TIC-TAC-TOE ASSESSMENT – BIOMES 1. Illustration Follows Drawing criteria card___ 2. Information Cube Follows Information Cube criteria card___ 3. Fairy Tale Has a creative plot appropriate for the setting in a forest___ Has the shape of a state with a freshwater biome___ Each side of the cube is about one of the biomes: forest, desert, tundra, freshwater, marine and grassland___ Characters have interesting things that happen to them in the forest___ Accurate information___ Has illustrations of 5 plants and 5 animals indigenous to this biome___ Forest is clearly described___ Accurate information and drawings___ Extension: Do a similar set of drawings using a state with a different biome. Extension: Make an Information Cube game to play with your classmates. Extension: Find at least three fairy tales that are set in the forest. Write down the similarities you find in all of them. Possible Points ____ Possible Points ____ Possible Points ____ 4. Song Follows Song criteria card___ 5. Diorama Follows Diorama criteria card___ 6. Acrostic Words Each of the six biomes written vertically___ Focuses on one biome___ New word created from each letter___ Tells about at least 5 plants and 5 animals found in a marine biome___ Song refers to how they live in this biome___ Extension: Listen to songs about life in the marine biome. Make a list of these songs, what you learn from them and whether they are fact or fantasy. Uses materials found in nature___ Accurate depiction of the plant and animal life___ Extension: Write a short report about this biome to go along with and explain your diorama. Each word describes the biome in some way___ Accurate descriptions and words___ Extension: Use www.tagxedo.com to create a word cloud using these words. Possible Points ____ Possible Points ____ Possible Points ____ 7. Comic Strip Follows Comic Strip criteria card___ 8. Word Cloud Uses www.wordle.net to create the word cloud___ 9. Museum Box Focuses on the tundra biome___ Depicts an adventure in a biome___ Uses at least 20 words about biomes___ Shows details about the biome in pictures, descriptive words and actions___ Some words are bigger than others to show their importance___ Shows the following: animals, plants, landforms, climate, industry___ Extension: Have the comic book characters travel to more than one biome. Extension: Make six word clouds, one for each biome. Possible Points ____ Possible Points ____ Uses http://museumbox.e2bn.org to create the museum box___ Has maps, pictures and text___ Possible Points ____ Name _______________________________ Comments/Feedback: