Front page for deliverables Project no. 003956 Project acronym NOMIRACLE Project title Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in Europe Instrument IP Thematic Priority, ‘Global Change and Ecosystems’ Topic VII.1.1.a, ‘Development of risk assessment methodologies’ Deliverable reference number and title: D.4.1.4 Report describing a method for the quantification of impacts on aquatic freshwater ecosystems resulting from different stressors (e.g., toxic substances, eutrophication, etc). Due date of deliverable: 30 April 2006 Start date of project: 1 November 2004 Actual submission date: 14 June 2006 Duration: 5 years Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: EPFL Revision [draft, 1, 2, …]: Draft 2 1 Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2002-2006) Dissemination Level PU PP RE CO Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) X Authors and their organisation: Dr Jérôme Payet (EPFL) Deliverable no: D.4.1.4 Nature: R Status: Draft 2 Dissemination level: PU Date of delivery: Date of publishing: Reviewed by (name and period): Ad Ragas, 2006 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................ 1 Summary report ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1General introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 2 – Comparative Assessment for toxics .................................................................................................... 1 2-1- Building Dose-Effect relation for toxics ............................................................................................ 1 2-1-1 Context ............................................................................................................................................ 1 2-1-2-Ecotoxicological measures ............................................................................................................. 2 2-1-3-Statistical principles for calculating the HC50s .............................................................................. 2 2-1-4- Calculation of Effect Factor .......................................................................................................... 4 2-1-5-Ecological realism .......................................................................................................................... 5 2-2- Field validation of the dose effect relation for toxic ......................................................................... 6 2-2-1- Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................. 6 Pesticide monitoring ............................................................................................................................. 6 Biodiversity indicator ........................................................................................................................... 6 The HC50EC50 for the Comparative Risk Assessment of pesticides ..................................................... 6 2-2-2- Results ........................................................................................................................................... 7 2-2-3- Discussion ................................................................................................................................... 10 2-3- Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3 – Quantifying effects of eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems .................................................... 13 3-1- context............................................................................................................................................. 13 3-2- Databases and methods ................................................................................................................... 13 3-3- Building Dose-Effect relations for freshwater ecosystems ............................................................. 14 3-4-Field validation of dose-effect relation for eutrophication ............................................................... 17 3-5-Discussion and conclusion ............................................................................................................... 20 4 - Dose Effect relation for Acidification ................................................................................................ 22 4-1-Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 22 4- 2- Exposure assessment ...................................................................................................................... 24 4-3- Effect modeling............................................................................................................................... 26 4-4- Conclusions..................................................................................................................................... 27 5- General Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 28 Summary report The task of the EPFL was to define a framework for the development of Comparative Risk Assessment method for freshwater ecosystem. On the basis of our experience in Life cycle impact assessment on ecosystems, we have first defined the key issues related to the development of such a method: We have explored the appropriate scale, considering three scale sorts, the spatial scale, the time scale and the biological organization level. As a second step, we have explored currently used endpoint measures for existing multiple stressor studies, and proposed the most relevant endpoint as a trade of between methodological requirements and data availability. In this context, the endpoint express the level of modeling where results of impact from all stressors can be added together, typically the endpoint is the level where we can link the stressor and the change in biodiversity. On the basis of a literature review of existing multistress risk assessment studies and ecological handbooks, we have selected 5 priority stressors that are likely to dominate the impacts on ecosystems: Eutrophying substances, acidifying substances, pesticides, biocides and other organic substances. For these stressors, the availability of relevant risk assessment methods and their level of compatibility with an Comparative risk assessment approach have been analyzed. Dose-effect relations have then been developed based on an “damage-oriented” approaches, enabling an integration of the different risks. Furthermore in order to ensure the usefulness and the reliability of the method, we compared calculated results to observed biodiversity indexes within two different case study in order to validate the dose-effect relationship. We can foresee several areas of application in relation with current European regulations. Providing a comparative assessment of stressors and substances, this method is able to support the prioritization of stressors and substances, the identification of the most hazardous substances, or a first tier assessment for the remediation of freshwater ecosystem. Furthermore, these developments are also suited for LCA methodology:, the new development of this project will provide a useful basis for the development of characterization factors used in damage oriented LCIA methods. In terms of potential use, it could be interesting to apply this method as a decision support tool for different European directive, such as the Water Framework Directive, as a first screening assessment tool for evaluating water bodies; it could also be promising for REACH or for the Biocide directive, for quantifying the potential environmental gain in substituting substances by others less hazardous. It can also be interesting to perform chemical ranking on the basis of average response of species. 2/42 1- General introduction The EPFL work within NoMiracle aims to identify the anthropogenic stressors producing impacts on aquatic ecosystems, to select the dominant stressors, and to provide a framework and a methodology to integrate the different stressors in order to quantify their relative impact on freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Risk Assessment (EcoRA) considers the potential effects of single substance and single stressor in the ecosystems. Nevertheless, most of the freshwater ecosystems are exposed at the same time to a large number of stressors, causing impacts on numerous species present in the ecosystems. 1-1 Context During the years 60s and 70s, the adverse effect of human activities on ecosystems where more and more highlighted (Carson 1962; Sládecek 1973). In order to limit environmental burden of anthropogenic activities, regulations were set up restricting the emissions of numerous pollutants. The common point of these regulations was to ensure the integrity of the ecosystems, identifying threshold of no-effect per substance or stressor that should not be exceeded. These regulations were justified by the Paracelsius paradigma, Sola dosa fecit venenum, assuming that no effect is expected from stressor at very low levels or concentrations in the ecosystems. This stressor-oriented strategy enables substantial improvement of media quality when only a small number of stressors drive most of the impacts. Nevertheless, in spite of these limitations, the constant increase in the number of toxics and point source of emissions lead to an increase of the overall burden on ecosystem. With respect to regulation thresholds, most of ecosystems are now exposed to several stressors and several hundreds of substances at the same time. In those conditions, effects on organisms can occur even at low level of exposure. This is a limitation of the current regulation for Ecological Risk Assessment (EcoRA). More recently, multiple stressors approaches were explored. These methods can be stressor-oriented or effect-oriented integrating at the same time potential effects of several stressors and pollutants in the environment. The effectoriented methods are promising, considering the change of a potential harmful effect due to an increase or decrease of a stressor in the ecosystem on a given existing level of effect in the ecosystem itself. Considering potential impacts of different stressors, Comparative Risk Assessment is a powerful decision support tool for defining environmental strategies. This is of interest for several applications both at regional and continental scale for environmental priority setting, substance regulation, and Life Cycle Assessment studies, but also at local and regional scale for ecosystem management, or pollution remediation. In terms of regulation, Comparative Risk Assessment methods provide a useful basis for supporting several regulation tools such as the Water Framework Directive (for prioritizing aquatic ecosystems improvements), the REACH or the Biocide directive (for identifying the most hazardous substance on a comparative basis). 3/42 At this time, the current level of science development limits the use of Comparative Risk Assessment methods. Current method for risk assessment of toxics does not fit with the requirements of comparative assessment (e.g. the need of unbiased assessment for comparative assessment), and for the other stressors, dose-effect relations are not available. This is a strong limitation for Comparative Risk Assessment quantitative tools that cannot be applied for comparing the relative importance of stressors in the environment. 