Committees - Avondale College

Vice President (Learning and Teaching)
25 October 2008
Reports to:
The Vice President (Learning and Teaching) is responsible for administration of the coursework programs of
Avondale College.
Administration and strategic planning
1. Administer coursework programs in consultation with the President, senior administration, course
coordinators and academic staff.
2. Develop and implement strategic plans for the enhancement and development of coursework programs,
including the planning and development of new courses as appropriate.
3. Advise the President on planning requirements for future academic buildings.
4. Oversee the work of course coordinators and faculty deans in relation to coursework programs.
5. Oversee the work of the Flexible Learning Coordinator in developing and administering the flexible
learning programs of the College.
6. Provide advice to the Head Librarian and the Director of Information Technology Services on the library
and information technology needs of coursework programs. Provide input into the development of library
7. Keep the President informed of significant matters relating to coursework programs.
8. Exercise broad oversight over the timetabling of classes as coordinated by the Academic Registrar.
9. Function as the administration liaison person for the Avondale Media Centre.
10. Develop links with other institutions and with industry and professional bodies in relation to Avondale’s
coursework programs.
11. Develop relationships with international institutions to negotiate pathways to Avondale, transfer credit
arrangements, and academic partnerships in relation to coursework programs. Negotiate with
international authorities to facilitate acceptance of Avondale coursework degrees and other awards.
12. Facilitate change management in the organisation.
13. Contribute to the development of strategic plans for student recruitment.
14. Contribute to the development of scholarship policy and planning.
15. Function as a member of Avondale College committees as required.
1. In consultation with stakeholders, develop, implement and update academic policies relating to the
coursework programs, including policies on admissions, advanced standing and credit transfer, class
attendance, academic integrity and plagiarism, delivery and assessment of teaching and learning,
auditing subjects, tests and examinations, grading policy, eligibility for graduation and graduation with
distinction, progression rules and provisional enrolment.
2. Prepare policy information relating to coursework programs for publication in the Avondale Handbooks
and on the Avondale website.
Quality assurance
1. Assist the Vice President (Administration and Research) in the development of quality assurance policies
and processes. Implement quality assurance processes relating to coursework programs.
2. Exercise broad oversight of admission standards to coursework programs.
3. Lead course coordinators and staff in benchmarking against good academic practice in other institutions.
4. Ensure regular external moderation of subjects and regular meetings of external advisory committees.
5. Ensure regular updating of subject outlines and reading lists, and peer review of subject outlines.
6. Ensure regular student evaluations of teaching and learning.
7. Obtain regular feedback from employer and industry representatives in relation to Avondale’s
coursework programs.
Course Accreditation
1. Coordinate the preparation of submissions for the accreditation of coursework programs.
2. Liaise with accrediting authorities and, where relevant, professional bodies, in relation to the processing
of accreditation submissions for coursework programs.
Course information
1. Prepare information on coursework programs for publication in the Avondale Handbooks and on the
Avondale website, and check all such information in these publications for accuracy and recency.
2. Mentor recruitment personnel on academic policies and coursework programs, and check the accuracy
of information on coursework programs in Avondale’s marketing publications.
1. Prepare regular reports on coursework programs for the President and the Avondale College Council.
2. Provide timely information to the Vice President (Administration and Research) and the Vice President
(Finance) for publication of subject lists, fees and census dates as required by DEEWR.
1. Lead the academic staff in understanding and implementing the vision, objects, philosophy and mission
of the College as they relate to the coursework programs.
2. Maintain an academic environment in which staff are able to exercise freedom of inquiry along with
academic and professional integrity.
3. Provide effective leadership and management of staff in the areas of the incumbent’s responsibilities
according to sound human resource and equity principles, to achieve positive and productive
relationships, dedicated work commitment and efficient work performance.
4. Mentor staff and potential employees in the areas of the incumbent’s responsibilities to foster
development of their aptitudes, skills and capabilities.
5. Make recommendations to the President concerning appointments of academic staff, coordinators of
coursework programs and faculty secretaries.
6. Coordinate and approve appointments of academic sessional staff and guest lecturers in consultation
with the VP (Finance) and faculty deans, ensuring responsible budgetary control.
