renal pathology society officers and committee

RPS Bylaws
RPS Application Form
Information for Members
Awards Bestowed by the
Nephropathology Training Programs
RPS Officers
Presentations and Speakers at RPS Sponsored Scientific and Educational Sessions
The most important tool of the Communication and Publications Committee of the Renal
Pathology Society is the RPS web-site. The objective of the site is to facilitate
communication between the members of the RPS, and between the RPS other
societies. To this effect, the web-site includes the directory of members with data
regarding their areas of research interest - "yellow pages". Collaborative studies and
surveys are posted, to ensure continuous availability. Visit the web-site at and learn more about the history of the society, the
upcoming international meetings or courses, the opportunities available, the
composition of the committees.
The Committee is pleased to have available two further services: upon request,
electronic messages can be disseminated to all the members (contact and an electronic discussion group for renal pathology is available
at NEPHNPT (contact
Suzanne Meleg-Smith, MD
Chair, Communication and Publications Committee
(Incorporation version, 3/96,
modified 11/97, 3/03, 4/04, 11/04)
Article I
Renal Pathology Society, Inc.
Article II
The objectives of the Society are to disseminate and
to increase knowledge about the pathology and
pathophysiology of the kidney, and to encourage the
development of renal pathology as a subspecialty.
Article III
A. Categories of Membership:
Regular Member Any holder of a MD, PhD,
DVM, or equivalent degree with demonstrated
interest and involvement in the field of renal
pathology as determined by the Membership
Committee using criteria agreed upon by the
Board of Directors.
Emeritus Member A member over age 65 may
become emeritus by requesting this status, in
writing, to the Secretary-Treasurer.
Junior Member any holder of a MD, PhD,
DVM, or equivalent degree with demonstrated
interest in the field of renal pathology as
evidenced by enrollment in a renal pathology
training program or research at the resident or
fellow level.
B. Membership Committee: Three members appointed
by the President shall serve staggered terms of three
years each. The Chair shall be the most senior
C. Conferring of Membership: An application form
(designed by the Membership Committee and
approved by the Board of Directors) must be sent to
the Secretary-Treasurer. The Membership
Committee will review the applications and
recommend approval or disapproval by the Board of
Directors. All members of the Renal Pathology Club
shall automatically become Regular Members
following approval of the Bylaws. However, to
retain their Membership, these Charter Members
must submit a Membership application form within 3
months after receiving the form from the
Membership Committee. Membership can be
terminated by written resignation addressed to the
President or Secretary-Treasurer.
D. Rights of Members: Only Regular Members have the
right to hold office and to vote. Each Regular
Member has one vote. All Members have the right to
attend the scientific sessions, and to participate in
deliberations and discussions at the business
meetings. No Member shall use the name, property,
or the organization of the Society for personal
benefit. Only currently elected officers shall
represent the Society in official business.
New members will be approved continuously
throughout the year as new applications are submitted
to the Membership Committee for consideration.
The chair and two members will decide whether the
applicant can be approved as a member. Only in the
case of questions or problems will the application be
delayed until those issues can be discussed at the
business meeting. The membership will be notified
at the next business meeting of the Society of all new
members accepted and their corresponding
Article IV
A. Elected Officers:
President Term of office is one year. If the
President vacates the office prematurely, the
Vice-President succeeds. A President may not
succeed him/herself in office.
Vice-President/President-Elect Vice-President
serves one year as Vice-President and shall
succeed as President. If this office is vacated
prematurely, the senior Councillor shall
become Vice-President.
Secretary-Treasurer Term of office is three
years, with a maximum of two terms. If this
office is vacated prematurely, the President
shall appoint a replacement to serve until the
next election of officers.
Councillors Three councillors serve staggered
terms of three years each. If this office is
vacated prematurely, the President shall
appoint a replacement to serve until the next
election of officers.
B. Election of Officers:
Any Society Regular Member is eligible to hold
office. Nomination shall be recommended by a
Nominating Committee and may be offered from the
floor by any Regular Member. Election shall be by
mail ballot. A majority vote of the responding
members is required to elect an officer.
C. Duties of Each Officer:
President The President shall be the principal
executive officer of the Society. He/she shall
preside at all meetings, serve as Chair of the
Board of Directors, and take responsibility as a
representative of the Society. The President
officially receives donations, bequests, or gifts
to the Society on behalf of the Society. The
President shall appoint all standing committees,
and replacements for Vice-Presidents and
Councillors who vacate their offices
prematurely. Ad hoc committees shall be
appointed by the President. Before finishing
his/her term, the President shall select a
councillor who must be approved by the
membership by a majority vote. The Board of
Directors may be called upon to make
recommendations for the new councillor.
Vice-President The Vice-President, in absence
or incapacity of the President, shall perform the
duties of the President. Further, the VicePresident shall serve on the Board of Directors.
Secretary-Treasurer The Secretary-Treasurer
shall keep minutes of the Annual and Board of
Directors meetings, distribute notices to
members of Society, keep custody of
documents of Society (including mortgages,
deeds, and contracts that the Board of Directors
has approved), serve on the Board of Directors,
receive membership applications and dues,
keep records of financial documents for
governmental agencies, banks or other financial
institutions with approval of the President for
expenses used solely for the Society. All such
disbursements shall be reported at the Annual
Compensation The Officers shall not be paid
for their services and shall not receive any
financial benefits from their service as officers
of the Society.
Article V
Board of Directors:
A. The Board of Directors shall consist of the current
officers (i.e., President, Vice-President, SecretaryTreasurer, and three Councillors), the past President,
and Chairmen of the standing committees (i.e., the
chairmen of the Auditing [Secretary-Treasurer],
Program, Education and Scientific, Nominating and
Awards, Membership, Training Programs,
Communications and Publications, and Research
B. The Board of Directors shall:
Represent the Society in official business.
Carry out the directives and policies approved
by the membership.
Organize and coordinate all meetings of the
Society, in collaboration with the Education
and Scientific Meeting Committee.
Exert leadership in the development and
implementation of scientific programs
according to the above stated objectives of
Deal specifically with matters related to the
incorporation of Society.
Article VI
Standing Committees (to be appointed by President):
Program Committee The Committee shall be
responsible for the design, organization and conduct
of the scientific meeting sponsored by the Renal
Pathology Society at the United States-Canadian
Academy of Pathology and American Society of
Nephrology and shall report to the Board of
Directors. The Committee shall be composed of no
less than three members.
B. Education and Scientific Committee This Committee
shall be responsible jointly with the Board of
Directors for design, organization and conduct and
other education efforts of the Society, and shall report
to the Board of Directors. The Committee shall be
composed of no less than three members.
C. Membership Committee (See Article III.)
D. Nominating and Awards Committee This Committee
shall consist of three members. The past-President,
acting as chair, and two additional acting Regular
Members appointed by the current President. It shall
be responsible for nominating new officers and
selecting recipients for awards.
Training Programs Committee This Committee shall
encourage broader availability of training
opportunities in renal pathology and help to upgrade
their quality. Committee activities shall include
collection and dissemination of information about
training programs and identification and development
of sources of support for trainees.
Auditing Committee This Committee shall consist of
three members. The Secretary-Treasurer, acting as
chair, and two additional Regular Members appointed
by the current president. It shall be responsible for an
annual audit of Society financial affairs.
G. Communications and Publications Committee This
Committee shall oversee development of and monitor
the Society presence on online computer resources
and print publications of the Society.
H. Research Committee This Committee shall plan and
implement collaborative research projects involving
the members of the RPS.
Article VII
A. Scientific Meetings These meetings shall be held
twice annually during the annual American Society
of Nephrology Meeting, and U.S. and Canadian
Academy of Pathology Meeting. The time and place
will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Business Meeting This meeting shall be held
annually during the ASN meeting. A quorum (i.e.
1/5 of total or 20 Regular Members) must be present
to conduct business, but the scientific meeting may
proceed in the absence of a quorum.
Board of Directors Meeting This meeting shall be
held twice annually during the USCAP and ASN
Special Meetings These may be called as deemed
necessary by the Board of Directors or President.
Article VIII
Order of Business at the Annual Business Meeting:
A. Determination of quorum
B. Approval of the agenda
C. Previous meeting minutes: Secretary-Treasurer
D. Financial report: Secretary-Treasurer
Reports of Committees
Old business
G. New business
H. Announcement of new members and officers
Article IX
Dues, Fees, and Compensation:
A. Dues The annual dues shall be determined each year
by the Board of Directors.
Junior members are not required to pay Society’s
dues while in training.
B. Arrears Any member in arrears of dues for more
than two years, failing satisfactory explanation, shall
be dropped from membership. Such members may
be reinstated on approval of the Membership
C. Compensation No Society officer shall receive
compensation for his/her services as such. The Board
of Directors, acting by majority vote, may authorize
or ratify the payment to any officer or member of
reasonable compensation for expenses incurred on
behalf of the Society in any capacity deemed
necessary or advisable and in the best interest of the
Article X
Amendments to the Bylaws may be suggested in writing to
the Secretary-Treasurer by any Regular Member at least
two months prior to the Annual Business Meeting. If
approved by the Board of Directors, this amendment needs
to be accepted by a two-thirds majority mail vote of the
Regular Members.
Article XI
Limitations and Dissolution:
A. Limitations on Earnings No part of the net earnings
of the Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be
distributable to its members, trustees, directors,
officers, or other private persons except that the
Society shall be authorized and empowered to pay
reasonable compensation for services rendered and to
make payments and distributions in furtherance of the
Society's purposes as set forth in Article II.
B. Activities Not Permitted No substantial part of the
activities of the Society shall be the carrying on of
propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence
legislation, and the corporations shall not participate
in or intervene in (including the publication or
distribution of statements) of any political campaign
on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws,
the corporation shall not carry on any other activity
not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation
exempt from federal income tax under Section 501
(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the
corresponding provision of any future United States
Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation,
contributions to which are a deductible under Section
170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or
the corresponding provision of any future United
States Internal Revenue Law).
Dissolution Upon dissolution of the Society, the
assets of the Society shall, after all its liabilities and
obligations have been discharged or adequate
provision made therefore, be distributed to the
National Kidney Foundation if it is still in existence
and is an exempt organization under Section 510 (c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor
section. If the National Kidney Foundation is not so
qualified at the time of the dissolution of the
corporation, the net assets shall be distributed to a
corporation that is exempt under Section 501 (c) (3)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any
successor section which is organized for purposes
similar to those set out in Article II of these bylaws.
The Renal Pathology Society is a nonprofit organization committed to
increasing and disseminating knowledge about the pathology and
pathophysiology of the kidney. Membership is open to any MD, PhD,
DVM, or equivalent degree holder who has demonstrated
accomplishments in nephropathology as determined by the Membership
Committee under the direction of the Executive Committee
Please type or print.
1. Membership requires fulfillment of at least one of the following criteria:
Criterion 1: Publication of at least one peer-reviewed article in the field of nephropathology.
Criterion 2: Completion of a minimum of six months research or clinical training in nephropathology,
e.g. during residency or postdoctoral fellowship.
Criterion 3: Extensive clinical experience with the diagnostic pathologic evaluation of renal diseases
Criterion 4: Extensive research experience on the pathology, pathophysiology, or pathogenesis of
renal diseases.
Indicate by number which of these criteria you fulfill _______________
2. Fill in the following information:
Candidate Name
Street Address
City, State, Country, Mailing Code
E-mail Address
I certify that the information supplied is correct, and hold the Renal Pathology Society and its members
free from any damage or complaint resulting from any action they may take in connection with this
Signature of Applicant
Print name of RPS member
who is sponsoring applicant.
Signature of RPS Member Date
3. Mail this form together with your current curriculum vitae to the Renal Pathology Society Chairman of
the Membership Committee.
Renal Pathology Society Awards
The Renal Pathology Society Young Investigator Award was established to recognize and
encourage excellence in the area of renal pathology in accordance with the goals of the Society. The
recipients of the award are selected from those nominated based on the contents of abstracts that they
have submitted as first author to the annual meeting of the ASN or USCAP. The awards, in the amount of
$500 (US), are presented at the ASN and USCAP Meetings.
Candidates must be nominated by a member of the Renal Pathology Society. The RPS member
does not need to be a co-author of the submitted abstract but, if not, he or she should be from the same
institution as the nominee. The research must have been carried out, while the candidate was a trainee
(e.g., medical student, resident, fellow, graduate student) and not a faculty member.
Nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the Nominating and Award Committee.
Winners of the Renal Pathology Society Young Investigators Award
Awarded at the
1995 USCAP
Shane Meehan, M.D.
1996 USCAP
Hugh B. Carey, M.D.
1996 ASN
Tsuyoshi Oikawa, M.D.
1997 USCAP
Jorge Isaac, M.D.
1997 ASN
Hitendra S. Jethwa
1998 USCAP
No award given
1999 USCAP
Peter Heeringa
1999 ASN
No award given
2000 USCAP
Li-jun Ma
2000 ASN
No award given
2001 ASN
Michael Eikmans, Ph.D.
2003 USCAP
Adrian Suarez, M.D.
Expression of TIA-1, a
cytoxic I cell protein in
renal allograft rejection.
Early hypoxia induced loss
of Na, K-ATpase polarity in
proximal tubules is
associated with specific
calpain regulated fodrin
Modulation of plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
in vivo: A new mechanism
for the anti-fibrotic effect of
In vitro AL-amyloid
formation by human
mesangial cells (HMCs) is
attenuated by chloroquine
Variable region gene
selection in murine antimyeloperoxidase (MPO)
Expression of chemokines
in murine crescentic
Regression of
glomerulosclerosis in
aging by angiotensin II
Type 1 receptor antagonist
(AIIRA) is linked to
inhibition of plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
Blunted TGF-beta and
ECM mRNA response
during early acute
rejection predicts for late
development of chronic
Altered gene transcript
R. B. Colvin
M. Kashgarian
A. Fogo
G. Herrera
J.C. Jennette
J.C. Jennette
A. Fogo
J. Bruijn
H. Liapis
profiles in congenitally
obstructed human kidneys.
2004 USCAP
Hai-Chun Yang
2005 USCAP
Xiubin Liang
Absence of integrin v6
decreases interstitial
fibrosis but worsens
glomerulosclerosis in
remnant kidney mice
Thymosin β4 is a marker
or possibly even a
contributor to
A. Fogo
A. Fogo
The Jacob Churg Award, is presented annually at the USCAP meeting to an individual who has made
major contributions to the field of nephropathology. The monetary component of the award is supported
by a fund established by Barnert Hospital where Dr. Churg spent a substantial portion of his career on
occasion of his retirement in 1996. Awardees are nominated by RPS members and selected from the
nominations by the RPS Nominations and Awards Committee. Nominations, which should include a letter
from the nominator and a C.V. of the nominee, should be sent to the Chair of this Committee.
The First Jacob Churg Award was presented to J. Charles Jennette, M.D. at the 1997 USCAP Meeting in
Orlando, FL
The Second Jacob Churg Award was presented to Robert B. Colvin, M.D. at the 1998 USCAP Meeting in
Boston, MA.
The Third Jacob Churg Award was presented to Agnes Fogo, M.D. at the 1999 USCAP Meeting in San
Francisco, CA.
The Fourth Jacob Churg Award was presented to Vivette D’Agati, M.D. at the 2000 USCAP Meeting in
New Orleans, LA.
The Fifth Jacob Churg Award was presented to Melvin M. Schwartz, M.D. at the 2001 USCAP Meeting in
Atlanta, GA.
The Sixth Jacob Churg Award was presented to Fred Silva, M.D. at the 2002 USCAP Meeting in Chicago,
The Seventh Jacob Churg Award was presented to Charles Alpers, M.D. at the 2003 USCAP Meeting in
Washington, DC.
The Eighth Jacob Churg Award was presented to Michael Kashgarian, M.D. at the 2004 USCAP Meeting
in Vancouver, Canada.
The Ninth Jacob Churg Award was presented to Arthur Cohen, M.D. at the 2005 USCAP Meeting in San
Antonio, TX.
Renal Pathology Fellowships and Program Directors
Program Site:
Program Director:
Mailing Address:
Brigham and
Women's Hospital
Helmut G. Rennke, M.D.
College of
Physicians and
Vivette D'Agati, M.D.
Medical Center
Arthur H. Cohen, M.D.
Barnert Hospital,
Surya Seshan, M.D.
University of
Kim Solez, M.D.
University of North
Carolina at Chapel
Volker Nickeleit, M.D
University of
Charles E. Alpers, M.D.
Agnes Fogo, M.D.