1-2 State of the art for multiple stressor methods Several approaches can be used for the calculation of substances threshold for regulations. The most common is the PNEC approach (Predicted No Effect Concentration). The PNEC-based method (Predicted No Effect Concentration) aims at defining the noeffect for toxics (US-EPA 1984; EU-Commission 1994; EU-Commission 1996). The threshold definition is based on the assumption that if the most sensitive species is not affected at a given toxic concentration, all ecosystem species and therefore all functions of the ecosystems can be regarded as protected. Nevertheless, this method is sometimes regarded as too conservative, and alternatives have been proposed, like the introduction of a threshold value based on a statistical extrapolation from ecotoxicity data, i.e. the HC5 method (Van Straalen and Denneman 1989). This new method for calculating PNECs aims at assessing the level at which 95% of the species are regarded as protected, defining a concentration of chemical which should affect 5% of the species present in the ecosystem. The concentration of pollutant that aims at protecting 95% of the species of the ecosystem is commonly called HC5 (also referred to as PNEC0.05). While the PNEC using the most sensitive species can be based on all kinds of ecotoxicological endpoints (acute or chronic, ECx or NOEC) using different extrapolation factors, the HC5 for regulatory purposes is currently preferably based on chronic NOECs. Nevertheless, the uncertainty on the HC5 value can influence the safety threshold. Some authors (Chèvre 2000) therefore propose to use the 95% CI on the HC5 in order to increase the degree of certainty about the protection offered to the ecosystem. On the one hand, the original PNECs thresholds, calculated applying safety extrapolation factors on the most sensitive species are regarded as too conservative, and the trend for ecotoxicology is to develop best estimate values that typically increase the authorized emission threshold. But on the other hand, ecologists observed a constant decrease in the ecosystems quality in spite of the application of protective thresholds and therefore question the ecological realism of threshold calculation methods. From an ecological point of view, substance occurs in the ecosystem in a huge mix of other stressors (including other substances) and their behavior is likely to be completely different compared to laboratory predictions. Therefore, the need of a convergence between ecotoxicology and ecology have been identified (Van Straalen 2003), and some methods have been proposed in US for applying multiple stressor methods at the local and regional scale (Pastorok et al. 2003; Weigel 2003; Yuan and Norton 2004; Brooks and Novotny 2005; Morris et al. 2006). A large review of existing multiple stressor assessment led us to the definition of three categories of methods ; (i) Interpretative methods mainly illustrated with the Weight of Evidence (WOE) methods (Culp et al. 1999; Lowell et al. 2000; Adams 2003). These methods typically focuses on one aspect of the ecosystem functioning or structure and looks for a qualitative link with a given stressor or a given group of stressor. These approaches are limited by the lack of a 4/42 consensus framework for their application, and the importance of expert judgment in their applications that lead to many different possible interpretations of the RA results (Weed 2005); (ii) « Stressor-oriented » methods represent methods mainly derived from current ecological risk assessment framework without important modification. The “toxic response” approach (Brooks and Novotny 2005) or the Czech Method (Soldan 2003) quantify the relative risk associated with different substances in watersheds using available tools such as the HC5 or the msPAF (De Zwart and Posthuma 2005); (iii) « Effect-oriented » methods are regarded as retrospective for application in ecosystems, linking an observed change in biodiversity for example with the presence of a stressor, but models enables their use in a prospective way for the prediction of effect of multiple stressors on ecosystems. The main methods of this category are the Relative Risk Model (Landis 2005), and the Canadian Cumulative Effect Assessment (CEA) method (Dube and Munkittrick 2001; Dube 2003). Among these three groups of methods, “Effectoriented” methods looks more relevant for assessing impact on ecosystems, putting the emphasis on the state of the ecosystem more than the properties of stressors assessed separately. Nevertheless, their application requires to develop new concepts and tools for each stressor considered since requirements for impact quantification is definitely different from “stressor oriented” methods. 1-3 The Scale issue in Comparative Risk Assessment A key issue in ecology is to define the scale of the assessment. Three scales must be considered in order to ensure the coherence of the analysis as presented in Figure 1-1: the temporal scale, the spatial scale and the organization level among ecosystems and species. Temporal scale Millenium Century Decade Year Spatial scale Day local Indiv. Organisation level Regional Continental Species Biocenosis Figure 1-1 : Presentation of different scales for impact assessment on ecosystems Multiple stressor studies have explored different spatial scales. Assessments for local scale (the ecosystem scale) concern primarily well documented studies that aim to 5/42 identify the main causes for a given environmental problem (e.g. a decrease in fish production in a lake). The time scale of effects for multiple stressor assessment can vary from a few hours for acute exposure to more than 1000 year for persistent chemicals or for radio-nuclides. Furthermore the endpoints addressed are most of the time related to biodiversity and this is definitely dependent on the time scale retained. The biological organization level addressed is coherent with the time and space scale retained and the purpose of the stud: Since most of the data are based on laboratory testing, effect modeling is often required for converting laboratory data in a biodiversity related endpoint assessment. 1-4 Biodiversity endpoint The unit used for expressing the potential impact on ecosystem should be compatible with other stressors, enabling the integration of the assessment of different impact category (e.g. toxics, eutrophication, acidification) in a final score expressing the sum of all impacts on the considered ecosystem, and enabling the calculation of the relative weight of each stressor on the overall burden. 1-5 Report structure This report aims to identify the current limits of Comparative Risk Assessment methods for aquatic ecosystems and to propose a methodology for a multiple stressor approach. This will require to (i) Define a consistent framework for Comparative Risk Assessment (Scale, Endpoint, Etc); (ii) Identify and prioritize stressors that have to be considered; (iii) Develop dose effect relations for the selected stressors; and (iv) Perform as far as possible a field evaluation of the dose-effect relations proposed for the Comparative Risk Assessment method. In chapter 2, the report presents a method for assessing impact of toxics (valid for pesticides, biocides and organic non-pesticides) in a multiple stressor assessment. This method is validated with a case study assessing expected impact of pesticides on streams. In chapter 3, a method for assessing impact of eutrophying substances is presented, a case study with this new method assessing change in biodiversity linked with a change in concentration of eutrophying substances for two big rivers is presented. In chapter 4, a method enabling the relative impact of acidifying substances in a multiple stressor approach is presented. A general conclusion is proposed in chapter 5. 6/42 2 – Comparative Assessment for toxics 2-1- Building Dose-Effect relation for toxics 2-1-1 Context The use of the HC50 appears to be a good basis for comparative assessment purpose but this indicator can be calculated in different manners. Examples of application of the HC50 for multiple stressor assessment are mainly from Life Cycle Assessment. In EcoIndicator (Goedkoop et al. 2000), the HC50 is used as a basis for the assessment of the multiple substance impact on ecosystem. In that case, the HC50 is based on the geometric mean of NOECs ecotoxicity data (No Observed Effect Concentration). No limits are provided for the calculation of the HC50 in terms of minimum data requirement (HC50 can eventually be based on one NOEC only, and generic conservative extrapolation factors are provided for assessing chronic endpoint on the basis of acute data). Therefore the HC50 was transformed in an effect factor by modeling a typical dose-effect relationship considering mixture of chemicals in the media on a concentration additive basis, and estimating the effect proportional at the slope at the tangent to the curve for a given level of species affected in the ecosystem (considering 24% of affected species in aquatic ecosystems). It was the first time that an “Effect oriented” approach was preferred to a “Stressor based” approach typically used in Ecological Risk Assessment (EcoRA) strengthening the ecological realism of the multiple stressor assessment. At the same time the method was impaired by the use of a dose-effect relation disconnected from the actual response of the ecosystems. Observation in the field indicates very different effects can occur from the same change in concentration of stressor, this is not revealed with tangential measure point on a smoothed dose effect curve. An estimate of the impact for at a working point is therefore limited by a very large uncertainty, that is not the case for an average estimate of the impact. An alternative is proposed calculating HC50s on the basis of the median of at least 5 chronic EC50s. The frequency of non log-normal distribution of ecotoxicity data was argued for the selection of the median as the most relevant statistical estimator and a method for assessing the confidence interval on the median was proposed. No extrapolation factor was provided for the calculation of chronic indicator on the basis of acute toxicity data. Effect factors were derived from the indicator assuming a simple linear dose-effect relation form the median down to 0, and surprisingly the median appears to be a stable indicator in spite of its breakdown point property. Nevertheless, the minimum requirement of 5 chronic EC50s per substance and the lack of acute-to-chronic extrapolation factors were reducing drastically the number of substances covered, and the environmental relevance of a confidence interval based on bootstrap was disputable, since it looks sometimes underestimated. A review of methods were analyzing the relative influence of the dose-effect relationship and the mixture models comparing concentration addition and response addition in a multiple species assessment (Pennington et al. 2004). It was concluded that the HC50s based on the EC50s with a mixture model based on concentration additive response was more relevant for comparative assessment. This article intend to propose a method enabling the derivation of reliable effect factors for Comparative risk assessment of multiple stressors, on the basis of aquatic toxicity data for large scale assessment (regional, continental). Different alternatives are explored, especially concerning the selection input ecotoxicity data; the choice of the statistical estimator, its uncertainty, and its applicability to small dataset; the feasibility of an extrapolation procedure for using acute toxicity database for assessing chronic endpoint in a comparative way. Also, the issue of the best model assumption for the derivation of effect factors on the basis of the HC50, and the associating environmental relevance is discussed, in line with the review paper that highlight the need of this analysis. 