2/12/16 1 Supplementary Information 2 This supplement contains additional data and details relating to the 3 crosses and experiments described in the Results. 4 5 Progeny viability of unmated triploid daughters of the Screen 2 6 diploid male: Progeny viability was quantified using a method 7 described by Pultz et al (2000) for directly observing embryonic 8 lethality. Females were set individually on single host pupae and 9 allowed to lay eggs for several hours; the embryos were then collected 10 and monitored for hatching. We collected broods (ranging from 8-49 11 embryos) from 25 daughters of the Screen 2 male; all showed a high 12 level of embryonic death (unhatched embryos), ranging from 79% to 13 100%. When data from individual females are pooled (n = 530 14 embryos), the frequency of embryonic death is 93.5% (corresponding to 15 6.5% viability). Progeny inviability for control diploid females assayed 16 at the same time was 14.3% (86.7% viability; n = 666 embryos); we 17 attribute this to trauma occurring during the collection or incubation of 18 the embryos. Adjusting for the background of inviability in the controls, 1 2/12/16 19 the expected frequency of unhatched embryos from triploid females in 20 this assay is 94.6% [15/16 + 1/16(0.14)]. This predicted value agrees 21 with the frequency of embryonic death observed for the progeny of the 22 daughters of the Screen 2 diploid male ( =1.069 p= 0.3). 23 24 The progeny of Screen 1 diploid males were triploid females with 25 one maternal and two paternal genomes: Three phenotypically wild- 26 type diploid males of genotype pm-541/+ I; rdh-5/+ II; st-5219 /+ III 27 were isolated in Screen 1. Two of these males were mated with 28 genotypically wild-type diploid females. (The third male died before 29 mating.) The pm-541/+/+; rdh-5/+/+; st-5219/+/+ daughters generated 30 in these crosses produced the high frequency of inviable progeny (due to 31 aneuploidy) characteristic of triploid mothers (see Results and Figure 2). 32 The ploidy of these females and the genotype of their father were also 33 confirmed by the observation that they produced viable male progeny 34 exhibiting one or more of the recessive mutations contributed from the 35 diploid father: pm-541, rdh-5, and st-5219. If the phenotypically wild- 36 type males recovered during Screen 1 had been haploid males (carrying 2 2/12/16 37 only wild-type alleles) rather than diploid males (heterozygous for the 38 three recessive markers), they could not have produced daughters 39 carrying recessive mutant alleles upon mating with the genotypically 40 wild-type females. 41 42 The sex-determining lesion was not transmitted via haploid 43 grandsons of the Screen 2 diploid male: Assuming Mendelian 44 segregation, one-third of the haploid males produced by triploid S+/S+/S 45 – 46 2 diploid male were of genotype stDR oy+ /stDR oy+/ st+ oy*; + / + / bl- 47 13*. (The asterisk indicates the allele carried by the mutagenized 48 grandparent.) An oyster male segregating from a stDR oy+ /stDR oy+/ st+ 49 oy* triploid female must be haploid. If an oyster male carrying the S- 50 allele is mated to an S+/S+ female, all progeny will be of genotype S+/S- 51 and develop into biparental diploid males (Figure 4b). Twenty-five st+ 52 oy* male progeny of these triploid females were individually mated to 53 stDR oy+/stDR oy+ females. All crosses resulted in phenotypically wild- females should carry the S – allele. The triploid daughters of the Screen 3 2/12/16 54 type (st+ oy* /stDR oy+) females and scarlet (stDR oy+) males; no wild- 55 type (st+ oy* /stDR oy+) biparental male progeny were observed. 56 Similar results were obtained when the bl-13 allele was used to 57 identify the haploid males. For example, 13 stDR oy+; bl-13* grandsons 58 of the Screen 2 male were also tested individually for transmission of the 59 mutant allele. No biparental male progeny were generated in the crosses 60 with these males, confirming the results obtained with the st+ oy* 61 haploid males. Assuming that the sex-determining mutation is unlinked 62 to the bl-13* allele (which was carried by the mutagenized haploid great 63 grandfather), that there is no segregation bias and no loss of viability, 64 then each stDR oy+; bl-13* haploid male has a 1/3 probability of carrying 65 the mutant allele. Mating 13 stDR oy+; bl-13 males corresponds to a 66 probability of >99% of testing at least one male with the mutant allele. 67 68 The sex-determining lesion was not transmitted via haploid 69 grandsons of the Screen 1 diploid males: We performed a series of 70 experiments to look for transmission of a sex-determining mutation via 71 the haploid grandsons of the Screen 1 diploid males. Phenotypically 4 2/12/16 72 wild-type males produced by pm-541/+/+; rdh-5/+/+; st-5219/+/+ 73 daughters are either haploid or diploid; males exhibiting one or more 74 mutant phenotypes must be haploid. Haploid male progeny of these 75 triploid females were selected and mated individually with appropriately 76 marked females so that biparental diploid male progeny could be easily 77 differentiated from uniparental male progeny. If the sex-determining 78 mutation assorts independently of the three recessive genetic markers 79 used in Screen 1, then a haploid male exhibiting either one, two or all 80 three of the recessive phenotypes has a 1/3 probability of carrying the 81 sex-determining mutation. For each of the two Screen 1 diploid males, at 82 least 25 haploid grandsons (singly or doubly mutant) were mated. We 83 did not observe transmission of a sex-determining mutation: no 84 biparental diploid male progeny were observed in any of these crosses. 85 (In addition, some phenotypically wild-type grandsons were also tested 86 with the same results.) Testing 25 haploid males corresponds to a 87 probabilty of >99.99% of mating at least one male carrying the sex- 88 determining mutation, assuming that it is unlinked to the markers used 89 and that it does not confer reduced viability in haploid males. If the sex5 2/12/16 90 determining mutation is linked to one of the recessive genetic markers, 91 then a haploid Screen 1 grandson carrying that marker has less than a 1/3 92 chance of carrying the sex-determining mutation since the recessive 93 mutations used to identify the haploid grandsons of the Screen 1 males 94 were contributed by the triply mutant females that were mated with the 95 mutagenized wild-type males (Table 2). For each of the three marker 96 loci, at least five males were mated that were mutant at that locus but 97 wild-type for the other two loci; this means that for each locus at least 98 ten haploid males carrying wild-type alleles of the locus were mated. 99 Assuming that the sex-determining mutation is linked to the marker 100 locus, this corresponds to a probability of 99.9% [1- (1/2)10] of mating at 101 least one haploid male carrying the mutant (sex-determining) allele. 102 Thus it is highly unlikely that we failed to see transmission of the sex- 103 determining mutations in Screen 1 because of linkage of this mutation to 104 the wild-type allele of one of the mutant loci used identify the haploid 105 grandsons. 6