Sustainable development in South Africa: progress made on the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) and Agenda 21 Report Prepared for Department of Environmental Affairs Report Number 445741/1 . Report Prepared by May 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: 445741: JPOI progress Page i Sustainable development in South Africa: progress made on the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) and Agenda 21 Department of Environmental Affairs Fedsure Forum Building 315 Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0002 SRK Consulting (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. 265 Oxford Rd Illovo 2196 Johannesburg South Africa e-mail: website: Tel: +27 (0) 11 441 1111 Fax:+27 (0) 11 880 8086 SRK Project Number 445741 Mayl 2012 Compiled by: Peer Reviewed by: L Brown and D. Kilian D. Gibson Email: Authors: L. Brown; A Ismail; D Kilian, R. Bezuidenhout, A Hart, B McLean and J. Friedenthal BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] Page ii Executive Summary BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] Page iii Table of Contents Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... ii Disclaimer...................................................................................................................................................viii List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... ix 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 10 1.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 10 1.2 Overarching policy framework and principles ................................................................................... 10 1.3 Structure of this report....................................................................................................................... 10 2 Poverty eradication .................................................................................................... 10 2.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 10 2.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 10 2.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.5 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 10 2.6 Innovative approaches to poverty eradication .................................................................................. 10 2.7 Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 11 3 Changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production ...................... 11 3.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 11 3.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 11 3.5 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 11 3.6 Innovative approaches to sustainable consumption and production ................................................ 11 3.7 Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 11 4 Protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development ............................................................................................................... 12 4.1 4.2 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 12 4.1.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 12 4.1.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 12 4.1.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 12 4.1.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 12 4.1.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 12 4.1.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 12 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 12 4.2.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 12 4.2.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 12 4.2.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 12 BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Page iv 4.2.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 13 4.2.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 13 4.2.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 13 4.2.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 13 4.2.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 13 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 13 4.3.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 13 4.3.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 13 4.3.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 13 4.3.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 13 4.3.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 14 4.3.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 14 4.3.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 14 4.3.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 14 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 14 4.4.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 14 4.4.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 14 4.4.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 14 4.4.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 14 4.4.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 14 4.4.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 14 4.4.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 14 4.4.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 14 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 15 4.5.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 15 4.5.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 15 4.5.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 15 4.5.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 15 4.5.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 15 4.5.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 15 4.5.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 15 4.5.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 15 Innovative approaches to protecting and managing the natural resource base ............................... 15 4.6.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 15 4.6.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 15 4.6.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 16 4.6.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 16 4.6.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 16 4.6.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 16 4.6.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 16 4.6.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 16 BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] 4.7 Page v Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 16 4.7.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management ....................... 16 4.7.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency ...................................................... 16 4.7.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries .............................................................. 16 4.7.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management .................................................... 16 4.7.5 Climate change ..................................................................................................................... 16 4.7.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion ................................................................ 16 4.7.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation ................................................. 16 4.7.8 Sustainable tourism development ......................................................................................... 17 5 Mining, minerals and metals ..................................................................................... 17 5.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 17 5.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 17 5.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 17 5.5 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 17 5.6 Innovative approaches to mining, minerals and metals .................................................................... 17 5.7 Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 17 6 Sustainable development in a globalising world ..................................................... 17 6.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 17 6.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 17 6.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 18 6.