MCHC New Volunteer Orientation Checklist

MCHC New Volunteer Orientation Checklist
Volunteer Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Position: ___________________________________Start Date: ______________________________
Department: ________________________________Supervisor: _____________________________
Date (s) of Orientation: _______________________
1. General
Volunteer Handbook/Rules
Disciplinary Procedures
Dress Code/Safety Requirements
Confidentiality policy and Agreement Form
Parking areas
Reporting Injuries
The following is a checklist of information necessary to orient the new volunteer to the job as well as the
organization’s mission and goals. Please check off each point as you discuss it with the volunteer.
3. Introduction
Review the expected duties with the volunteer.
Explain the total organization and how the volunteer fits in
Review the Volunteer Handbook in detail with the volunteer and allow time for questions
Introduce to co-workers and assign a buddy (if able)
Explain the functions of each person to the new volunteer as you introduce them.
Tour the facilities
Location of employee bathrooms, break areas and other employee facilities
Explain the various departments and introduce to staff if available.
4. Introduction to Work Area
Review of work area, tools, equipment and supplies needed for job.
Explain the levels of supervision within the department.
Review use of the phone
Review use of e-mail and internet
Review use of office equipment
Review mail procedures
Review ordering supplies procedure
Explain the hours of work and call-in procedures
Explain any housekeeping responsibilities
5. Safety
Give volunteer appropriate phone contacts
Review of first aid and emergency medical procedures with location of first aid supplies.
MCHC New Volunteer Orientation Checklist
Review location of MSDS manual (if applicable)
Review of fire fighting and evacuation procedures with location of fire extinguishers
Review location and use of Personal Protective Equipment
Review Exposure Control procedures and location of policies in P:drive, Infection Control
Location of eye wash station (if applicable)
Review needlestick prevention techniques (if applicable)
6. Employee Health
TB Clearance (2-step once then annual thereafter)
Vaccination Record
All must be documented prior to any direct patient contact. Forward copy of all documents
to QI & Performance Specialist for EH files.
7. Training Topics Covered – Schedule with QI & Performance Specialist or designee
Safety Orientation for Healthcare – DVD – 20 mins
Infection Control in Outpatient Facilities – DVD – 20 mins
HIPAA Security Compliance – DVD – 20 mins
Cultural Competency – DVD – 20 mins
Emergency Plan - Location in Pdrive and review
Bloodborne Pathogens – Workbook & quiz
Personal Protective Equipment – Workbook & quiz
Waste Management – Workbook & quiz
Needlestick Prevention – Workbook & quiz
QI & Performance Specialist or designee
Date Completed
8. Centricity – Schedule training with Superuser or designee
Signing on & off
Basic functionality of PMS
Basic functionality of CHART
Superuser or Designee
Date Completed
Immediate Supervisor
MCHC New Volunteer Orientation Checklist
Safety Pledge: By my signature, I am declaring that I have completed the above orientation process
with my supervisor and other key staff and that I understand my responsibilities toward the safety and
health of myself and my coworkers. I have received copies of any policies for my future reference and
have been shown where all policies are located for my access at any time. I am agreeing to comply with
all safety and health requirements and understand their importance to the organization.
Volunteer Signature
After completed give one copy to Volunteer and forward original to HR for Volunteer Personnel Record