MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN MATERNITY SERVICE GUIDELINE TITLE: AUTHORS: GUIDELINE LEAD: RATIFIED BY: ACTIVE DATE: RATIFICATION DATE: REVIEW DATE: APPLIES TO: EXCLUSIONS: RELATED POLICIES THIS DOCUMENT REPLACES 1. Referral when a fetal abnormality is detected Ling Wee – Fetal Medicine Consultant, Luxmi Velauthar – Senior Clinical Fellow in Fetal Medicine Lynn Bonsey- Antenatal Screening Midwife and Supervisor of Midwives, Tim Bollard- Neonatal Unit IT Lead Lynn Bonsey Guidelines group March 2010 February 2010 February 2013 All maternity staff None Maternal Antenatal Screening Tests Guideline. Fetal Medicine Guideline Antenatal Booking Guideline Neonatal Resuscitation Guideline New Guideline INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINE The purpose of this guideline is to ensure the timely and accurate referral to a Fetal Medicine Consultant when a fetal abnormality is detected or suspected. This guideline also covers the support processes for parents when they have been informed of a suspected or actual poor outcome for their baby. This guideline has been written in accordance with the recommendations from National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2008) 2. IMPLEMENTATION A paper copy will be attached to the guideline and audit notice boards. Emailed copies will be sent to all midwives and obstetricians It will be available via the Trust intranet. It will be circulated to guidelines folders. Page 1 of 7 MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES This guideline is the responsibility of all maternity unit staff to carry out clinical care as described in the guideline, unless there is justification for variation. 4. GUIDELINE 4.1 REFERRING A WOMAN TO THE TERTIARY CENTRE 4.1.1 When a fetal anomaly is suspected or detected by the sonographers, the findings are to be discussed directly with the fetal medicine team on site the same day. If referral is required to another tertiary centre, this will be organised by the fetal medicine consultant. 4.1.2 Follow up appointments to the fetal medicine unit (FMU) will be made depending on the findings. 4.1.3 If any fetal anomaly is detected the results will be explained to the parents and further management options will be discussed (see Appendix 1). 4.2 REFERRING WOMEN TO NEONATAL/ SPECIALIST SERVICES 4.2.1 If fetal anomaly is detected that is amenable to surgery, appropriate follow up will be made. There is a combined fetal medicine/Neonatal surgery clinic held at least bimonthly. 4.2.2 However if fetal cardiac anomaly is detected, referral will be made to a perinatal cardiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital or another appropriate hospital. The specialist referral form can be found in FMU/antenatal clinic. Although Barts and The London NHS Trust is a tertiary referral centre occasionally it is appropriate to refer to another tertiary centre. 4.2.3 Multi-professional team will be informed as appropriate by email, or letter (often verbal information is given also). 4.2.4 Multi-disciplinary meetings are held at least bimonthly. All pending cases of fetal abnormalities are discussed in this forum. Representatives include, Senior Midwife for Fetal Medicine and/or Antenatal and Newborn Screening Midwife, obstetric consultant, fetal medicine consultant, neonatology consultant, geneticist, neonatal surgical team, neonatal nursing team, perinatal cardiology team (from Great Ormond Street). . 4.3 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN OBSTETRIC, NEONATAL AND SPECIALIST STAFF IN THE ANTENATAL PERIOD 4.3.1 All management options and plans for care (including intrapartum care, presence of neonatal team at birth) will be documented in the hand held Pregnancy Notes on the Management Plan page and Special Features section (key points from Management Plan). This section also identifies if a Neonatal Doctor (Barts and The London NHS Trust neonatal services support Maternity) needs to be present, what grade the doctor should be and reason for presence required. 4.3.2 Copies of ultrasound scan (USS) report will be posted to the General Practitioner (GP), named obstetrician and other specialities involved in the care. A copy is filed in the Maternity Records - Pregnancy Notes. Page 2 of 7 MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN 4.3.3 Referral letters and copies of USS reports will be sent to the Neonatal Team as required. These will then be filed in the pending cases folder. This folder is located on Elizabeth Ward (Neonatal Unit). 4.3.4 Where abnormalities are detected, a copy of the scan reports and relevant letters will be kept in the Brown Fetal File Envelope in the Pregnancy Notes and transferred to the Postnatal Notes for Baby once the baby has been born. 4.3.5 All monthly meetings of multidisciplinary teams will be minuted and an electronic copy available on the intranet Q Drive under Fetal Medicine. 