Yale University
Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Louisiana State
University Health
Sciences Center,
Johns Hopkins
Medical Institutions
Guillermo Herrera, M.D.
Department of Pathology
Brigham & Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
Renal Pathology Laboratory
College of Physicians & Surgeons
of Columbia University
630 W 168th Street
New York, NY 10032
Department of Pathology
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
8700 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Department of Pathology
Barnert Hospital
680 Broadway
Paterson, NJ 07514
Department of Pathology
University of Alberta
5B4.02 Walter Mackenzie Centre
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2R7
Department of Pathology
University of North Carolina
School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7525
Division of Hospital Pathology
University of Washington
Medical Center
RC72, Rm BB 210J
Seattle, WA 98195
Department of Pathology
Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, MCN C-3310
21st Avenue, S
Nashville, TN 37232
Department of Pathology
Yale University School of Medicine
POB 208023
New Haven, CT 0650-8023
Department of Pathology
LSUHSC - Shreveport
1501 Kings Highway
Shreveport, LA 71130-3932
Department of Pathology
600 North Wolf Street
Baltimore, MD 21205
Lorraine C. Racusen, M.D.
Phone: (617) 732-6518
FAX: (617) 227-9015
Phone: (212) 305-6269
FAX: (212) 305-5498
Phone: (310) 855-6621
FAX: (310) 967-0122
Phone: (201) 977-6770
FAX: (201) 977-6812
Phone: (403) 492-2252
FAX: (403) 492-2253
Phone: (919) 966-2421
FAX: (919) 966-4542
Phone: (206) 548-6409
FAX: (206) 548-4928
Phone: (615) 322-2102
FAX: (615) 322-3988
Phone: (203) 785-275
FAX: (203) 785-3348
Phone: (318) 675-4557
FAX: (318) 675-7662
Phone: (410) 955-343
FAX: (410) 614-9011
Members who have information about training programs not listed here are encouraged
to contact the Chair of the Training Programs Committee.
Gloria Gallo
Michael Kashgarian
Michael Kashgarian Fred Silva
Secretary/Treasurer: Charles Jennette
Charles Jennette
Fred Silva
Vivette D'Agati
Charles Jennette
Vivette D'Agati
Arthur Cohen
Charles Jennette
Arthur Cohen
Robert Colvin
Charles Jennette
Robert Colvin
Seymour Rosen
Charles Jennette
Arthur Cohen
Vivette D'Agati
Fred Silva
Arthur Cohen
Vivette D'Agati
Robert Colvin
Arthur Cohen
Robert Colvin
Seymour Rosen
Robert Colvin
Seymour Rosen
Charles Alpers
Seymour Rosen
Charles Alpers
Melvin Schwartz
Charles Alpers
Melvin Schwartz
Agnes Fogo
Samy Iskandar
Regina Verani
Agnes Fogo
Regina Verani
Agnes Fogo
Stephen Bonsib
Agnes Fogo
Stephen Bonsib
Allan Katz
Stephen Bonsib
Allan Katz
Melvin Schwartz
Allan Katz
Melvin Schwartz
Walter Richardson
Melvin Schwartz
Walter Richardson
Alex Magil
& Awards:
Jay Bernstein
Benjamin Spargo
Jean Olson
Gloria Gallo
Michael Kashgarian
Manjeri Venkatachalam Melvin Schwartz
Helmut Rennke
Victoriano Pardo
Fred Silva
Surya Venkataseshan
Mark Weiss
Vivette D'Agati
Seymour Rosen
Agnes Fogo
Arthur Cohen
Mark Haas
Charles Alpers
& Scientific:
Robert Colvin
Helmut Rennke
Charles Alpers
Charles Alpers
Lorraine Racusen
Mark Haas
Arthur Cohen
Vivette D'Agati
Jean Olson
Agnes Fogo
Charles Alpers
Helmut Rennke
Cynthia Nast
Michael Kashgarian
Lillian Gaber
Helmut Rennke
Lorraine Racusen
Seymour Rosen
Fred Silva
Gary Striker
Seymour Rosen
Fred Silva
Gary Striker
Arthur Cohen
Cynthia Nast
Helmut Rennke
Tibor Nadasdy
Michael Kashgarian
Liliane Striker
Robert Colvin
Guillermo Herrera
Tibor Nadasdy
Regina Verani
Guillermo Herrera
Terry Oberley
Volker Nickeleit
Charles Jennette
Mark Weiss
Cynthia Nast
Charles Jennette
Gary Hill
Agnes Fogo
Charles Jennette
Guillermo Herrera
Dinyar Bhathena
Charles Jennette
Luan Truong
Dae Un Kim
Charles Jennette
Praveen Chander
Isaac Stillman
Charles Jennette
Jean Olson
Anthony Nicastri
Cynthia Nast
Kim Solez
Robert Colvin
Charles Alpers
Charles Jennette
Cynthia Nast
Kim Solez
Gloria Gallo
Seymour Rosen
Charles Jennette
Samy Iskandar
Kim Solez
Charles Jennette
Samy Iskandar
Kim Solez
Charles Jennette
Parmjeet Randhawa
Stephen Bonsib
Communications &
Robert Colvin
Cynthia Nast
Byron Croker
Byron Croker
Mark Haas
Tito Cavallo
*Board of Directors - officers and chairs of standing committees: Terms are for one year except for Secretary/Treasurer - 3 year term (limited to 2 terms), Councillors (3
year term) and Membership Committee (3 year term, staggered with senior member chair). Chair of the Nominating and Awards committee is the Past President. Chair
of the Auditing Committee is the Secretary/Treasurer. Membership, Auditing and Nominating & Awards Committees are limited to 3 members. Education & Scientific
Meeting Committees must have at least three members. Other committees are at discretion of the President.
