RFP - 2010 IEEE Annual Election - IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Operations Management
Released on July 8, 2013
Closes on August 29, 2013
Mario DiBernardo
IEEE CAS VP Financial Activities
Mario DiBernardo
Heidi Zazza (Executive Director IEEE CAS)
[CASS Operations Management]
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... ii
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 2
Mission Statement .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Vision Statement ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
GENERAL CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Service Agreement ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Value Period of Offer ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Right of Rejection ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Non-Discrimination ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure ................................................................................................................................ 3
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) ........................................................................................................................... 3
Relationship of Parties ............................................................................................................................................. 3
IEEE Visual Identity/Web Presence Style Guidelines ............................................................................................... 3
Best and Final Offer .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Cost of Proposals ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS AND TIME FRAMES ................................................................................................4
Intention to Bid .........................................................................................................................................................4
Proposal Delivery ......................................................................................................................................................4
RFP Questions ...........................................................................................................................................................4
Schedule of Events ...................................................................................................................................................4
SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITIES & DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT .............................................................................4
Scope of Work ..........................................................................................................................................................4
Outcome and Performance Standards .................................................................................................................... 7
SUPPLIER TECHNICAL BACKGROUND DATA ..................................................................................................... 8
IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................................. 8
SUPPLIER REFERENCES & FINANCIAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................... 8
TERM OF AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 9
CONTRACTOR GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................................... 9
ALTERNATIVE SERVICES .................................................................................................................................... 9
BILLING ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
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[CASS Operations Management]
We invite suppliers to submit proposals as an independent contractor of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
to perform services and provide the necessary labor for providing such services in accordance with the
requirements, terms, and conditions of this Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP, together with all
accompanying documentation, is proprietary to the IEEE.
This RFP sets forth the requirements for all services and solicits a detailed response from suppliers to include
pricing and service descriptions in a specified format.
Any proposal you elect to submit in response to the RFP must be directed to those addressed on the cover
page. Your proposal must be submitted no later than the “Closes on Date” stated on the cover page. Any
proposal received after that date will be rejected.
Your proposal should include all pricing information, as well as proposed start and completion dates. All
proposals must show the bidder’s complete legal name and business and mailing addresses and be signed by a
person authorized to bind your firm. If requested, your firm shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the IEEE that
the person signing your proposal is duly authorized to do so.
Bidders shall, under no circumstances, cooperate or exchange any information whatsoever in the preparation
and submittal of their respective proposals. Bidders shall have no right to any information provided by another
bidder and must not solicit any such information from any source or disclose any aspect of their proposal to
any other bidders. Please note that the enclosed Certification of Competitive Bidding Practices must be signed
by the appropriate representative of your firm and returned, together with your proposal.
Your proposal should reflect that all services shall be provided in strict accordance with the accompanying
contractual terms and conditions contained in the attached documents. Exceptions to commercial terms and
conditions are strongly discouraged and will detract from your proposal.
This RFP creates no obligation whatsoever on our part, and we may amend, recall, or revise the RFP at any time.
All proposals submitted in response to this request for proposal shall become the property of the IEEE. We are
also free to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any and all bids in the exercise of our sole judgment and
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the bidder is making a firm offer to the IEEE, and the IEEE has
one-hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of receipt of the bid to accept this offer. However, neither
the RFP nor bidder’s proposal obligates the IEEE in any way. Any and all costs or expenses incurred in the
preparation of its proposal shall be borne by the bidder.
Any contractual or other commitment by the IEEE is contingent upon the execution of a formal written
contract or the issuance of a purchase order by the IEEE. Under no circumstances shall the IEEE be billed,
charged, or make payment for any goods or services whatsoever unless and until either: 1) a formal written
contract is signed by an authorized individual of the IEEE, or 2) the IEEE issues a purchase order to the
successful bidder.
All bidders are expected to disclose any conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety which might be
created in the event the bidder’s firm was selected as the successful bidder. For example, it is assumed that no
IEEE employees are employed by the bidder or have any financial interest in the bidder’s operations. In
addition, please disclose the identities of any bidder’s shareholders, if any, who own more than ten (10%)
percent of bidder’s stock.
If you decline to submit a proposal, a courtesy letter indicating the basis of your decision is requested. Your
decision not to submit a proposal will not affect your standing as it regards possible future solicitations.
