Guidance on Assessment – Graphic Presentation Folio

National Qualifications
Graphic Communication
Intermediate 2
Guidance on Assessment – Graphic Presentation Folio
(Diet 2014/ 2015)
It is strongly recommended that centres read this guidance documentation thoroughly
before commencing with the Coursework.
Internal Assessment – Graphic Presentation Folio
Section 1 – Manual Rendering and Presentation
Section 2 – Computer-Aided Drawing – Orthographic
Section 3 – Computer-Aided Drawing – Pictorial
Section 4 – Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
Section 5 – Desktop Publishing Presentation
Section 6 – Student Record
Allocation of Marks
Graphic Communication Intermediate 2
Guidance on Assessment – Graphic Presentation Folio
The Intermediate 2 Graphic Communication Course facilitates the development and
effective application of computer skills through the use of production and promotional
graphics. In particular, Course content and methodology has been designed to reflect the
use of graphics in business and industry, while embracing the changes brought about by
continuing advances in software and hardware technology.
As part of the external assessment of the Intermediate 2 Graphic Communication Course,
candidates are required to produce a Graphic Presentation Folio. Submissions will be
internally assessed and centrally verified. The Graphic Presentation Folio is a collection of
a candidate's “best work”, chosen by them, and directly addressing the following:
manual promotional graphics - eg, sales posters, advertisements and flyers
production (formal) CAD graphics - eg, orthographic and pictorial drawings and
promotional CAG and DTP graphics - eg, illustrations and DTP layouts
The purpose of the Graphic Presentation Folio assessment provision is to provide
candidates with the opportunity of demonstrating their competence across a range of
computer work tasks, and may be focused on a central theme. Graphics produced for the
Computer Graphics Unit should form the basis of the material for the Graphic Presentation
For the Computer Graphics Unit, a range of computer graphics should be produced that
provide candidate evidence to meet the Unit's Outcome assessment requirements. From
this evidence, candidates should select work to be developed beyond Unit standard for
inclusion in the Graphic Presentation Folio.
If required, any additional or enhancement work to complete a Graphic Presentation Folio
can be undertaken within the extra 40 hours allocated for Course assessment preparation.
However, within these 40 hours, the additional time to complete a Folio should not exceed
10 to 15 hours.
Teachers/ lecturers should advise candidates of the suitability of their chosen work for a
Graphic Presentation Folio and of any additional or enhancement work to meet the
assessment requirements of the Folio.
Internal Assessment – Graphic Presentation Folio
The external assessment of the Intermediate 2 Graphic Communication Course consists of
a Question Paper contributing 70% of the total available marks and a Graphic Presentation
Folio contributing 30% of the total available marks.
It is acceptable for work to be used as evidence of Unit performance as well as being
submitted as part of a Graphic Presentation Folio. From this evidence, candidates should
select work to be developed beyond Unit standard for inclusion in the Graphic Presentation
If required, any additional or enhancement work to complete a Folio can be undertaken
within the extra 40 hours allocated for Course assessment preparation. However, within
these 40 hours, the additional time required to complete a Graphic Presentation Folio
should not exceed 10 to 15 hours.
There are a total of 30 marks available in the marking scheme for the assessment of the
Graphic Presentation Folio. The marking scheme is divided into four main Sections, with
marks as indicated:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Manual Rendering and Presentation
Computer-Aided Drawing Orthographic
Computer-Aided Drawing Pictorial
Computer-Aided Illustration and Presentation
Computer-Aided Desktop Publishing
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
(6 marks)
The Student Record allows candidates to provide a description of their graphic items,
software used and how the items were produced.
The Student Record also allows for a candidate declaration that material presented for
assessment is their own work and teacher/ lecturer authentication that the material has
been produced in accordance with these guidelines. When complete, the Student Record
must be submitted together with a candidate's Graphic Presentation Folio.
A detailed breakdown of the marking scheme can be found on page 16 of this document
and also in the Student Record.
The Graphic Presentation Folio at Intermediate 2 is internally assessed and subject
to external verification. All Graphic Presentation Folios must be completed,
internally assessed and available (in hard copy) for submission to SQA by the date
specified in the ‘NQ key dates’ section of the SQA Operational Help Centre. If your
centre is selected for verification you will be notified by SQA.