+ Steering Committee of the Renal Pathology Club 1992. These are the members who oversaw the transition from club to society. Jay Bernstein, M.D., Frank A. Carone, M.D.,
Arthur H. Cohen, M.D., Robert B. Colvin, M.D., Ramzi Cotran, M.D., Vivette D'Agati, M.D., Gloria R. Gallo, M.D., Gary S. Hill, M.D., J. Charles Jennette, M.D., Michael Kashgarian,
M.D., Vivian Pinn-Wiggins, M.D., H.G. Rennke, M.D., Seymour Rosen, M.D., Benjamin Spargo, M.D., Liliane M. Striker, M.D., M.A. Venkatachalam, M.D.
Seymour Rosen
Charles Alpers
Secretary/Treasurer: Guillermo Herrera
Charles Alpers
Melvin Schwartz
Melvin Schwartz
Agnes Fogo
Guillermo Herrera Guillermo Herrera
Agnes Fogo
Cynthia Nast
Guillermo Herrera
Cynthia Nast
Charles Jennette
Guillermo Herrera
Charles Jennette
Lorraine Racusen
Guillermo Herrera
Melvin Schwartz
Agnes Fogo
Cynthia Nast
Agnes Fogo
Cynthia Nast
Charles Jennette
Charles Jennette
Lorraine Racusen
Helmut Rennke
Lorraine Racusen
Helmet Rennke
Jan Bruijn
Jan Bruijn
Steve Bonsib (2-year)
Mark Haas (3-year)
Walter Richardson
Alex Magil
Mark Weiss
Alex Magil
Mark Weiss
Suzanne Meleg-Smith
Glen Markowitz
Ian Roberts
David Howell
Maria Picken
Ingeborg Bajema
Zoltan Laszik
& Awards:
Robert Colvin
Seymour Rosen
Charles Alpers
Patrick Walker
Michael Kashgarian Alex Magil
Charles Alpers
Steve Bonsib
Jan Bruijn
& Scientific:
Arthur Cohen
Guillermo Herrera
Lorraine Racusen
Seymour Rosen
Charles Jennette
Agnes Fogo
Melvin Schwartz
Tito Cavallo
Guillermo Herrera
Byron Croker
Lorraine Racusen
Tibor Nadasdy
Regina Verani
Lorraine Racusen
Lorraine Racusen
Lorraine Racusen
Lorraine Racusen
Michael Kashgarian
Michael Kashgarian
Mike Kashgarian
Surya Seshan
Fred Silva
Hermann-Josef Gröne Hermann-Josef Gröne Franco Ferrario
Hermann-Josef Gröne
Agnes Fogo
Samy Iskandar
Robert Colvin
Guillermo Herrera
Charles Jennette
Jan Bruijn
Paul Shanley
Guillermo Herrera
Mary Ann Sens
Maria Picken
Guillermo Herrera
Mark Haas
Surya Seshan
Guillermo Herrera
Carrie Phillips
Steve Bonsib
Guillermo Herrera
Randy Hennigar
Sally Self
& Publications:
Samy Iskandar
Kim Solez
Charles Jennette
Parmjeet Randhawa
Stephen Bonsib
Samy Iskandar
Kim Solez
Helen Liapis
Jan Bruijn
Samy Iskandar
Kim Solez
Helen Liapis
Jan Bruijn
Suzanne Meleg-Smith Suzanne Meleg-Smith
Kim Solez
Kim Solez
Helen Liapis
Helen Liapis
Cynthia Nast
Franco Ferrario
James Pullman
Cynthia Nast
Franco Ferrario
James Pullman
James Pullman
Franco Ferrario
Tibor Nadasdy
Cynthia Nast
Charles Jennette
Lorraine Racusen
Alex Magil
Patrick Walker
Mark Weiss
Glen Markowitz
Suzanne Meleg-Smith Maria Picken
Melvin Schwartz
Steve Bonsib
Jan Bruijn
Jan Bruijn
Finn Reinholt
Isaac Stillman
James Pullman
Franco Ferrario
Tibor Nadasdy
Agnes Fogo
Jan Bruijn
Glen Markowitz
Cynthia Nast
Vivette D’Agati
Melvin Schwartz
Jan Bruijn
Mark Haas
Terry Cook
Steve Bonsib
Laura Barisoni
Ian Roberts
Guillermo Herrera
Joseph Zhou
Mary Fidler
Patrick Walker
James Pullman
Peter Furness
Suzanne Meleg-Smith
Luiz Moura
Kensuke Joh
Patrick Walker
Terry Cook
Mark Haas
Program Committee
(begun in 2003)
Steve Bonsib
Helmut Rennke
Laura Barisoni
Lois Arend
Sharan Singh
Surya Seshan
Volker Nickeleit
Kenneth Bernstein
Lorraine Racusen
Jan Bruijn
Secretary/Treasurer: Guillermo Herrera
Steve Bonsib
Mark Haas
Surya Seshan
Maria Picken
Ingeborg Bajema
Zoltan Laszik
& Awards:
Charles Jennette
Michael Hughson
Arthur Abt
& Scientific:
Ian Roberts
Laura Barisoni
Steve Bonsib
Agnes Fogo
Robert Colvin
Samy Iskandar
Pat Walker
Serena Bagnasco
Terry Cook
Mark Haas
Carrie Phillips
Luan Truong
Shamila Mauiyyedi
Regina Verani
& Publications:
Program Committee
(begun in 2003)
Suzanne Meleg-Smith
Peter Furness
Kensuke Joh
Luiz Moura
Jean Olson
Volker Nickeleit
Charles Alpers
Jan Bruijn
Hermann-Josef Grone
Moderator (s)
Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Speakers and Topics of Renal Pathology Club Sponsored Sessions
Session Topic
Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome With
"Nil" Disease, Minimal Changes, Focal
Segmental or Global Glomerulosclerosis
Ramzi S. Cotran, M.D.
