figure 2. The delays ranged from 480 to 820ms and the average RTD was 620ms. A few test calls were forced over facilities without DCME. The effect of DCME on the delays is made visible by the peaks at 590 and 640ms (590ms=uncompressed and 640ms=compressed). These peaks verify that some of the DCME equipment was the ECI DTX-240 because it exhibits a RTD of 52ms. The single data points at 480 and 500ms were measured on calls to Japan and Poland, respectively. A delay of 480ms to Japan is physically impossible on a satellite connection because an earth station on the East Coast of the USA does not have access to a satellite over the Pacific Ocean. Thus, a satellite call must first traverse the USA terrestrially (60ms) and then continue on a satellite from the West Coast to Japan resulting in a minimum total RTD of about 580ms. The 480ms delay is probably due to an indirect cable route, DCME processing delay or a database error. The 500ms delay to Poland cannot be explained and is assumed to be a database error. Delays greater than 750ms were encountered on calls to Alaska, India, Italy and Poland because the associated DCME was programmed for a processing delay of up to 220ms. One call to India connected via double satellite hop and exhibited the longest RTD of 1020ms. With this number removed the worst case RTD measured was 820ms. DELAY ALLOCATIONS The following sections quantify the round trip delays introduced by satellite and cable transmission facilities and Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment. The RTDs will be used to construct a network delay model. SATELLITES The significant transmission delay introduced by a geostationary satellite adversely affects voice communications. It is for this reason that most international carriers do not use satellite facilities for the 3 first choice trunk groups for voice calls. Because long delays affect FAX and DATA (modem) traffic to a lesser extent, some carriers route FAX and DATA calls over satellites. However, during peak traffic periods, satellite circuits come into play even for voice calls. Since the maximum viewing angle of these satellites, in latitude and longitude, is approximately 130 degrees, a minimum of three satellites stationed 120 degrees apart and above the equator are required to cover most of the earth’s surface (locations at north and south latitudes greater than 65 degrees do not have geostationary satellite access). In 1995, there were three groups of geostationary satellites in operation. One group of four satellites was located at 57, 60, 63 and 66 degrees over the Indian Ocean. The second group of four was located at 174, 177, 180 and 183 degrees over the Pacific Ocean and the third group of eight satellites was located at 307, 325, 332, 335, 338, 342, 346 and 359 degrees over the Atlantic ocean. With a 130-degree longitude viewing angle limitation the satellites over the Pacific Ocean can only be accessed from the West Coast of North America, Australia and Pacific rim countries. The range of RTDs associated with a satellite alone is 480 to 540ms depending on latitude and longitude of the two earth stations. The manner in which satellites and undersea cables are combined is country and carrier specific. FIBER OPTIC CABLES Before fiber optic cables and geostationary satellites were introduced, the dominant transmission media utilized in the international switched telecommunications network was undersea coaxial cable. With coaxial cable the average RTD for connections from the east coast of the USA to Europe was 55ms. When fiber optic cable was introduced the RTD to Europe increased to 68ms. The RTD for a fiber optic cable can be approximated by multiplying the length in kilometers by 10 microseconds per kilometer. DIGITAL CIRCUIT MULTIPLICATION EQUIPMENT (DCME) There are four major DCME deployed on intercontinental cables and satellites. The country of origin, manufacturer, model, round trip delay and estimated 1995 percent deployment are listed in the following table. Country Israel France USA Japan TABLE I – DCME RTDs Manufacturer Model RTD ECI DTX-240 52ms ALCATEL CELTEC-3G 60ms AT&T IACS 50-220ms MITSUBISHI DX-3000 60ms Percent 85 9 5 1 NETWORK DELAY MODEL A Network Delay Model was developed to provide an estimate of RTD to eighteen transoceanic countries. The foreign destinations represent countries with significant data traffic and the worst cases (half way around the globe). The following assumptions were made in constructing the model: 1. Calls are originated from the east coast of the USA. 2. USA and foreign tail circuits are independent variables. 3. All USA based international carriers share the same cable and satellite facilities. 4. The number of calls made to a country is directly proportional to the available circuit capacity. 5. DCME is present on most intercontinental calls and the breakdown of DCME for all international carriers is 85, 9, 5 and 1 percent for ECI, ALCATEL, AT&T and MITSUBISHI, respectively. The RTDs for 52 undersea cable combinations (23 individual cables) to 18 transoceanic countries were calculated. The delays are plotted in attached Figure 4 and are listed in attached TABLE A. Note that the number of cable routes varies from 1 to 6 and is country specific. The data in Figure 4 were combined with the delays due to various DCME and USA and foreign tail circuits. The estimated 5th, 50th, 95th and 99th percentile RTDs for the USA tail circuit, DCME and foreign tail circuit are listed in TABLE II below. 