Section 1
Manual Rendering and Presentation
There are a total of 6 marks available for manual rendering and presentation in the
Graphic Presentation Folio marking scheme. As well as allocating marks for the effective
and creative use of manual techniques, marks are allocated for the overall presentation,
display qualities of the graphic and the use of at least two different mediums, eg graphite
pencil, colour pencil, pastels, markers air brush, etc.
It is expected that the work for this Section will consist of one page of manual rendering
and presentation work.
Carefully planned manual rendering and presentation graphics produced for the Technical
Graphics 1 Unit can also be selected for inclusion in the Graphic Presentation Folio.
Graphics completed to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair' in accordance with the
marking table below. Additional marks awarded for effective and creative work are to be
allocated for a degree of performance above Unit standard.
A breakdown of the maximum available marks for the creation of manual promotional
Creative and effective use of rendering, backgrounds, text and manual
presentation skills using a minimum of two mediums of
an everyday object/ item.
6 marks
The following table should be used as a guide for marking this Section. Where
appropriate, teachers/ lecturers may interpolate between the stated values. Only whole
numbers are to be entered in the marking sheet, ie no half marks may be used. Work
carried out to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair'.
(Unit Standard)
Very Poor
It should be noted that all Manual Rendering and Presentation work selected for
assessment must be the candidate’s own work. Work produced following a directed
approach, such as a step-by-step is not valid for assessment purposes. Additionally,
the following must be evident:
For using manual rendering and presentation techniques the presentation must:
include a realistic sketch produced by the candidate (not traced, eg template or CAD
demonstrate the effect of light through the use of shading, reflections, highlights where
demonstrate creative use of backgrounds/ flashbars.
To gain marks above Unit Standard, two or more of the following must be included in the
Manual Rendering and Presentation evidence:
use of two or more different mediums
there should be shadows
a good representation of texture
creative use of manual text to enhance the overall layout.
In addition to the above; visual quality, creativity and effectiveness must be
Section 2
Computer-Aided Drawing - Orthographic
There are a total of 6 marks available for computer-aided orthographic drawings in the
Graphic Presentation Folio marking scheme. The detailed marking allocation allows credit
to be given for any difficult drawing processes undertaken and the technical complexity of
detailed and component orthographic drawings.
It is expected that the work for this Section will consist of one A3 or A4 (A3 preferred) page
of orthographic detail views (showing different line types, dimension types, fillets and arcs)
of an everyday object.
Carefully planned orthographic drawings produced for the Computer Graphics Unit can
also be selected for inclusion in a Graphic Presentation Folio. Graphics completed to Unit
standard should be graded as 'fair' in accordance with the marking table below. Additional
marks awarded for difficult and complex work are to be allocated for a degree of
performance above Unit standard.
The breakdown of the maximum available marks for computer-aided orthographic drawing
of an everyday object is as follows:
Detailed Related Orthographic dimensioned related orthographic
drawing in third angle projection of an everyday object – technical
complexity, degree of difficulty of the drawing process and visual
6 marks
The following table should be used as a guide for marking for this Section (where
appropriate, teachers/ lecturers may interpolate between the stated values). Only whole
numbers are to be entered in the Student Record, ie no half marks may be used.
Work carried out to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair'.
(Unit Standard)
Very Poor
It should be noted that all CAD work selected for assessment must be the candidates own
work. Work produced following a directed approach, such as a step-by-step guide
or wizard, is not valid for assessment purposes. Additionally, the following must be
orthographic drawings should contain three related views in third angle projection
the following line types: outlines, centre lines, hidden detail lines and dimension lines in
accordance with British Standards conventions
drawings of assemblies and sectional views should be limited to two or three main
components with straight and curved surfaces
drawings should be suitably laid out with view titles (eg elevation, end elevation, plan
etc) using an appropriate font and point size
if using a 3D modeling package, related orthographic views must be line drawings
generated from the model and must not show rendering, wire frame or facets.
To gain marks above Unit Standard, two or more of the following must be included in the
CAD evidence:
drawing should be suitably laid out (with name, date, scale and projection symbol) and
using an appropriate font and point size.
the use of colour/ line weight enhances the overall presentation CAD drawing
additional views drawn to a different scale on the same sheet
orthographic exploded view
sectional view
object drawn is complex in nature, eg curves and tangents
In addition to the above; visual quality, accuracy and the degree of difficulty must
be considered.
Section 3
Computer-Aided Drawing - Pictorial
There are a total of 6 marks available for computer-aided pictorial drawings in the Graphic
Presentation Folio marking scheme. The detailed marking allocation allows credit to be
given for any difficult drawing processes undertaken and the technical complexity of a
finished product.
It is expected that the work for this Section will consist of one A3 or A4 (A3 preferred) page
of scaled pictorial views (selected from isometric, planometric, oblique or perspective) that
effectively represents the object in terms of detail and proportion.
Carefully planned pictorial drawings produced for the Computer Graphics Unit can also be
selected for inclusion in a Graphic Presentation Folio. Graphics completed to Unit
standard should be graded as 'fair' in accordance with the marking table below. Additional
marks awarded for difficult and complex work are to be allocated for a degree of
performance above Unit standard.
The breakdown of the maximum available marks for computer-aided pictorial drawing is as
Pictorial line drawing (eg isometric, oblique, planometric
perspective) - technical complexity, degree of difficulty of the
drawing process and visual quality.
6 marks
The following table should be used as a guide for marking for this Section (where
appropriate, teachers/ lecturers may interpolate between the stated values). Only whole
numbers are to be entered in the marking sheet, ie no half marks may be used. Work
carried out to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair'.
(Unit Standard)
Very Poor
It should be noted that all CAD work selected for assessment must be the candidate’s own
work. Work produced following a directed approach, such as a step-by-step guide
or wizard, is not valid for assessment purposes. Additionally, the following must be
the drawing should give a good representation of the item
the pictorial drawing can be either isometric, oblique, planometric or perspective
drawings should be suitably laid out with titles and name box using an appropriate font
and point size
if using a 3D modeling package, pictorial views must be line drawings generated from
the model and must not show rendering, wire frame or facets.
Tangential edges are permitted only where they enhance and add clarity to the
To gain marks above Unit Standard, two or more of the following must be included in the
CAD evidence:
a sectional pictorial view
a detailed exploded pictorial view
object drawn contains curves, ellipses or fillets drawn accurately
additional views to a different scale
In addition to the above; visual quality, accuracy and the degree of difficulty must
be considered.
Section 4
Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
There are a total of 6 marks available for computer-aided drawings in the Graphic
Presentation Folio marking scheme. As well as allocating marks for the effective and
creative use of an illustration package, marks are allocated for the overall presentation and
display qualities of the graphic.
It is expected that the work for this Section will consist of one A3 or A4 page of computeraided illustration and presentation work.
Carefully planned computer-aided illustration and presentation graphics produced for the
Computer Graphics Unit can also be selected for inclusion in the Graphic Presentation
Folio. Graphics completed to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair' in accordance with
the marking table below. Additional marks awarded for effective and creative work are to
be allocated for a degree of performance above Unit standard.
The breakdown of the maximum available marks for using an illustration package to create
computer generated promotional graphic is as follows:
Effective and creative use of rendering, backgrounds, text and
presentation skills.
6 marks
The following table should be used as a guide for marking this Section. Where
appropriate, teachers/ lecturers may interpolate between the stated values. Only whole
numbers are to be entered in the marking sheet, ie no half marks may be used. Work
carried out to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair'.
(Unit Standard)
Very Poor
It should be noted that all Illustration work selected for assessment must be the
candidate’s own work. Work produced following a directed approach, such as a stepby-step guide or wizard, is not valid for assessment purposes. The following must be
a computer-rendered pictorial view of an everyday object/ item
effective use of gradients, shading, reflections, highlights to represent light and
a suitable background
use of text and graphics.
To gain marks above Unit Standard, two or more of the following must be included in the
Promotional Graphic evidence:
selection of font/ colour choice enhances overall layout
additional clip art/ images has been used to enhance the overall layout
demonstrate creative use of text, eg text wrap/ text along a path which enhances the
overall Promotional Graphic
the background is both creative and effective and has been created by the candidate.
If using a 3D modelling package effective use of materials and lights must be
evident at the appropriate level and a description/ explanation of this must be
recorded in the Student Record.
In addition to the above; visual quality, accuracy and the degree of difficulty must
be considered.
