CHFEN 5503 Memorandum To: Dr. Terry Ring From: Mr. Stan Holbrook Date: October 13, 2005 Subject: Analysis of Natural Gas and an Unknown Using Gas Chromatography On Sept. 22 & 27, 2005, a series of analyses were performed on the HP 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph. The resulting data was used in an attempt to determine the concentrations of hydrocarbons in natural gas and unknown #1. These were found to some level of accuracy, though there are reasons to believe that the calculation methods used were flawed. Theory Chromatography is a procedure in which attractions between a mobile phase and a stationary phase are exploited to perform a separation and can be used for large scale separations or small scale analysis. Each compound is retained for a different amount of time according to its attraction to the stationary phase. Therefore, a polar compound interacting with a non-polar stationary phase will have a short retention time while a nonpolar compound will have a larger retention time. Gas chromatography is a gas phase separation using the principles of chromatography. The stationary phase is usually some type of polysiloxane with different substituent groups added to achieve the desired polarity. Species are separated according to their size and their adsorption on the stationary phase. Therefore, when a mixture of straightchained hydrocarbons is analyzed by gas chromatography the species with less carbons elute first. The detector used for these experiments was a Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD). This detector functions by measuring the thermal conductivity of the eluting gas compared to that of a pure sample of carrier gas (He). As the conductivity changes, a peak is given as a readout. Results GC readouts were obtained for natural gas, methane, ethane, propane, butane and an unknown using the HP 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph, U of U Inventory #188368. Due to a problematic septum, there is an air impurity in each of the measurements, showing up between 0.20 and 0.30 on the chromatographs. In natural gas (Figures 5-6), it shows up as a little hump piggybacked on the methane peak. On the other chromatographs (Figures 1-4,7), it shows up as the first peak. In addition to error associated with air entering the system, some of the chromatographs show a value where no species eluted. This is from drift, and those occurrences are marked accordingly. Since the retention time of a species is the same regardless of the other species in the mixture, the peaks on the natural gas chromatographs as well as that of the unknown can be identified. Figures 1-4 are the chromatographs of pure hydrocarbons whose retention times were used to label the peaks on the natural gas (Figures 5-6) and the unknown (Figure 7). Methane Air Figure 1. Gas chromatograph for a pure sample of methane Ethane Air Figure 2. Gas chromatograph for a pure sample of ethane Air Propane Figure 3. Gas chromatograph for a pure sample of propane Butane Air Drift Figure 4. Gas chromatograph for a pure sample of butane Methane Air impurity and CO2 Ethane Drift Propane Figure 5. Gas chromatograph of a sample of natural gas Butane Hexane Pentane Methane Air impurity and CO2 Ethane Drift Pentane Hexane Propane Figure 6. Gas chromatograph of a second sample of natural gas Air Ethane Propane Butane Drift Figure 7. Gas chromatograph of a sample of unknown #1 By this method, the species in the unknown are determined. The concentrations of the species are somewhat more complicated to determine. There are two simple ways that would both seem to be able to determine the concentrations: comparing the areas under the peaks (taking the total area under the peaks to be 100%), and comparing the values for the area under the peak of known samples to those of the unknown. According to the latter method, the volume percent of methane and ethane in natural gas are 110% and 6.65%, respectively, while the combined percents of the three components of the unknown equal 130%. Therefore, this method seems to cause physically impossible results. This could be due to a number of reasons, one of which will be treated here. When the sample was taken, the syringe was filled from a pressurized vessel at room temperature. Since the plunger did not push in or out, it is assumed that the gas was at atmospheric pressure. Upon injection, the gas was forced into a heated chamber thereby increasing the pressure in that chamber both by addition of material as well as the heating and expansion of the entering gas. As the gas entered the column and eluted out, the pressure in the system slowly decreased. Therefore, the partial pressure of the first elutent is higher than that of the second (assuming similar amounts). As the pressure in the column decreases, the concentration of any given compound seems to decrease. Also, the pressure in the column at any given time in each analysis will vary. As for the former case, the volume percents for the compounds in natural gas are fairly accurate (Table 1). Comparing the values to those provided by Questar Gas, the error in methane/N2/CO2 concentration is only 6.7%, much closer to reality than the results from the latter method. Table 1 Natural Gas Composition Data from Questar Gas and Experimental Data. Vol%, GC, Vol%, GC, Component Vol%, Questar Method 1 % error Method 2 % error Methane/N2/CO2 94.29 110 16.7 88.0 6.6709 Ethane 4.376 6.65 52.0 7.8 78.245 Propane 0.902 2.75 205 2.2 144 Butane 0.317 0.03 90.5 0.5 57.7 Heavier HCs 0.115 1.5 1204 According to the more accurate method, the unknown was found to have the following concentrations: Table 2. Relative