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[CASS Operations Management]
IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional association, is dedicated to advancing technology for the
benefit of humanity. Through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and activities,
IEEE serves as the trusted voice for engineering and other technical professions around the globe. With a
membership of more than 395,000 engineers and technical professionals across 160 countries, IEEE publishes
30 percent of the world’s literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields,
and has developed nearly 900 active industry standards. The organization annually sponsors more than 1,000
conferences worldwide. Learn more at http://www.ieee.org.
Mission Statement
IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Vision Statement
IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be
universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global
This position will report specifically to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society; a technical society within the
IEEE. The mission and vision of the Circuits and Systems Society (for further details see www.ieee-cas.org):
CAS Mission:
To foster CASS members across disciplines to address humanity’s grand challenges by conceiving
and pioneering solutions to fundamental and applied problems in circuits and systems.
CAS Vision
The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) believe that the Grand Engineering Challenges of the
21st century can only be addressed in an inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary manner. The
Society's unique and profound expertise in Circuits, Systems, Signals, Modeling, Analysis, and
Design can have a decisive impact on important issues such as Sustainable Energy, Bio-Health,
Green Information Technology, Nano-Technology, and Scalable Information Technology Systems
This RFP is not an offer to contract. Acceptance of a proposal neither commits IEEE to award a contract to any
supplier, even if all of the requirements stated in this RFP are met, nor does it limit our right to negotiate in our
best interest. IEEE reserves the right to contract with a supplier for reasons other than lowest price. Failure to
answer any questions in this RFP may subject the proposal to disqualification. Failure to meet a qualification or
requirement will not necessarily subject a proposal to disqualification.
Service Agreement
The chosen supplier will be required to enter into a formal written agreement with the IEEE for this service. See
the IEEE Service Agreement template attached hereto. If this template is modified, a red-lined copy will require
final approval by the IEEE Strategic Sourcing. It is recommended that the IEEE Service Agreement template is
used as a guide when the supplier’s agreement is used as it will require final approval from the IEEE
Procurement Department.
Value Period of Offer
The pricing, terms, and conditions stated in your response must remain valid for 120 days from the date of
delivery of the proposal to the IEEE.
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Right of Rejection
The IEEE reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses to this RFP and to enter into discussions
and/or negotiations with one or more qualified suppliers at the same time, if such action is in the best interest
of IEEE.
IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment or bullying against any person because of age, ancestry, color,
disability or handicap, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual or affectional orientation, gender identity,
appearance, matriculation, political affiliation, marital status, veteran status or any other characteristic
protected by law. IEEE expects that its suppliers shall maintain an environment free of discrimination, including
harassment, bullying, or retaliation when and where ever those individuals are conducting IEEE business or
participating in IEEE events or activities.
The information contained in this RFP (or accumulated through other written or verbal communication) will be
held in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to any party, other than IEEE, without the written consent of
said supplier.
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
As a condition of receiving this RFP, prospective respondents must sign and submit a formal, legal nondisclosure agreement (attached for action). It should be made clear that this is a request for proposal and not
work for hire. Respondents will not be compensated for their submissions, etc.
Relationship of Parties
Supplier shall be acting as an independent contractor and not as an employee or agent of IEEE. Supplier and its
employees shall have no claims or rights to receive or participate in any employee benefit plans or
arrangements of IEEE. Supplier shall maintain offices separate from those of IEEE and bear all expenses and
obligations incurred in connection with the services Supplier provides, including, but not limited to, expenses
for mail, travel, entertainment and telephone.
IEEE Visual Identity/Web Presence Style Guidelines
All IEEE-branded, end-user facing, materials (including, but not limited to, Web sites, print collateral, and
promotional items such as pens and shirts) for IEEE publications, products, services, conferences, and the like
must adhere to the guidelines established in the IEEE Visual Identity Guidelines. These guidelines are available
for review and download at http://www.ieee.org/go/visual_guidelines. Additionally, all IEEE Web properties
must comply with the IEEE Web Style Guide which is online at http://www.ieee.org/go/web_guidelines. These
guidelines have been created to present a unified visual presentation of the IEEE brand. Questions about these
documents, their application, or about whether your project must follow these guidelines should be directed
to corporate-communications@ieee.org. Web-related questions should be directed to ieee-webteam@ieee.org.