Section 5
Desktop Publishing Presentation
There are a total of 6 marks available for computer-aided desktop presentation in the
Graphic Presentation Folio marking scheme. As well as allocating marks for the effective
and creative use of a Desktop Publishing package, marks are also allocated for the overall
presentation and display qualities of the graphic.
It is expected that the work for this Section will consist of one A3 or A4 page of Desktop
Publishing and presentation work.
Where appropriate, DTP graphics produced for the Computer Graphics Unit can also be
selected for inclusion in the Graphic Presentation Folio. Desktop presentations completed
to Unit standard should be graded as 'fair' in accordance with the marking table below.
Additional marks awarded for effective and creative work are to be allocated for a degree
of performance above Unit standard.
The breakdown of the maximum available marks for using a desktop publishing package to
produce a presentation is as follows:
Effective integration of text and graphics to produce a single page DTP
6 marks
The following table should be used as a guide for marking this Section. Where
appropriate, teachers/ lecturers may interpolate between the stated values. Only whole
numbers are to be entered in the marking sheet, ie no half marks may be used.
(Unit Standard)
Very Poor
It should be noted that all Desktop Publishing work selected for assessment must be the
candidate’s own work. Work produced following a directed approach, such as a stepby-step guide or wizard, is not valid for assessment purposes. The following must be
In using a desktop publishing package (DTP) the document created must include:
two or more column(s), margins, headers and footers
imported graphics and an appropriate use of text styles
text typed or imported from library sources and should be related to the document and
not unrelated Lorem Ipsum text
imported graphics; which could be from work created as: part of the Computer
Graphics Unit, clip art, library material, scanned images, digital camera or video
captured images.
To gain marks above Unit Standard, two or more of the following must be included in the
Desktop Publishing document:
it should be double-sided
selection of font, point size, alignment to enhance overall layout
creative use of text wrap should be accurate and appropriate
images used within the document should show evidence of one or more types of
editing, eg cropped, scaled, colour changed, faded into a watermark
one or more image(s) created by the candidate using a scanner, digital camera or
video capture is of a high quality and has been edited by the candidate.
In addition to the above; technical quality, creativity and effectiveness must be
Section 6
Student Record
Teachers/ lecturers should use the Student Record to monitor candidate's work for
verification purposes.
The Student Record provides a candidate declaration that material presented for
assessment is their own work and that it has been produced in accordance with these
guidelines - the candidate declaration must be completed for a submission to be
Candidates must provide:
a description of each graphic item, software and graphic medium used and how the
graphic item was produced
an acknowledgement (including the source) of all scanned, captured or clip art images
a description of any work carried out to enhance scanned, captured, or clip art images.
If using a 3D modelling package a clear description/ explanation of the positioning of
the lights must be recorded.
Additionally, all Graphic Presentation Folio items must be numbered appropriately and
recorded on the Student Record.
Candidates should be encouraged to plan, sketch and then annotate their proposed layout
and must not make use of step-by-step guides or wizards. All CAD, Illustration or DTP
computer graphic work produced by following a directed approach, such as by a step-bystep guide or wizard is not valid for assessment purposes.
The Graphic Presentation Folio at Intermediate 2 is internally assessed and subject
to external verification. All Graphic Presentation Folios must be completed,
internally assessed and available (in hard copy) for submission to SQA by the date
specified in the ‘NQ key dates’ section of the SQA Operational Help Centre. If your
centre is selected for verification you will be notified by SQA.
Graphic Communication Intermediate 2
Teacher/ Lecturer Assessment of Graphic Presentation Folio
Teacher/ lecturers must refer to “Guidance for Assessment- Graphic Presentation Folio”
(Diet 2014/ 2015) before attempting to complete this form.
Candidate _______________________________________________________
Do not use ½ marks on this form.
Assessment Criteria
Section 1. Manual Rendering and Presentation
Creative and effective use of backgrounds, text, layout, etc
Section 2. Computer-Aided Drawing – Orthographic
Detailed Orthographic
Section 3. Computer-Aided Drawing – Pictorial
Pictorial Line Drawing
Section 4. Computer-Aided Illustration & Presentation
Creative use of rendering and effective use of backgrounds,
text, layout, etc
Section 5. Desktop Publishing Presentation
Effective integration of text and graphics
Total Marks