2-1-2-Ecotoxicological measures Numerous tests results can be used for ecological risk assessment, the most common being the EC50, the NOEC (No Observed Effect Concentration) and the LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration). Several criticisms of the NOEC pointed out that the result is strongly dependent on the experimental design (Laskowski 1995; OECD 1998). Depending on whether the number of concentrations tested is high or low, the NOEC value - the highest concentration at which no effects are observed - may vary. The same remark can be applied to the LOEC (Lowest Observed Effect Concentration) - the lowest concentration at which effect occurs. EC5s and EC10s are less dependent on environmental design than the NOEC, but these effect levels cannot generally be distinguished from the test control, and these measurements are therefore below the level of observable effect in many cases (Isnard et al. 2001). Consequently, these data are mostly estimated via extrapolation and not confirmed experimentally. Basing the effect indicator on acute or chronic EC50 data has a number of advantages in a comparative approach: For most ecotoxicological studies, EC50 modeling result in an interpolation of the EC50 level among concentrations tested. Consequently, the doseeffect ratio presents minimum variability at the 50% or mean effects level or close to that level of effect (Forbes and Forbes 1993; Riviere 1998). In terms of data availability the EC50 value is the most frequently reported ecotoxicological endpoint for vertebrates, invertebrates and plants. Considering the biggest existing databases available (EU-Commission 2000; US-EPA 2001) representing more than 115,000 tests results in acute toxicity testing and nearly 18,000 tests concerning chronic toxicity, 90% and 50% are EC50s data respectively for acute and chronic toxicity data. Furthermore, in Comparative Risk Assessment, it is relevant to explicitly link an impact like ecotoxicity to the damage it causes to exposed ecosystems, to enable integration with other stressors. The link with different damage can be established through measuring the reduction in biodiversity (e.g. quantification of disappeared species) for example but this link is more likely to be established on the basis of the quantification of an effect, for example linking an ECx value and a probability of disappearance (Tanaka and Nakanishi 2000). On the contrary, it is more difficult to relate reduction in biodiversity to an endpoint based on a no-effect level like the NOEC. 2-1-3-Statistical principles for calculating the HC50s Selection of the statistical estimator: For comparative assessment, a stable and robust indicator is required. As stable, we mean that the indicator should not vary considerably with the inclusion of new data. For example, an indicator based on the most sensitive species can vary by several orders of magnitude, depending on whether a very sensitive species is included in the database, 2/42 giving unstable indicator. In terms of robustness, the indicator must be least sensitive to deviation from statistical assumptions like assumption on the type of distribution (Normal, Logistique, triangular). The HC50EC50 can be calculated on the basis of the mean, the median and the geometric mean of EC50 test results. The mean of the EC50 is not relevant in this framework since most of the data are log-normally distributed and the mean is therefore strongly influenced by the highest EC50s. The use of the median has been explored (Payet and Jolliet 2004), but this is a breakdown point estimator sensitive to multi-modal distributions. Since EC50s generally fit a log-normal distribution, the geometric mean appears the most appropriate statistical estimator of the HC50EC50. Furthermore, even in the case of multi-modal distribution, this estimator is the most robust, being close to the mode of the distribution. Furthermore, compared to the median, the use of the geometric mean also facilitate the use of extrapolation procedures for estimating a chronic average response of species on the basis of acute toxicity data. Calculation of uncertainties and confidence intervals Beyond the choice of the most relevant indicator, the framework of comparative risk assessment requires to quantify its uncertainty. Two methods have been explored for the assessment of a Confidence Interval on the HC50EC50. A non-parametric estimate of the Confidence Interval (CI) around the geometric median using bootstrapping has first been explored (Payet and Jolliet 2004), and an alternative based on the geometric mean and a CI based on Student have been tested. Both methods quantify the 95% CI of the mean (or median), and in both cases, the size of the CI decreases when the number of data increases. Nevertheless, there is no distribution assumption for the CI based on a non-parametric estimate while those based on Student is subject to the assumption of a log-normal distribution of EC50s. Secondly, the asymmetric non-parametric CI is strongly influenced by the very sensitive species, while the Student-based CI is less sensitive to outliers due to its symmetric nature. Furthermore, the Student-based CI can be calculated with three EC50s only, while the non-parametric CI based on bootstrap needs at least 5 data (unless we make an assumption concerning tail distribution). On these considerations, the CI based on Student seems relevant for small samples or when EC50 data are log-normally distributed. It should also be noticed that the confidence interval based on student decreases with increasing number of EC50s used for the calculation of the HC50. This property of the CI calculation provides the opportunity to reduce the CI by inclusion of new data, improving thus the quality of the assessment. Nevertheless, for large EC50s dataset, the CI around the geometric mean is small, indicating a good confidence on the median value but at the same time sensitive phyla can be exclude from the confidence interval. In that situation, the average sensitivity of the most sensitive phyla can sometimes be regarded as the lower limit of the Confidence Interval. Management of small datasets In terms of data availability, the trade-off between low data requirements and a reliable indicator is an important issue. A method for comparative risk assessment needs a large coverage of existing substances but at the same there is a limited amount of data available and a great variability between data for both acute and chronic effects. The minimum data requirement needed for the calculation of stable HC50s has been explored. Two components have to be considered in the definition of the minimum dataset. The minimum number of EC50s required, but also a minimum representation of biodiversity to ensure that the variability in the species response corresponds to the biological 3/42 variability. Indeed, the statistical estimator must represent an average response of species. The phyla level was selected as the most relevant taxonomic level for ensuring a good representation of the biological variability. In order to check the reliability of HC50EC50 based on small dataset (1, 2 or 3 to 5 phyla), we have compared in HC50EC50 values based on 1 to 5 phyla from small European and US databases (Mayer and Ellersieck 1986; EU-Commission 2000; ECETOC 2002) with a reference HC50EC50s based on a large database (maximum number of phyla available) (US-EPA 2004). Result of the comparison indicates a correlation between HC50EC50s based on small dataset and the reference HC50EC50s (Pvalue<0.05 in all cases). Nevertheless, R2 of 0.56, 0,86 and 0.95 for 1, 2 and 3-5 phyla respectively indicates that the spread of points can be quite large even if the correlation at 95% is effective. We have therefore compared, for each substance, the CI interval of the HC50 for 1, 2 and 3 to 5 phyla with the reference HC50. HC50 based on 1 or 2 phyla appear to be a bad predictor of the reference HC50, this value being sometimes excluded from the confidence interval, while confidence interval of HC50s based on 3 phyla or more always include the reference HC50. Extrapolation procedures In spite of the possibility to work with small datasets, we are often confronted to the lack of sufficient chronic data. In that case, the calculation of chronic HC50EC50s can be based on acute data extrapolating a chronic HC50EC50 on the basis of acute toxicity data. In ecological risk assessment, this sort of extrapolation is typically based on conservative extrapolation factors, while comparative assessment need best-estimate extrapolation factors in order to avoid bias in chronic HC50s. We have therefore developed a set of best-estimate extrapolation factors (Payet 2004), giving acute-chronic ratios (ACR) for three groups of substances, i.e. organics non-pesticides, inorganics, and pesticides organics. For each substance group, three values are provided, the ACR for the lower bound and the upper bound of the HC50s’ confidence limit and for the HC50. For Organics, inorganics and pesticides, ACR are respectively 1.9, 2.8 and 2.2 for the HC50; 4.2, 7.4 and 6.1 for their lower bound; and 0.8, 1.1 and 0.8 for their upper bound. These ACR are valid for most of the substances excepted for substances from the family of the carbamates and organotins. Furthermore, in some cases, NOEC or LOEC are available while EC50s are missing. In that case, best estimate extrapolation factors are also provided for estimating EC50 on the basis of LOECs or NOECs (Payet 2004). For extrapolating from a NOEC to an EC50, factor is 3.3 for acute exposure and 4.8 for chronic; for extrapolating from a LOEC to an EC50, the factor is 2.1 both for acute and chronic exposure. 2-1-4- Calculation of Effect Factor After calculating the HC50 (Hazardous concentration affecting 50% of the species over a given threshold) as the indicator of potential harmful effects of a substance, the Effect Factor (EF) is derived expressing the intensity of the effect of a given substance on the freshwater media. The effect factor can be view as a relation between the change in concentration of toxics in the media and an expected change in biodiversity. This relationship is based on an average linear model (HC50EC50 down to 0), which is the most common model when no assumption can be made concerning curve shape (Udo de Haes et al. 2003; Pennington et al. 2004). The following equation is used for calculation of the Effect Factor based on the acute or chronic HC50EC50 : 4/42 EF PAF 0.5 C HC 50 EC 50 (Eq 2-1) Where EF is the change in the Potentially Affected Fraction of species that experiences an Increase in stress for a change in contaminant concentration [m3 kg-1], C is the Exposure concentration [kg m-3], HC50EC50 is the geometric mean of the hazardous concentration affecting 50% of the species tested above their EC50, and PAF is the Potentially Affected Fraction of species due to exposure to the chemical for which an EF is derived. The Effect Factor, which is defined by the slope of the HC50 down to 0 has the following properties: (i) it increases with greater toxicity (lower HC50EC50); (ii) it can be interpreted as the change in PAF due to a unit increase in concentration. 