Quality Review: School Self-Evaluation Form 2012-2013 Division of Academics, Performance and Support Office of School Quality O 2012-2013 Name of principal: Name/number of school: School address: School telephone number: Principal’s direct phone number: Principal’s e-mail: Number of years as principal of this school Quality Review Conceptual Framework 2012-2013 The 2012-13 framework for the Quality Review (QR) rubric aligns with the diagram above. The instructional core is the relationship between the student, teacher and content (i.e. academic tasks). For the instructional core to improve, or maintain a high standard, across classrooms within a school, the school’s culture and structures must facilitate efforts at increasing and sustaining quality. *Weighted indicators from 2011-12 will remain weighted in 2012-13 Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) 2012-2013 Page 1 Dear Principal: The School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) is an important part of your review experience. It is designed to help you, your school community and your Quality Reviewer focus on how your school systematically organizes around improving teacher practice and student achievement in order to ensure our system’s goals of college and career readiness for all students. The Quality Review rubric has been streamlined to focus specifically on the ways in which all the work in your school community ultimately serves the goal of moving students towards college and career readiness. As such, three quality categories have been identified: 1. The instructional core across classrooms 2. School structures for improvement 3. School Culture A successful integration of these categories is ultimately evidenced in the instructional core, as illustrated in the graphic on the previous page. The instructional core is the ultimate substance of the Quality Review process and should be considered your primary lens for completing this form. With this in mind, please answer the questions below. Logistics connected to SSEF: Please submit the SSEF a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the Quality Review and email, along with a copy of your school’s research-based framework or rubric that is utilized to measure teacher effectiveness, to the Quality Review Team at qualityreview@schools.nyc.gov. NOTE: if your school community uses the Danielson framework, there is no need to send an electronic copy. Please limit the SSEF to 4-5 pages; it is not intended to be a comprehensive analysis of every aspect of your school community, but a starting point to understanding the key practices, decisions and outcomes that your school is focusing on to improve outcomes for students. Guidance on completing the form: Use evaluative language; focus the response on how these practices impact student outcomes and improve teacher practice; Include specific references to where evidence of the self-evaluation can be found in your school community When possible, use bullet points to list multiple evaluative points Refer to the Quality Categories and/or indicators Draw on a wide evidence base and take the views of staff, students and parents into account Be reflective and analytical, explaining the basis for actions and the resulting outcomes Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) 2012-2013 Page 2 I. Development of the School Self-Evaluation Form Briefly describe how this SSEF was created. What process did you use to collect multiple perspectives? Who was involved and what were their roles? II. Classroom Visits Describe (and attach if your school community does not use the Danielson framework) the researchbased framework that your school community uses and how it is used to assess and support teacher practice and student achievement. Please also respond to the following prompts. How does your school community define rigor? What do you expect to see across classrooms as evidence of rigor? What evidence, in terms of curricular, pedagogical and or assessment practices, connected to this definition do you expect to see across classrooms? In what ways do these classroom practices and/or routines align with your school community’s beliefs about how students learn best and reflect the strategic use of the common teaching framework? III. School Goals For all sections below, please be sure to include how data has informed the identification of goals and development of action plans. Instructional Core Across Classrooms (1.1*, 1.2*, 2.2*) A. Describe the goals and related initiatives the school community has undertaken to impact the quality of the instructional core across classrooms. Please also respond to these prompts: How do these goals relate to/deepen the work of previous year’s goals? What are the intended outcomes of these goals? What is the action plan (including professional development) that supports these goals? What will the school community examine and track to understand success towards goals? What has been the impact of this work to date? Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) 2012-2013 Page 3 School Structures for Improvement (1.3*, 3.1, 4.1*, 4.2, 5.1) B. Describe the goals and related initiatives the school community has undertaken to impact the effectiveness of school structures for improvement. How these goals/initiatives are designed to support and impact the quality of the instructional core across classrooms? How do these goals relate to/deepen the work of previous year’s goals? What are the intended outcomes of these goals? What is the action plan (including professional development) that supports these goals? What will the school community examine and track to understand success towards goals? What has been the impact of this work to date? School Culture (1.4, 3.4) C. Describe the goals and related initiatives the school community has undertaken to improve the quality of school culture? How are these goals/initiatives designed to support and impact the quality of the instructional core across classrooms? How do these goals relate to/deepen the work of previous year’s goals? What are the intended outcomes of these goals? What is the action plan (including professional development) that supports these goals? What will the school community examine and track to understand success towards goals? What has been the impact of this work to date? Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) 2012-2013 Page 4 IV. Highlights, Areas of Celebration and Special/Unique Features of your Academic Program If there are areas of celebration and promising practices that are not captured fully in your description of goals and initiatives, please describe here, including how they are exemplary in evidencing organizational and instructional quality and coherence. If there are specific features unique to your academic program or terms or definitions of practices that your staff uses in regard to curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and/or teacher teams, please also include them here. V. Optional Please share any information you believe is critical to understanding your school community’s context if it has not been referenced in any question above. VI. District 75 Site Description D75 Principal, please complete the form below. Site Locations Site Contact Service Categories Formative Assessments Summative Assessment Year of Site Visit Instructional Programs Specific to Site Main Site Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) 2012-2013 Page 5 Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Quality Review School Self-Evaluation Form (SSEF) 2012-2013 Page 6