SS 10 Culture Study Writing Skills Assignment

Adult 10 Social Studies/Communications Cultural Study Assignment
Pick a culture group that has immigrated to Canada, or has already existed in Canada. Do
not choose the Plains Culture. Try to pick a group you know nothing about, so that you
can find out about someone else’s culture.
The assignment will be done using the tools and vocabulary that historians, archeologists,
and anthropologists use to study human cultures and behavior.
Introduction: Introduce your topic as in this sample paragraph:
This paper will discuss the culture of the Ugandan people, a group that has become a
part of Canada through immigration. In studying them, we will discover where they
came from, some things about what they believe, and the foods and activities they
practice, as well as how they have adapted to being in Canada. They are recent
immigrants, and must find Canada very different than their home country.
As you can see from the example, the topic sentence tells who or what you are writing
about, and what areas you will cover. You will notice that I indented the paragraph, and
that it is double-spaced.
Paragraph One:
Topic Sentence: Example: The circumstances for leaving Uganda were very difficult,
causing them to find homes here where people tried to make them feel safe and accepted.
Three details:
1. Why they left Uganda:
2. Where in Canada they mostly live:
3. How people have treated them in Canada
Closing Sentence: Example – Even thought they moved to Canada, they would have
found the climate, foods, and social life quite different from their cultural home. This
type of sentence is called a transition sentence because it leads to the next paragraph.
Paragraph Two: Give a sentence about their language, one about their foods, and
another about their beliefs.
Topic Sentence: Example: Even though they live in Canada, they speak their own
language, eat their own foods, and have their own set of beliefs.
3 Details:
1. language
2. foods
3. beliefs
Closing sentence: Close off this paragraph and transition to next paragraph
Paragraph Three:
Topic Sentence: Example: Coming from another climate and culture, they have had to
adapt to our Canadian way of life, but at the same time have kept their culture.
3 details:
1. How they have adapted to Canadian life (government, jobs, dress)
2.One way in which they still practice their culture.
3. Another way in which they still practice their culture.
Closing Sentence: Close off ideas and move into closing of the mini-essay.
Conclusion: Example:
It is clear that the Ugandan people follow a culture that is unique and quite different
from many other Canadians. Even though they eat different foods, and practice customs
which are new to us, they have become a part of what we call our “multi-cultural
mosaic.” The First Nation people have always been very helpful and generous to newcomers, and can be enriched by meeting new friends from another culture.