2-1-5-Ecological realism Comparative Risk (or Impact) Assessment method differs fundamentally from current Ecological Risk Assessment for substance regulation. Even the bases of the methods are different. On the one hand Comparative Risk Assessment method intend to calculate a best-estimate of the potential impact associated to a given stressor that is added to the overall burden on the ecosystems, thus considered as an Effect-based method. On the other hand, Ecological Risk Assessment method for chemical regulation intends to define threshold of effects considering each stressor separately as a stressor-based method. This fundamental difference will conditioned the ecological realism of the Comparative Risk Assessment method. Indeed, stressor never occurs alone in ecosystems, and aquatic ecosystems can be viewed as a complex mixture of substances and stressors where each increase or decrease of stressor can be considered as a marginal change in the overall burden on the ecosystem. Nevertheless, for large scale (regional, continental) risk assessment, the media conditions and the structure of the biodiversity per ecosystems can vary greatly, and therefore detailed dose-effect curves cannot be modeled. In such a variable situation, the best estimate of all the possible marginal slope of effect is the average linear slope of effect from the HC50 down to 0. The second important issue concerning ecological realism is the coherence between an indicator based on laboratory species and the wildlife present in aquatic ecosystem. The representative of the HC50 regarding wildlife is questionable but at the same time, most of the variability of the toxic response is driven by the substances and not the species (Vaal et al. 1997). Therefore, the minimum requirement of three species from three different phyla ensures a minimum biological variability of organisms’ response to ensure that the HC50s has a minimum representative of the species response. The question related to the effect modeling of multiples substances has also been covered in this approach. Practically, the calculation rule of the HC50 based on the average estimate of the toxicity and the sum of the potential toxicity of each substance to express the overall PAF corresponds to a concentration additive mixture model under the assumption of no-interaction between substances. This model gives better results that response additive modeling for complex mixture that is the case in the field studies. Nevertheless, such consideration remains quite theoretical and the most efficient way to ensure ecological realism is to make a validation of the effect model on the basis of monitoring data of toxics impacts on species. Thus, the comparison between the predicted change in biodiversity using effect factors derived from HC50s and the observed change in biodiversity considering a given endpoint is the best way to validate and to calibrate the proposed effect factors. 5/42 2-2- Field validation of the dose effect relation for toxic 2-2-1- Materials and Methods Chemo-physical properties and pesticides loads data of four Swiss rivers are from the SESA (Service des eaux, sols et assainissement), an organization of the Department of the Environmental Safety of the Vaud Canton. Boiron de Morges, Morges, Orbe and Talent are the Swiss streams studied; all of these are located in the Vaud region, around the Geneva lake, at an average height of 500 meters. These are small streams with a maximum wide of 5 meters. Data have been analyzed with the Statistica 6.0 software. Specifically, these data allows to test the quality of the relationship established between concentration and damage factor for phosphates and pesticides, based on community structure parameters, such as sensitive taxa and IBGN.. Pesticide monitoring Atrazine, Caffeine, Carbendanzime, Carbofuran, Diuron, Isoproturon, Linuron, Metamitron, Metlachlor, Simazine and Therbuthylazine, the most common-used pesticides in agriculture, were analyzed. Most of them are herbicides, except Carbendazime, which is an insecticide, and Carbofuran, that is a fungicide. Caffeine is also presented in this list even if it is no currently used as a pesticide. Nevertheless, this substance is potentially toxic and often observed in streams. In all the investigated rivers, measurements have been collected for all seasons from 1998 to 2003. Sample stations were located from upstream to downstream, to have a complete view of the river gradients. Biodiversity indicator Macroinvertebrate community structure was measured by the biotic index IBGN. The IBGN is a standardized procedure (AFNOR, December 1992). It is found on the Global Biological Index, which constitutes a synthetic information of the attitude of a river to develop its benthos community, and it permits to classify objectively the water quality of natural and modified hydrological systems. This index is based on the reduction of taxonomic richness of macro invertebrates community characteristic of clean water and on the progressive decrease in specific sensitive species (AFNOR 1992). The index value is calculated on a matrix with the nine sensitive species on the one hand and the 14 classes of taxonomic richness on the other hand to have finally as result the value associated to a specific river. The value scale goes from 1 to 20, with the highest quality at the maximum value of the scale. The selected sensitive species are the ones which have showed a good correlation with water quality, taking account pollution parameters, especially organic enrichment (GREBE 1992). Macroinvertebrate samples were collected from spring to autumn seasons, during 1998 to 2003, coinciding with the use of chemicals and pesticides. The HC50EC50 for the Comparative Risk Assessment of pesticides The HC50EC50 is a method enabling the comparison of impacts of toxic substances (Payet 2004), implemented in the IMPACT 2002 model for LCIA (Jolliet et al. 2003). It intends to provide a quantitative measure of toxicological impact on aquatic ecosystem. 6/42 The HC50EC50 is the geometric mean of the EC50 (Effect Concentration affecting 50% of tested individuals), that is specifically developed for the comparative assessment of aquatic toxicity of substances.The objective is to calculate the Effect Factor (EF), which quantifies the environmental impact due to the mass of a substance presents in the fresh water. Equation for the calculation of the Effect factors for toxics is presented in paragraph 2-1-4. The PAF, expressed in percentage, can be calculated and used as a potential impact for a specific substance at a specific concentration, as a basis for an Comparative Risk Assessment. The EC50 of pesticides, used to calculate the HC50, originates from laboratory testing and expresses the direct effect of the substance’s toxicity on, at least, three different taxa. The reference concentration is considered as the concentration in which the community does not have to bear any damage or stress, and obviously the one of pesticides in all the rivers is zero. 2-2-2- Results In Table 2-1 the HC50 values of the eleven considered pesticides are listed. Carbendazime and Terbuthylazine, respectively with an HC50 value of 2,63E-02 mg/L and 5,63E-02 mg/L, appear to be the most toxic substances in aquatic ecosystem. Table 2-1. HC50 of 11 different pesticides. Atrazine Caffeine Carbendazime Carbofuran Diuron Isoproturon Linuron Metamitron Metolachlor Simazine Terbuthylazine HC50 mg/l 3,06E-01 3,44E+01 2,63E-02 1,74E-01 3,25E-01 1,67E-01 1,34E-01 1,88E+01 3,98E-01 3,44E-01 5,63E-02 Comparing the expected impact (multiplying the measured concentration in streams with the Effect Factor value) with the observed biodiversity of benthic macroinvertabrates on the basis of the IBGN, we observed a relation between the predicted value and the observed biodiversity concerning the impact assessment of pesticides (r=-0,58, p<0.005, n=64). Observing the distribution of PAF vs IBGN, as the pesticides concentration and so the correspondent damage factor increased, the biodiversity tended to decrease, showing that the aquatic community of these rivers were sustaining a pression due to pesticides Figure 2-1. 7/42 Vaud rivers 16 PAF:IBGN: r2 = 0,3407; r = -0,5837, p = 0,0000004; y = 9,95615443 - 645,371876*x 14 12 IBGN 10 8 6 4 2 -0,002 0,000 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,010 0,012 PAF Figure 2-1. Relationship between IBGN with total PAF of pesticides in the Vaud rivers. The correlation between the IBGN and the total fraction of affected species presents a R2 of 0.34. 8/42 7,00E-03 Bois Billens 6,00E-03 Tolochenaz 5,00E-03 P 4,00E-03 AF 3,00E-03 Fontaine-du-Chasseur 2,00E-03 PAFLinuron PAFIsoproturon PAFDiuron PAFCarbofuran PAFCarbendazime PAFCafféine PAF Atrazine Mo uli n de Vill ars 1,00E-03 0,00E+00 PAFTerbuthylazine PAFsimazine PAFMetolachlor PAFMetamitron 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 20 20 20 98 99 00 01 02 03 98 99 00 01 02 03 98 99 00 01 02 03 year Figure 2-2: PAF of pesticides in Boiron de Morges. Figure 2-2 shows a spatial trend, with increasing concentrations when moving from upstream to downstream stations. In fact environmental conditions at any point in a stream are continuously influenced by condition at the upstream points, so in the last stations an increasing amount of substances is observed coming from upstream sites and due to crop fields and waste water outputs of cities. According to the previous results on pesticides in water and in an attempt to assess the relative influence of each pesticides on biodiversity in Vaud streams system, a more detailed analysis is performed. This analysis indicates that only 4 herbicides, i.e.: Atrazine, Isoproturon, Simazine and Terbuthylazine drive most of the impact. During some years the sum of concentrations of these only four pesticides represented the 90% of the total amount of chemicals in water. 9/42 100 90 partial concentration (%) 80 70 60 Partial [Terbut] 50 Partial [Simaz] 40 Partial [Isopr] Partial [Atraz] 30 20 10 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 2000 1999 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2000 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 0 years Figure 2-3. Partial concentration of the four pesticides (Atrazine, Isoproturon, Simazine and Terbuthylazine) in Vaud rivers. Then among these selected pesticides, a stepwise multiple regression analysis was also carried out. IBGN was resulted to be significant related to concentration of Atrazine and Isoproturon, explaining 35% of the variation of the biotic index. 