Lesson Plan: Learning About a Graphing Calculator (TI-94 Plus) Concept: Students will become familiar with a Graphing Calculator, specifically with a TI-94 Plus. They’ll first try to figure out how to do various commands on their own, then with a partner, and finally as a group. The students will gain an understanding for the usefulness of the graphing calculator, along with concepts about graphs. Class level: Algebra I & II Time: 45-50 minutes Activity: Each student will be given a graphing calculator and a worksheet. The worksheet will include various commands from adding two numbers to find the roots of an equation. They will attempt to go through the problems on their own. After about 10 minutes, the class will be brought back together to discuss any struggles and successes. How many commands did they succeed at? Then have the students work with a partner. They can put what they have both learned together to figure out more commands. After another 10 minutes, bring the class together to discuss further struggles and successes. How many commands did they succeed at? Now go through get command with the class together. This works best if you have an overhead to project the screen of your graphing calculator. Questions: These are anticipatory questions to ask the class before getting started, (possibly the day before). 1) Who has used a graphing calculator before? 2) What can graphing calculators be used for? 3) What could you like to use your graphing calculator for? State Standards: Minnesota State Minnesota State Minnesota State Minnesota State Minnesota State Students are also able to use graphing calculators on parts of State Testing Materials: You will need the following for each student: Graphing Calculator (TI-94) Worksheet It would be helpful for the teacher to have: Overhead projector (device to project screen of graphing calculator) Prerequisite skills: The students should have knowledge about graphing and be able to graph by hand. This provides the students with comprehension of what they see on their own screens. They are able to hypothesis what they should get. Key Questions: These questions are to be asked through the lesson to prompt student thoughts. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) How many commands did you figure out? Is it easier or more difficult than you thought? What results do you expect the calculator to give? Is the calculator displaying the results you expected? What more would you like to use the calculator for? Suggestions: Encourage the students to do the first 10 minutes on their own. Let them know there will be time for them to work with others and ask for help. Some students may get frustrated, but if they can figure it out on their own, they seem to remember it better. Make sure you, the teacher, is familiar with the graphing calculator. There WILL be questions and errors to deal with. Procedure: Ask the students some anticipatory questions either at the end of the previous class period, or the beginning of the class which the lesson is given. Give each student a graphing calculator and worksheet. Have the students go through the worksheet on their own. (Let the students know that they are not expected to get through all the problems or they may get discouraged.) After 10 minutes, bring the class together and discuss what they have discovered. This is also a good time to ask the some key questions listed above. Have the students get in groups of twos or threes. Have them work together on the problems putting together what they have all ready discovered on their own. After 10 minutes, bring the class together and discuss any more discoveries. Ask some of the key questions and find out what more they were able to figure out. Now, if you have an overhead, project the screen of your calculator. Now go through the problems together. This should fill in the gaps for the students. Discussion: Ask questions about where certain keys are, what results do they expect, is this what you expected. Discuss what else they would like their graphing calculator to do. If you plan on doing the additional activity of programming the quadratic equation, lead questions into programming. Follow-Up Activities: As the students learn more mathematics, have them do worksheets and “check” them with a graphing calculator. Assessment Plan: Including questions on a quiz or exam that involve graphing calculators. Have questions that would be too complex to do by hand. Additional Activities: See Programming the Quadratic Equation Name: _________________________________ Working with a Graphing Calculator Find the answer by using your graphing calculator. (Try doing it with one command/entry.) 1. 23 49 2. 151 64 3. 6. (23 14) (13 2) 7. 12 13 19 18 13 42 13 8. 1.42 1012 9.32 1011 4. 192 16 5. 9. 1.42 10 9.32 10 17. 3 5 18. 4 11 23 14 13 2 12 Find the approximate value (6 decimals) of the following. 10. e 11. 12. 2 13. ln 2 14. 2 19. cos(40o ) 20. tan(40o ) 8 21. sin 15. e3 16. 5 22. cos 1 (.512) 11 Calculate the following. (Figure out how to recall a previous entry.) 23. 1 2(31 3) 14 26. 1 2(31 3) 14 2 24. 1 2(31 3) 14 27. 1 2(31 3) 5 14 2 6 25. 1 2(31 3) 14 28. 21 22 26 29. 100 21 22 26 Graph the following lines. 30. y x 31. y 2 x 5 32. y 1 x 1 2 33. y 10 x 25 (You may need to adjust your window settings to see the whole graph) Graph the following and find the roots (where it crosses the x-axis) to the 4 decimals. 34. y x 1 3 2 (Optional- Leads into programming the quadratic equation in the future) 35. Calculate by hand the roots of the equation in problem 34. (You’ll need to use the quadratic formula. Wouldn’t it be nice if our calculators had a program for the Quadratic formula?)