PowerPoint - The Father`s Love

God The Father
Session 1:
Knowing God The Father
Session 1
The mystery of the Trinity
Session 1
Jesus’ baptism in Matthew 3:13-17
Session 1
“The early church leaders described the Trinity
using the term perichoresis (peri – circle,
choresis – dance): the Trinity was an eternal
dance of Father, Son and Spirit sharing mutual
live, honour, happiness, joy and respect.”
Brian McClaren, Generous Orthodoxy
Session 1
“The single most important thing about
us, is what first comes into our heads
when we hear the word…'God’.”
A W Tozer
Session 1
God is the Father of Creation
Session 1
God has no grandchildren
Session 1
What is God the Father like?
Session 1
The Father speaks, the Spirit falls
Session 1
God’s love for Jesus was not based
on what Jesus did, God’s love for
Jesus was based on who He was
Session 1
“His unchanging plan has always been to
adopt us into his own family by bringing us
to himself through Jesus Christ. And this
gave him great pleasure.”
Ephesians 1:5
Session 1
“So you have not received a spirit that
makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you
received God’s Spirit when he adopted
you as his own children. Now we call him,
“Abba, Father.”
Romans 8:15
Session 1
God’s love for you YOU is not based on
what you do, God’s love for YOU is
based on who He is & who YOU are
Session 1
Video Clip
Session 1
Time to reflect…
Session 2:
Becoming a son or
daughter of God
Session 2
God is a perfect father
Session 2
Some fathers are… authoritarian
Session 2
Some fathers are… absent
Session 2
Some fathers are… abusive
Session 2
Some fathers are… accusing
Session 2
Recognise your earthly father
is NOT perfect
Session 2
Forgive your earthly father
Session 2
Ask God to bring healing
Session 2
Receive the love of your
Heavenly Father
Session 2
Keep ongoing relationship
with your Heavenly Father
Session 2
How should we act towards
our Heavenly Father?
Session 2
Time to reflect…
Session 3:
The Prodigal Son
Session 3
The good news of the Gospel must
become good news to us before it
can become good news through us.
Session 3
The lost get found
Session 3
The shock factor…
Session 3
Spot the difference
Session 3
Jesus is our elder brother, sent from
the Father, to find us and bring us
back to the Father.
Session 3
Who is responsible for
reaching the lost?
Session 3
What prevents us reaching out
to the lost?
Session 3
What should motivate us to
reach out to the lost?
Session 3
How can we help the lost come
to the Father?
Session 3
Time to reflect…
God The Father