2-2-3- Discussion Biotic indexes based on macro-invertebrates, as IBGN, are nowadays very often used as a tool to assess rivers quality (Brodersen et al. 1998; Roy et al. 2003; Ndaruga et al. 2004; Maloney and Feminella 2005): This group of animals constitutes an important component of the biotic community in lotic system , is widely dispersed and of has a very short reproductive time. In addition the structure and the diversity of macroinvertebrate community reflect changes in rivers caused by natural and anthropogenic events (Hauer and Lamberti 1996). We found that IBGN responded to the damage rate caused by herbicides. This is surprising since IBGN covers numerous species of macroinvertabrates but does not considered algae or macrophytes, and we can observed an impact of herbicides on macroinvertabrates even at low concentration of substances. This can be due to indirect effect but in all cases, it suggests that substances do not only act on organisms directly sensitive to their expected mode of action (in our case photosynthetic inhibitors). The second surprising observation is that even if we can observe a linear relation between the predicted PAF and the observed changes in biodiversity, highlighting the environnemental relevance of the model, the amplitude of this change is much higher than expected. Indeed, IBGN shift for 14 (good river) to 4 (bad river) on a scale for 0 to 20 (Change of 50% in term of disappeared species). At the same time, the PAF shift from 0 to 0.012, indicating a change of 1.2% of increase of the affected species. In spite of the linear relation, this change indicates clearly an underestimation of the prediction of affected species. Assuming that the observed shift n IBGN represent a change of 50% 10/42 of the biodiversity, we can consider that the HC50 calculation underestimate the impact on species by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude. This could be explain by for causes: (i) it is possible that additional substances are present in the streams but not measured, leading to an underestimation of the PAF. In this case, the considered pesticides would constitute indicators of the overall contamination to which they are correlated; (ii) It is possible that IBGN is based on unlinear relationship with biodiversity, indicating a big shift in the note for the early small changes in biodiversity structure; (iii) it is also possible that unexpected synergies between substances occurs in the media between substances that are present at the same time in the stream. This assumption looks relevant since synergism between atrazine and organophosphate have been reported in the literature, explaining increase in toxicity of atrazine up to three orders of magnitude (PapeLindstrom and Lydy 1997; DeLorenzo and Serrano 2003; Anderson and Zhu 2004). Therefore, the current HC50 approach based on the assumption of a concentration additive mixture model under the assumption of no interaction between chemicals would not be adapted; (iv) synergies could also occur between species disappearing, meaning that a few additional disappeared species could indeed lead to large changes in biodiversity due to species interdependency. The third observation that can be noticed is related to the quality of the relation between the predicted and the observed biodiversity. We can observe a large spread of points in the left part of Figure 2-1 while points are more gathered on the right part of the figure. This is a typical distribution of multiple stressor situation, and in that case, it is suggested not to use the slope of the linear regression as the slope of effect but to use the slope of the Maximum Species Richness Line (MSRL) (Brooks and Novotny 2005; Novotny et al. 2005) that would suggest a stronger effect of pesticides on biodiversity. Based on the observations, atrazine and terbuthylazine imposed the highest pression on aquatic ecosystem. It is well known that the s-triazine compounds, which comprises Atrazine and Terbuthylazine, are usually termed recalcitrant, and especially the first one, due to its asymmetric substituent groups, is particularly resistant to biodegradation (Varghaa et al. 2005). These two chemicals are furthermore herbicides which affects the photosynthetic electronic transport, inhibiting the algal growth in aquatic environment (Eullaffroy and Vernet 2003), the primary level of the food web. In addition Atrazine even at low exposure concentrations (5µg l-1) affected significantly aquatic organisms (Steinbergi et al. 1995). 2-3- Conclusion The method presented here for calculating the HC50s enables the assessment of numerous substances with an indicator based on several species, and providing a Confidence Interval on the Effect Factor. The method avoids most of the bias due to a conservative approach. The key features of the HC50 calculation presented in this article are the following: (i) Chronic EC50s are preferred for calculating HC50s, but if only NOEC or LOECs are available, EC50s can be extrapolated using best estimate factors; (ii) HC50s are based on the geometric mean of the species response with a confidence interval based on Student; (iii) Input data can be reduced down to a minimum of 3 phyla, and if chronic data can not be found, best estimate ratio can be used for assessing chronic HC50s using acute toxicity data; (iv) a linear average model have been retained for deriving effect 11/42 factors on the basis of the HC50s, providing a useful assessment basis in an “Effectoriented” method, and enabling the expression of the results in terms of change in biodiversity for a given change in concentration of toxics in the media. All the key features listed above for the calculation of HC50s trend to strengthen theimpact assessment of toxics in multiple stressor assessment. Nevertheless, some limitations remain especially concerning (i) A distinction between freshwater and marine ecosystems is necessary for a better estimate of the impact; (ii) An improvement of the consideration of the bio-availability of metals, as currently, HC50s for metals and metalloids are based on an average estimate of metal toxicity disregarding environmental parameters; (iii) current method is developed for regional or continental scale assessment, in the future, effect factors should be also adapted to the environmental conditions of local ecosystems, providing opportunities of applying the method to ecosystems management issue. In spite of these limitations, the method presented here provides a basis for the derivation of dose-effect relation for toxics in an effect-based approach for Comparative risk (or impact) assessment. At this time, dose-effect relations have been calculated for nearly than 1500 substances, and are expressed as Effect Factors calculated on the basis of the HC50EC50s. Furthermore, similar indicator is used for Life Cycle Assessment enabling synergies between Comparative Risk Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment. Furthermore, this new method for assessing potential impacts on aquatic ecosystems enables substance ranking and substance prioritization for evaluation at large scale. 12/42 3 – Quantifying effects of eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems 3-1- context Eutrophication is a major stressor affecting freshwater ecosystem biodiversity, but its relative importance compared to other stressors cannot be easily estimated. Instead of considering all stressors separately, a screening method that assesses the relative biodiversity impairment due eutrophication among other stressors is necessary. The purpose of this section is to develop a freshwater damage model that enables impact assessment of eutrophying substances in terms of fraction of damaged biodiversity, thereby enabling a comparison between this stressor and other methods of assessing the impacts of toxic substances. The impact of eutrophication depends on the substances considered, their concentration in water, and their potential adverse effects on biodiversity. Phosphorus and nitrogen are the basic nutrients that regulate plant growth. Nevertheless, phosphorus is considered to be a limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems while nitrogen mainly plays that role in coastal and marine waters (Barroin 2003; Norris 2003; Paerl et al. 2004; Seppälä et al. 2004). As N concentration in freshwater is relatively more abundant than P and it is more available due to atmospheric fixation by algae, only P limits plant growth (Barroin 2003). Organic matter also plays a role in eutrophication, especially in rivers and streams (Spellman 1996). The dynamics of different types of freshwater ecosystems cover a large diversity of ecological conditions but can be restricted to lotic (rivers) and lentic (lakes) ecosystems. Lotic ecosystems are characterized by continuously running water, and consequently low residence times of water and substances and an abundant reoxygenation. Lentic systems have a higher residence time for both water and pollutants, and are more exposed to other processes such as sedimentation or release of substances from benthic sediments than lotic ecosystems. Several other factors influence these processes including temperature, turbulence or bioturbation, dissolved oxygen concentration, calcium concentration and sediment concentrations of aluminium, manganese, particulate organic carbon, and iron (Melack 1995). Models have been developed to estimate the magnitude of these processes in a simplified way (Vollenweider 1975). 3-2- Databases and methods The responses of living species to eutrophication depends on different key parameters related to the receptor medium (freshwater ecosystem) and the sensitivity of the organisms present. The background nutrient level is a key aspect of the media sensitivity. Three sorts of freshwater ecosystems can be distinguished on the basis of their eutrophication level: oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic; in ascending order depending on the magnitude of their phosphate concentration (Tachet 2000). A second distinction is based on the load of organic matter. Four levels are identified on the basis of the saproby level: oligosaproby, andmesosaproby and eusaproby (Sládecek 1973). Discharge is the other key environmental parameter since it determines the residence time of substances in freshwater ecosystems. Lotic and lentic ecosystems are 13/42 separated in the database, mainly because the relative importance of eutrophying substances depends on the residence time of water. Compared to organic matter that is readily biodegradable, the persistence of phosphorus tends to give it a higher relative impact in lentic than in lotic water. The species sensitivity changes between eutrophication levels, and different freshwater ecosystems have different original species composition. Calculation of potential effects as the Fraction of Affected Species (PAF) and as Fraction of Disappeared species (PDF) for a change in concentration of eutrophying substances is based on the two ecological qualitative databases presented above (Sládecek 1973; Tachet 2000) and propose specific profiles for each studied taxa depending on ecological variables. Tachet’s database covers 22 variables concerning organisms (such as age, feeding method) and media (type of water, pH, etc.) using levels of affinity (the probability of occurrence of a species in a given media) for eutrophication levels for the 472 different species studied. The 4 (occasionally 6) levels of affinity can be translated into a frequency of apparition. The database is composed of the aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity found in French freshwaters. Sládecek’s (réf. biblio) database is based on the same principle but only provides biodiversity measures for saprobity using all freshwater taxa existing in Czech. Considering the different media conditions and the corresponding species sensitivity, different dose-effect relationships express the link between a change in pollutants concentration and the corresponding effect on ecosystems . We calculate effect factors following Equation 1. The effect factor expresses the intensity of effect for a given change in concentration of the pollutant in the aquatic media. PAF C PDF C EFPAF Eq. 3-1 EFPDF Eq. 3-2 Where PAF (no unit) is the change in fraction of affected species or PDF the change in fraction of disappeared species; C (kg.m-3) is the change in pollutant concentration and EF (Effect Factor) in corresponds to the number of cubic meters of water that is polluted with 1 kg of emission. Effect factors assume a linear relationship between the change in concentration of substances in freshwater, and the change in effect (the fraction of species affected); therefore, the intensity of effect is directly related to the change in concentration. The unit of Effect Factors, i.e. expresses the number of cubic meters of water necessary in order to dilute 1 kg of eutrophying substance considering that all species are affected. As is the case with to toxic substances, this linear relationship is only expected to be valid for a small change in concentration that affets between 20 to 50% of the species present in the freshwater ecosystems. This percentages of affected species corresponds to typical values found in freshwater ecosystems. 3-3- Building Dose-Effect relations for freshwater ecosystems The selection of eutrophying substances is based on their potential effect on freshwater ecosystems. Phosphorus is considered to be a limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems while nitrogen is not (Barroin 2003). Organic matter degradation and the associated oxygen depletion can also produce eutrophication. Aerobic decomposition of 14/42 organic matter by bacteria can reduce dissolved oxygen concentration in water and have harmful effects on the aquatic fauna (Spellman 1996). The amount of substances in water that can lead to a decrease in dissolved oxygen are expressed as the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) or Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), corresponding to the amount of oxygen that is necessary to degrade these organic matter or chemical substances. While related in terms of consequences, indicators for phosphorus concentration and increases in COD/BOD reflect different cause–effect relationships than indicators for nutrient enrichment (Pennington et al. 2004) and hence, eutrophication and saprobity are considered separately and are related to differences of concentration of phosphate and measured BOD. We distinguished between oligotrophic and mesotrophic ecosystems (with a low or a high load of nutrients) among the three levels proposed by Tachet (réf. biblio). Similarly, two background levels of saprobity are used for the model: oligosaprobic and β-mesosaprobic, among the 4 levels proposed by Tachet based on Sladecek’s work (réf. biblio). Each level of eutrophication and saprobity is defined with a median concentration and a range of variability calculated as follows. Table 3-1: Median and range values for three eutrophication categories (µg.L-1 of totalP). Ecosystem River Oligotrophic Cmedian Cmin-Cmax 50 0-100 Mesotrophic Cmedian Cmin-Cmax 175 100-250 Eutrophic Cmedian 625 Cmin-Cmax 250-1000 Lake 8 27.7 67.5 35-100 4-10 10-35 As presented in Table 3-1 for lakes, OECD’s Cooperative Program on Eutrophication (Vollenweider 1982) proposes total phosphorus concentration for each eutrophication state. Other classifications have been proposed (SEPA 1994) but limits between categories are rather similar. These values are not valid for rivers and streams because ecosystems dynamics must also be taken into account. As explained by different authors (Dodds et al. 1998; Capblancq 2002), there is not an existing criterion that characterizes the eutrophication level in running waters. One of the reasons is that production is rarely limited by nutrients and hydraulic parameters (such as the flow and residence time of water) play an important role in these ecosystems (Capblancq 2002). As a result, concentration boundaries will be higher than in lakes, and boundaries proposed by Dodds and colleagues (Dodds et al. 1998) are not used in this work. Table 3-1 presents the classification proposed for the calculation of the dose-effect relationships in running waters. It is based on values concerning the Rhone watershed (Rankin 1999). The range of variability of DBO concentration for saprobity for rivers and lakes is taken from values proposed by Sládecek (Sládecek 1973) and is presented in Table 3-2. Table 3-2: Median and range values for saprobic categories (DOB5 in mg.L-1 of O2). Ecosystem River and lake Oligosaprobic β-mesosaprobic -mesosaprobic Cmedian Cmin-Cmax Cmedian Cmin-Cmax Cmedian Cmin-Cmax 1.75 1-2.5 3.75 2.5-5 7.5 5-10 15/42 Since different species are present in lakes and rivers, different fractions are calculated for each kind of ecosystem on the basis of the affinity of each species to different kind of ecosystem (river, lake, temporary waters, etc.). In order to calculate the potential effect of eutrophying substances, we studied the difference of affinity of each species present in one level when passing from that level to the consecutive more polluted level. Using each category, the total of species present in each level was calculated and then compared to the consecutive more polluted level. Table 3-3 presents the results distinguishing 3 group of species; (i) species that disappear when going through the next level, this group is use for calculating the PDF; (ii) other species affected if the probability of occurrence of the species is reduced, included those which disappear (as logically, disappeared species are affected, the total PAF results in the addition of disappeared species and affected species, hence PAF will always be higher than PDF); (iii) species that remain unaffected or increase their affinity with a higher level, and species that are only present in the more polluted level, not accounted for in the calculation as we consider that species are not interchangeable. Table 3-3: Number of species per media type and fraction of affected and disappeared species based on Tachets’ (réf. biblio) database. (NSp: Total number of species; NSpa and NSpd: Number of species affected or disappeared passing from one level to the next highest level). Eutrophication level Oligotrophic Mesotrophic NSp NSpa NSpd NSp NSpa NSpd River 290 139 75 319 217 121 Lake 227 83 41 297 177 86 Saprobic level Oligosaprobic mesosaprobic NSp NSpa NSpd NSp NSpa NSpd River 287 103 49 319 254 107 Lake 234 61 25 305 217 72 Practically, the calculation of the Effect Factor based on the fraction of affected species for mesotrophic level is described in Equation 2. NSpai NSpdi NSpi EFPAF,i Eq 3 Cmedian i 1 Cmedian i EFPDF,i NSpdi NSpi Cmedian i 1 Cmedian i Eq 4 Where EFPAF,i is the Effect factor at the eutrophying level i in (; NSpai and NSpdi are respectively the number of species affected or disappeared when passing from the eutrophying level i to the higher level i+1; NSpi expresses the total number of species considered at the eutrophying level i; [Cmedian]i+1-[Cmedian]i expresses the change 16/42 in average concentration of eutrophying substances in the ecosystem when passing from the eutrophying level i to the level i+1, Cmedian refers to the values presented in Table 31 for eutrophying levels and Table 3-2 for saprobity level. One major difference between the effect part of this does-effect relationship when compared to those of toxic substances is that (NSpa+NSpd)/NSp, and NSpd/NSp express respectively the fraction of species actually affected or disappeared from the ecosystem based on field observations, whereas with toxic substances is based on ecotoxicological test. For the development of dose-effect relationships, all substances containing phosphorus and organic matter are considered. Substances containing phosphorus are expressed as PO4 equivalent (depending of the fraction of phosphorus per molecular weight). As values presented in Table 3-1 are expressed in total phosphorus, the relationship to convert total phosphorus into phosphates is based on molar masses. Organic matter is expressed in terms of DBO. Potential influence of chemicals in eutrophication process is also considered through the DCO. Table 3-4 presents Effect Factors for different media conditions, highest values indicating highest potential impacts. Table 3-4. Effect factors per phosphate and BOD for 4 types of ecosystem expressed in ( River Lake Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Oligotrophic Mesotrophic EFPAF EFPDF EFPAF EFPDF EFPAF EFPDF EFPAF EFPDF PO4 in water 1.3E+03 6.8E+02 4.9E+02 2.8E+02 6.1E+03 3.0E+03 4.9E+03 2.4E+03 BOD in water 1.8E+02 8.5E+01 2.1E+02 8.9E+01 1.3E+02 5.3E+01 1.9E+02 6.3E+01 3-4-Field validation of dose-effect relation for eutrophication While the first part of the article has described how Effect Factors are calculated, this section aims at applying parameters found in a “real world” example in order to ensure their validity. Actual field data used for the comparison are from Agence de l'Eau RhôneMéditerranée et Corse ( This database has gathered water quality data from about 400 locations in the Rhone watershed for nearly 6 years. Two sorts of data have been used from this database. (i) Physicochemical data indicating the concentration in phosphate in water and the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) as an indicator of the fraction of nutrients present at the measuring point. (ii) The most sensitive taxa observed at the point of measure have been extracted from the database, and are used as an indicator of biodiversity. The most sensitive taxa is one of the two components (with the species richness) of the biotic index IBGN (Standardized Global Biotic Index) (AFNOR 1992). For the IBGN, taxa are ranked in terms of sensitivity and a value between 1 and 9 is attributed to each taxon on the basis of its sensitivity, from the least sensitive to the most sensitive. It should also be noted that there are restrictions concerning the use of the IBGN as an indicator for quantifying biodiversity. The indicator is usually restricted to freshwater streams with a limited width (theoretically no more than 10 meters); however, in certain hydraulic conditions this indicator can be valid even for large rivers (Verneaux et al. 17/42 1982; Cellot 1987; AFNOR 1992). Bearing this in mind, we use a prediction based on effect factors related to river for the comparison. Therefore the validation only applies for effect factors related to rivers corresponding to a mesotrophic eutrophying level. In order to ensure the applicability of the comparison, we used only data where the biological and the physico-chemical sampling were carried out with three or less days of difference between biological and chemical sampling for each location, corresponding to a total of 223 samples for the regression concerning phosphates and 212 for the regression concerning BOD. Scatter plots presented in Figure 2-1 for phosphate and Figure 2-2 for BOD are typical of multiple stressor assessments. This model is similar to a concept originally proposed by Fausch and colleagues (Fausch et al. 1984), the Maximum Species Richness (MSR). MSR recognizes the fact that under certain single stressor conditions there is a limited maximum number of species within taxa that will be found in the stretch of the river. However, because the number of species is a response to multiple stressors, the actual number of species can be anywhere between zero and the maximum. The actual number is then related to the effects of the other risks and also includes a random component (Novotny et al. 2005). It also indicates that below a certain magnitude of the stressor the effect is minimal and above a threshold of effect species richness and compositions are adversely affected (Novotny et al. 2005). 