Concept note for scaling up of capacity building activities on improved energy saving stoves in Kampala Urban Slums Introduction Action for Humanity Initiative (AFHI) is a Youth initiated and Youth led Community Based Organization (CBO) that serves to support youth and other vulnerable groups of women in Rubaga Municipality and Kampala District as a whole. AFHI’s main activities target to improve the standards of living of youth, women and more especially those residing in slums through identification of challenges they face and turn them into opportunities. Basing on our core programs areas, AFHI engages directly in environmental protection activities focused on promoting use of improved energy saving stoves as a cooking option. AFHI promotes biomass fuel with focus on honey comb and stick briquettes used as alternative fuel for cooking. All our interventions aim at contributing to the social, economical and environmental benefits among the slum dwellers. In December 2014, AFHI went into partnership with International Labour Organization (ILO) and European Union (EU) to implement a project titled; Improved Affordable Energy Saving Stoves for Youth Job Creation. This is a 1(one) year project that began in January 2015 and will end in December 2015.The project targets 40 youth of age bracket 18-35 years in Kasubi parish from the four zones of Kawaala I, Kawaala II, Kawaala central and Mugema zones in Rubaga Municipality. The major project interventions include; mobilise and organise youth in business working groups, train them in group dynamics, entrepreneurship skills, making energy saving stoves, start your business package, link youth groups to government, NGOs and private sector to access the existing funding opportunities for business start up, train them in marketing and sales skills, monitoring and evaluation. Kawaala youth training in energy saving stoves at AFHI workshop To date Action for Humanity Initiative (AFHI) has mobilised and training 40 youth from Kawaala, 1, Kawaala II, Mugema and Kawaala central. They have been equipped with relevant knowledge and skills in making energy saving stoves and how to manage their businesses to increase household’s incomes while protecting the environment through energy saving technologies. In our plan, we target to scale up the project to benefit other 50 youth and increase production of energy saving stoves as a strategy for reducing carbon emissions that have diverse effects on human health and the environment. In addition, biomass technologies will also be promoted since there is a lot of wasted biomass in slums where the project is operating but underutilized. Therefore we will promote honey comb bio fuel briquettes to reduce on amount of garbage littered, thus reducing methane that is generated on the daily basis causing a negative effect to the environment. Situation of energy consumption in Uganda Uganda derives over 90% of its energy needs from biomass – mainly firewood and charcoal. An estimated forest surface of 115 football fields is used for cooking every day – either in form of firewood or charcoal. Biomass resources are constantly reducing because people are not replenishing the cut down trees. This will also support increased environment degradation, accelerating global warming and the rate of desertification, to mention but a few. In Uganda, biomass fuel is mainly used for cooking. In helping households and institutions use firewood and charcoal more efficiently, AFHI hopes to reduce on the rate of amounts of wood cut down, so as to preserve the environment and use our resources sustainably. As such, the Programme promotes the use of energy saving stoves and energy saving cooking techniques and general energy efficiency. Energy saving stoves are affordable, easy to acquire, and easy to construct. They are also environment friendly, using less than half the amount of fuel and release little to no smoke – reducing health risks, especially of women and children. Case statement Despite the capacity building provided to the youth in making improved energy saving stoves, entrepreneurship, business management, marketing, sales, savings and credit including start your business package. Youth are still challenged with lack of start up tool / kits in form of machinery and materials to enable them kick start their businesses in energy promotion. Youth trained have interest in making energy saving stoves as a business and have committed themselves to start group businesses, a strategy that will enable them produce in bulk to meet the existing market demand for energy saving stoves in the community. These youth are organised in a group of 10 people each making 4 groups and 40 people under target. We therefore appeal to development partners including NGOs to support the trained youth to have access to the required start up kits for job creation. This will enable them to start businesses that will provide jobs, reduce unemployment and the same time contributing to the environmental protection. Kawaala Youth actively engaged in energy saving stoves making for job creation and environmental protection As the Uganda grapples with the consequences of global warming and environmental change, every effort toward facilitating environmental protection is worthwhile. More so, whereas global and national macro-interventions are largely important, there is need to support and promote micro-interventions that encourage engagements of communities to promote environmental protection. It is vital that households, be empowered to play their part in protecting the environment, by being good stewards and actively preserving our ecosystem right from their backyard or compound. In particular, the youth and women resource have remained untapped in the drive to promote environmental protection in slum dwellers of Rubaga. Poor waste disposal, pose an environmental threat. This is evident mostly in slum areas of Kampala City. Following privatization of waste management in Kampala City in 2000, waste issues were left to private companies with bitter consequences. Most urban poor fail to pay the waste collection fee and trucks usually take very long to collect the waste for disposal. Most of the areas with high concentration of people and waste remain inaccessible resulting into uncollected hips of waste within the communities and their related nuisance. The uncollected waste produce leatchate, methane and carbon dioxide gas which pollute and contaminate the environment and water sources resulting into nature destruction such as loss of biodiversity and outbreak of diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery and cholera that has contributed to loss of property and life of slum dwellers. With the existence of the phenomenon of global warming and its negative effects, Kampala alone contributes 60% to these causes. Notably, the population is high; therefore consumption for charcoal as a cooking mechanism is high as well as the amount of garbage generated is also high. Forests are receding because of the large population dependence for fuel. Majority of urban dwellers use ordinary cooking mechanisms and therefore consume a lot of charcoal to prepare a meal. In our project we will focus on educating the public on use of new cooking technologies as well as fuel saving mechanisms. We will also promote production and popularisation of these technologies. With support received, we will be able to contribute to the reduction of causes of environmental destruction, which have led to global warming and its negative effects to humanity. Strategy Partnerships and Networks: We shall create partnership with relevant government and private sector to widen our funding base and visibility for support. We will work with International labour Organisation our current donor, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, National Environment Authority, Kampala Capita City Authority (KCCA) and local youth groups and networks. Research and dissemination of best practices; In the project, we will document processes and activities implemented during project period as well as lessons learnt, best practices and share them with partners for future planning and learning purposes. We shall produce a 10minutes video and a 25 page written documentary that will be shared among partners. This will increase visibility of the technology and increased adaptation. Capacity building of communities in improved Eco energy saving making and bio fuel honey comb briquettes. Furthermore, they will be will equipped with skills in entrepreneurship, business management; financial management and marketing to enable them sustain businesses started. Objectives of the project To promote and disseminate improved energy saving stoves technologies throughout Rubaga Municipality and Kampala District in general. To equip 50 youth with little or no formal education in practical skills of making improved energy saving stoves for commercial and job creation. To research and document best practices identified during project implementation for shared learning and replication. Why energy saving stove Reduce pressure on standing carbon in the environment. Increase efficiency of cooking time. Reduce on expenditure on energy at household level more especially the urban dwellers. Job creation for youth and women Planned activities Carry out a baseline survey to assess the availability and effectiveness of energy saving stoves towards reducing carbon emission in the environment. Disseminate the results of the assessment to stakeholders in the energy sector for effective planning. Make a documentary of successful business people who invested in the promotion of energy saving stoves as a way of sharing the best practices. Organise training in making Eco energy saving stoves and honey comb briquettes for job creation. Create market linkages for the young engaged in making energy saving stoves. Train youth entrepreneurship, financial management and marketing skills. Carry out tests on the products to assess the calorific values. Future target Reach out to 200 community people with the skills for self sustenance.