DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-101 TITLE OF MODULE DYNAMICS CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 1 CONTACT HOURS 22 to include 16 lectures PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Prof M Charlton MONITOR/S Prof H H Telle METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 20% Continuous Assessment, 80% Written Examination OBJECTIVES The basic concepts of classical dynamics, namely force, energy, momentum, angular momentum, are introduced and applied in a variety of physically important situations, such as particle collisions and planetary motion. SYLLABUS 1. 2. 3. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. 2. 3. SUGGESTED READING Introduction to vectors: addition, dot and cross products. Force and Motion: Newton’s laws and inertial frames. Fundamental and phenomenological forces: gravitational, electromagnetic applied forces, friction, and gravity near the earth. 4. Projectile motion: vector and non-vector methods. 5. Energy: kinetic, potential, conservation, work and energy. 6. The Two-Body Problem: centre of mass, gravity in the centre of mass frame, conservation of angular momentum and energy, and the orbit equation. 7. Trajectories and orbits: consequences of the orbit equation, open and closed orbits, Kepler’s Law’s, impact parameter and deflection angle. 8. Conservation Laws: conservative and non-conservative forces, force and potential, energy conservation. 9. Collisions: conservation of linear momentum and kinetic energy in elastic collisions. 10. Solid bodies: centre of mass, angular velocity, velocity, rotational kinetic energy, moment of inertia, angular momentum, torque and acceleration. A knowledge of the fundamental laws of dynamics. The ability to apply these laws to solve practical problems. Mathematical skills associated with problem-solving. “ Fundamental of Physics – Extended” Sixth Edition by Halliday, Resnick, Walker (Wiley) ISBN 0-471-39222-7 “Classical Mechanics” by R. Douglas Gregory, Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-53409-7 32 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-102 TITLE OF MODULE VIBRATIONS AND WAVES CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 2 CONTACT HOURS 22 to include 16 lectures PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Prof G Shore MONITOR/S Dr C R Allton METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 20% Continuous Assessment, 80% Written Examination OBJECTIVES Oscillatory motion and waves occur throughout physics. This course introduces the techniques required to understand these phenomena, emphasising the common mathematics underlying a diverse range of applications. The module lays the foundation for future study of vibrating systems in Solid State Physics and waves in Optics and Electromagnetism. SYLLABUS Oscillations 1. Simple Harmonic Motion: The Simple Harmonic Oscillation, circular motion and SHM, simple pendulum, universality of SHM. 2. Superpositions of oscillations: different phase, different frequency, and orthogonal oscillations. 3. Forced and damped oscillations: damped HO, forced HO and resonance. 4. Coupled oscillation and normal mode. Waves 5. Waves: mathematical description, wave equation, energy transmission, speed 6. Superposition of waves: interference and standing wave 7. Longitudinal waves: description, speed of sound 8. Doppler effect and shock waves LEARNING OUTCOMES Acquisition of the mathematical skills required to understand oscillations and waves. Appreciation of the essential unity of the diverse range of oscillatory and wave phenomena occurring in physics. “Fundamentals of Physics – Extended” Fifth Edition by Halliday, Resnick, Walker (Wiley) ISBN 0-471-10559-7 SUGGESTED READING 2 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-103 TITLE OF MODULE ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 2 CONTACT HOURS 22 to include 16 lectures, 6 example classes PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Dr N Madsen MONITOR/S Dr P R Dunstan METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 20% Continuous Assessment, 80% Written Examination OBJECTIVES 1. 2. SYLLABUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. 2. SUGGESTED READING To introduce the basic laws of electrostatics and current electricity as a foundation for the more advanced work to be covered in module PH301 of the degree scheme. To develop skills in using the basic laws to solve problems in physically important situations. Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law, fields, potential, energy of a system of point charges, energy of field, capacity, dielectrics, polarization, boundary conditions between media. Current electricity: Current, current density, conductivity, resistance, Joule heating, simple networks and Kirchoff’s laws. Magnetic effects: Magnetic fields due to currents in a straight wire, loop, solenoid, Ampere’s circuital theorem, law of force between current elements, Lorentz force, cyclotron and Hall effect. Electromagnetic induction: Self-inductance, mutual inductance. Transient Currents: Growth and decay of currents in circuits containing a capacitor or inductor. AC Theory: Basic circuits by complex numbers. An understanding of the underlying principles governing electrostatics, electricity and electromagnetism. Knowledge of the situations in which these laws can be applied and the required skills to problem solve in these cases. “Fundamentals of Physics --- Extended”, 7th edition