10 9 Most sensitive taxa 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Phosphates (mg*l-1 PO4) Figure 3-1: Presence of sensitive taxa for different PO4 concentrations for 400 points of measure, black line represents the MSRL (Maximum Species Richness Line). On the basis of the MSR concept, Figure 3-1 can be divided in 2 areas. Most of the points are concentrated around low concentrations of eutrophying substances. For high concentrations of eutrophying substances, in spite of the limited number of points, only insensitive species can be observed. In this relationship, the sensitivity of the taxa found is inversely proportional to the concentration of phosphate and BOD. Sensitive taxa and resistant taxa have been observed on the first part of Figure 3-1, covering concentration of phosphate from 0 to 0.25 mg.L-1. This indicates that several other stressors can also be present limiting the biodiversity in spite of the low 18/42 concentration of eutrophying substances. The concentration of 0.21 mg.L-1 is the highest concentration at which we can observe the most sensitive taxa. We can therefore consider this value to be a threshold of effect from which increase in phosphate concentration can result in adverse effects on biodiversity. This observation is coherent with former studies mentioning a possible threshold of effect close to this phosphate concentration (Rankin 1999). On the second part of the graph (greater than 0.25 mg.L1), we can observe a decrease in biodiversity, with values of most sensitive taxa from 9 at 0.25 mg.L-1 of phosphate to 2 at 3.5 mg.L-1. This indicates an increase in the relative influence of the stressor on the biodiversity for that range of concentration compared to other stressors. Only points located in the top of the graph are carrying information related to the stressor. The relevant line indicating a dose effect relationship is called the Maximum Species Richness Line (MSRL) and corresponds to the line that presents the best-fit with the points in the top part of the figure. The MSRL indicates that very sensitive taxa (values from 6 to 9) are not expected to be present for high phosphate concentration such as 2 mg.L-1. At the same time, the presence of points below the MSRL also indicates that a decrease in phosphate concentration will not systematically result in an increase in biodiversity. In that case another stressor can be revealed, maintaining a high environmental pressure. In the range of effect of the increase of phosphate the MSRL presents a slope of effect of 28% of decrease in biodiversity per milligram increase in PO4 concentration. This observed value must be compared to the effect factor calculated in the first part of the article (see Table 3-4) that indicates a fraction of disappeared species of 0.28 per unit increase in phosphate concentration. These two values are very close to each other and confirm the realism of the effect factors proposed in this article. Nevertheless, the validity of this observation is limited to the range of effect of phosphate over the threshold of effect or to phosphate concentrations higher than the threshold of effect. We based the comparison on the PDF value instead of the PAF because observed biodiversity considers taxa that are present or absent (disappeared) and not taxa that are affected. 10 9 Most sensitive taxa 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 BOD(mg*l-1 of O2) Figure 3-2: Presence of sensitive taxa for different BOD concentrations for 400 points of measure, black line represents the MSRL (Maximum Species Richness Line). 19/42 Similar observations can be made on Figure 3-2 about the DBO. The two crossed points with a value of 9 for the most sensitive taxa that are distinct from the others are outliers probably due to the difference between the time of stressor occurrence and the change in biodiversity. Nevertheless, we observe a possible threshold of effect for concentration of DBO of 3 mg.L-1 of O2, and a strong maximum effect with biodiversity of one (only very resistant taxas remain) for DBO of 9 mg.L-1 of O2. As for phosphate, we compare the MSRL above the effect threshold to the effect factor calculated for DBO in the first part of the work. For DBO, ranking from 3 to 9 mg.L-1 of O2, MSRL presents an observable decrease of biodiversity of 9.5% per increasing unit of DBO, that should be compared to a PDF of 0.089 per increase mg.L-1 of DBO predicted with the proposed effect factors (ref. to part of article where this is mentioned). Even if the effect factors seem to underestimate the impact on biodiversity, the slight (or small) difference between the observation and the prediction highlights the ecological realism of the effect factor calculated in the article. 3-5-Discussion and conclusion Beyond the calculation of effect factors for eutrophying substances such as PO4 and DBO, several points can be discussed. It concerns especially the differences in sensitivity between media, regarding phosphate and DBO for media parameters (such as background concentration or hydrodynamics). It also concerns points related to the biodiversity indicator, such as the limit of its representativity regarding actual freshwater ecosystems. These points are discussed below. Several authors have discussed the impact assessment for BOD and phosphate at the same time. As what is done here for eutrophication, two sorts of effects are typically considered (Seppälä 1998), oxygen depletion (measured by BOD) and eutrophication (measured by limiting substances). Both factors are in general treated similarly, but some authors remark that an increases in BOD does not necessarily result in increased biomass, as this is primarily associated with changes in nitrogen and phosphorus levels (Pennington et al. 2004). Also Potting and Hauschild (Potting and Hauschild 2004) recommend not using BOD to avoid a double accounting, since organic material often contains nitrogen or phosphorus. Nevertheless, phosphate sampling in the field typically does not include phosphate in organic matter. Therefore we suggest assessing the biodiversity decrease due to phosphate and organic matter separately. Different freshwater ecosystems can present varying sensitivity to eutrophication. Classifications found (Vollenweider 1982; SEPA 1994) for eutrophication levels in lakes show the great vulnerability to changes in phosphorus concentrations existing in these ecosystems. Changes in concentration of some micrograms per litre can alter the balance of the ecosystem. In general, rivers and streams, where hydrodynamics are different, can stand higher concentrations of phosphates, up to 0.3 mg.L-1 without suffering changes in specific composition, whereas lakes are considered hypereutrophic for phosphate concentrations equal to or greater thatn 0.1 mg.L-1 . This is most likely associated to the mix of water. In streams and rivers, water mixing and the large interface between the water's surface and the air lead to relatively high concentration of dissolved oxygen. In lotic ecosystems, the small interface between air and water, combined with a large volume of water and low current lead to a limited dissolved oxygen concentration that is strongly influenced by the biological activity in the lake, and therefore much more influenced by phosphate concentration than streams or rivers. For saprobity, as communities are different in lentic and lotic environments, effects are 20/42 also different. Nevertheless, differences are not as great as for eutrophication in lakes. Organic matter degradation dominates eutrophication processes in streams, but remains marginal in lakes, where the effect of phosphorus dominates largely. The determination of boundaries between categories is also disputable. As the database used does not give boundaries for different eutrophication levels, these are determined based on different references. In lakes, boundaries have been fixed by different authors (Vollenweider 1982; SEPA 1994), but these values are not valid for rivers and streams as explained by different authors (Dodds et al. 1998; Capblancq 2002). The determination of values for rivers is based on different references (Rankin 1999) and on calibrations based on actual data but the uncertainty associated is higher than in the case of lentic ecosystems. Values to differentiate saprobic levels are given by Sládecek (Sládecek 1973; Sládecek 1975) and are equal for all kinds of ecosystems. Hence, the associated uncertainty is lower, as they were already fixed and they have not been determined. Another key issue is the validity of the most sensitive taxa as a biodiversity indicator. The database used to calculate effect factors was built by studying the affinity profiles of benthic macroinvertebrates to different characteristics in French freshwater ecosystems. The use of freshwater quality indicators based on macroinvertebrate fauna is mainly based on (i) the large spectrum of responses of the different taxa to the environmental changes, and (ii) the fact that benthic macroinvertebrates represent the major part of the freshwater biodiversity (algae, plants, and chordates represent only a very small part). Nevertheless, this is disputable since macroinvertebrates are directly dependent on plants and algae growth, and a substantial change in biomass growth can alter the ecosystem biodiversity. This is even more problematic in the case of eutrophication since an increase in biomass (that is the first effect of eutrophying substances) could also be viewed as a possible increase in biodiversity. We have therefore performed a sensitivity analysis on that point by comparing our results with Sladecek’s database, which is not restricted to benthic macroinvertebrate taxa (Sládecek 1973). We find similar results in terms of PAF and PDF; therefore, possible error due the taxa selection seems limited. Ecosystem recovery has not been considered in the effect factors calculated in this work. The model assumes that if a decrease of phosphorus occurs, it will lead to an increase of biodiversity in terms of quality (increase in sensitive species). However, ecosystems’ recovery is, more complicated than the elimination of taxa, as substitution of generalist species occurs more gradually than sensitive species in a recolonization process. 21/42 4 - Dose Effect relation for Acidification 4-1-Introduction Aquatic acidification is the increasing of the acidity (hydrogen ion concentration) in water bodies. The load of substances causing acidification (SO2, NOx basically) can be buffered and tolerated by the ecosystem. If the buffer capacity is exceeded, this load can lead to direct and indirect impacts on ecosystems as Figure 4-1 shows. Main sources of acidifying substances are acid rain and, in a lower degree, ammonium produced by livestock. Acid rain results from gases emissions from the burning of fossil fuels in different human activities (mainly industry and road traffic). In spite of a drop due to new environmental regulations, acidification must be still considered as one of main environmental problems in Europe. Fig. 4-1: Acidification chain of potential impacts (Norris 2003) The criteria established to evaluate existing acidification methods are quite similar to those to evaluate eutrophication. Affected ecosystems, transport, spatial differentiation, multistressor comparison and effect-dose response operate in the same way for this damage category. As explained in the eutrophication case, dynamics in ecosystems must be considered because of their influence in transport processes. The spatial differentiation attained by the model is important because it affects to results’ accuracy. The importance of reaching the endpoint level to allow a multistressor comparison indicated for eutrophication is also valid in this case. Substances covered do not represent a criterion for acidification because all methods consider all substances causing acidification. On the other hand, it is important to consider emissions in all kind of media (air and water basically) and this will be, as for eutrophication, a criterion. Main models for the characterization of acidification assessment are summarized in Table 4-1. 