Teacher notes for Bragg diffraction experiment. Foam Crystal Construction 1. The foam crystal is made up of two different thicknesses of foam sandwiched together. 2. You require 4 sheets equal in thickness to the balls (I used 12mm) you are using to represent the atoms. And 5 others of a different thickness (I used 32mm). This means when you rotate the crystal a different spacing will be detected. 3. A 20 20 cm square of foam works well with 12mm balls inserted in it. 4. Mark a (square) grid on one of the sheets that will have holes in it. A square grid will mean that irrespective of the orientation of this layer the spacing is equal. (I used a 4 4 cm grid.) 5. You can try stacking all the layers neatly and then where each line crosses make a hole. It may not work though! 6. I would recommend using polystyrene as it is easier to work with than a soft foam. 7. Drilling holes is possible with polystyrene, but a soft foam requires burning the holes. 8. I used a piece of 12 mm copper pipe and a Bunsen burner to melt the holes in the soft foam, but the hole size varied. 9. Remember to do this inside a fume cupboard as the amount of smoke and fumes created is significant and increases as you burn more holes. 10. Once all the holes are made glue one of the ‘holed layers’ onto an unadulterated layer of different thickness. 11. In each hole place one ball wrapped in aluminium foil. (You could just make a wad of aluminium into a ball, but wrapping gives a more consistent size) Small marbles are about 12mm in diameter. 12. Glue another unadulterated layer on top of this and so on until you finish with the fifth unadulterated layer. 13. You should now have a foam crystal with no indication of where the atoms are. (Of course some students will quickly determine the spacing in one direction by looking at the layers. To overcome this you could wrap the entire foam crystal in cloth.) Notes about the experiment: The results table extends to n = 5 simply to ensure the students don’t stop after detecting the first peak. Depending on your crystals configuration the number of peaks possible will vary. The microwave apparatus I used was from IEC and used 2.8 cm as its wavelength. If your equipment uses a different , the notes on page 3 will require adjusting. This prac is a slight variation on what is offered in the accompanying booklet provided with the microwave kit. The sensitivity of the detector can vary quite significantly with distance so do not just use the gain control to determine a suitable range, you may be required to move the detector further or closer to the foam crystal to find higher n-value peaks. For my crystal with atomic spacing of 40mm and 32 mm using = 2.8 cm the expected peaks were found using n sin 1 2d Atomic spacing (d) n 40 mm 32 mm 20.5o 26o 44o 61o Not possible Not possible n 1 2 3 My students found the n1 peaks easily, but struggled to find the n2 peaks. For Part B Powder Diffraction I used cardboard box, a piece of corrugated packing cardboard taped into a circle with a flat lid would work better I think as you could easily adjust the angle between groups of students and visual checking would be much quicker. Extension ideas: 1. A second crystal using different sized foams, grid spacing and or ball size could be made to further extend students. 2. Once completed reveal the actual spacings and ask students to determine how many peaks they would expect to detect and at what angles. Get them to repeat the experiment to see if they can detect all the peaks expected. 3. Provide some actual data and ask them to calculate the atomic spacing. (Note in sample below is measured in Angstroms = 10-10m not nanometres)