by Halliday, Resnick and Walker (Wiley) ISBN : 0-471-23231-9 3 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-104 TITLE OF MODULE INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 1 CONTACT HOURS 28 PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Prof D C Dunbar MONITOR/S Dr C R Allton METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 20% Continuous Assessment and 80% Written Examination OBJECTIVES To provide a broad view of Modern Astronomy. SYLLABUS 1. Earth Based Observations 2. Schemes of the Solar System 3. A Modern view of the solar system 4. Exploration of the Solar System 5. Planetary Zoology 6. Understanding our Sun 7. Understanding Stars 8. The Birth of Stars 9. Stellar Death 10. Red Giants, Supernovae, Neutron Stars and Black Holes 11. Galaxies 12. The Universe: stars galaxies, distances times and masses 13. The Expanding Universe and its Thermal History 14. The Contents of the Universe 1. An understanding of modern astronomy LEARNING OUTCOMES SUGGESTED READING 1. 2. 3. “Universe” 7th Edition by R Freedman & W Kaufmann ISBN 0-71678694-X. “Discovering the Universe” 6th Edition by N Comins and W Kaufmann ISBN 0-7167-9673-2. “The First Three Minutes” by S Weinberg ISBN 0-465-024378 4 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-105 TITLE OF MODULE MODERN PHYSICS CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 2 CONTACT HOURS 22 PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Prof S J Hands MONITOR/S Dr W Perkins METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 50% Continuous Assessment (1 essay assignment), 50% written (multiple choice) examination OBJECTIVES The course aims to review important aspects of modern physics in informal fashion, designed to stimulate any level 1 Science or Engineering student. Elementary mathematics (but NOT calculus) is required. The module consists of three sections: special relativity, quantum mechanics, and particle physics. SYLLABUS Special Relativity: Speed of light Einstein’s postulates Relativistic Doppler effect Twin paradox and Time Dilation Length Contraction and the Lorentz Transformation Addition of velocities Relativistic Dynamics and E=mc2, nuclear energy Quantum Mechanics: “Corpuscular” vs. “Wave” models for light, evidence Wave-Particle Duality Atomic structure and the Bohr atom The Two Slit experiment and the Uncertainty Principle Wavefunctions and the Schrodinger equation Tunnelling Particle Physics: Relativity and quantum mechanics Anti-particles Virtual particles and the Yukawa potential Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak forces Quarks, leptons and neutrinos LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. 2. SUGGESTED READING 1. A sense of wonder. An appreciation of the scope of modern physics “Fundamentals of Physics” (Halliday Resnick and Walker) chs. 38-45 ISBN 0-471-60012-1 2. “The Quantum Universe” (Hey and Walters) (CUP ISBN 0-52131845-9) 3. “Einstein’s Mirror” (Hey and Walters) (C.U.P. ISBN 0-521-43532-3) 4. “Quarks, Leptons and the Big Bang” (Allday) (IOP ISBN 0-75030462-6) 5 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-106 TITLE OF MODULE THERMAL PHYSICS CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 1 CONTACT HOURS 22 to include 16 lectures PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Dr C R Allton MONITOR/S Prof G M Shore METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 20% Continuous Assessment, 80% Written Examination OBJECTIVES To provide a grounding in classical thermodynamics together with the prerequisite mathematical methods that are essential for the development of this topic. SYLLABUS 1. LEARNING OUTCOMES 2. 3. SUGGESTED READING 4. 1. 1. 2. Zeroth law: temperature scales, the gas scales-gas thermometers. Thermal Expansion 3. First law: heat and work, reversible and irreversible processes, heat capacities, Cp-Cv, adiabatics, Dulong-Petit. 4. Maths: partial differentiation, differentials, exact differentials, integration. 5. Second law: heat engines, Carnot cycle, Clausius, Kelvin-Planck statements of second law and their equivalence, Carnot’s theorem. Entropy and disorder (basic). Thermodynamic potentials. Phase transitions, Clausius-Clapeyron equation. 6. Kinetic theory: basic assumptions, pressure, Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities, mean free path.. Students will gain an understanding of the basic concepts of classical Thermal Physics such as the notion of Temperature, work done by a gas, and heat exchanged. The concept of Entropy will be introduced and defined in a macroscopic context. Students will acquire a working knowledge of the three laws of thermodynamics. The fundamentals of kinetic theory will be introduced. “Fundamentals of Physics-Extended” Fifth Edition by Halliday, Resnick, Walker (Wiley) ISBN 0-471-10559-7 6 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-107 TITLE OF MODULE EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES I CREDIT POINTS 20 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 1, 2 CONTACT HOURS 80 to include 4 lectures LECTURER/S Prof A J Davies MONITOR/S METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 100% Continuous Assessment OBJECTIVES The laboratory experiments cover a wide range of topics and are aimed at improving the practical skills of students as well as illustrating topics covered in the lecture modules. A number of the experiments are interfaced directly to computers and thus an introductory lecture is given to