4.3.6 Paper copies will be stored in FMU and Neonatal Unit 4.3.7 All Multi-professional discussion with parents should be documented clearly in the Pregnancy Notes, the Birth Notes and in the Postnatal Notes for Mother. 4.4 COMMUNICATION WITH THE PARENTS 4.4.1 Open Communication is vital to ensure that the parents feel fully supported and have received quality information to enable them to make informed decisions about their choices and care when a fetal abnormality has been detected. All discussions and decisions should be made within a holistic manner by the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) in partnership with the newborns family and clearly documented in the woman’s notes. The Antenatal and Newborn Screening Coordinator, Consultant for fetal medicine and Specialist midwife for fetal medicine will be sources of support and advice for the woman and her family throughout the antenatal period. The Bereavement midwife will liaise with the Fetal Medicine team for follow up care where necessary. (See Appendix 1 and 2) 4.5 ANTENATAL SUPPORT 4.5.1 Appendix 1 illustrates the pathway of care for those babies who have been diagnosed with a suspected abnormality. There are also many independent sources of support for parents outside of the clinical environment such as charities and parent groups which can provide invaluable knowledge, care and support for families in the decision making process. Details of these are available from the fetal medicine department. 4.5.2 Sometimes the suspected problem is resolved without further clinical intervention. The MDT can still offer reassurance and follow up when necessary. 4.5.3 If parents decide to opt for fetal termination, this will be organised by FMU (see the fetal medicine guideline). 4.6 POSTNATAL SUPPORT FOR PARENTS 4.6.1 Appendix 2 illustrates the continuing pathway of care when a baby is born. Unfortunately not all congenital abnormalities or problems are diagnosed in the antenatal period and only become identified after a baby is born. This means the planning and decision making process between parents and the MDT happens at a much later stage, however a similar plan of care will still be required for the child within the clinical environment and beyond whenever a diagnosis is confirmed. (see support for parents in Examination of Newborn Guidelines) 4.7 SUPPORT FOR PARENTS AND FAMILIES FOR A CHILD THAT DIES Page 3 of 7 MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN 4.7.1 In the event of fetal bereavement, parents will be referred to the specialist bereavement midwife and/or the BLT bereavement counselling service or the appropriate organisations such as Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC) / Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS). 4.7.2 All parents will be given contact details to fetal medicine unit in case of concerns. 4.7.3 An appointment will be offered at the multi-professional specialist loss clinic and where required further referral will be made for those parents who require genetic counselling. 4.7.4 The process of withdrawal of care should be discussed with great care and sensitivity with parents. If parents/carers refuse to allow clinicians to withdraw care against the MDT view that further treatment is futile, legal intervention may be required under specific circumstances. 4.7.5 Parents and families should be involved in the withdrawal of care and their wishes respected and supported. They may wish to have souvenir items, such as hand prints, locks of hair etc 4.7.6 All parents will be offered chaplaincy services or support if required. 4.7.7 All parents should be offered MDT follow up and genetic counselling. 4.8 Documentation Requirements 4.8.1 As stated above, all staff are required to document discussions with parents, referrals to other colleagues or specialities in the relevant sections of the Pregnancy Notes. Copies of referrals, results and scans will be filed in the Pregnancy notes. The bi-monthly MDT meeting will be minuted and electronic copies available to members of this group. 5 BREACH OF GUIDELINES/POLICIES The incident will be reviewed within the risk management framework. The impact of this incident will be reviewed by the appropriate lead clinician and feedback/ training given to staff as required. 