Creative Art Workshop: Digital Collage

Creative Art Workshop: Digital Collage V.2
A concept-driven workshop
Workshop Chairs:
Kirque Leung
Jacky Lo
(volunteering)Yvonne Lau
Workshop Supervisors:
Ms. Wong
Prof. Ip Yuk-yiu
True Light Girl’s College
School of Creative Media
Jude Hui
School of Creative Media
Workshop Co-ordinator:
The use of different (digital) media, alongside the expansion of mass communication, has been bonded
rigidly with local economic where the possibility of each media as powerful expressive tools to channel
both knowledge and emotion has been very much narrowed down.
In this workshop, we aim to introduce to upper secondary-school students some elementary concepts and
techniques on digital collage via photography, writing and the interplay of both. Also, we invite the
fusion of photography and text on multiple levels – not only the fusion of each expressive media but also
fusion between the media and other domains of knowledge such as linguistics, social and cultural theories,
geography and everyday life. Students are thus strongly encouraged to challenge and re-write the predefined ways of expression of each medium through which aware-ness of the self and the society would
be aroused.
Creative activities will evolve around the play of text and photography as well as the integration of both
via digital executions. By the end of the course, students would be able to create their own inter-medial
digital collage with the help of simple digital equipments.
Overall objectives︱
 to explore the multiple dynamics of text and photographic image;
 to explore the potential narrative power of collage;
 to equip students with definite hand-on computer techniques, particularly the simple use of
softwares like Adobe PhotoShop (and/or Ulead PhotoImpact) in the creative process.
Art medium︱
Integration of the following media:
Adobe Photoshop
Required equipments / computer softwares:
Projector for presentation
Any kinds of camera, preferably digital ones (per group)
Adobe PhotoShop
Target Students︱
Mainly Form 4-7 students. (Selections would be necessary if the number of interested students exceeds
the upper quota i.e. 25 students)
Students from any forms and any academic specializations are also welcomed to apply for the
workshop provided that their ability and creativity or willing-ness and eager-ness are proved.
Tentative Schedule︱
There will be altogether 10 meetings (2 hours per section, 3 hrs for the last section).
Details are as follows:
Why “Digital Collage”?
- collage to tell impossible stories
- collage to recall the significance of parts
- collage to intervene our everyday life
How to Collage?
- introduction to some common ways to collage
- intermediality and contextualization
How to shape our world?
- introduction to the visual/visible
- from impressionism to cubism
- the power of line, shape and
Unseen Space
Visualizing the
Exploration of the
Digital Laboratory
Weekly Exercise /
Assigned Reading
- Producing paintings with
lines (response to notes on
visual illusion)
- On cubism (excerpts)
- On visual illusion +
Selected works from Escher
Introduction to digital
imaging I
- digital imaging basics
- from lines to shapes
- the power of grids
- Turning the first exercise
into shapes with PhotoShop
Photography and the uncanny
- introduction to photography:
technique + medium specificity
- how to look at a picture/photo
- the changing visual culture:
grain to/vs. pixel
Fractal dimensions and visual
- Gestalt Psychology and the
- the art and science of fractal
Introduction to digital
imaging II
- plays of pixel
- difference and repetition
- fore- and back-ground
- To render a digital visual
story by changing
perspectives and frames
Introduction to digital
imaging III
- scaling and masking
- creating simple animations
with layers
- To reduce your visual story
into a single abstract picture
which brings out the idea of
self-similarity using
- 錯覺、妄想和幻覺
Don’t think, just write –
automatism and the surrealists
- levels of consciousness
- Surrealism and the power of
- automatic writing: to regain and
to eradicate
- synethesia
Maps and visual semiotics
- presentation vs. representation
- materialization of text
- ideograms: text as image; image
as text
- performativity
Collage with PhotoShop I
- sticking words together
- alignment of object and text
- what is dynamic equilibrium
in visual presentation
- Re-mapping an image with
text in PhotoShop
- Note pack of selected
literary works
Collage with PhotoShop II
- sticking pictures together
- image and text compositing
- Creating a photomontage of
your dream
Connectiveness of
Art as process; Art
into process
Systems and paradigm shift
- Archivist practice
- narrative and permutation
- ergodic literature/music
Further PhotoShop I
- further layering and masking
- Turn your image of dream
into a dynamic piece of text
and/or image using the
floor plan of Festival Walks
Collage in/of Time: from
Reflexivity to self-organization
- reflexivity and recursion
- generativity and generative art
Further Photoshop II
- pseudo-3D simulation
- exporting/publishing images
- Preparation for your final
creative collage (Options:
Dreams / Poetry of Love /
My City)
- Guest Lecture by Paul Serfaty (English art critic) : Photography and Surrealism in Modern China [tentative]
- Individual Consultations on the Final Creative Project
- Creative Collage Presentation
- Reproach of the Workshop
Instructor’s Biography︱
梁思泉 為城大創意媒體學院媒體科技副文學士,主修攝影及寫作,畢業後遊學於意大利西雅娜大
本年獲得由城大人文科學學部及南華早報合辦的【香港週攝影比賽】第一名,而圖文集<Si Par
une Nuit de Hong Kong un Voyageur>(中譯:如果在香港一個旅人) 則獲獎於【Visiting Hong
Kong:Visiting France 2003】多媒體設計比賽 (由城大語文學部及法國駐香港大使館合辦);另
外,攝影系列<Metamorphosis>亦獲選於香港大專聯校多媒體展覽 2002 內展出。
Majoring in Photography and Writing, Kirque Leung obtained his Associate of Arts in Media
Technology at the School of Creative Media, CityU. He then went straight with his scholarship to the
University of Siena, Italy, in the pursuit of serious studies in Italian Language and Culture.
Currently Assistant Editor/Writer at the Communications Office of CityU and BA(Hons) candidate at the
School of Creative Media specializing in the stream “Critical Intermedia Laboratory”, minoring in
English and Communications, Kirque’s academic focus ranges from narrative experimentations to the
philosophy of history and cinema studies.
He spends most of his time on his Creative Art Workshops (Digital Collage and Video Art) and
Graduation Project The Non-existent Atlas of the Stars (, an extended-narrative
attempting to realize and examine the ergodicity of space as evolved on digital platforms, out of his
obsession with (particularly) Deleuze’s and Leibniz’s ever-glowing ideas and their courage to pioneer, to
cross all disciplines.
盧政衡,應屆城市大學創意媒體學系三年級生,主修實驗錄 象和理論。他在賽馬會體藝中
Lo Ching Hang, Jacky, a final year student in the School of Creative Media majoring in experimental
video and theory. He has studied for 7 years in Jockey-Club Ti-I College on art and design. He has been
being a visiting tutor in primary and secondary schools teaching the basic principal and technique of
visual design, such as drawing and 3D sculpture since the year 2000.
劉美延,應屆城市大學創意媒體學系 副學士二年級生,主修互媒體。多年來在不同化妝品
Yvonne Lau, a final year student in the School of Creative Media majoring in intermedia stream. Over
the years, she has been working for various International Cosmetic Brands and School as Trainer and
Marketing Officer. She is currently a visiting instructor in Methodist Lee Wai Lee College on video art.