introduce students to the use of computers in the laboratory. Lectures are also given on observational uncertainties. A selection of the following experiments will be carried out:Dynamics Radial forces using a rotating mass. Compound pendulum for the measurement of g. Damped oscillations of a torsion pendulum Vibrations and Waves Interference of acoustic waves. Dispersion of light waves using a spectrometer. Diffraction of a laser beam by a slit. Transmission of thermal, acoustic and light radiation. Measurement of the speed of light. Properties of materials Coefficient of increase resistance. Thermal expansion of a solid. Thermal expansion of water. Temperature dependence of the resistance of a thermistor. Electrical experiments Charge and discharge of a capacitor. A/D conversion. Damped oscillations in an LCR circuit. Forced electrical oscillations and resonance. Computers in the Laboratory Introduction to Network and Laboratory Software. Excel spreadsheets and their use in practical physics. Observational uncertainties. 1. Practical experience in carrying out laboratory experiments in Physics, keeping a laboratory diary and preparing reports on experiments. 2. Further insight into selected topics covered in the lecture modules. 3. Experience of using specialised IT software in on-line experiments, data analysis and presentation of reports. 4. The treatment of observational uncertainties. SYLLABUS LEARNING OUTCOMES 7 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-108 TITLE OF MODULE EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES II CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 1, 2 CONTACT HOURS 40 to include 4 lectures LECTURER/S Prof A J Davies MONITOR/S METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 100% Continuous Assessment OBJECTIVES An introduction to practical physics and the use of computers in the laboratory for non-intending single honours physicists. A selection of the following experiments will be carried out:Dynamics Radial forces using a rotating mass. Compound pendulum for the measurement of g. Damped oscillations of a torsion pendulum Vibrations and Waves Interference of acoustic waves. Dispersion of light waves using a spectrometer. Diffraction of a laser beam by a slit. Transmission of thermal, acoustic and light radiation. Measurement of the speed of light. Properties of materials Coefficient of increase resistance. Thermal expansion of a solid. Thermal expansion of water. Temperature dependence of the resistance of a thermistor. Electrical experiments Charge and discharge of a capacitor. A/D conversion. Damped oscillations in an LCR circuit. Forced electrical oscillations and resonance. Computers in the Laboratory Introduction to Network and Laboratory Software. Excel spreadsheets and their use in practical physics. Observational uncertainties. 1. Practical experience in carrying out laboratory experiments in Physics, keeping a laboratory diary and preparing reports on experiments. 2. Further insight into selected topics covered in the lecture modules. 3. Experience of using specialised IT software in on-line experiments, data analysis and presentation of reports. 4. The treatment of observational uncertainties. SYLLABUS LEARNING OUTCOMES 8 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS MODULE DATA MODULE CODE PH-111 TITLE OF MODULE INTRODUCTION TO THE ANALYSIS OF SCIENTIFIC DATA AND MODELLING OF PHYSICAL SYSTEMS CREDIT POINTS 10 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER 1 CONTACT HOURS 22 PRE-REQUISITE CO-REQUISITE LECTURER/S Dr C R Allton MONITOR/S Prof T J Hollowood METHOD OF ASSESSMENT 100% Continuous Assessment OBJECTIVES This module is concerned with the analysis of scientific data and the modelling of simple Physics systems. Numerical algorithms will be developed for solving particular problems and students will be shown how to encode these algorithms in Visual Basic and Mathematica. The module will involve a considerable practical element in addition to the lectures. SYLLABUS 1. 2. 3. 4. Structured programming using Visual Basic; the Visual Basic environment; programming basics; input and output; program control, functions and procedures; working with files; graphics. Elements of Mathematica. Solution of physical systems using Visual Basic and Mathematica. These will vary from year to year but will include, for example, orbit problems in Mechanics and oscillations in electrical circuits. Students will also be expected to solve more-extended problems in their own time and to write-up the solutions for assessment. Particular attention will be paid to quality of presentation and graphical output. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. The use of Visual Basic to analyse problems in Physics. 2. The use of symbolic manipulation packages to analyse problems in Physics. 3. Numerical solution of elementary models of physical systems. 4. Writing reports on specific problems. SUGGESTED READING 1. 2. 