22/42 Table 4-1: Existing methods for assessing acidification in a multiple stressor assessment for Life Cycle Impact Assessment Fate No Type of ecosystem Freshwater Effect Midpoint Spatial differentiation Site generic DoseMultistres. effect compatibility relation No No Midpoint Site generic No No Site generic Yes No Yes No Yes: vasc. plants No Name CML Year Reference 1992 (Heijungs 1992) Covered substances S, N, HCl EDIP97 1997 (Wenzel et al. 1997) S, N, HF, HCl No Freshwater EPS2000 1999 (Steen 1999) S, HF, HCl, NH3 S, N No SMART Site generic Endpoint: sps. extinction Terrestrial Endpoint: PDF N, S RAINS Terrestrial Midpoint Site dependant: per ecosystem Site dependant : source S, N, HCl, HF S, N IMPACT Freshwater Midpoint Site generic : continental No No TRACI Terrestrial Midpoint Site specific : source No No S, N, HF, HCl S, N RAINS Terrestrial Midpoint No No EMEP Terrestrial Midpoint Site dependant: source and sensibility Site specific : source No No Ecoindicator 2001 (Goedkoop and 99 Spriensma 2001) Huijbregts 2001 (Huijbregts 2001) IMPACT 2003 (Jolliet 2003) 2002+ TRACI 2003 (Norris 2003) EDIP 2003 2004 (Potting 1998) 2005 (Hettelingh 2005) 23/42 For models used in LCIA methods covering both acidification and eutrophication (CML, EDIP97, IMPACT, TRACI, EPS2000, RAINS and Ecoindicator99), the evaluation is relatively similar and characteristics are summarized in table 4-1. Hetteling’s method (Hettelingh 2005) calculates country dependant characterization factors for acidification in Europe using EMEP as air transportation model. It does not consider transportation and transformations in water compartment. Ecoindicator99 treats acidification and eutrophication in a same impact category. Hence, the evaluation of this method is the same already seen for eutrophication. All models but IMPACT2002+ treat acidification without making difference between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. As in eutrophication, just some models develop an endpoint approach, enabling a multistressor comparison. EPS2000 calculates the extinction of species with no spatial differentiation. In contrast, models where the transport is calculated regionally (RAINS, TRACI, EMEP) do not achieve the endpoint. As in eutrophication, none of the methods is site-specific, so specificities of each kind of aquatic ecosystems are not taken into account. As we can see in Table 4-1, 3 models over the 10 reviewed concern aquatic ecosystems and none of them are quantifying an impact at the endpoint level. The only model that works at endpoint modeling for acidification is Eco-Indicator 99, but it concerns terrestrial ecosystems and focuses on dose effect relation for plants. From this observations there is a need in terms of method to model a dose effect relation for acidifying substances for water bodies, and to identify where the use of such effect factors can be relevant in the European area. 4- 2- Exposure assessment As already mentioned in CML technical background (Guinée 2001), several methods have been proposed to deal with local differences in sensitivity to acidification: Neglecting emissions in non sensitive areas. Weighting emissions according to local sensitivity Assessing a maximum and minimum scenario Modelling regional sensitivity and fate. In this case, a weighting according to total sensitivity area in Europe is proposed. The Total sensitive affected area in Europe is presented in Table 4-2. This percentage is used in calculation to represent the percentage of an average European surface which would be affected by acidification. 24/42 Table 4-2: Country areas. Total, affected and % affected. From (Potting 1998) Country total area affected area %unprotected Albania 2881 0 Austria 8373 941 Belarus 20706 53 Belgium 3054 117 Bosnia-Herzegovina 5151 0 Bulgaria 11102 0 Croatia 5640 1 Czech Republic 7904 613 Denmark 4217 38 Estonia 4549 10 Finland 33449 1210 France 54783 82 German 35642 2528 Greece 12582 0 Hungary 9297 44 Ireland 6900 4 Italy 30174 184 Latvia 6441 0 Lithuania 6498 12 Luxembourg 260 7 Macedonia 2537 0 Moldova 2917 0 Netherlands 3610 121 Norway 31752 3535 Poland 31119 1928 Portugal 8884 0 Romania 23713 66 Russia 373489 4094 Slovakia 4836 83 Slovenia 2029 47 Spain 49525 24 Sweden 44469 1233 Switzerland 4126 105 Ukraine 57977 104 Utd. Kingdom 23103 2110 Yugoslavia 10215 0 TOTAL 943904 19294 0,00 0,11 0,00 0,04 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,08 0,01 0,00 0,04 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,00 0,00 0,03 0,00 0,00 0,03 0,11 0,06 0,00 0,00 0,01 0,02 0,02 0,00 0,03 0,03 0,00 0,09 0,00 0,02 25/42 4-3- Effect modeling Acidification effect factors are calculated in an analogous way to eutrophication factors: pH variable from Tachet’s database are used to calculate the PAF (fraction of affected species), the PDF (disappeared fraction of species) and PnAF (fraction of non-affected species). These three categories have been calculated for several background levels between a pH of 6 until a pH of 4. Slopes of the dose-effect are calculated using equation 4-5 and 4-6 below. To calculate the difference of concentration in terms of mol of hydrogen, a maximum and a minimum pH are determined for each category. Effect Factors are calculated are showed in table 4-4. As mentioned before, these factors are only valid if ecosystems’ buffer capacity is overpassed. Table : 4-3 Number of species per media type and fraction of affected and disappeared species based on Tachets’ database for acidification. (NSp: Total number of species; NSpa and NSpd: Number of species affected or disappeared passing from one level to the next highest level). Rivers Lake pH NSp NSpa NSpd Total sps initial NSpa NSpd 125 60 41 141 58 38 4 221 149 96 235 148 94 4.5 283 169 62 286 156 51 5 327 115 44 318 101 32 5.5 375 200 48 353 184 35 6 On the basis of the table 4-3, the number of moles of H+ is calculated for each pH level and the change in pH level form the range n to n+1 is calculated and used in the following equations: EFPAF,i EFPDF,i NSpa n NSpd n NSp n H n 1 H n NSpd n NSp n H n 1 H n Eq 5 Eq 6 Where EFPAF,i is the Effect factor for affected species at the acidity level i in ( and EFPDF,i is the Effect factor for disappeared species; NSpai and NSpdi are respectively the number of species affected or disappeared when passing from the acidity level n to the higher level n+1; NSpi expresses the total number of species considered at the acidity level n; [H+]n+1-[H+]n expresses the change in average concentration of eutrophying substances in the ecosystem when passing from the eutrophying level n to the level n+1. 26/42 Using the formula above, Effect Factors ar calculated presented in Table 4-4 enabling a direct use for quantifying the changes in biodiversity linked with a change in pH. Table 4-4: Acidification effect factors for different pH background. (PAF or PDF*m3/molH+). River Lake pH EF(PAF) EF (PDF) EF(PAF) EF (PDF) pH <4 4.85E-02 3.31E-02 4.16E-02 2.72E-02 pH [4,5-4] 7.49E+00 4.83E+00 7.00E+00 4.44E+00 pH [5-4,5] 2.10E+01 7.70E+00 1.92E+01 6.27E+00 pH [5.5-5] 3.91E+01 1.50E+01 3.53E+01 1.12E+01 pH [6-5,5] 1.87E+02 4.50E+01 1.83E+02 3.48E+01 4-4- Conclusions Using the effect factors in Table 4-4, it is possible to assess a change in pH concentration in a non-buffered water body in terms of fraction of affected, or disappeared species, in both cases an indicator of change in biodiversity. In terms impact modeling, it is interesting to interpret at the same level acidification and other impact categories affecting ecosystems. Nevertheless, as a difference with eutrophication and toxics, this model is here developed but not confirmed with a field validation, and such a step would improve the reliability of the assessment. Unfortunately, it was not possible to manage such a validation for acidification since no database have been found enabling the link between a measured pH and a Biodiversity measure like a biotic index. This step is therefore planned as a perspective of improvement of the model. 27/42 5- General Conclusions The Nomiracle project intends to develop Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in Europe. The task of the EPFL was to define a framework for the development of Comparative Risk Assessment method for freshwater ecosystem. On the basis of our experience in Life cycle impact assessment on ecosystems, we have first defined the key issues related to the development of such a method. First we have explored the scale issue, considering three sorts of scale, the spatial scale, the time scale and the biological organization level. As a second step, we have explored currently used endpoint measures for existing multiple stressor studies, and proposed the most relevant endpoint as a trade off between methodological requirements and data availability. Afterwards, we have identified the relevant stressors to integrate in priority in the method, which are toxics, eutrophication and acidification. On that basis, dose-effect relations have been developed for the selected stressors in order to build an Integrated Risk Assessment method expressing results in terms of fraction of affected species or fraction of disappeared species. Finally, a novel method has been developed for integrating the three prioritized stressors put in a one-assessment endpoint. This method is based on an “effect-oriented” basis and is radically different from current methods for ecological risk assessment. Furthermore in order to ensure the usefulness and the reliability of the method, we have applied it in two different case study in order to validate the dose-effect relationship that have been developed for impact assessment of toxics and impact assessment of eutrophication. After applying the method, we can foresee some areas of applications mainly in four fields: (i) priority setting of stressors for reducing overall burden on ecosystem; (ii) Ecosystem management in order to define remediation strategies; (iii) the comparative risk assessment of substances for the selection of substances presenting the lowest risk on environment; and (iv) Life Cycle Assessment for assessing toxic stress in endpoints methods. In terms of potential use, it could be interesting to apply this method as a decision support tool for different European directives, such as the Water Framework Directive, as a first screening assessment tool for evaluating water bodies; it could also be promising for some regulation to quantify the potential environmental gain in substituting substances by others less hazardous. It can be also interesting to perform chemical ranking on the basis of average response of species. The comparability between the different PAF must be pointed out in the conclusion. All the PAF and PDF considered are based on similar calculations and concerns similar ecosystems. There is a difference in terms of species composition but it is not expected to affect strongly the results since a minimum level of biological variability is covered with each methods. Therefore we can consider methods for the three stressors provide comparable results. 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