The Mormon Dilemma

The Mormon Dilemma
ACCUSATION: Mormons believe in multiple gods; they are polytheists. They believe that they
can become gods, and that God Himself was once a man like us. Mormons believe that the
Heavenly Father has a physical flesh body.
COMMON MORMON RESPONSE: We worship and serve only our Heavenly Father. We do
not worship multiple gods. However, Heavenly Father is a God, Jesus is a god, and the Holy
Spirit is a god (editor's note: not all Mormons believe the Holy Spirit is a god because he does
not have a flesh body like Jesus and Heavenly Father). The three are separate in essence and
existence from one another, yet one God in purpose and goal. We are commanded to become
more like God, and that is our goal. In fact the Bible says we are to be perfect as He is perfect,
and that when Jesus returns we will be make like Him. Therefore, we strive to be like gods,
and we hope that one day the Heavenly Father will grant us god powers (editor's note: this is a
reference to celestial salvation). This is how the Heavenly Father himself became a god...he
began as a man on an earth, he obeyed the Gospel, he was exalted to the celestial kingdom, and
through continued eternal progression has become the wisest and strongest of the gods. The
Heavenly Father has an exalted physical body now through which he pro-creates spirit children
with his wife, who is our Heavenly Mother.
MY THOUGHTS: Eternal progression is the concept that everything can evolve upward. (But
the laws of physics show that everything tends to break down, not evolve up.). So here is a
dilemma: If Heavenly Father rose to the position as top god by surpassing the previous top
god, then it follows that someone else could possibly eventually in time rise above Him and
become the new "top god." Can the Mormon accept this? Could some really great person
eventually succeed the Heavenly Father as Head of the Council of gods? If true, then Charles
Darwin was right about more than he ever imagined!
Furthermore, if Heavenly Father was at some time a man on an "earth" somewhere in the
universe, then it follows that there must be life on other planets. Yet science has yet to reveal
proof of such. But just because science hasn't found it yet doesn't mean it's not there. Ok...but if
there are civilizations out there that are innumberable eons older than us, they must also be far
advanced in technology beyond what we now know, and if they serve a God who has revealed
to them that life exists on other planets like right here on Earth, then it follows that they, with
their advanced technology, would have attempted to contact us by now. Simply proving the
existence of intelligent life on other planets, and that that life form believes in a religion similar
to Mormonism, will prove that Mormonism is true. (No other religion has stated so firmly that
life exists on other planets and that they are following the same Gospel.)
Ask your Mormon friend if it is ok to worship and pray to Jesus. He will undoubtedly respond
that we can only worship and pray to the Heavenly Father. Next, ask Him who the Jehovah of
the Old Testament is. If he is knowledgeable in Mormon doctrine, he knows that Jehovah
refers to the Son of God, Jesus. he is in a bind. Who did they worship and pray to in
the Old Testament? (Jehovah!) Furthermore, look up the following Bible verses to see where
Jesus received worship and prayers: Matthew 2:2,8,11; Matt. 28:17; John 9:38; Acts 7:59;
Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 4:10. On the other hand, if the Mormon admits that it is ok to worship
Jesus, he must then conclude that Mormonism is polytheists, because Jesus is a separate god
(deity) from the Father!
<>David Sims