3. “Practical Physics” by GL Squires (Cambridge University Press) ISBN 0-521-77940-5 “Using Visual Basic” by PRM Oliver and N Kantaris (Bernard Babani Publishing Ltd) 2001 ISBN 0-85934-498-3 “The Mathematica Book” 4th edn (Cambridge University Press) 1999 ISBN 0-521-643147 9 MAG130 Mathematics for Scientists 1* Semester 1 Lecturer Dr AD Thomas 10 UWS credits, 5 ECTS credits Assessment by Coursework 20% Assessment by Examination 80% Exam January, length 2 hours The continuous assessment component comprises 4 exercise sheets, each worth 5%. At the end of this module, the student should: • know how to calculate with complex numbers • understand the meaning of continuity and differentiability • have learned the methods for differentiation for functions of a single variable • have learned the methods for integration for functions of a single variable Syllabus: Basics of algebraic manipulation and use of brackets. Functions of a real variable, sketching graphs and asymptotes. Even and odd functions, 1-1 functions and their inverses. The inverse trig functions. Powers, exponentials and logs (base e, 2 and 10). The binomial expansion for integer powers and the binomial coefficients. Quadratic equations, roots and complex numbers. Complex arithmetic, including conjugate, modulus and argument. De Moivre's theorem and nth roots. Continuous and discontinuous functions, left and right limits (to be done by looking at graphs). The slope of a graph. Derivatives, including trig, exp and log functions. The rules for differentiating a sum, product and quotient. The chain rule and derivatives of inverse functions. Applications of calculus to find maxima, minima and curve sketching. Points of inflection. Areas under graphs, integration as a reverse to differentiation. Definite integrals, indefinite integrals. Some standard integrals. Methods of integration: substitution, parts and partial fractions. Recommended Reading: Dennis T Christy, Pre calculus, W.C. Brown, 1993, QA331.3.CHR2, [Primary] DW Jordan & P Smith, Mathematical Techniques, OUP, 1994, TA303.JOR, [Primary] SG Krantz, Calculus Demystified, McGraw Hill, 2003, [Primary] F Safier, Schaum's Outline of Precalculus, McGraw Hill, 1998, [Primary] * Cannot be taken as part of a Mathematics Degree Scheme. 10 Needed by MAG131 MAG133 MAG131 Mathematics for Scientists 2* Semester 2 Lecturer Dr EJ Beggs 10 UWS credits, 5 ECTS credits Assessment by Coursework Assessment by Examination Exam June, length 2 hours 30% 70% The continuous assessment component is 15% from exercise sheets, and 15% from computing exercises. At the end of this module, the student should: Pre/Coreq • be able to set up a simple mathematical model of a real world situation MAG130 C • know analytical techniques for solving first and second order ODEs • be able to solve (using computers if necessary) the ordinary differential equations resulting from simple models • understand interdependence of Calculus and the theory of ODEs • be able to analyse models of growth and decay and state the corresponding initial value problems for ODEs Syllabus: Mathematical modelling: How to set up differential equations. First order differential equations. Separation of variables. Population growth, the logistic equation, radioactive decay. Integrating factor method. Second order equations with constant coefficients. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. Damping and resonance. Complementary functions and particular integrals. Taylor series, and series solutions of differential equations. Special cases of series solutions. Nonlinear differential equations and equations with several dependent variables, e.g. the predator-prey equations or enzymemediated chemical reactions. Computing (Mathematica) Starting Mathematica. Basic arithmetic and the use of brackets. Plotting graphs of functions of one variable. The Solve and NSolve commands. Complex numbers. Differentiation and integration. Numerical integration. Solving ordinary differential equations. Recommended Reading: DW Jordan & P Smith, Mathematical Techniques, OUP, 1994, TA303.JOR, [Secondary] Stephen Wolfram, The Mathematica Book, 4th edn, CUP, 1999, QA76.95.WOL4, [Background] * Cannot be taken as part of a Mathematics Degree Scheme. 11 Needed by MAG133 MAG133 Additional Maths for Scientists* Semester 2 Lecturer Dr EJ Beggs 10 UWS credits, 5 ECTS credits Assessment by Coursework Assessment by Examination Exam June, length 2 hours At the end of this module, the student should: • know the methods for differentiation and integration for functions of several variables • understand the relevance of vectors and vector products to forces, work and turning moments • understand vector calculus which is vital for electrodynamics and fluid dynamics • be able to use vectors for solving problems with positions, velocities and geometry • be able to use Taylor series, including their use for solving differential equations None 100% Pre/Coreq MAG130 C MAG131 C Syllabus: The Sinh and Cosh functions. Some trig identities. Functions of two and three variables. Partial derivatives and the chain rule for partial derivatives. Exact differentials and their physical significance (2 dimensions only). The gradient, divergence and curl of a vector field. Polynomials: Roots, factors and the remainder theorem. Finding approximate roots from graphs. Matrices and matrix arithmetic, determinants and inverses. Solving systems of linear equations. Matrices acting on vectors, eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Fourier series. Partial differential equations and separation of variables. The heat and wave equations. Computing (Mathematica) Vectors. Plotting functions of two variables and partial derivatives. Polynomials and roots, the Factor command. Recommended Reading: DW Jordan & P Smith, Mathematical Techniques, OUP, 1994, TA303.JOR, [Secondary] Stephen Wolfram, The Mathematica Book, 4th edn, CUP, 1999, QA76.95.WOL4, [Background] * Cannot be taken as part of a Mathematics Degree Scheme 12