Boletoid and Polyporous Fungi Description Form Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Growth habit: single scattered Age of specimens: immature caespitose mature old grouped mixed Substrate (circle one): On duff: pine cone leaves On soil: mineral needles twig litter humus On wood: conifer hardwood Species: ___________________________________________________ General characters (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Sporocarp type: bolete polypore Height of entire specimen: ____________________________ Length of stem: ________________________________________ Width of cap: _____________ Width of stem at apex: _________________ Widest width of stem: _______________________ Taste (don’t swallow): mild strong pleasant unpleasant peppery Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Color (note color gradations, spots, streaks, bruising, reaction, changes with age) Cap surface: _______________________________________ Bruising color: _________________________________________ Cap flesh: _________________________________________ Bruising color: _________________________________________ Pore layer: ________________________________________ Bruising color: _________________________________________ Stem surface: ______________________________________ Bruising color: _________________________________________ Stem flesh: ________________________________________ Bruising color: _________________________________________ Cap characters: Surface texture: dry greasy sticky Surface ornamentation: smooth Cap shape: convex plane Flesh consistency: fleshy pubescent uplifted brittle slimy fibrillose irregular spongy cracked wrinkled centrally depressed scaly granular velvety Other: _____________________________________ Other: ____________________________________________________________ Stem characters: Stem shape: equal ventricose Surface texture: viscid sticky tapered at apex tapered at base dry glabrous Surface ornamentation: glandular dotted polished fibrillose pruinose (lightly powdered) finely reticulated (netted) Location of reticulum: apex only clavate top ½ of stem bulbous punctate scabrous scaly fibrillose coarsely reticulate entire stem Other: ____________________________________________ Color of ornamentation: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Annulus present: N Y Annulus color: ____________________________________________________________________ Annulus structure: membranous fibrillose cottony-cortina slimy Cortinarius Fungi Description Form Use this form for specimens with rusty-colored spores and a veil or cortina. Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Growth habit: single scattered Age of specimens: immature caespitose mature old grouped mixed Substrate (circle one): On duff: pine cone leaves On soil: mineral needles twig litter humus On wood: conifer hardwood Species: ___________________________________________________ General characters (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Color of spore print: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Height of entire specimen: ____________________________ Length of stem: ________________________________________ Width of cap: _____________________________ Height of cap at center: ___________________________________________ Width of stem at apex: ______________________Widest width of stem: ____________________________________________ Cap flesh thickness ________________________________________________________________________________________ Odor: mild strong pleasant unpleasant Taste (don’t swallow): mild Other: ______________________________________________________________ strong pleasant unpleasant peppery Other: ________________________________________ Color (note color gradations, spots, streaks, bruising reactions, changes with age or drying Cap surface (young): _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cap surface (mature): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Hygrophanous (watery appearance when wet; changes color when losing moisture): N Y First becomes hygrophanous near: margin disc Cap flesh: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gills (young): _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Gills (mature): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Gill edge: concolorous darker lighter Stem surface: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem flesh: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Partial veil/cortina: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Universal veil remnants (if present, can be hard to see): _________________________________________________________ (Page 1 of 2) Cortinarius Fungi Description Form Cap characters: Surface texture: dry viscid sticky glutinous Surface ornamentation: smooth silky Other: _________________________________________________________ fibrillose radially fibrillose scaly tormentose glittering veil remnants Describe: __________________________________________________________________ Shape: convex conic plane depressed umbilicate funnel mammilate umbonate Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Margin shape: straight uplifted Contours of margin: striate Flesh consistency: fleshy recurved even inrolled wavy brittle irregular spongy tough incurved Other: _________________________________________ appendiculate chalky Other: _____________________________________ Other: _____________________________________________ Stem characters: Stem shape: equal ventricose tapered at apex tapered at base radicate (rooted) clavate bulbous twisted Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Surface texture: viscid sticky dry Surface ornamentation: smooth polished smooth fibrillose pruinose (powdered at apex) punctate scaly fibrillose tomentose Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem consistency: cartilaginous Flesh texture: solid stuffed fibrous hollow chalky Other: ______________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________ Gill characters: Attachment to stem: free Edge shape: entire adnexed scalloped Spacing of gills: crowded adnate wavy close sinuate serrate decurrent eroded Other: _______________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________ subdistant distant Number of short gills between complete gills: __________________________________________________________________ Veil: Any veil or veil remnants present: Partial veil structure persistent N sparse General position of annulus: apical Universal veil remnants: N Y Y fibrillose If yes, complete the following: slimy Describe: _____________________________________________ central basal Describe: ___________________________________________________ Universal veil structure: slimy thin cottony filmy Chemical characters: (Important for the genus Cortinarius) KOH on cap surface ________________________ Melzer’s