Virginia Press Association

Virginia Press Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 14, 2011
VPA Headquarters, Glen Allen, VA
Minutes submitted by Jay Bondurant, Secretary.
Present: Peter Yates, Keith Stickley; Nick Cadwallender, Jay Bondurant, Eric
Lieberman, Ginger Stanley, Anne Adams, Danny Finnegan, Gail Harding, Steven Kaylor,
Bill Owens, Matt Paxton, Marisa Porto, Elizabeth Smoot, Bill Sterling, Jenay Tate, Steve
Weddle. Michael Stowe joined via conference call.
Call to Order: President Peter Yates called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
Minutes: Minutes of the July 8, 2011, Board of Directors meeting in Virginia Beach
were presented for approval. Stickley moved and Owens seconded approval of the
minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
Audit Committee Report: Scott Leath, chairman of the audit committee, introduced
Greg Cooley of Cooley and Associates, PLC, the accounting firm responsible for audit of
the financial statements for the Virginia Press Association and Virginia Press Services for
the year ended June 30, 2011. Cooley and Associates encountered no significant
difficulties conducting the audit and were very complimentary of Ron Clark for his work
and cooperation. Lieberman motioned to accept audit, with Weddle seconding. Motion
Investment Review: Craig Forbes of Alpha Omega Wealth Management presented an
overview of the current economic picture and his forecast for the foreseeable future. His
recommendation is to maintain a portfolio more heavily weighted to short and
intermediate bonds, due to the uncertainty of the stock market and slow-to-recover
economy, to maintain stability in return on investment.
Financial Report: Eric Lieberman and Ron Clark reported on the association financials
through August 31, 2011. Display advertising continues to run ahead of budget and 2010
primarily from three retail clients. Prospects continue to look good for retail. Classified
and 2x2 networks continue to show steep declines. Discussion was held regarding the
need to reflect the declining revenues from classified categories in future budgets. Motion
to approve financial report by Lieberman, seconded by Paxton. Motion approved.
Tax Returns: Corporate tax returns have been filed for year end 2010. It was noted a
refund from 2008 is due.
President’s Report: President Yates presented his report calling for continued
involvement from board members and volunteers for committees. VPA’s commitment to
professional development continues with strong attendance to seminars. Yates reiterated
the importance of our roles as lead advocates in the fight to keep the lights shining on
public notices in Virginia and for all papers to be proactive.
Executive Director’s Report: Stanley presented her report, highlighting her meeting
with Governor McDonnell on July 11 and her discussion with him regarding public
notices and the value of the 200-plus Virginia newspapers. Staff changes have gone well
with more emphasis on sales resulting in positive trends. She reported on her attendance
at the Newspaper Association Managers Conference. Stanley also presented the
possibility of the Missouri School of Journalism bringing a community newspaper
conference to Virginia, possibly to coincide with the spring joint conference.
Legislative Report: Stanley reported on legislative activity. The Public Notice Task
Force is actively launching our campaign to inform readers and a statewide survey was
commissioned, to be conducted by DecideSmart. Merritt and Stanley continue their work
with the Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council meeting with stakeholders in
work sessions. Stanley attended the Governor’s Commission on Government Reform and
Restructuring. Stanley was contacted by Justice Powell on behalf of the Supreme Court
of Virginia to arrange photographers for upcoming investitures through a pool, since
some community newspapers have expressed interest.
Calendar of Events: Yates presented the calendar of events through 2012.
Committee Report: Yates presented committee reports.
Awards: The committee has completed new contest call for entries and guidelines.
Contest: New additions to the advertising contest include the following items: categories
with insufficient entries will be moved to the next division for judging; a “Best in Show”
will be selected from each of the seven divisions from first place winning entries from all
electronically submitted categories with a separate “Best in Show” for all hard copy
required categories; and two “Best of Best” will be awarded one from electronic “Best in
Show” winners and one from hard copy.
Membership: The Heart and Soul of the City and Robious Corridor Magazine were
approved for membership after it was determined they met the requirements.
Nominating: Danny Finnegan, editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, was nominated
to fill the board position vacated by Glenn Proctor with his retirement.
Virginian of the Year: November 1, 2011, is the deadline for nominations. Previous
nominees can be submitted again.
Old Business: None presented.
New Business: Currently, we have no nominations for the VPA Lifetime Achievement
Award. Historic Polegreen Church Foundation is conducting a luncheon to honor Dr.
Bluford for his recognition as Virginian of the Year. The VCOG sent a thank you note for
our donation.
The meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m. and board members were invited to lunch with the
VPA staff.