Robert T. McCluskey, M.D.
Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
Jay Bernstein, M.D.
Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Peter Burkholder, M.D.
Alfred Michael, M.D.
A Report from the International Study of Kidney
Disease in Children
Clinical-Pathologic Correlations
Evidence for Immunologic Mechanisms
Experimental Models
Renee Habib, M.D.
New Classification of Glomerulonephritis
William Couser, M.D.
Curtis Wilson, M.D.
Immunologic Spectrum of RPGN
Studies on Anti-GBM Antibodies & Nephrotoxic
Macrophages in Crescentic GN
Robert Atkins, M.D.
Jacob Churg, M.D.
Conrad L. Pirani, M.D.
The Kidney in Dysproteinemias
Liliane Morel-Maroger, M.D.
Fred G. Silva, M.D.
Thomas Maack, M.D.
David Clyne, M.D.
The Pleomorphic Renal Pathology in "Myeloma"
and Other Dysproteinemias
Ultrastructural Glomerular and Tubular Lesions
in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Renal Handling of Light Chain and Other Low
Molecular Weight Proteins
Experimental Models of "Myeloma" Kidney
Ramzi S. Cotran, M.D.
Robert H. Heptinstall, M.D.
Endothelium, Hemostasis and Intra-vascular Michael A. Gimbrone, Jr., M.D.
Coagulation in the Kidney
Giuseppe Remuzzi, M.D.
Jacob Churg, M.D.
Robert H. Heptinstall, M.D.
Basic Biology of the Endothelium
Regulation of Platelet-Vessel Wall Interactions
Coagulation Processes in Renal Glomerulus
Relations of Intravascular Coagulation and
Endothelial Damage to Hypertension
Frank A. Carone, M.D.
Renal Cystic Disease
Pathophysiology of Human Cystic Disease
Tubular Cell and Basement Membrane Changes
in Experimental Cystic Disease
Epithelial Hyperplasia in the Pathogenesis of
Renal Cystic Disease
Jared Grantham, M.D.
Frank A. Carone, M.D.
Andrew P. Evan, M.D.
Benjamin H. Spargo, M.D.
Pathology of Renal Transplantation
Robert B. Colvin, M.D.
Mechanisms of Graft Rejection: Phenotype and
Function of Infiltrating Cells
Richard K. Sibley, M.D
Liliane J. Striker, M.D.
Diabetic Kidney Disease
Byron P. Croker, M.D., Ph.D.
Bryan Myers, M.D.
Peter Bennett, M.D.
Helmut Rennke, M.D.
Conrad Pirani, M.D.
Frank A. Carone, M.D.
Current Concepts in the Pathogenesis of
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Frank A. Carone, M.D.
Yashpal Kanwar, M.D., Ph.D.
James McAteer, Ph.D.
Kenneth D. Gardner, Jr., M.D.
Seymour Rosen, M.D.
Vasculitis: Current Concepts
Jacob Churg, M.D.
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
Renal Allograft Histo- and Immunopathology in
Cyclosporine Treated Recipients
Glomerulonephritis in Renal Allografts
Relationship Between Structure and Function in
Human Diabetes
Epidemiology of Diabetic Nephropathy in the
Pima Indian Population
Nature of Progression of Glomerular Lesions in
Diabetic Rats - Relationship with Human Disease
The Basement Membrane in Diabetic
Role of Epithelial Cell in PKD
Role of Tubular Basement Membrane in PKD
Factors Controlling Cyst Growth
Environmental Factors in PKD
C.M. Lockwood, M.D.
Ramzi S. Cotran, M.D.
Historical Overview
Crescentic Necrotizing Glomerulonephritis
without Immune Complexes: An Expression of
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies
Pathogenesis of Vasculitis
Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Glomerular Mesangial Disease
David H. Lovett, M.D.
Steven Emancipator, M.D.
Melvin M. Schwartz, M.D.
Jean L. Olson, M.D.
Pathobiology of Glomerular Mesangium
IgA Nephropathy
Role of Mesangium in Glomerular Sclerosis
Hypertension and Glomerular Sclerosis
Jay Bernstein, M.D.
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
Giuseppe Andres, M.D.
Seymour Rosen, M.D.
Richard J. Glassock, M.D.
Pathogenesis, an Overview
Morphologic Evolution
Clinical Update
Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Fred Silva, M.D.
Current Topics in Renal Pathology
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
Arthur Cohen, M.D.
Robert Colvin, M.D.
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Autoantibodies
HIV and the Kidney
Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis of Renal
Allograft Rejection
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Review and Update
Barbara Bane, M.D.
Vivette D'Agati, M.D.
Symposium on Cyclosporine Toxicity
Michael Mihatsch, M.D.
Giuseppe Remuzzi, M.D.
William Bennett, M.D.
Morphologic Features of Cyclosporine
Pathogenesis of Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity
Clinical Update of Cyclosporine Nephrotoxicity
Moderator (s)
Jay Bernstein, M.D.
Session Topic
Current Topics in Renal Transplantation,
Tumors, Vascular Disease and
Cynthia C. Nast, M.D.
J. Bruce Beckwith, M.D.
Vivette D'Agati, M.D.
Melvin M. Schwartz, M.D.
