University of Maryland College of Education GRADUATE STUDIES REGISTRATION/ADJUSTMENT PETITION NOTE: THIS FORM IS USED TO REQUEST REGISTRATION AND/OR SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS IN THE SAME SEMESTER AS THE REGISTRATION AFFECTED. REQUESTS FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE IN PREVIOUS SEMESTERS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE FORM TITLED ” PETITION FOR REGULATION WAIVER" Decisions for registration and schedule adjustments beyond deadlines are made on an individual basis. Please provide an explanation below, and justification as to the registration action(s) you are requesting. Supporting documentation is required and should be attached. Please complete the 2 nd page of this form with your requested registration/adjustments. NOTE: Registration deadlines are published in the Schedule of Classes and should be adhered to accordingly. Full Name (Last, First, Middle) UID Number Street Address Department and Area of Concentration City, State, Zip Degree Sought (Area Code) Daytime Telephone Number E-mail address Explanation of registration/adjustment actions and justification reason(s): (attach additional sheet if necessary) Student Signature (Instructor’s Signature (if appropriate) Approved pad (12/05) Not Approved Date Advisor’s Signature Date Department Graduate Director’s Signature Date Denial Note(s): Date University of Maryland Associate Dean’s Signature pad (12/05) College of Education Date University of Maryland College of Education Please fill in the appropriate information and check the appropriate spaces. ===================================================================================== I have not registered for (semester) indicated below: I am registered for (semester) below: (Action Code): Action Code Add (A) Course Prefix (year) (year) Drop (D) Course Number Suffix and wish to register for the course(s) and wish to adjust my schedule as indicated Change Credit Level (C) Section Number Change Grading Option (G) Grading Method Credit Level ====================================================================================== ===================================================================================== pad (12/05)