Tintern Abbey Tintern Abbey was founded in 1131 and the monks who lived and worshipped there were called Cistercians. The Cistercian monks originally came from France and Tintern Abbey was the first monastery that they built in Wales. The founder of the abbey was Walter of Clare, the Anglo-Norman lord of Chepstow, who requested that monks from L’Aumone, in the diocese of Chartres, come to Tintern. An abbot and at least twelve monks would have made the journey to Tintern in 1131. Lay Brothers would have also accompanied the abbot. These early monks would have had to help clear wooded land and drain marshy ground in preparation for cultivation, as well as put up buildings that were probably under way before they arrived from France. Building and Extending The earliest buildings at Tintern would probably have been made out of wood. As more monks arrived and the abbey ‘community’ began to grow these were replaced with stone structures. These were well underway by the 1160’s. The abbey was built around a cruciform (cross) shape, with a presbytery (site of the high altar) and transepts (areas that form the sides of the cross) to the north and south. The Abbey got quite a lot bigger during the thirteenth century. Accommodation for the abbot was added so that he would not have to sleep in the dormitory with the monks, and a two-storey detached building was constructed – possibly to serve as lodgings for a visiting abbot or dignitary (important person). In the later part of the thirteenth century a new stone infirmary (hospital) was added, as was an aisled hall which formed a cloister enclosure. A porch was also added to the east side of the abbey. The biggest project by far however, that took place in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century, was the creation of a new abbey church. In the fourteenth century the abbot’s lodging was improved, with a new hall being added, a private chapel, latrine (toilet) and dovecot! The abbot’s of the fourteenth century certainly seem to have wanted a more luxurious lifestyle….A covered walkway led from the abbots lodging, past the infirmary to the abbey church. The Abbey Church © CADW. Crown Copyright.