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 18 6.5 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 18 6.6 Innovative approaches for sustainable development in a globalising world ..................................... 18 6.7 Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 18 7 Health and sustainable development ....................................................................... 18 7.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 18 7.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 18 7.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 18 7.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 18 7.5 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 18 7.6 Innovative approaches in health and sustainable development ....................................................... 18 7.7 Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 19 8 Sustainable development for Africa ......................................................................... 19 8.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 19 8.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 19 8.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 19 8.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 19 8.5 Lessons learned and best practices ................................................................................................. 19 8.6 Innovative approaches for sustainable development in Africa ......................................................... 19 BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] 8.7 Page vi Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 19 9 Means of implementation of the JPOI....................................................................... 19 9.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 19 9.2 Key actions taken and progress made.............................................................................................. 19 9.3 Challenges and constraints ............................................................................................................... 20 9.4 Institutional structures ....................................................................................................................... 20 9.5 Participation of major groups ............................................................................................................ 20 10 Institutional frameworks for sustainable development ........................................... 20 10.1 JPOI targets ...................................................................................................................................... 20 10.2 International ...................................................................................................................................... 20 10.3 Regional ............................................................................................................................................ 20 10.4 National ............................................................................................................................................. 20 11 Conclusions ................................................................................................................ 21 12 Bibliography ............................................................................................................... 22 Appendix A: JPOI targets ............................................................................................. 24 BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] Page vii List of Boxes XXXXXXx BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] Page viii Disclaimer BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No: [Abbreviated title] Page ix List of Abbreviations BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review 1 Page 10 Introduction Introduces the project and outlines approach at a general level. A brief outline of assumptions and limitations will be provided 1.1 Background Explanation of why the report is being developed 1.2 Overarching policy framework and principles Provides the reader with an understanding of the Agenda 21 and JPOI and its review (JPOI targets 1-6) 1.3 Structure of this report Explanation of the content of the JPOI Present key guiding principles of the JPOI Indication of how progress will be reported on Overview of the chapters contained in this report 2 Poverty eradication Brief thematic introduction 2.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI targets 7-13 2.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 2.3 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to poverty eradication in South Africa 2.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement poverty policies, programmes and plans 2.5 Lessons learned and best practices Lessons learned in eradicating poverty and provision of services Best practices in eradicating poverty and delivery services 2.6 Innovative approaches to poverty eradication Selected case studies BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review 2.7 Page 11 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for the eradication of poverty 3 Changing unsustainable patterns of consumption and production Brief thematic introduction 3.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI targets 15-21 (Overarching SCP targets), 22a-b and 23a-g 3.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 3.3 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to SCP 3.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at sustainable consumption and production 3.5 Lessons learned and best practices Lessons learned in achieving SCP Best practices in achieving SCP 3.6 Innovative approaches to sustainable consumption and production Selected case studies 3.7 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for the eradication of poverty BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review 4 Page 12 Protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development Brief thematic introduction 4.1 JPOI targets 4.1.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Refer to JPOI targets 24, 42, 44 and 45 4.1.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Refer to JPOI targets 25-29 4.1.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Refer to JPOI targets 30-36 4.1.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Refer to JPOI target 37 4.1.5 Climate change Refer to JPOI target 38 4.1.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Refer to JPOI target 39 4.1.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Refer to JPOI 40-41 4.1.8 Sustainable tourism development Refer to JPOI target 43 4.2 Key actions taken and progress made 4.2.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Participation in international processes BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 13 Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.5 Climate change Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.2.8 Sustainable tourism development Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 4.3 Challenges and constraints 4.3.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Challenges and constraints relating to biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management 4.3.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Challenges and constraints relating to integrated water resources management and efficiency 4.3.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Challenges and constraints relating to oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries 4.3.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Challenges and constraints relating to vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 14 4.3.5 Climate change Challenges and constraints relating to climate change 4.3.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Challenges and constraints relating to air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion 4.3.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Challenges and constraints relating to agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation 4.3.8 Sustainable tourism development Challenges and constraints relating to sustainable tourism development 4.4 Institutional structures 4.4.