Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Transplant Manual Title: Rejection Protocol - Liver Transplantation Purpose: To provide a rational approach to treatment of rejection Policy statement: Acute Cellular Rejection (ACR) in a transplanted liver graft occurs in approximately 20-40% of patients. It most commonly occurs in the first 6 weeks after liver transplantation and is associated with graft dysfunction. Diagnosis of liver graft rejection is based on clinical suspicion and abnormalities of liver function tests, and is confirmed by histological features of rejection on liver biopsy. Protocol: 1. All liver transplant rejection episodes should be confirmed by liver biopsy. 2. Liver rejection should be graded as mild, moderate or severe based on the Banff criteria. 3. Treatment of liver rejection is determined by the transplant surgeon and transplant hepatologist and should be based on the clinical situation, the baseline immunosuppression levels, and the presence or absence of HCV in the transplant recipient. 4. The rejection treatment protocol is: a. Steroid bolus - 500 mg IV daily x 3 days; administer x 5 days (total) if no response after 3 days. If no response, repeat liver biopsy. If persistent rejection, OKT3 2.5 mg IV daily x 7days or thymoglobulin 1 mg/Kg/day IV for 5-7 days. b. Prior to initiation of OKT3, presence of anti-murine antibodies should be evaluated. Anti-murine antibodies should be checked weekly while on OKT3 or if inadequate response is observed. CD3 counts should be monitored daily to ensure a CD3 count (absolute #) <25. If there is a persistent rise in CD3 count or if CD3 count is greater than 50, increase OKT3 dose to 5 mg daily. c. Patients should be converted from cyclosporine to tacrolimus if they develop a steroid-resistant rejection while being maintained on therapeutic cyclosporine levels or if a second rejection occurs within a 4week period of time. 1 Mild/Moderate Rejection Steroid Bolus x 3 Response- ↓ in LFT’s by 50% Yes No Rebiopsy 14 days after initiation of therapy 2 more days of steroid pulses Was patient on steroids Rebiopsy 7 days after initiation of therapy Yes No Rejection Resolved Continue pre- rejection dose Assess pre-rejection immunosuppression Persistent rejection OKT3 or Thymoglobulin Thymoglobulin or MMF dose Appropriate C2 levels/Tacrolimus trough and MMF dose Rebiopsy at the end of OKT3 or Thymoglobulin treatment Maximize current immunosuppression Restart on Prednisone 20 mg daily Assess need 2 for tacrolimus conversion if on cyclosporine Sub therapeutic C2 levels/Tacrolimus troughs Vice President Sponsor: Approved by: x Liver Selection Committee Requestor Name: Original Date Approved: Next Review Date: Revised: Dianne Anderson, Sr. VP PCS Douglas W. Hanto, MD, PhD and Michael Curry, MD Co-Chairs Michael Curry, MD 3/05 3/08 Eliminated: 2