Interpersonal Problem Solving

Interpersonal Problem Solving
Friend & Cook
Chapter 5
• To effectively problem solve, you must use
strong____________; to create and maintain collaborative
services, problem-solving skills are essential.
Clarity of the Problem
• Well-defined problems
– Primary task if to list actions and ensure initiation of solutions
• Partially-defined problems
– Clear Goals, existing guidelines, but vague or varied means to reach
• Ill-defined problems
– Lack clear parameters & not easily resolved.
Timing: Reactive or Proactive
• Reactive
– Define……..
• Proactive
– Define this too!!!!
Should this Problem be solved?
• Another important consideration is whether the context is
appropriate for solving the problem, or at a minimum making an
attempt to define and solve only the part that fits the context of
Steps in the Process
• Setting the Context
• Implementing Solutions
• Evaluating Outcomes
Characteristics of
Well-Defined Problems
• Identifiable Discrepancy Exists Between Current & Desired
– Know the gap between now and hoped for ending
• Participants Agree on Factors that Influence Discrepancy
Suggestions for
Identifying the Problem
• Many possibilities lead to best options given person, place, time,
and needs.
• Interactive problem solving process during which one generates
an many potential solutions as possible without stopping to judge
feasibility or probability of any ideas success or failure.
• Participants individually write lists of potential solutions, then
exchange.share lists with other team members to
generate/stimulate discussion.
Nominal Group Technique
• Individuals privately generate list of potentials, then a composite
list made up of all alternatives is recorded and displayed. A
discussion of the alternative ensues and links are made between
items to reduce data. Individuals are then requested to pick their
top five or ten items and rank order them in importance. This
data is collected and consensus drawn from that information.