reagent on cap surface ________________________ KOH on cap flesh __________________________ Melzer’s reagent on cap flesh __________________________ KOH on partial veil _________________________ Melzer’s reagent on partial veil ________________________ Notes/Sketch: (Page 2 of 2) Gilled Fungi Description Form Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Growth habit: single scattered Age of specimens: immature caespitose mature grouped old mixed Substrate (circle one): On duff: pine cone leaves On soil: mineral humus On wood: conifer Other: fungus needles twig litter hardwood Species: ___________________________________________________ insect General characters (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Color of spore print: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Height of entire specimen: ____________________________ Length of stem: ________________________________________ Width of cap: _____________________________ Height of cap at center: ___________________________________________ Width of stem at apex: ______________________Widest width of stem: ____________________________________________ Odor: mild strong pleasant unpleasant Taste (don’t swallow): mild Other: ______________________________________________________________ strong pleasant unpleasant peppery Other: ________________________________________ Color (note color gradations, spots, streaks, bruising reactions, changes with age or drying Cap surface: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hygrophanous (watery appearance when wet; changes color when losing moisture): N Y Cap flesh: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gills: _________________________________________________________________ Gill edge: concolorous darker lighter Stem surface: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem flesh: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Cap characters: Latex: N Y Latex color: ________________________________________________________________________________ Surface texture: dry greasy sticky slimy Surface ornamentation: smooth Shape: convex conic pubescent bell-shaped plane fibrillose cracked depressed wrinkled umbilicate funnel scaly granular mammilate warty umbonate Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Margin shape: straight uplifted Contours of margin: striate Flesh consistency: fleshy even brittle recurved wavy spongy inrolled irregular tough incurved appendiculate chalky Other: _____________________________________ Other: _____________________________________________ (Page 1 of 2) Gilled Fungi Description Form Stem characters: Stem shape: equal ventricose tapered at apex tapered at base radicate (rooted) clavate bulbous twisted Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Surface texture: viscid sticky dry Surface ornamentation: smooth polished glabrous fibrillose pruinose (powdered at apex) punctate scaly fibrillose tomentose Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem consistency: cartilaginous Flesh texture: solid stuffed fibrous hollow chalky Other: ______________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________ Gill characters: Attachment to stem: free Edge shape: entire adnexed scalloped adnate wavy sinuate serrate decurrent eroded Other: _______________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________ Veil: Any veil or veil remnants present: Partial veil: N Y Y If yes, complete the following: fibrillose cortina slimy General position of annulus: apical Annulus type: single Universal veil: N Y Veil color: _____________________________________________________________________________ Veil structure: membranous Annulus: N N Y double central basal Annulus color: _______________________________________________________________ Volva shape: saccate collared sheathing concentric zones Volva color: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Remnants present on cap: N Y Color of remnant: __________________________________________________________ Chemical characters: (Important for the genus Cortinarius) KOH on cap surface ________________________ Melzer’s reagent on cap surface ________________________ KOH on cap flesh __________________________ Melzer’s reagent on cap flesh __________________________ KOH on partial veil _________________________ Melzer’s reagent on partial veil ________________________ Notes/Sketch: (Page 2 of 2) Ascomycete Fungi Description Form Elfin Saddles and Cups Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Growth habit: single scattered Age of specimens: immature caespitose mature grouped old mixed Substrate (circle one): On duff: pine cone On soil: mineral leaves needles twig litter humus On wood: conifer hardwood Species: _________________________________________________ General characters (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Sporocarp type: morel types elfin saddles cups Height of entire specimen: ______________________ Length of stem: _____________________________________________ Width of cap: _________________________ Cap flesh thickness: _________________________________________________ Odor: mild strong fragrant Taste (don’t swallow): mild Sporocarp shape: cup farinaceous strong disk sweet cushion pitted-stipitate Other: __________________________________________________________ bitter hot rabbit-ear Other: _______________________________________________ truncate club spatulate saddle-stipitate brain-stipitate Other: _______________________________________________ Flesh consistency (in cross-section): gelatinous fleshy brittle tough rubbery spongy Flesh color and bruising: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Hymenium color (spore-bearing surface): _______________________________________________________________________ Abhymenium color (opposite spore-bearing surface): ______________________________________________________________ Abhymenium texture: smooth pubescent scaly granular warty fibrillose greasy sticky dry silky hygrophanous (changing color when losing moisture) Stem characters (if present, use cross-section for measurement): Stem present: N Y (if yes, then continue) Length (mm): _____________ Width at widest point (mm): ______________ Width at base (mm): ______________________ Shape: equal ventricose tapered at apex tapered at base compressed Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem flesh texture: gelatinous firm solid stuffed hollow Flesh color: ________________________________ Surface color: _________________________________________________ Surface character: dry moist fibrillose viscid smooth tomentose ribbed scaly folded grooved wrinkled Other: ________________________________________________________________________ Nongilled Fungi Description Form Clublike, Cantharellaceae, Tooth, Jelly Fungi and Allies Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Growth