Renal Allograft Evaluation by Aspiration Biopsy
Wilm's Tumor and Nephroblastomatosis
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Lupus Nephritis: The Results of the Lupus
Collaborative Trial
Arthur Cohen, M.D.
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Gary S. Hill, M.D.
Agnes Fogo, M.D.
Stephen Korbet, M.D.
Pathology of FSGS
The Pathogenesis of FSGS
The Clinical Management of FSGS
Melvin M. Schwartz, M.D.
Current Topics in Glomerular Diseases
and Transplantation
Gloria Gallo, M.D.
Nancy L. Harris, M.D.
Michael E. Lamm, M.D.
Jay Bernstein, M.D.
Non-amyloid Fibrillary Glomerulopathies
Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Update on IgA Nephropathy
Glomerulocystic Disease
Robert Colvin, M.D.
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
Vivette D'Agati, M.D.
Guiseppe Remuzzi, M.D.
Michael Gimbrone, M.D.
Pathology and Pathophysiology
Clinical Aspects
Endothelial Biology
Robert Colvin, M.D.
Current Topics in Renal Pathology
Nancy Harris, M.D.
Kim Solez, M.D.
Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Pathology and Pathogenesis of Acute Tubular
Vasculitis: Pathology and Pathogenesis
Cryoglobulinemia and Hepatitis C Virus
Robert McCluskey, M.D.
Charles Alpers, M.D.
Charles Alpers, M.D.
Familial Renal Disease
Arthur Cohen, M.D.
Billy Hudson, Ph.D.
Stephen Reeders, M.D.
Charles Alpers, M.D.
Pathobiology of the Tubules and Interstitium Michael Kashgarian, M.D.
Alison A. Eddy, M.D.
Vivette D'Agati, M.D.
The Kidney in Hypertension
Fred Silva, M.D.
Leopoldo Raij, M.D.
Theodore Kurtz, M.D.
Jean Olson, M.D.
The Renal Basement Membranopathies
Type IV Collagen: Molecular Structure and Role
in Glomerular Disease
Cloning of the Alport's and Polycystic Kidney
Disease Genes: Clinical Aspects
Current Concepts in Acute Renal Failure
Mechanisms of Tubulointerstitial Injury and
Tubular Cell Proliferation in Health and Disease
Pathobiology of the Vascular Wall in
New Genetic Models of Experimental
Renal Pathology of Hypertension: a Classical
Moderator (s)
Arthur Cohen, M.D.
Session Topic
Stephen Bonsib, M.D.
View Remodeled
Acquired Renal Cystic Disease and End-Stage
Current Concepts in Transplant Immunology and
Pathology of the Transplanted Kidney: Update
on Rejection and Classification Schemes
Recurrent Diseases in the Transplanted Kidney
Advanced Renal Disease and Renal
Mark Weiss, M.D.
Fred Sanfilippo, M.D.
Richard K. Sibley, M.D.
Agnes Fogo, M.D.
Diabetic Nephropathy
Kumar Sharma, M.D.
Liliane Striker, M.D.
Hans-Henrik Parving, M.D.
Mechanisms Underling Diabetic Nephropathy
Renal Pathology of Diabetes
Clinical Aspects of Diabetic Nephropathy
Agnes Fogo, M.D.
New Approaches to Renal Biopsy
Diagnosis and Prognosis
Cynthia Nast, M.D.
Fine Needle Aspiration in Diagnosis of Renal
Renal Vasculopathies of Essential Hypertension New Insights and Challenges
Molecular Markers in Acute Renal Failure
New Approaches in Renal Pathology:
Transcriptional Factors, Functional Surface
Molecules and Cytokine Products in
Inflammatory and Immunologic Injuries
Richard E. Tracy, M.D.
Lorraine Racusen, M.D.
Wayne Hancock, M.D.
Cynthia C. Nast, M.D.
Chronic Allograft Rejection
Leendert C. Paul, M.D.
Hallgrimur Benediktsson, M.D.
Bertram L. Kasiske, M.D.
Pathogenetic Considerations
Pathologic Features
Clinical Aspects, Risk Factors, and Therapy
Cynthia C. Nast, M.D.
Sylvana M. Tuur-Saunders
Viruses and the Kidney
(Co-sponsor with Binford-Dammin
Tibor Nadasdy, M.D.
Sherif R. Zaki, M.D.
Roger Smith, M.D.
Marshall S. Horowitz, M.D.
Epstein-Barr Virus
Hemorrhagic Diseases
CMV and BK Virus
Adenovirus Immunoregulatory Genes and Their
Role in Islet-cell Transplantation, Autoimmunity
and Viral Vector Design
Helmut Rennke, M.D.
Advances in the Pathobiology of Acute
Renal Failure
Richard Zager, M.D.
The Multifactorial Nature of Acute Renal Failure:
The Lessons Learnt from Rhabdomyolysis
Models of Acute Tubular Necrosis: A Perspective
Cell Biology and Molecular Mechanisms of
Tubular Injury
The Importance of the Classification of Renal
Seymour Rosen, M.D.
Manjeri Venkatachalam, M.D.
Seymour Rosen, M.D.
New Perspectives in Kidney Diseases
John Eble, M.D.
Vivette D’Agati, M.D.
Helmut G. Rennke, M.D.
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
Arthur Cohen, M.D.
Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies
(ANCA) in Renal Disease: Is It Important
Pathogenically or Is It an Epiphenomenon? Caroline O.S. Savage, M.D.
John L. Niles, M.D.
Arthur Cohen, M.D.
Stephen A. Geller, M.D.
Disorders Affecting the Kidney and Liver
Wayne Grody, M.D.
Stephen A. Geller, M.D.
Glen S. Markowitz, M.D.