Concentrations of Species in Unknown 1 Species Vol% Ethane 22.0 Propane 74.6 Butane 33.4 The detector (TCD) used for the column, however, may cause problems with this second method. The thermal conductivity varies according to the compound. Since a TCD only measures thermal conductivity, it does not actually calculate the amount of substance passing through, only the change in thermal conductivity. As the length of the chain increases, the thermal conductivity decreases (Table A.1). That would mean that the concentration of ethane is higher than that calculated since the deviation in conductivity is smallest for ethane, giving a smaller peak than an equivalent amount of butane would. One fault in both these methods is in inert impurities. Because the septum leaked, unknown quantities of air were allowed to enter the system as previously mentioned. Any inert species (CO2, N2, He, etc) in the natural gas and the unknown would have been interpreted as entering air and neglected in these measurements. Therefore, the volume percents shown in Table 2 are given as if there were no inert species in the mixture, and their effects on the percents must be taken into account by some other method (i.e. FTIR). Gas chromatography proved to be a very efficient method of separation, though less effective as a quick analysis tool. It is assumed that a standard method could be produced in order to analyze the composition of mixtures, but for quick analysis such as this, results are inconclusive. Appendix A. Table and GC Output Data Table A.1 Thermal Conductivity of Gases1 Species k (mW/m*K) Ethane 18.0 Propane 15.2 Butane 13.6 Helium 142.6 GC Output Data: Sample Name = Methane 1 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-22-05 B.0035.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/22/2005 3:42:41 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Peak # Ret. Time Name Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width 1 0.36 0.00 N/A 453619 100.000 BB 0.05 Total Area = 453618.9 Total Height = 125325.9 Total Amount = 0 Sample Name = Ethane 1 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-22-05 B.0036.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/22/2005 3:49:09 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Peak # Ret. Time Name 1 0.28 0.00 2 1.79 0.00 Total Area = 752257.4 1 Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width N/A 88660 11.786 BB 0.05 N/A 663597 88.214 BB 0.18 Total Height = 75625.82 Total Amount = 0 Sample Name = Propane 1 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-22-05 B.0037.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/22/2005 3:59:37 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Peak # Ret. Time Name 1 0.27 0.00 2 5.98 0.00 Total Area = 751528.5 Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width N/A 296904 39.507 BB 0.05 N/A 454625 60.493 BB 0.28 Total Height = 116249.5 Total Amount = 0 Sample Name = Butane 1 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-22-05 B.0039.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/22/2005 4:26:15 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Method Description = Natural gas example - channel B Method Date = 7/20/2005 7:43:06 PM Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Internal/External = [No data] Calibration Date = [No data] Run Time = 11.37925 Data Sampling Rate = 5.003257 Amount Injected = 0.05 Dilution Factor = 1 Sample Weight = 1 Int Std Amount = 1 Peak Width = 0.2 Operator = Peak Threshold = 0 Manual Integration = not manually integrated Peak # Ret. Time Name 1 0.26 0.00 2 2.82 0.00 3 9.77 0.00 Total Area = 1355346 Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width N/A 12242 0.903 BV 0.06 N/A 297594 21.957 VB 5.84 N/A 1045510 77.140 BB 0.47 Total Height = 38646.04 Total Amount = 0 Sample Name = Nat. Gas 1 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-22-05 B.0034.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/22/2005 3:34:18 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Peak # Ret. Time Name 1 0.36 0.00 2 1.83 0.00 3 2.35 0.00 4 6.38 0.00 5 9.06 0.00 6 10.09 0.00 7 11.31 0.00 Total Area = 746413.8 Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width N/A 499258 66.888 SBB 0.05 N/A 44127 5.912 TBV 0.10 N/A 179096 23.994 TVV 2.69 N/A 12507 1.676 TVB 0.21 N/A 2889 0.387 BB 0.30 N/A 2780 0.372 BB 0.31 N/A 5757 0.771 BB 0.55 Total Height = 122291.9 Total Amount = 0 Sample Name = Nat. Gas 2 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-22-05 B.0040.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/22/2005 4:41:02 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Peak # Ret. Time Name 1 0.36 0.00 2 1.81 0.00 3 2.83 0.00 4 6.37 0.00 5 10.70 0.00 6 11.29 0.00 Total Area = 690227.9 Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width N/A 479598 69.484 SBB 0.05 N/A 36125 5.234 TBV 0.10 N/A 138817 20.112 TVV 3.18 N/A 30034 4.351 TVB 0.22 N/A 1575 0.228 BB 0.27 N/A 4078 0.591 BB 0.59 Total Height = 128193.1 Total Amount = 0 Sample Name = Unknown 1 Instrument = 5890 II Heading 1 = Heading 2 = Acquisition Port = DP# Raw File Name = C:\CPData\GC Student Data\5890II TCD Data\Group Tito 9-2705.0067.RAW Date Taken (end) = 9/27/2005 3:21:01 PM Method File Name = C:\CPSpirit\Natural Gas Method 7-05\NatGasB.met Method Version = 2 Calibration File Name = Calibration Version = 0 Peak # Ret. Time Name 1 0.24 0.00 2 1.73 0.00 3 5.39 0.00 4 8.07 0.00 5 8.80 0.00 Total Area = 1348721 Amount Amt % Area Area % Type Width N/A 243386 18.046 BB 0.04 N/A 146079 10.831 BV 0.11 N/A 339365 25.162 VV 0.17 N/A 270190 20.033 VV 1.36 N/A 349702 25.928 VB 0.23 Total Height = 153376.7 Total Amount = 0