7. Maintain detailed and accurate records of the teaching and other responsibilities of all academic staff.
8. Maintain a register to provide comparative data on academic staffing levels from year to year, including
academic sessional staff.
9. Provide induction for new academic staff in matters relating to coursework programs.
10. Mentor academic staff on their responsibilities in relation to coursework programs, including
responsibilities relating to subject outlines, course delivery, assessment and quality assurance
11. Mentor academic staff in effective teaching and other modes of course delivery, encouraging staff to use
current research in learning and teaching to develop innovative and effective course delivery.
12. Inform the staff of government initiatives and funding sources for the enhancement of learning and
teaching, and assist staff to benefit from these initiatives.
13. Encourage staff to engage in research and to enhance the research-teaching nexus. Liaise with the
President, Vice President (Administration and Research), Vice President (Finance) and members of
academic staff to negotiate the proportion of individual workloads to be allocated for research.
14. Ensure that performance review, planning and professional development processes are implemented in
relation to academic staff.
15. Approve leave applications for academic staff.
16. Allocate offices to teaching staff in consultation with the President.
17. In the areas of the incumbent’s responsibilities ensure the health and safety of employees, students and
other persons, as well as plant and equipment owned or operated by the College, including (but not
limited to) ensuring that:
 staff are correctly trained in safe working procedures and instructed in avoiding any hazardous aspects
of the work place, including harassment and bullying.
 applicable statutory requirements and/or codes of practice are observed;
 safety management systems and plans are established, maintained and reviewed for ongoing
1. After consultation with faculty deans, make recommendations to the President and the Vice President
(Finance) on the staffing requirements of each faculty, ensuring responsible budgetary control.
2. Make recommendations to the VP (Finance) on budgets for academic staff professional development
and conference attendance, and on budgets for the physical resourcing of coursework programs.
Carry out other responsibilities as requested by the President.
Personnel reporting to the Vice President (Learning and Teaching)
Faculty Deans
Coordinators of coursework programs
Flexible Learning Coordinator
Teaching and Learning Committee
External Advisory Committees
Resources Subcommittee
ICT Academic Subcommittee
Flexible Learning Committee
Vocational Education and Training Board
Academic Board
Administrative Committee
College Council (invitee)
Faculty of Nursing & Health Joint Management Committee
Information and Communications Steering Committee
Library Management Committee
Scholarship Policy Committee
Website Management Committee
Other committees as requested by the President
Key performance indicators
1. Effective planning for course development
2. Implementation of quality assurance and other processes to maintain and enhance the quality of
coursework programs
3. Development and effective implementation of appropriate academic policies relating to coursework
4. Successful accreditation and reaccreditation of coursework programs
5. Maintenance of accurate information relating to coursework programs in handbooks, on the website and
in marketing publications.
6. Timely and accurate reporting
7. Collegial relations with colleagues and staff, including consultation with stakeholders in decision-making
8. Fostering of a healthy team spirit and morale
9. Implementation of effective and timely performance review, planning and professional development
10. Responsible budgetary control of academic staffing and resourcing
Selection criteria
1. Be a practising baptised member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with a strong commitment to its
2. Enthusiasm for Avondale’s vision and mission.
3. Appropriate academic qualifications, preferably at doctoral level, and a background of scholarship and
professional achievement.
4. Sound knowledge of Australian higher education.
5. Proven administrative ability, including outstanding people management and interpersonal
communication skills.
6. Ability to motivate others through visionary leadership and effective planning.
7. Superior teaching skills, preferably with experience in higher education delivery.
8. Ability to inspire quality learning and teaching.
9. Superior curriculum development and document writing skills, and ability to mentor staff in these skills.
10. Ability to mentor staff in the integration of faith and learning.
11. Capacity for people-focused administration, developing positive relationships with internal and external
12. Ability to work collaboratively and consultatively.
13. Ability to manage change with sensitivity to people and organisational dynamics.
14. Balance of broad vision and attention to detail.
15. Ability to manage complex tasks and work effectively under pressure with competing priorities.
Appointed by: Avondale College Council.
Term of appointment: To 31 December 2010 (renewable by mutual agreement)