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at protection of biodiversity, ecosystems and sustainable forest management 4.4.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at integrated water resources management and efficiency 4.4.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at managing oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries 4.4.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at reducing vulnerability 4.4.5 Climate change Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at climate change mitigation and adaptation 4.4.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at preventing/managing air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion 4.4.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation 4.4.8 Sustainable tourism development Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans aimed at sustainable tourism development BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review 4.5 Page 15 Lessons learned and best practices 4.5.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.5 Climate change Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Lessons learned Best practices 4.5.8 Sustainable tourism development Lessons learned Best practices 4.6 Innovative approaches to protecting and managing the natural resource base 4.6.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Selected case studies 4.6.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Selected case studies BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 16 4.6.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Selected case studies 4.6.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Selected case studies 4.6.5 Climate change Selected case studies 4.6.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Selected case studies 4.6.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Selected case studies 4.6.8 Sustainable tourism development Selected case studies 4.7 Participation of major groups 4.7.1 Biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for biodiversity, protection of ecosystems and sustainable forest management 4.7.2 Integrated water resources management and efficiency Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for integrated water resources management and efficiency 4.7.3 Oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for protecting oceans, seas, islands, coastal areas and fisheries 4.7.4 Vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for vulnerability, risk assessment and disaster management 4.7.5 Climate change Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for climate change 4.7.6 Air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for air pollution, acid deposition and ozone depletion 4.7.7 Agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for agriculture, food security, land rights and land degradation BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 17 4.7.8 Sustainable tourism development Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for sustainable tourism development 5 Mining, minerals and metals Brief thematic introduction 5.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI target 46 5.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 5.3 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to mining, minerals and metals 5.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans for mining, minerals and metals 5.5 Lessons learned and best practices Lessons learned relating to mining, minerals and metals Best practices relating to mining, minerals and metals 5.6 Innovative approaches to mining, minerals and metals Selected case studies 5.7 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for mining, minerals and metals 6 Sustainable development in a globalising world Brief thematic introduction 6.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI targets 47-52 6.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review 6.3 Page 18 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to mining, minerals and metals 6.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans for ensuring sustainable development in a globalising world 6.5 Lessons learned and best practices Lessons learned Best practices 6.6 Innovative approaches for sustainable development in a globalising world Selected case studies 6.7 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for sustainable development in a globalising world 7 Health and sustainable development Brief thematic introduction 7.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI targets 53-57 7.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 7.3 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to health and sustainable development 7.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans for ensuring sustainable development in a globalising world 7.5 Lessons learned and best practices Lessons learned Best practices 7.6 Innovative approaches in health and sustainable development Selected case studies BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review 7.7 Page 19 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for health and sustainable development 8 Sustainable development for Africa Brief thematic introduction 8.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI targets 62-71 8.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 8.3 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to sustainable development in Africa 8.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans for sustainable development in Africa 8.5 Lessons learned and best practices Lessons learned Best practices 8.6 Innovative approaches for sustainable development in Africa Selected case studies 8.7 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for sustainable development in Africa 9 Means of implementation of the JPOI Brief thematic introduction 9.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI targets 81-136 9.2 Key actions taken and progress made Participation in international processes Developments in national policy and programmes BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 20 Enforcement, monitoring and evaluation 9.3 Challenges and constraints Challenges and constraints relating to sustainable development (meeting JPOI targets and Agenda 21) for South Africa 9.4 Institutional structures Capacity of the relevant institutions to implement policies, programmes and plans for sustainable development by South Africa of JPOI targets and Agenda 21 9.5 Participation of major groups Participation of major groups in policy development and programme implementation for sustainable development by South Africa of JPOI targets and Agenda 21 10 Institutional frameworks for sustainable development 10.1 JPOI targets Refer to JPOI target 137-170 10.2 International 10.3 Regional 10.4 National BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 21 11 Conclusions Prepared by L. Brown D. Kilian Reviewed by Donald Gibson All data used as source material plus the text, tables, figures, and attachments of this document have been reviewed and prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering and environmental practices. BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 22 12 Bibliography Jones, A.B., Mineral Titles Recording Policy. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Province of BC (Victoria, 1989) BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 23 Appendices BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 24 Appendix A: JPOI targets BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012 SRK Consulting: Project No 445741: JPOI review Page 25 SRK Report Distribution Record Complete this form and include it as the final page for each copy of the report produced. Report No. Copy No. Name/Title Company Copy Date Authorised by Approval Signature: This report is protected by copyright vested in SRK (SA) (Pty) Ltd. It may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever to any person without the written permission of the copyright holder, SRK. BROL/KILI/ GIBS April 2012