Best and Final Offer
The IEEE reserves the right to request a best and final offer. We expect all suppliers to submit their best offer
when submitting their proposal. The opportunity for further negotiation may not be available.
Cost of Proposals
All expenses incurred in the preparation of the proposal in response to this RFP are the supplier’s sole
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[CASS Operations Management]
Intention to Bid
Suppliers must notify IEEE of their intention to bid or not to bid by 30th July 2013. Please provide the name,
address, telephone and email for the supplier contact. This primary contact is the person who should receive
answers to questions and RFP revisions and updates. Any supplier who elects not to bid must destroy this RFP.
Proposal Delivery
Proposals must be received by close of business on 3oth August 2013. Please send proposal via email to IEEE
Circuits and Systems Society VP Financial Activities, Mario Di Bernardo at m.dibernardo@bristol.ac.uk and Heidi
Zazza at h.zazza@ieee.org. If any hardcopy supporting materials are requested, please mail four copies to:
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Executive Office
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854
RFP Questions
Questions regarding this RFP are encouraged and should be submitted via email to Mario Di Bernardo at
m.dibernardo@bristol.ac.uk or alternatively to Heidi Zazza at h.zazza@ieee.org. Answers to questions from
any supplier may be provided to any or all suppliers.
Schedule of Events
8th July 2013
RFP distributed to suppliers
29th July 2013
Supplier intention to bid or not bid
30th August 2013
9th -13th September 2013 Supplier interviews (if necessary)
30th September 2013
Supplier contract awards
Scope of Work
The supplier will provide to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society the following list of services. Services are to
be performed at the Supplier's site and wherever the Society Board of Governors and Executive Committee
meetings are held.
Specifically the Supplier will:
 provide overall management of Society affairs in alignment with current IEEE policies and procedures
 provide administrative and executive support to Society Officers, the Executive Committee (ExCom), the
Society Board of Governors (BoG) and other Circuits and Systems Society Committees and IEEE Departments as
needed and appropriate
 be responsible for the Society records, Society Committee rosters, all ExCom and BoG meeting minutes and
coordination of volunteer efforts
 maintain an office for the Society to support its activities and provide liaison between the Society and staff
personnel at IEEE Headquarters as required. (Note that the Supplier will not be able to deal directly with IEEE in
certain matters except via the Society volunteers.)
 support the election process of Society officers and ExCom and BoG members on annual or biennial basis and as
needed on an emergency basis.
 support the Society President and Vice presidents, who will serve as primary points of contact for the society.
The Society President and Vice Presidents will set the direction of the work programs for the Supplier.
 serve as the primary Society contact for member volunteers, and IEEE staff concerning overall Society business
operations coordinating meeting and travel arrangements (e.g. ExCom and BoG meetings)
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[CASS Operations Management]
The supplier will be responsible for the operational management and administrative functions of the Society.
Included among the areas of responsibility are the following:
Broad Support
 maintaining and observing the Society calendar of operations
 coordinating and preparing pre-meeting materials
 distributing announcements
 providing on-site meeting support
 assisting Society officers with reports, and action items
 tracking and following up on action items
 following up on approved motions that require interaction with IEEE and Technical Activities Board (TAB)
 drafting and managing correspondence for the President and ExCom Officers
 acting as liaison to other technically-related societies
 assisting in TAB Society and Periodical Reviews
 serving as an advisor and counselor to Society officers and members
 providing supporting data analysis for the long range strategic planning activities developed by the society
 collecting, compiling and maintaining CASS records and archives
 assisting Society officers with mail, reports, and action items
 providing administrative support for the Fellow nomination and evaluation process
 providing or obtaining information as needed by officers and board
 generating and maintaining Society rosters, mailing lists, e-mail lists, alias lists. At a minimum, this would
include: the ExCom; Board of Governors.
 managing ad hoc projects, as needed.
Regional Activities/Membership
 updating annually and maintaining list of chapter chairs and current contact information for all chapter chairs
 tracking chapter activities and new applications
 tracking and keeping archival record of all financial transfers made to Chapters
 maintaining and updating a directory of members in all regions
 developing and overseeing production and distribution of membership communications
 being responsible for keeping the society informed of all IEEE activities that may impact it, and for making
sure the society takes full advantage of all services offered by the IEEE
 providing support for other membership development activities as directed by the VP Regional Activities and
Membership and the ExCom.
