International Studies Program Course of Study Worksheet Part I To declare a major in International Studies: 1. Review this part of the two-part Worksheet with your advisor and, if necessary, with the chair of the program in International Studies, and use it to help you decide on your final course of study. 2. Record your course choices on the Course of Study Worksheet: Part II and turn it and the usual major declaration form in to the Registrar’s Office. Be sure to obtain the required signatures before submitting the Worksheet to the Registrar’s Office. Requirements for the International Studies Program Major (11-11.5 credits) Core Courses (4 credits) All majors are required to take the following four courses: Course # Title Credits, Notes ERTH 230 World Geography 1 ECON 353 International Economics 1 INST 499 Seminar in International Studies 1, W POLI 214 International Politics 1, US Courses with a foreign language prefix (3 credits) All majors are required to complete three credits with a foreign language prefix (in the same language). Required courses within each individual language group are as follows: Chinese CHNSE 252 Rites of Passage in Chinese Societies 1, US CHNSE 331 Advanced Chinese: Reading the Media 1, IT CHNSE 332 Advanced Chinese: Reading the Humanities 1, IT FREN 331 French Composition and Discussion 1 FREN 333 History of French Civilization 1 FREN 430 Introduction to French Thought 1 French OR FREN 436 Francophone Literature 1 GERM 331 German Composition and Discussion 1, W GERM 333 Contemporary German Culture 1 GERM Any other 300 or 400 level German course (must be taught in German) 1 German Japanese JAPN 201 Modern Japanese Society and Culture 1, W JAPN 314 Japanese Literature in Translation 1, IT, W, 4SLR JAPN 331 Third Year Japanese I 1 JAPN 332 Third Year Japanese II 1 Russian Students choose three courses from the following: RUSS 320 Introduction to Russian Literature in Translation 1, IT, W, 4SLR OR RUSS 325 Topics in Russian Literature 1, IT RUSS 331 Russian Composition and Discussion 1 RUSS 333 Russian Civilization and Culture 1 RUSS 490 Reading and Conference .5 or 1 SPAN 331 Spanish Composition and Discussion 1, W SPAN 333 Hispanic Civilization 1, TH Spanish OR SPAN 335 Cultural Institutions of Spain 1, TH SPAN Any upper division Spanish course except SPAN 332 1 Topical Focus (4 credits) All majors are required to prepare a course of study that focuses on a particular aspect of global affairs. Examples of topical focuses might include (but are not limited to) subjects such as international economics and trade, international security, foreign aid and development issues, globalization, international cultural institutions, religion in world affairs, European history and politics, Latin American Society, or Asian culture and religion. Each student’s individual course of study is to be approved by the student’s major advisor and Chair of the International Studies Program, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office to track progress through the major. Substitute courses can be approved by student’s major advisor and Chair of the International Studies Program if the courses chosen are not to be offered during the student’s tenure at Willamette or if the student attends a Willamette-approved overseas study program. Students will choose courses from the following in formulating their topical focus (one course from History, one course from Politics, a maximum of three courses from the same department). ANTH 233 Peoples and Cultures of Asia 1, US ANTH 355 Warfare. Violence, and Peace 1 ARTH 213 History of the Art of China 1, IT, TH ARTH 214 History of the Art of Japan 1, IT, TH ECON 351 Comparative Economic Systems 1 ECON 352 The Economics of Developing Countries 1 HIST 116 Western Civilization Since 1650 1, TH HIST 118 East Asia Civilization Since 1800 1 HIST 233 REL 233 History and Culture Along the Silk Road 1, TH HIST 254 20th Century Europe 1 HIST 256 Colonial Latin America 1 HIST 258 Modern Latin America 1, 4SLR HIST 282 20th Century China: The Search for Modernity 1, TH HIST 372 History of Modern Russia 1 HIST 373 History of Modern France 1 HIST 376 POLI 376 Latin American Revolutions 1 HIST 381 History of Modern Japan 1, TH HIST 383 Mao’s China 1949-1979 1 HIST 390 Germany from Bismark to Hitler 1, W, 4SLR HIST 391 Germany Since 1945 1, 4SLR HIST 445 Postwar Japan 1 JAPN 201 Modern Japanese Society and Culture 1, W JAPN 240 Japanese Language and Culture (Intercultural Communication) 1 LAS 350 Mesoamerican Civilizations 1, IT, TH POLI 216 Politics of Advanced Industrial Societies 1, US POLI 218 Political Change in the Third World 1, US POLI 326 Globalization and Equity 1, W POLI 362 Latin American Politics 1 POLI 370 Europe and the International System 1 POLI 372 American Foreign Policy 1, W POLI 373 International Security and Cooperation 1 POLI 374 Asia and the International System 1 POLI 376 Latin American Revolutions 1 POLI 378 Nations and the International System 1, W POLI 380 Asian Politics and Development 1 REL 135 Religions of Asia 1 REL 233 History and Culture Along the Silk Road 1 REL 239 Introduction to Chinese Religions 1 REL 334 Liberation Theology and Social Change 1, AR REL 344 Topics in Contemporary European Theology 1 REL 354 Topics in Asian Religions 1 RHET 360 Rhetoric of War and Peace 1 RUSS 233 Russian Culture: Russian Ways and Views of Russia 1, W, TH, 4SLR RUSS 320 Introduction to Russian Literature in Translation 1, W, IT, 4SLR RUSS 325 Topics in Russian Literature 1, IT SOC 324 Gender and Ethnicity in a Developing, Globalizing World 1 SOC 330 World Population Problems 1 Key to Notes: 4SLR = 4th Semester Language Requirement AR = Analyzing Arguments, Reasons and Values IT = Interpreting Texts TH = Thinking Historically US = Understanding Society W = Writing-Centered