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
Surya Seshan, M.D.
Lupus Nephritis: Pathogenesis, Pathology, Michael Madaio, M.D.
and Optimal Therapy
Vivette D’Agati, M.D.
Edmund Lewis, M.D.
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
Advances in Renal Pathology and
Gary Hill, M.D.
Joseph P. Grande, M.D.
Helen Liapis, M.D.
Andrey Shaw, M.D.
10/14/01 Tito Cavallo, M.D.
Mark Haas, M.D.
Renal AL-amyloidogenesis: New insights
into Mechanisms and Therapy
Guillermo A. Herrera, M.D.
Raymond L. Comenzo, M.D.
2/24/02 Tito Cavallo, M.D.
Byron Croker, M.D.
Hereditary Nephropathies
William L. Clapp, M.D.
Billy G. Hudson, M.D.
Clifford E. Kashtan, M.D.
11/4/02 William Couser, M.D.
Roger C. Wiggins, M.D.
New Approaches in the Treatment of
Crescentic Glomerulonephritis
Paul S. Thorner, M.D.
Andrew J. Rees, M.D.
Raghu Kalluri, Ph.D.
The Nature of Nil Disease, Focal
Glomerulosclerosis, and Collapsing
Thin Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease
Insights into Systemic Vasculitis
Serologic and Pathologic Diseases of ANCAAssociated Renal Diseases
Pathogenesis of ANCA-Related Renal Injury
Utility of ANCA in Long-Term Management and
in the Transplant Setting
The Genetics of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic
Kidney Disease
Ductal Plate Disorders of the Liver
New Animal Models of Autosomal Dominant
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Pathogenesis of Lupus Nephritis: Therapeutic
Pathologic Characterization and Classification of
Lupus Nephritis
Clinical Management of Lupus Nephritis: Impact
of Pathologic Findings
The Pathology of Lupus Nephritis: New Insights
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Effects on the
Pathogenesis and Progression of
Molecular Pathogenesis of Renal Fibrosis
New Insights into Glomerular Podocyte Biology
and Pathophysiology
Understanding the Pathogenesis of Renal ALamyloidosis
The tropism of organ involvement in ALamyloidosis
Introduction to Hereditary Nephropathies
Molecular Basis of Alport’s Syndrome:
Organization, Assembly and Defects in Type IV
Alport’s Syndrome and Thin Basement
Membrane Nephropathy: Genes, Proteins and
Clinico-pathologic Correlations
Alport’s Syndrome: Prospect for Gene Therapy
Macrophages in Renal Inflammation
Role of Novel Glomerular Basement Membrane
Peter G. Tipping, M.D.
3/23/03 Stephen Bonsib, M.D.
Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis: Diagnostic
Issues, Mechanisms, and Methodologies
Charles D. Pusey, FRCP
John Tomaszewski, M.D.
Glen Markowitz, M.D.
Dr. Jeffery Kopp
Dr. Robert Star
11/15/03 Stephen Bonsib, M.D.
Surya Seshan, M.D.
An SLE Update: Clinicopathologic
J. Charles Jennette, M.D.
Lee A. Hebert, M.D.
Howard A. Austin, M.D.
Sharan K. Singh, M.D.
Update on Renal Transplant Pathology
Volker Nickeleit, M.D.
Robert B. Colvin, M.D.
Lorraine C. Racusen, M.D.
Neeraja Kambham, M.D.
10/29/04 Robert B. Colvin, M.D.
Harsharan K. Singh, M.D.
Donor Pretreatment and Protocol Biopsies
of Kidney Allografts: A Critical Update
Lorraine C. Racusen, M.D.
Volker Nickeleit, M.D., Ph.D.
David N. Rush, M.D.
Alan H. Wilkinson, M.D.
2/27/05 Luan D. Truong, M.D.
Pathobiology of the Podocyte
Peter Mundel, M.D.
Vivette D’Agati, M.D.
Laura Barisoni, M.D.
Agnes B. Fogo, M.D.
Antigens in Glomerulonephritis
Cell-Mediated Aspects of Crescentic
Glomerulonephritis: Contributions of Leukocytes
and Intrinsic Renal Cells
Therapies for Crescentic Glomerulonephritis
Acute Interstitial Nephritis: Infection, Rejection,
and Autoimmune
Drug-Induced Tubulointerstitial Nephropathies:
New Insights and Old Concepts
Tubular Epithelial Cell Injury and Interstitial
New Methods to Diagnose Kidney Disease:
Lasers, Chips, & Dendrimers and Beyond
New Concepts in the Classification of SLE
Nephritis: Pathological Aspects
Clinical Implications from the Reclassification of
the Kidney Biopsy in SLE
SLE Nephritis in Different Clinical Populations:
Therapeutic and Prognostic Considerations
The Importance of Routinely Evaluating C4d in
Renal Allograft Biopsy Specimens
New Insights on Chronic Allograft
Nephropathy/Chronic Rejection
Practical Update on the Pathologic Classification
of Renal Transplant Pathology Including Criteria
for Antibody Mediated Rejection
Gene Microarray Analysis of Acute Renal
Allograft Rejection
New Markers of Rejection
Baseline (Zero Hour) Biopsies
Protocol Biopsies and Follow-up Biopsies: A
Debate – Pro
Protocol Biopsies and Follow-up Biopsies: A
Debate – Con
Novel Insight Into the Pathogenesis of Nephrotic
Primary and Secondary Focal Segmental
Glomerulosclerosis: Morphologic Classification
and Clinical Correlation
Modulation of Podocyte Phenotype and the
Emerging Role of Biomarkers in Podocytopathies
Progression and Potential Regression of