Member Services
 distributing welcome letters to all new Society members
 providing member and senior member upgrade packets
 responding to enquiries and complaints
 assisting in creating membership stats
 assisting in design of surveys
 assisting with new members recruiting: e.g. preparing and distributing recruiting materials
 assisting members to use the correct procedures for new initiatives
 assisting with conference sponsorship administration
 maintaining conference compliance by: obtaining required forms, budgets and approvals, contracts, MOUs,
closings, financial accounting, tax responsibilities, and keeping current of conference policies.
 managing conference closings, including loan repayment and surplus deposits.
 issuing loan repayments
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 liaising to TA Conference Management Services
 ensuring proactive Conference sponsorship follow-up
 keeping and managing historical records (e-mail repository, historical data, active conference handling
 assisting with publicizing conferences
 assisting with publication procedures
 tracking complaints and plagiarism procedures
 managing problem resolutions with editor issues and production management
 ensuring compliance with all IEEE requirements and providing the necessary corporate interface
 reviewing and providing updates to information contained on the inside covers of all publications offered by
the society
Financial Activities
 coordinating with IEEE staff to execute purchase of and payment for goods and services requested by the
Society and approved by the VP Financial activities and/or President
 facilitating the handling of reimbursement forms and expenditure requests as approved by the Society VP
Financial Activities and/or President and the relevant Committee Chair
 reviewing reimbursement and expense forms for accuracy and filing them electronically for historical
accounting purposes
 assisting in Society Five-Year Review process as requested by the President
 assisting the Distinguished Lecturers (DL) program by keeping records of lecturer travel support and
providing for reimbursement on a timely basis as requested by the DL Chair.
 ensuring proper payment of all society invoices, reimbursements and receipt of all society revenue. Monitor
and assure proper transactions annually (i.e. tax filing, check processing, wire transfers, etc)
 contracting vendors and consultants to support Society efforts: ensure IEEE compliance of contracts, MOUs
and other financial obligations of the society
 preparing and managing Society and Operations Office budgets and forecasts (authorization sheets,
parameter schedules, proofing of IEEE marketing material, etc)
 reviewing Society monthly actuals and track trends
 archiving records of all financial transactions
 providing regular updates on budget spending
 monitoring monthly performance as compared to budget
 assisting with administration of Outreach and other initiatives (collection of proposals and reports, tracking of
funding and outcome of the initiatives)
 assisting in special studies or Society implications of financial decisions
Technical Activities
 mantaining Technical Committees (TCs) lists and officer roster
 assisting with communications to/from TCs and appropriate officers
 assisting with periodic reviews of TCs and follow up actions
 providing input to the web manager on Technical Activities (TA) as instructed by VP TA
 mantaining the Industry Task Group member roster and contact information
 assisting with communication with the Industry Task Group
Web Services
 updating and maintaining mailing lists and relevant webpages using the content management platform
(WordPress) set up by Web manager
 providing input for the Society Web page: generate website content with regard to all society activities
 managing posts on various social networks (including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter)
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[CASS Operations Management]
managing the secure web site voting center
mantaining current e-news and calendar of activities
providing feedback and oversight to web designer
updating boards and committee webpages as needed
managing web hosting contacts
assisting volunteers in liaising with IEEE to troubleshoot coordination with IEEE databases
Corporate/Business Interface
• Interfacing with legal counsel on Society’s behalf, as needed
• Representing Society in Sister Agreement efforts with other cooperating Societies.
• Serve as liaison to all IEEE departments.
• Negotiate and form partnerships with other professional associations
• Maintain a positive working relationship with staff and leaders of sister organizations
• Interfacing with and negotiating with, as needed, other professional associations
• Helping volunteers to contact the relevant IEEE staff when needed
• Contracting vendors and consultants to support Society efforts
• Manage & Track contracts, MOUs and related documents
Awards & Grants Programs/Processing
Administer all Society Awards processes according to TAB ARC Manual including:
 monitoring activities of volunteer committees related to awards and grants
 ensuring proper approval and administration process for all new awards initiated by the Society
 creating and processing any necessary a/p paperwork
 working with external vendor to ensure production and delivery of any plaques, medallions, etc
 working with Society Services group to distribute any annual pins and other related items
 coordinating and liaising with IEEE Awards Board staff as needed
• coordinating the preparation and distribution of awards/grant certificates and plaques and issuance of checks
where applicable for Society awards
Outcome and Performance Standards
It is expected that during the duration of the contract the Supplier will provide all services listed above
together with all of those outlined in the constitution and bylaws of the society but limited by the rules,
policies and regulations of IEEE. All services must be provided by the deadlines decided by the Circuits and
Systems Society Executive Committee and Society volunteers.
