Motion Detection using Principal Component Analysis

CIS 751 Project in Computer Science
Video Analysis
Motion Detection using Principal Component Analysis
Roland Miezianko
Professor Dr. Longin Jan Latecki
Temple University
Fall 2003
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Dataset................................................................................................................................. 3
Algorithm Overview ........................................................................................................... 3
Algorithm Steps .................................................................................................................. 4
Step 1 – Reshape the Image Data ............................................................................... 4
Step 2 – Compute the PCA Matrix ............................................................................. 5
Step 3 – Project Image Data onto the PCA Matrix to obtain the Scores Matrix ........ 6
Step 4 – Apply Dynamic Thresholding to the Scores Matrix ..................................... 7
Step 5 – Generate Video Showing Detected Motion .................................................. 8
Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 12
Matlab Code ...................................................................................................................... 12
This project presents concepts and working program to detect motion in a video
sequence using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Prior to using PCA for
motion detection, a histogram-based algorithm was used. The histogram-based
system did not provide as good results as the PCA based system where speed of
computation and sensitivity to motion were of primary concern. Using PCA to
provide the feature descriptor of consecutive video frames along with dynamic
thresholding provided very good results in detecting object larger than the video
segmentation block used. The PCA algorithm presented here used two different
PCA matrix generation methods: global and local; and two thresholding methods:
static and dynamic. Collected data shows that the local PCA generation with
dynamic thresholding may be the best combination of speed and sensitivity.
Matlab code along with video showing detected motion is provided as part of this
Dataset used in this project consist of individual video frames saved as jpeg files.
There are 2688 full RGB color frames in the test video sequence. Each frame was
reduced by 50% and converted to gray scale before it was used. Once the frames
were analyzed, new video was produced using the reduced grayscale data with
motion blocks projected onto the image to highlight the spatial location of
detected movement.
Algorithm Overview
Algorithm follows these basic five steps:
Reshape the image data into 8x8 blocks
Compute the PCA based on selected number of frames
Project the image data onto the PCA matrix to obtain scores for each block
Apply dynamic thresholding to the scores matrix for each block of each
frame. Create motion detected Yes/No matrix for each block of each
5. Generate video highlighting the spatial locations where motion was
The Matlab code was written to separate each step and allow for changes to not
affect the repetition of previous steps. Each step generated data that is used in the
subsequent steps. For example, after completing Step 3, were the scores matrix
was generated, experiments may be perform during Step 4, such as performing
static thresholding or dynamic thresholding.
Algorithm Steps
Step 1 – Reshape the Image Data
Image frame is loaded from an external jpeg file and Matlab converts it to
RGB 3-dimentional matrix. In order to reduce the dataset to more
manageable size, each image has been reduced in size by 50% and
subsequently converted to grayscale. The two-dimensional grayscale
matrix is then reshaped into 8x8 blocks using the im2col Matlab
function. This operation produces 64 rows by 1728 columns matrix.
There are 64 pixels per each 8x8 block and there are 1728 blocks in each
reduced grayscale image. The resulting matrix is then transposed to
1728x64 matrix so each row represents individual block and each columns
represents one of the 64 pixels in the block. This will allow for generation
of the PCA dataset and for later computation of the scoring matrix.
Image blocks are generated using a down-up-left-down motion.
64 Pix
1728 Blocks
64 Pix per Block
Converting image into 8x8 blocks and transposing it, yields a 1728 by 64
Step 2 – Compute the PCA Matrix
To compute the Principal Component Analysis matrix a dataset must be
used that represents most of the video sequence. Taking every 250th frame
of the video sequence and stacking the frames one on top of each other to
create a 19008x64 matrix. In the dataset video sequence there are 2688
frames, so every 250th frame, produces about 11 frames that will be used
to generate the PCA matrix. Once this matrix is created, a covariance is
computed producing a 64x64 matrix. The covariance matrix is then used
by the pcacov Matlab function to produce the PCA components. The
produced PCA matrix is also 64x64 matrix with each row representing the
64 pixel values per block and the 64 columns represent the 64 principal
components, arranged so that the first column represents the first principal
component and so forth in descending order. Only the first three principal
components will be used in generating the Score Matrix in the following
64 Pix per Block
Frame 1
Frame j
Frame N
Append every 250th frame (total of 11 frames) to create a dataset used in
computing the principal components. Principal components are computed
based on the covariance matrix.
64 PCAs
64 Pix
The principal components matrix contains 64 rows representing each pixel
in the block and 64 columns representing 64 principal components. Only
the first three components are used (first three columns)
Step 3 – Project Image Data onto the PCA Matrix to obtain the
Scores Matrix
Once the principal components are generated, the score matrix must be
generated next. Each frame image is projected onto the first 3 principal
components (1728x64 * 64x3) to create a 1728x3 score matrix per frame.
Each frame has its own score matrix for each block. Once the score
matrix is created for each frame, dynamic thresholding may be applied to
obtain the motion /no-motion matrix.
Frame X
3 PCAs
Frame X
3 Scores
64 Pix
64 Pix per Block
Projecting frame data onto the principal components matrix yields a 1728
by 3 score matrix.
Step 4 – Apply Dynamic Thresholding to the Scores Matrix
Dynamic thresholding is computed on the score matrix generated in the
previous step. It is generated by taking a window of 7 frames (3 before,
current, and 3 after) and computing a covariance matrix per each block,
then taking the larger eigenvalue of the 3 produced. Once the single
eigenvalue is computed for each block in the 7 window frame, a dynamic
thresholding algorithm is used on this single value. Another window of 7
frames is used to store the mean and standard deviation and compare the
value for the block with the mean and determine a Yes/No motion matrix.
This motion matrix is 1728x2688, where there are 1728 blocks per frame
and 2688 frames per video sequence. A value of 0 represents no motion
per block/frame and value of 1 represents detected motion per
2688 Frames
Motion matrix is generated representing a Yes/No flag for each block of
each frame. This will be used in
Step 5 – Generate Video Showing Detected Motion
The motion matrix obtained in Step 4 is then used with the image block
data from Step 1 to generate a video sequence highlighting the spatial
location of detected motion. Each grayscale image block is checked
against the motion matrix, and if motion is detected in the block, the
grayscale image is converted to RGB image (still grayscale in
presentation) and its red value is set to either 220 or 255, depending on the
original. If motion was not detected in the block, the image is unchanged.
Final video file is save as an AVI compressed file.
No motion detected
Motion detected. Red blocks represent spatial locations where motion is
Data Analysis
The scores matrix figure shows the frame locations where motion was detected.
The principal components used in generating the scores matrix were created based
on 11 frames evenly spaced within the video sequence. The obtained results may
be viewed as completed AVI file with red blocks representing motion or as a
figure showing the detected motion of each block within the entire video
sequence. Additional test was performed on the block 24x28, where the principal
components were created by the block data only (from matrix 2688x64). It seems
that the scores using the local principal components were higher in magnitude
then the ones generated by the global principal components, however, both
methods yielded acceptable values for the frames where motion was present.
3 Principal Components of Block 24x28
Block 24x28 score values per frame based on Local PCA values
Block 24x28 score values per frame based on Global PCA values
Zoom of block 24x28 score values per frame based on Local PCA values
Zoom of block 24x28 score values per frame based on Global PCA values
Mean gray level values of block 24x28 per frame
The method of motion detection using principal component analysis combined
with dynamic thresholding yields good results in detecting motion.
Improvements in generating the PCA matrix include the creation per block PCA
matrix, instead of global PCA matrix. A better thresholding algorithm may be
used to eliminate sporadic detection of motion where there is no motion. This
appears to happen when the gray level values are very high. Future projects will
include generating PCA matrix per each block of the video sequence and
processing images with variation in size of the blocks.
Matlab Code
Matlab code is separated into several files to allow for data collection and analysis
at each step of the process. Only one file is executed in Matlab, the main.m file.
The following files contain the algorithm presented in this project.
This file is always executed, as it calls all the other
functions. Global data definition, such as location of video
frames and directory location where data is to be stored.
Reshape the image data into 8x8 blocks, where each row
represents the block within a frame, and each column
represents one of the 64 pixels of the 8x8 block. Store the
reshaped frame in an external file. This data will later be
use in Steps 2, 3, and 5.
Take about every 250th frame within the video sequence
giving us about 11 frames which are used to create the
Principal Components matrix. There will be 64 principal
components, of which only the top three will be used. Store
the principal component matrix in an external file.
Take each reshaped frame from the video sequence and
project it onto the three principal components. Store the
score matrix in an external file.
This file has two functions:
(1) Take the score matrix for each block and generate a
motion data based on the third eigenvalue of a 7 frame
window. Store the data.
(2) Generate a 0/1 matrix of each block-frame combination
based on dynamic thresholding method. Store the
MotionFlag matrix in an external file.
Take the reshaped frame and place red squares in blocks
where motion was detected based on the MotionFlag matrix.
Generate an AVI compressed video showing the spatial
locations of detected motion.
Plot the block EV data generated by genmotion.m file.
The main file main.m calls all other functions to perform the steps required to
detect motion using PCA-based algorithm.
generate all blocks for each frame, rows=blocks, cols=pix of
gencols(imageFileNamePrefix, dataFileNamePrefix, FrameStart,
FrameEnd, 8, 8)
compute the pca matrix based on the frame data and given frame
compute scores for each block of each frame using the pcadata, X
columns (3 OR 10)
generate the motion matrix of each block of each frame
if dump is 1, then we are creating the threshold matrix,
otherwise we are creating the ev vectors of window size 7
generate video based on motion flag
plot results of a block
BlockRow = 24;
BlockCol = 28;
BlockIndex = (BlockCol-1)*36 + BlockRow;
Matlab code is provided in separate files.