LANGUAGE ARTS DIVISION MEETING Convocation Day – Chabot College Thursday, August 13, 2015, 2:00-2:50, room 455 AGENDA I. II. Dean’s Welcome – Marcia Good News and Accomplishments – anyone (2 minutes each) Please feel free to share any good news and/or accomplishments (for yourself or colleagues) III. Committee Reports Representation for Shared Governance - Please see attached DRAFT of Language Arts Division Committee Assignments. Please let me know if you have any corrections or want to be added to any committees. IV. Tenured Faculty Review Committee Lottery – Katie or Stephanie V. Educational Master Planning Feedback – posted on the CLPCCD Educational Services website: VI. A. Please submit your office hour schedules by August 17 and your syllabus (paper copy only, 3-hole punched and stapled) by August 24 to Debra. The contract reference on the reverse side gives you the latest language on this service to students. B. Flex Day dates are Tuesday, September 8; Friday, October 16, 2015; and Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Two variable Flex Days of 6 hours each also required for the year (see Disciplines will have time to meet from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in locations below: English – room 192 (the new WRAC Center in building 100) - TJ Puckett, WRAC Center Coordinator Sign Language and World Languages in room 352 – Arturo Lopez-Yanez and Cristina Moon Learning Skills - room 307 – Heather Clements ESL – room 116 (the new ESL Study Room in building 100) – Kent Uchiyama (ESL will be meeting in addition on Friday, August 21 from 11-1). Division Meeting Dates & Recorders for 2015-16 First Thursday of each month, college hour (12-12:50), building 400, room 455 Thursday, August 13, recorder: Homeira Foth; Thursday, September 3, recorder: Carmen Johnston; Thursday, October 1, recorder: Angie Magallon; Thursday, November 5, recorder: Clara McLean; Thursday, December 3, recorder: Cristina Moon; Thursday, February 4, recorder: Samantha Rajaram; Thursday, March 3, recorder: Shoshanna Tenn; Thursday, April 7, recorder: Kent Uchiyama. In lieu of May’s division meeting we will hold the annual Language Arts Student Awards Ceremony, Wednesday, May 4, 2016, from 2:30-4:00 p.m. 10D.3a(3) Procedures. Office hour schedules must be submitted to the Division Dean by the first day of classes and posted outside each faculty office. Office hours shall be stated in the instructor’s class syllabus. 9B. Syllabus Requirement By the end of the first full week of classes, faculty shall submit to their Division Deans, a copy of a syllabus for each course taught. For short-term classes, submission shall be by the end of the second class meeting. For online classes, submission shall be by the end of the first week of classes. The syllabus must shall include the instructor’s information (name, office number, phone/, voicemail, and e-mail), office hours, course content and expectations (general course content, course objectives and prerequisites), textbook(s), and course supplies (required supplements and/or recommended text, special required supplies), the method for calculating the final course grade an explanation of the manner in which final grades will be calculated, dates to know (last day for “W”, date and time of final examination), and other supplemental information including safety requirements. In addition, the syllabus should include a statement of student responsibilities and behaviors and a summary of course content and expectations (general course content, course objectives, and prerequisites). The Dean shall notify unit members for whom there is no syllabus on record or if a syllabus is submitted with deficiencies. The Dean shall provide a receipt of acceptance of the syllabus to the unit member upon written request by the unit member. 18J.5 Part-Time Office Hours Notice of Intent During the first week of each semester, each Part-time (Adjunct) unit member who intends to provide office hours during the semester shall submit to the Dean or administrator the time and location of the office hour on their syllabus. .