Happy New Year fellow nurse leaders!! Hard to believe it is 2011. Does anyone make personal or professional New Year’s resolutions or goals anymore? This year I decided to give it a go and create a professional goal for myself. My goal for 2011 is to conduct clinical research in the heart failure population. My personal aspiration is also aligned with what I hoped to achieve as President of Kappa Tau; increase to number of research grant monies awarded to nurses who want to conduct nursing research. Kappa Tau’s Strategic Two Year Plan also reflects this goal which I encourage you to access and review on the website. In addition, my personal goal and our Strategic Plan support some of the recommendations of the newly released Institute of Medicine’s Report on the Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. This is a very exciting time for nursing; let me tell you what is happening in Vermont regarding the IOM report. On January 27, 2011, nurses from Fletcher Allen Health Care, Kappa Tau, University of Vermont, Vermont Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals, Vermont Nurse Practitioner Association, Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders, and Vermont State Nurses Association gathered at the University of Vermont for a Kick Off meeting. Mary Val Palumbo DNP presented the contents of the report and specific recommendations for the four key target areas: Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression. Nurses should be full partners, with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States. Effective workforce planning and policymaking require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure To view this power point presentation, see the attachment on this website. The remaining time at the meeting was spent brainstorming ideas each organization could achieve. The next steps will be to meet again and formulate an organized cohesive plan where each nursing organization and institution will have specific recommendations to carry out. Inform yourself about this very important document by going to www.nursingworld.org or for the full report go http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=12956. You can also go to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing website – www.TheFutureofNursing.org. If you have not created a New Year’s resolution for yourself may I offer a few suggestions? Pick a personal goal that aligns with the Report’s recommendations such as: Participate in a quality improvement project, an evidence based practice project or a research study. Write a grant proposal and submit to Kappa Tau for funding. Disseminate your work and present at a conference. Build your leadership skills with the help of Kappa Tau. Finally speak with your nurse colleagues about the Report to stir excitement and motivation about our important professional opportunity. The time is now and the time is right. Look forward to working with you this year to meet our mutual aspirations!! Ann Laramee APRN