3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 Lecture 25: 12.03.03 Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules Today: LAST TIME .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 THE WORK OF STRETCHING MOLECULES1................................................................................................................................................ 3 The fundamental equation written for rubber bands ......................................................................................................................... 3 WHAT RUBBER BANDS AND DNA HAVE IN COMMON .............................................................................................................................. 6 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Reading: Supplementary Reading: - Planning Notes: Rubber elasticity theory Dill p. 157 Hydrophobic entropy – Dill p. 277 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS: Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 1 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 Last time Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 2 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 The work of stretching molecules1 The fundamental equation written for rubber bands We’ve now discussed a number of different molecular degrees of freedom that give rise to internal energy in materials, and some of the models for these degrees of freedom. Today, we will finish up by analyzing a degree of freedom unique to polymeric materials – both synthetic polymers and natural polymers like proteins and DNA. This degree of freedom has to do with molecular elasticity and rubber bands. Rubber bands are composed of molecular chains that have been linked together by covalent bonds at random locations (called cross-links). Such tied-up molecular spaghetti has the extremely useful property of exhibiting rubber elasticity, a property unique to polymeric materials. Rubber elasticity is the ability to undergo extremely large deformations (e.g. stretching of a rubber band) with complete elastic recovery (snapping back to its original shape). Cross-linking Covalent linkages o You know that as you stretch a rubber band more and more, a increasing force is resisting the deformation you induce. We can ask some very interesting questions about the thermodynamics of a rubber band: What is the source of rubber elasticity- what makes the rubber band snap back? Is it entropy of energy (enthalpy)? Recall that when we introduced the concept of thermodynamic driving forces, we pointed out that materials may have unique driving forces- and to account for these we simply introduce new terms to the internal energy to account for these new internal degrees of freedom. To answer these questions, we need to introduce a new term for the elastic energy into the fundamental equation. o The fundamental equation for the internal energy when there is no exchange of molecules with the surroundings is given by: dU TdS PdV (Eqn 1) o (Eqn 2) To this simple equation we introduce a new term that accounts for elastic forces on the material: dU TdS PdV f el dL This new term is composed of the thermodynamic driving force fel, the elastic retracting force, multiplied by the change in the length of the rubber band, dL. We’d typically carry out experiments at constant temperature and pressure rather than under conditions of constant entropy and volume, so let’s calculate the Gibbs free energy for the rubber band: Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 3 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 dG d(U PV TS) Sdt VdP f el dL (Eqn 3) G f el L T ,P (Eqn 4) Now, G = H – TS, so we can break down the elastic retracting force into an enthalpic (energy) component and an entropic component: G H S f el T L T ,P L T ,P L T ,P (Eqn 5) o Because G is a state function, we know the elastic force is equal to: (at constant temperature and pressure) (Eqn 5) explains how the change in enthalpy per stretched length and entropy will add into the total elastic retracting force. But how do we measure the two terms on the right? When we are looking for measurable quantities, think Maxwell’s equations! Using (Eqn 3) we can write the following Maxwell relations: 2G 2G T L L T f el S T L (Eqn 6) o (Eqn 6) suggests a very simple experiment. Hold a rubber band at a fixed stretched length L, and measure how the retractive force fel depends on the temperature. The slope of a plot of fel vs. T is – dS/dL. Shown below is some experimental data for rubbery polyethylene: o Note that the measured retraction force increases with increasing temperature. This means the entropy is decreasing as the polymer is stretched. This is in contrast to the behavior observed for metals- where stretching loosens the bonds between atoms and increases the entropy of the system. How can we measure the enthalpic component of the retractive force- and compare its magnitude to the contribution from the entropy? Substituting (Eqn 6) into (Eqn 5), we get: Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 4 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 H f f el T el L T ,P T P,L (Eqn 7) …which we can measure from our same stretching experiment. GET MEASURED VALUES FOR ENTROPY VS. ENTHALPIC COMPONENT TO SHOW DOMINANCE OF ENTROPY. Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 5 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 What rubber bands and DNA have in common Polymers are not only useful in countless technological applications, they are a fundamental component of all living things, making up the proteins, polysaccharides, and polynucleic acids that make up biology. Thus, many properties of synthetic polymers are shared by biomacromolecules. We can use models of the structure of materials to make quantitative thermodynamic predictions of the behavior of long chain molecules, rubber bands, and DNA molecules. Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 6 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 (Dill p. 621) Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 7 of 8 2/12/16 3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2003 References 1. Dill, K. & Bromberg, S. Molecular Driving Forces (New York, 2002). Lecture 25 – Thermodynamics of Macromolecules and Biomacromolecules 8 of 8 2/12/16