6 MONITORING TOOL See Appendix 3 REFERENCES National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (2008) Antenatal care: Routine care for the healthy pregnant woman London: NICE National Health Service Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (NHS FASP) (2008) NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme – Screening for Down’s syndrome:UK NSC Policy recommendations 2007-2010: Model of Best Practice. London: Department of Health. Kirwan, D. & NHS FASP (2010) NHS FASP : 18+0 to 20+6 weeks anomaly scan: National Standards and Guideance for England. Exeter: NHS FASP. Page 4 of 7 MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN APPENDIX 1 Pathway for action following identification of abnormal or suspected fetal abnormality on ultrasound scan Abnormality suspected on initial USS Discuss concerns with woman and partner Refer to Fetal Medicine for detailed scan No abnormality detected: Reassure woman Document clearly in hand held notes Abnormality confirmed: Convey result to woman Offer counselling and opportunity to discuss options available Management Plan discussed and decided. Inform GP and named Obstetric Consultant Document all discussion in hand held notes Follow-up in Fetal Medicine: Ongoing discussion re management with parents. Liase with Multidisciplinary Team as appropriate Support groups offered Document plan of care clearly in woman’s handheld notes including: All discussions with obstetric team, named neonatologist, named community midwife, clinical genetics, GP and haematology if appropriate. Plan for management in labour where appropriate Plan for presence of neonatal team at birth where appropriate Appropriate investigations Plan for postnatal follow up in appropriate clinic, and genetic counselling if required. If TOP required: Arrange admission to appropriate department Inform Community Midwife and GP Inform Chaplain Offer Support group information Provide contact numbers for emergency Abnormality or Problem Resolved Discussion with MDT if any further follow up required Continue to support woman and her family, communicating at all times with all professionals involved in her care. Appendix 2: Pathway for Birth/Post natal care and Continuing Support for Parents (continued on next page) Page 5 of 7 MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN APPENDIX 2 Pathway for Birth/Post-Natal care and Continuing Support for Parents Appendix 1: Pathway for action following identification of abnormal or suspected Fetal abnormality on ultrasound scan C Continuing input from Support Services and organisations Counselling and Information giving Admission to Labour Ward and Post Natal Ward Admission to NNU not required BIRTH Undetected abnormality noted No previous diagnosis Continuing management discussion from Monthly Fetal Medicine meeting Multidisciplinary Team input for strategic management of care Agreed plan of care with family clearly documented Admission to Neonatal Unit Confirmation of Diagnosis and plan of care discussed and documented Medical /Surgical Care given as required Discharge planning with Family and Multidisciplinary Team Input Planned care for baby out of the clinical environment discussed and organised with the family and the MDT Paediatric Ward HOME Death Withdrawal of Care Community Support/CCNT/Social Services Community Neonatal Nurse/Health Visitor Support Services BLISS/SANDS etc Hospice Respite Care Page 6 of 7 MAT/GUI/0210/FETABN APPENDIX 3 Monitoring Referral when a fetal abnormality is detected Key Element to be monitored Lead Monitoring tool Monitoring Frequency Committee to review the results and receive the reports Acting on recommendations Implementation of practice changes and lessons learned. Sharing best practice Women are referred to a tertiary centre or specialist / neonatal services when required Fetal medicine team Fetal medicine notes audit Monthly Antenatal screening committee and Fetal Medicine Team to identify actions. Review changes required and guidelines for practice Antenatal screening committee Action plans monitored for implementation of changes in practice Best practice will be shared through presentation of audit and findings advertised on audit boards Women are kept informed throughout the process Fetal medicine team Fetal medicine notes audit Monthly Antenatal screening committee and fetal medicine team to identify actions and compliance with pathway of care Antenatal Screening Committee Best practice will be shared through presentation of audit and findings advertised on audit boards Communication between Obstetric / neonatal and specialist staff in the antenatal period Fetal medicine team Fetal medicine notes audit Monthly Antenatal screening committee and fetal medicine team to identify actions and compliance with pathway of care Antenatal Screening Committee / Specialist Loss Team Best practice will be shared through presentation of audit and findings advertised on audit boards Documentation of all communications and referral processes Fetal medicine team Fetal medicine notes audit Monthly Antenatal screening committee and fetal medicine team to identify actions and compliance with pathway of care Antenatal Screening Committee / Specialist Loss Team Action plans monitored for implementation of changes in practice Best practice will be shared through presentation of audit and findings advertised on audit boards Page 7 of 7