An initial review of the activities of the Supplier will be performed after 3 months from the start of the contract
by the Circuits and Systems Society Executive Committee during a meeting with the Supplier where activities
carried out and services provided will be reviewed. If necessary, a list of corrective actions will be defined for
the Supplier to take. Further reviews of the services provided by the Supplier will take place every 3 months
after the initial meeting until the end of the contract. A final review of all activities will be carried out at the end
of the contract when possible renewal of the contract will be considered for a further 12 months. At all review
meetings, the Supplier will be expected to provide a detailed report of all activities carried out and services
Evaluation Criteria
This section details the criteria and the weighting that will be used when evaluating proposals. However, IEEE
reserves the right to modify this weighting at any time.
Management capability/Technical capability — particular weight is given to previous operations
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management experience (particularly with IEEE societies or councils) and demonstrated
proficiency with the operations management items herein, including bidder client references
addressing proven experience developing similar solutions
Bidder customer support, responsiveness and follow-up, including bidder client references
addressing responsiveness and customer support
Financial stability of bidder and any significant subcontractors
Completeness of response to RFP and results of any requested presentations/interviews
Delivery requirements are as needed by the scope described above.
Please provide the items listed below:
 Disaster recovery and business continuity plan
 Mission-critical infrastructure (i.e., physical security, facility environmental control, connectivity,
power, back-ups)
 Security to include but not limited to encryptions used, policies, server management, firewall and
intrusion protection, client data maintenance protection and maintenance, data confidentiality,
application testing
 Internal audits frequency (i.e., full audit, planned and unplanned)
The supplier shall be responsible for providing maintenance to the supplier’s equipment and systems
required for the project.
Supplier shall form and assign a project team that is responsible for overall implementation of the
service program and supply inventory.
Supplier will provide IEEE with:
1. Name and address of firm and location in which the firm is incorporated.
2. Evidence of insurance.
3. Summary of the core product and service line.
4. Contact information for the principal individual(s) to be contacted regarding the information in this RFP.
5. Information about the history of the firm, including years in business, structure (corporate, partnership,
sole proprietorship, etc.), and location of the corporate headquarters.
6. Approximate number of employees.
7. Number of current clients the company has.
8. Evidence of the company’s financial stability and projected longevity. Provide D&B Rating, if available.
9. If a public company, the ticker symbol and a copy of company’s latest Annual Report.
10. Answer to questions 2 & 8 for any subcontractors / partners expected to have over five percent (5%) of the
value of the contract.
11. Has your company participated in any mergers / acquisitions in the past two years? How did it affect your
ability to deliver the technology being solicited?
12. If possible, discuss any planned change in business direction, mergers, or acquisitions.
13. References:
13.1. Provide three-to-five references and contact information for current clients who most closely
resemble the goals and objectives defined in this RFP. Include the company names, addresses, phone
numbers and contact persons email addresses.
13.2. Provide three-to-five references and contact information for clients who no longer use your
14. Describe what differentiates the company from its competitors.
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15. List any awards or industry recognition your company has received, especially as related to the services
being solicited.
16. List the labor rates by job category — Operations manager, administrator etc and also provide cost of
services required as a package price for the entire duration of the contract (note that CASS will reimburse
all costs for trips by the supplier staff to attend CASS meetings where their presence is required)
17. Examples of work:
17.1. A document containing descriptions of comparable projects.
17.2.Examples of documentation such as process procedures, or technical specifications.
The term of this agreement will be as follows. Start date is upon execution of this contract and end date is
December 31, 2014. Possible renewal of this contract for at least another year will be considered before the
end of the term.
The supplier shall comply and provide written agreement to all terms of the IEEE Contractor Guidelines and Code
of Conduct attached hereto.
Supplier can propose any additional or alternative services they may offer that would provide a means to
support current requirements in a cost effective, highly available, and managed fashion.
Supplier to provide a detailed billing format that clearly identifies the amount for each phase of service.
The IEEE preferred method of billing and payment is electronic.
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