habit: single scattered Age of specimens: immature caespitose mature grouped old mixed Substrate (circle one): On duff: pine cone leaves On soil: mineral needles twig litter humus On wood: conifer hardwood Species: _________________________________________________ General characters (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Sporocarp type: clublike chanterelle tooth jelly fungi Height of entire specimen: ______________________ Length of stem: _____________________________________________ Width of cap: _________________________ Cap flesh thickness: _________________________________________________ Odor: mild strong fragrant Taste (don’t swallow): mild farinaceous strong sweet “mushroom”-like Sporocarp shape: club Flesh consistency (in cross-section): gelatinous Other: __________________________________________________________ bitter hot Other: _______________________________________________ cantherelloid Other: _______________________________________________ fleshy brittle tough rubbery spongy Flesh color and bruising: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Cap color (top of chantrelle or tooth fungus): ____________________________________________________________________ Hymenium color (spore-bearing surface): _______________________________________________________________________ Cap texture: smooth pubescent scaly granular warty fibrillose greasy sticky dry silky hygrophanous (changing color when losing moisture) Stem characters (if present, use cross-section for measurement): Stem present: N Y (if yes, then continue) Length (mm): _____________ Width at widest point (mm): ______________ Width at base (mm): ______________________ Shape: equal ventricose tapered at apex tapered at base compressed Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem flesh texture: gelatinous firm solid stuffed hollow Flesh color: ________________________________ Surface color: _________________________________________________ Surface character: dry moist fibrillose viscid smooth tomentose ribbed scaly folded grooved wrinkled Other: ________________________________________________________________________ Coral Fungi Description Form Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Age of specimens: immature mature old Substrate (circle one): On duff: pine cone On soil: mineral mixed leaves needles twig litter humus On wood: conifer hardwood Species: __________________________________________________ General characters (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Height of entire specimen (mm): _________ Crown diameter (mm): ______________ Width of stem: _____________ Width of stem at base: _______________ Odor: not distinct weak strong Taste (don’t swallow): not distinct sweet mild anise strong beany pungent bitter acrid unpleasant musty earthy citrus Other: _________________________________________ Surface color (Write range for multiple specimens; note color gradations, spots, streaks, and bruising): Tips: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Branches: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bruising (note color and locations): __________________________________________________________________________ Yellow band at junction of stem and branches (fades after picking and in older specimens): N Y Color of flesh in cross section: Tips: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Branches: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stem: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rusty root present (pale brown band in lower stem when cross-sectioned): N Y Branch and stem characters: Stem form: massive chunky slender single Stem flesh consistency (one or more): solid firm-cartilaginous slimy-cartilaginous Branch consistency: fragile slimy-gelatinous firm fused hollow fascicled fleshy-fibrous marbled-gelatinous fleshy-fibrous brittle rubbery-cartilaginous Other: ______________________________________________ cartilaginous brittle rubbery firmly-gelatinous Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Rhizomorphs present (white threads at base): N Y Reaction of Melzer’s reagent on interior stem flesh (optional): amyloid Reaction of Fe2(SO4)3 on interior stem flesh (optional): green none dextrinoid none Sequestrate Fungi Description Form Provide notes and circle as many of the characters from grouped character sets as appropriate. Genus/species: __________________________________________________ Collection number: ___________________________ Collected by: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Zone: 10 or 11 UTM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (6 digits) UTM N___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 digits) NAD 83 Ecology: Dominant trees and shrubs: _________________________________________________________________________________ Growth habit: single scattered Age of specimens: immature grouped mature old Substrate (circle one): In duff: pine cone In soil: mineral mixed leaves needles twig litter humus On wood: conifer hardwood Species: _________________________________________________ General Characteristics (write range of dimensions in mm for multiple specimens) Height (mm): ___________________________________ Width (mm): _____________________________________________ Shape: globose subglobose Overall consistency: tough Odor: mild strong irregular crisp pleasant top-shaped rubbery unpleasant friable hard powdery inside Describe: ________________________________________________________ Peridium (outer surface): Color immediately upon collection: _________________________________________________________________________ Color changes or bruising: ________________________________________________________________________________ Texture: warty smooth tomentose wrinkled folded crusty Color change with KOH 5% (when available): _________________________________________________________________ Separable from gleba (inner portion): N Rhizomorphs present: N Y Y Thickness (mm): _________________________________________________ If yes, attachment: at base along sides overall Rhizomorph color and changes: ____________________________________________________________________________ Gleba (inner portion: describe when cut in half): Arrangement: solid Texture: powdery veined cottony gilled convoluted marbled gelatinous chambered waxy Color: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Color changes and bruising after 5 minutes: __________________________________________________________________ Latex present: N Y Latex color: ________________________________________________________________________ Columella present (sterile tissue): N Columella color: translucent Stem present: N Y opaque Y If yes: single robust joins apex of peridium dendroid Other: ________________________________________________________________ If yes, as: basal pad distinct stem