__________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION __________________________________________________________________ TO THE PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULTAORY PANEL __________________________________________________________________ TITLE: THE NEW WALKDEN HIGH SCHOOL: TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT __________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That the Panel note the contents of the report and are mindful of its content when making formal decisions on relevant matters that require statutory approval. __________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: When planning permission was granted for the new Walkden High School (Planning Permission Ref: 09/57783/FUL), the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel required that: “the Strategic Director for Sustainable Regeneration submit (a) a report, at the earliest opportunity, addressing the traffic issues which have been identified in the vicinity of the High School described in 09/57783 above and (b) a report, at the appropriate time, on the operation of the liaison machinery which is to be established to ensure community involvement in the operation of the school.” In accordance with the Panel’s resolution, this report is intended to update the Panel on measures to mitigate the school’s traffic impact and how local residents have been actively engaged in the project as a whole. __________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Urban Vision Report – Walkden High School Highways Improvements (Appendix 1) __________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1. Background When planning permission was granted for the new Walkden High School on 03 September 2009 (Planning Permission Ref: 09/57783/FUL), the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel required that: “the Strategic Director for Sustainable Regeneration submit (a) a report, at the earliest opportunity, addressing the traffic issues which have been identified in the vicinity of the High School described in 09/57783 above and (b) a report, at the appropriate time, on the operation of the liaison machinery which is to be established to ensure community involvement in the operation of the school.” In accordance with the Panel’s resolution, this report is intended to update the Panel on measures to mitigate the school’s traffic impact and how local residents have been actively engaged in the project as a whole. Construction of the new school building is nearing completion and landscaping and works to playing pitches is well underway. The new school will open in September 2011. 2. Traffic Mitigation In accordance with the planning permission for the new school, an extensive package of off-site highway works to improve highway safety and help address residents concerns has been developed with colleagues in Urban Vision. A new school travel plan is also being developed by a newly formed School Travel Plan Steering Group. Off-site Highway Works Soon after planning permission was granted, the council’s BSF team commissioned Urban Vision to design a scheme focused on the following objectives: o Enhancing and enlarging the existing school bus stops and lay-by on Birch Road o Installation of new raised crossings to aid the safe passage of pupils to the new school from the off-site school bus stops o Introduction of measures to slow and calm traffic o Introduction of physical measures to discourage nuisance parking Having engaged local residents in developing a package of traffic calming and management interventions around the new school, permission is being sought from the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel on 21 April 2011 to progress the scheme by initiating the statutory processes to secure the necessary highways orders. A detailed report by Urban Vision describing the scheme and explaining how local residents’ involvement has influenced design development is provided in Appendix 1. It should be noted that the works being proposed are far more extensive than originally envisaged in the Transport Assessment that formed part of the planning application. New School Travel Plan A School Travel Plan Steering Group has been established and the development of a new travel plan is well underway. Members of the Steering Group include school governors, the School Business Manager, the council’s Travel Plan Co-ordinator and, importantly, four local residents. The Steering Group have on various occasions sought input from colleagues in Transport and Network Management to ensure the emerging plan is aligned with planned developments to transport infrastructure such as improvements to the loop line (pedestrian and cycle route) that runs along the southern boundary of the new school site and the Leigh Guided Busway proposals. In addition to the package of off-site highways works, additional measures being considered and developed include the preparation of a leaflet for pupils and parents promoting sustainable travel modes and highlighting the measures put in place to minimise the traffic impact on the local community. A planning condition was attached to the planning permission for the new school that requires a final travel plan to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority within six months of the new school opening. The School Travel Plan Steering Group is however aiming to have adopted an approved new travel plan when the new school opens in September 2011. Finally, local Traffic PCSOs regularly attend the resident’s liaison meetings and have committed to offer vital enforcement support to help tackle problems of nuisance parking when the new school opens. 3. Community Involvement Local residents have been actively engaged in the project since construction began on site. They have been involved in the development of the off-site highway works proposals, the formation and ongoing membership of the School Travel Plan Steering Group, invited to and attended regular resident’s liaison meetings and have all been given a 24-hour contact number to address any construction related issues arising. Very soon after construction began on site, regular residents’ liaison meetings were quickly established and have become the main forum for community engagement and involvement. A website with dedicated community sections has also been provided at: www.salfordandwiganbsf.co.uk In addition to the work undertaken in-house, the council’s construction partner Laing O’Rourke Construction North has also employed dedicated community liaison staff that take calls and e-mails from the public and lead on the coordination of solutions to construction related problems raised by the public. Given the strength of residents concerns about the traffic impact of the new school many residents’ liaison meetings have focused on discussing and identifying potential solutions to traffic impact and nuisance parking. This early and ongoing dialogue has helped ensure local residents have strongly influenced the development of the proposals from the outset. Local Traffic PCSOs attend residents’ meetings to helpfully provide enforcement support and advice. An initial draft highways works scheme was presented to residents in September 2010 and following that draft plans and consultation letters were sent to 272 homes in October 2010. Eight relevant written consultation responses were received. The Urban Vision report in Appendix 1 provides a summary of the issues raised in the consultation and how they have influenced design development. A further resident’s meeting focused solely on the proposed highways works is scheduled to take place in May after the elections where we will explain how we have responded to the issues raised during the consultation. This meeting is being programmed to coincide with the statutory highways order consultation, assuming Panel approve the initiation of that process. As the construction of the new school is nearing completion, the focus of residents’ meetings is beginning to move towards operational matters when the new school opens. We have therefore arranged for the PFI facilities management company to attend a future meeting(s) to respond resident’s questions. Prior to the completion of the school local residents will be given contact details for the school, the facilities management provider and Salford Community Leisure who will be managing community use of the school’s sports facilities. Finally, as the development of travel plans are an ongoing, iterative process the School Travel Plan Steering Group will continue to meet and review the performance of the initial travel plan after the new school opens. Local residents’ membership of the group will ensure the community remains involved in addressing school travel related issues. __________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Unitary Development Plan and Statement of Community Involvement __________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Daniel Hewitt TEL. NO. 0161 778 0278 __________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Walkden South APPENDIX 1: Urban Vision Report – Walkden High School Highways Improvements Final UV Walkden Briefing Paper.doc Appendix A.pdf Appendix B.pdf