4 TABLE II - PERCENTILE RTD ADDERS IN MILLISECONDS PERCENTILES 5% 50% 95% USA TAIL CIRCUIT 5 30 60 DCME 52 52 120 OVERSEAS TAIL CIRCUIT 5 30 40 99% 60 180 40 The numbers were added to the calculated cable and satellite delays and resulted in the five curves in Figure 5. Figure 5 indicates an end-to-end maximum RTD of 460ms and 800ms for terrestrial and satellite connections, respectively. In the past, some countries were connected to the outside world exclusively via satellite. This has changed within the last few years as additional fiber optic cables were installed. The percentage of calls routed over satellite circuits is country specific. For the selected 18 countries used in the model the percentage of traffic expected to be routed over satellites ranged from 4.7 to 100.0 percent. TABLE III lists the minimum and maximum (0 and 100% worst case) end-to-end RTDs that can occur when all the component delays are at their minimum or 100% WC. For example: Calls placed from the USA to a Pacific rim country via a 100 percent worst case USA tail circuit, SATELLITE, DCME and foreign tail circuit can encounter a maximum RTD of 60+540+220+60 = 880ms TABLE III - END-TO-END DELAY LIMITS IN MILLISECONDS ATLANTIC PACIFIC MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM USA TAIL CKT 0 60 0 60 OVERSEAS TAIL CKT 0 60 0 60 DCME 52 220 52 220 CABLE ONLY 62 100 89 180 SATELLITE ONLY 510 540 510 540 END-TO-END CABLE END-TO-END SATELLITE 62 510 420 880 89 510 500 880 CONCLUSION A network round-trip delay model was constructed based on cable and satellite facility information. The RTDs corresponding to the various cable routes were calculated and combined with estimated tail circuit and measured DCME terminal delays. End-to-end connections were constructed using the calculated and estimated delays. The model indicates a worldwide end-to-end RTD range for submarine cable of 62 to 500 milliseconds with an estimated average of 208ms (30+52+96+30). The RTD range for satellite connections was determined to be 510 to 880ms with an estimated average of 632ms (30+52+520+30). Since the delay due to the satellite alone falls between 510 and 540ms, the end-to-end delay variation is dominated by the type of DCME and tail circuit lengths. The modem database indicated a terrestrial RTD range of 80 to 420ms with an average of 170ms. The measured satellite RTDs ranged from 540 to 820ms with an average of 620ms. The higher average delays predicted by the model are due to the larger number of foreign destinations. For the 18 selected foreign destinations, the network model predicts a 100% worst case RTD of 880ms. It is important to note that the switched network is continuously changing. Of the 23 fiber optic undersea cables studied, 9 were placed into service since the 1993 modem tests. Additional fiber optic cables are being installed every year. This effort will eventually result in cable connectivity for every country in the world. As the band width of these cables increases the need for DCME will decrease and result in significant reductions in round trip delays. If all 5 DCME is removed, the new RTD range for submarine cable connections drops to 62 - 280ms with an estimated average of 156ms. The new RTD range for satellite connections would drop to 510 - 660ms with an estimated average of 580ms. Attachments: Figures 1 through 4 TABLE A ROUND TRIP DELAY - MILLISECONDS 450 440 430 420 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 NUMBER OF CALLS WITH DELAY = ABSCISSA 6 FIGURE 1 - SUBMARINE CABLE CALLS (523) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ROUND TRIP DELAY - MILLISECONDS 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700 690 680 670 660 650 640 630 620 610 600 590 580 570 560 550 540 530 520 510 500 490 480 470 460 450 NUMBER OF CALLS WITH DELAY = ABSCISSA 7 FIGURE 2 - SATELLITE CALLS (335) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 8 FIGURE 3 - SUBMARINE CABLE ROUND-TRIP DELAYS 200 ROUND-TRIP DELAY IN MILLISECONDS 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 DESTINATION - CARRIER 9 FIGURE 4 - END TO END ROUND-TRIP DELAYS 900 800 C A BLE / SA TELLITE O NLY PLUS 5% DC M E & TA ILS ROUND-TRIP DELAY IN MILLISECONDS PLUS 50% DC M E & TA ILS 700 PLUS 95% DC M E & TA ILS PLUS 99% DC M E & TA ILS 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 DESTINATION - CARRIER 10 TABLE A - PERCENTAGE OF CABLE/SATELLITE CIRCUITS WITH DELAY (D) IN MILLISECONDS ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA CHINA FRANCE GERMANY HONG KONG INDIA ITALY JAPAN-ITJ JAPAN-KDD KOREA-KT NETHERLANDS PHILIPPINES RUSSIA SINGAPORE SPAIN TAIWAN THAILAND UK-BT UK-MERCURY SATELLITE D % 520 26.6 520 8.3 520 100.0 520 25.8 520 23.6 520 11.8 520 54.1 520 4.7 520 29.9 520 14.5 520 22.3 520 15.0 520 4.8 520 25.0 520 55.2 520 25.0 520 13.1 520 100.0 520 31.5 520 12.5 1 2 CABLE ROUTE 3 4 % D D 109.7 143.0 % 40.0 91.7 D 138.0 % 33.4 D 62.2 62.2 115.6 140.0 100.0 89.2 89.0 109.0 62.2 122.6 86.7 142.6 62.2 107.8 25.6 21.8 35.4 30.4 95.3 20.5 73.2 33.1 25.0 25.7 75.0 22.4 8.4 13.5 65.9 63.9 155.7 180.0 5.7 7.3 35.4 15.5 68.4 68.4 160.0 42.9 12.7 17.4 148.0 94.7 137.0 66.4 137.7 49.6 12.3 44.6 5.0 23.4 68.4 140.0 146.8 70.4 117.2 22.4 8.3 13.6 62.2 62.2 10.9 23.2 63.9 64.5 16.3 3.6 5 6 % D % 71.0 18.2 71.4 16.4 5.0 46.1 71.0 50.0 73.8 143.8 8.3 55.3 80.5 146.2 50.0 4.5 64.5 65.6 3.3 46.4 65.6 66.4 1.1 5.4 66.4 76.0 23.9 8.9 D % 76.0 13.0